FORMATION OF LANGUAGE SKILLS IN STUDENTS AND ORGANIZATION OF ACTIVITIES IN PROCESS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
language skill / activity / competence / dialogue / speech / reading / writing / listening / speaking.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — J. Samandarov

This article provides ideas on building language skills and organizing various activities. In order to effectively and quickly form language skills communicative approach, oral and written skills play a very important role in development. Today, all education in our republic is devoted to learning foreign languages great attention is being paid in institutions. A sufficient condition for this is conditions are being created. Teachers use modern pedagogy and using information communication technologies increasing is reflected in students' learning.

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Samandarov Jasurbek Javlonbekovich

English teacher at the academic lyceum under UrSU https://doi org/10.5281/zenodo. 10732669

Abstract. This article provides ideas on building language skills and organizing various activities. In order to effectively and quickly form language skills communicative approach, oral and written skills play a very important role in development. Today, all education in our republic is devoted to learning foreign languages great attention is being paid in institutions. A sufficient condition for this is conditions are being created. Teachers use modern pedagogy and using information communication technologies increasing is reflected in students' learning.

Keywords: language skill, activity, competence, dialogue, speech, reading, writing, listening, speaking.

In today's globalized world there is a growing need for learning a foreign language. Nowadays it's absolutely the must for any specialist in any field of economics, science, culture etc. to know at least one foreign language. An indispensable condition for the effectiveness of the pedagogical system is to take into account the situation of the functioning of the language being studied as a means of communication and cognition. A good knowledge of Russian (native language) is the most important prerequisite for successful mastery of a foreign language, thanks to which students get the opportunity to fully realize their knowledge and abilities, freely familiarize themselves with the values of domestic and world science and culture. The organization of the educational process based on the philological experience of students contributes to the maximum use of the transposition of their knowledge, skills and abilities, limiting the interference of linguistic systems that contact in their minds. Besides, the implementation of interdisciplinary connections between the disciplines of the language cycle should help expand the linguistic horizons of students, enrich their philological experience, and increase interest in learning languages. It is a well-known fact that the sphere of teaching foreign languages was influenced by the world integration and globalization processes of the last two decades. But it is quite obvious that in a rapidly changing world, targets are being adjusted, and knowledge of a foreign language may no longer be necessary only for familiarization with a foreign culture or "introduction" into the world.

This competence ensures the development of students' abilities to analyze and evaluate various linguistic phenomena, skills and abilities of verbal communication; mastering the basic norms of the Uzbek literary language and the rules of speech behavior.

- The competence-based approach is a clear orientation towards the future, which is manifested in the possibility of building education for the student, taking into account the success in personal and professional activities. The peculiarity of organizing work in elementary school in the classroom is based on the fact that children who come to school have a very diverse social experience and different levels of individual development. These features formed the basis for the creation of certain conditions for the individual development and education of each student. All of them are concentrated and focused on the goals and objectives of the new generation GOS.

- It is the SES that clearly formulates what education should be. The goal of education at the initial stage of training is the development of the student's personality based on the assimilation of knowledge and mastery of the world. The developing potential of primary education is revealed through the formation of universal educational actions aimed at developing students' ability to learn, developing the ability for self-development and self-improvement.

- The competence-based approach is expressed through the so-called universal learning activities. The concept of "universal educational actions" is understood in pedagogy in a broad and narrow sense. In a broad sense, it is the ability to learn, or in other words, the student's ability to self-development and self-improvement through the active appropriation of new social experience. In a narrow sense, this concept means a set of methods of actions of a student, which ensures his ability to independently assimilate new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process.

The role of communication in the formation of language skills is very important. One listening, writing, reading and especially speaking skills at the same time a foreign language based on the communicative approach to the formation of equal mastering is effective much faster than the traditional method. For example, communicative abilities and skills, which are considered the most important in the development of emotional connections between students helps to increase, has educational value, and is in them helps to solve problems. The role of communicative dialogue in working in groups, listening to the opinions of friends and accepting them very big. Nervousness of learners in using communicative games in class to relieve pressure, all students are equally active during the lesson makes it possible to change their participation and forms of activity. It ensures that the lesson will be more interesting, and that the students' attention will be distracted prevent and focus their attention on key questions of the topic directs. Teach students the communication they encounter in everyday life during the course, they have the opportunity to try a foreign language on their own, which will help them in the future It helps them to communicate easily. Communicative games with the goal of mastering a foreign language when lessons are conducted through communication skills can be achieved faster than expected.

Communicative games in the English classes of non-philological faculties of higher education institutions its use is important. Because of the foreign language of the students of this course their acquisition is a bit more complicated, especially speaking skills are good not formed. That is why interactive methods and through communicative games, in the formation of language skills can give the expected result. All languages in a foreign language through communicative games it is possible to form skills quickly and effectively at the same time, especially communication can be developed.

Methodist in developing communicative activity of language learners as the teacher's level increases, there are 3 main types of speech: monologist is desirable to use dialogues and polylogues effectively, in this monologic speech is used more in the initial stages, then higher dialogic and polylogical achievements in stages give good results in practice is observed. It is organized based on the communicative method, including the interactive method in such lessons, the teacher is a supervisor, observer or manager performs the task, and in the lesson, students show mutual activity they do the activities themselves, talk to them during the lesson opportunity is given. Role-playing games and competitions for students' communicative activities based on language learning based on video materials, in a foreign language listening to story broadcasts, conducting live communication with foreigners the use of opportunities in the development of students'

communicative activity serve as important factors. Especially regular foreign language radio to match the broadcasts of world television in English watching TV shows regularly, reading newspapers and magazines in English to raise the students' speech to the level of modern standards goes.

Perfect mastery of a foreign language, first of all, its written and oral forms require careful study. This is important to achieve a positive result. Communicating with a person is a social exchange of language from person to person requires access to the environment of influence. If the interlocutor is afraid of his answer if he does not use gestures, facial expressions and movements of body parts, his thoughts understanding may be difficult for people learning a foreign language. The purpose of communicative activities is to help language learners is preparing to respond to relationships, environment. Communicative activity It is divided into two types: written and oral speech. Foreign language through oral speech learner: come to a conclusion; to discuss; giving instructions; problem solving; talking about oneself; participation in role-playing and situational games acquires achievement skills.

The integrative nature of a lexical unit as the main educational unit requires its multifaceted study, that is, consideration of the sound composition, morphological features, semantic and syntactic compatibility. In this regard, some researchers distinguish synthetic lexico-grammatical skills, arguing that the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech act in synthesis, and the word is always grammatically designed and carries certain grammatical information along with semantic information. The lexical correctness of foreign speech depends on the level of formation of lexical skills, i.e., from the strength of the connections of foreign words with concepts and the connections between the words of a foreign language. The decisive factor in correct word usage is the strength and flexibility of these connections. The leading factor in the fight against the interference of the speech skills of the native language is speech practice in the new language, during which strong, flexible speech lexical skills are created that can withstand the interference of the native language. Since the oral and written forms of speech communication implemented in the English language classes are based on a developed lexical mechanism, the actual task in teaching students' professional vocabulary is the formation of lexical skills in close connection with the formation of lexical skills as the basis for the effective development of speech skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. The components of lexical skill include 1) word formation and 2) word usage. Lexical skills (the ability to use lexical units in all forms and functions characteristic of it and the ability to combine lexical units at the level of derived words and phrases) are gradually formed with the development of the following components: 1) paraphrasing skills, 2) language guessing skills, 3) translation skills.

The level of proficiency in the lexical side of speech, which is relevant for language learning at the general professional stage, can be determined by the following criteria related to the sphere of the correct choice of a word and word usage: 1) proficiency at the level of automatism in the formation of associative links of a foreign word with the corresponding concept; 2) possession of the semantic structure of a lexical unit, i.e. knowledge of the scope of its meaning in relation to the native language; 3) knowledge of a lexical unit in basic grammatical forms and grammatical-syntactic functions; 4) possession of a lexical unit in terms of syntagmatic. For the level of vocabulary proficiency of students to meet the specified criteria, it is necessary to rely on the following particular methodological principles in the learning process: 1) the principle of forming at the level of automatism associative links of a foreign word with the corresponding

concept; 2) the principle of complex assimilation of all images of the word (graphic, spelling, sound, motor speech); 3) the principle of taking into account the typological features of the word, which consists in the assimilation of its full semantic structure in relation to its correlate in the native language; 4) the principle of mastering a lexical unit in terms of paradigmatics, including the development of the grammatical aspect of word usage and in terms of syntagmatics, which implies knowledge of their semantic-categorical and syntactical-categorical behavior.

Based on the lexical skills and abilities developed in the process of working on foreign vocabulary as part of a professional English course, students will develop lexical competence. When developing a set of exercises, we used S.F. Shatilov's typology (in the following terminology: language - conditional speech - speech exercises) and on some provisions of the teaching foreign languages theory that are relevant to our educational system. In accordance with the communicative and practical goals of mastering speech activity in foreign languages S.F. Shatilov reduces all exercises to three types: 1) authentically (naturally) - communicative exercises in which the communicative function of a foreign language is carried out and communication skills are taught; 2) conditionally (educationally) - communicative exercises that imitate and model communication for educational purposes, for students to master the language material, i.e. aspect speech skills; 3) non-communicative exercises (formal, analytical, linguistic) performed in order to comprehend and consciously assimilate linguistic material (grammatical, lexical, phonetic) in various types of speech activity. This classification is recognized as the most successful, although in many methodological publications, both domestic and foreign, the first and the second types of exercises are not distinguished, and the typology includes only two categories: preparatory (non-communicative) and communicative exercises.

The formation of language skills in students is a complex process that involves various factors such as exposure to the language, practice, motivation, and individual learning styles. Here are some key aspects to consider when organizing activities to help students develop their language skills:

1. Input: Provide students with ample opportunities to listen to and read authentic language materials such as podcasts, videos, articles, and books. This will help them develop their listening and reading skills.

2. Output: Encourage students to practice speaking and writing in the target language through activities such as role-plays, discussions, presentations, and writing assignments. This will help them improve their speaking and writing skills.

3. Interaction: Create opportunities for students to interact with each other in the target language through pair work, group work, and class discussions. This will help them develop their communication skills and increase their confidence in using the language.

4. Feedback: Provide constructive feedback to students on their language production, both written and spoken. This will help them identify areas for improvement and make progress in their language learning.

5. Motivation: Keep students motivated by incorporating engaging and meaningful activities that are relevant to their interests and goals. Encourage them to set realistic language learning goals and celebrate their achievements along the way.

6. Differentiation: Recognize that students have different learning styles and abilities. Tailor activities to cater to the diverse needs of students, providing support and challenge as needed.

Overall, a well-rounded approach that combines input, output, interaction, feedback, motivation, and differentiation will help students develop their language skills effectively. It is important to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment where students feel encouraged to take risks and make mistakes as they work towards improving their language proficiency.


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