FORMATION OF CLUSTER STRUCTURES IN THE ECONOMY OF REGION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Abdulloeva H.R., Osimi M.S., Dadojonova Z.I.

Рассматриваются вопросы формирования кластерных структур в экономике региона. Представлена процедура формирования региональных кластерных структур, а также предлагается механизм ее функционального взаимодействия.The problems of formation of cluster structures in the economy of the region are considered. The procedure for the formation of regional cluster structures is presented, and a mechanism for its functional interaction is proposed.

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УДК 332.1

Abdulloeva H.R. senior lector

senior lector in Chair economic and management Polytechnic Institute of Tajik technical University by name academician

M. S. Osimi, Republic of Tajikistan Khujand town

Dadojonova Z.I. student

special of economic and management Polytechnic Institute of Tajik technical University by name academician

M. S. Osimi, Republic of Tajikistan Khujand town ФОРМИРОВАНИЕ КЛАСТЕРНЫХ СТРУКТУР В ЭКОНОМИКЕ


Аннотация: Рассматриваются вопросы формирования кластерных структур в экономике региона. Представлена процедура формирования региональных кластерных структур, а также предлагается механизм ее функционального взаимодействия.

Ключевые слова: кластер, региональное управление, организационные механизмы управления, кластерные структуры управления



Annotation: The problems of formation of cluster structures in the economy of the region are considered. The procedure for the formation of regional cluster structures is presented, and a mechanism for its functional interaction is proposed.

Keywords: cluster, regional management, organizational management mechanisms, cluster management structures

In modern economic conditions, ensuring economic growth is one of the main strategic goals of the region. One of the ways to achieve this goal is to ensure the growth of the gross regional product through the synergistic effect achieved as a result of the integration of enterprises in the region. Currently, one of the types of integrational consolidating is the cluster.

The creation of clusters is an obvious trend in the development of national economies due to the ability to provide higher economic indices of the industry, which is the basis of the cluster and related industries.

Leading economists of the world recognize the cluster as the most effective way of increasing the competitiveness of the industries that make up its structure, ensuring economic growth. Regions where clusters were created have already shown their economic efficiency.

In the Program of the National Development Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period until 2030, among the priorities selected the development of labor-intensive sectors of the economy whose products would be send to export, including the textile industry. For Tajikistan, the following key opportunities are inherent, which can contribute to the achievement of strategic goals - the availability of a resource potential for the creation of export-oriented production clusters in the regions of the country. To this end, measures will be implemented to stimulate the inflow of foreign direct investment into the deep processing of the produced raw materials. [1].

In 2011, authorities of Republic Tajikistan started setting up the first industrial cluster in the country - the Tajik Chemical and Metallurgical Corporation. As for the Sughd region, we can talk about the potential for clustering based on such industries as light industry, construction, cotton products and manufactures from cotton, and the production of dried fruits. Cluster neoplasms largely depend on the assistance of the regional government in solving problems related to their development: the introduction of tax, customs and other benefits, the development of a regional technopark, the involvement of financial resources, preparation of qualified specialists and managers.

The purpose of this article is to reveal the essence and main stages of the formation of cluster structures in the regional economy in the conditions of the Sughd region. Relevance of creating clusters, conditioned by general laws of economic development at the present stage, consists in the development of partnership between the state, economy and science.

The concept of forming cluster structures in the regional economy, allows us to identify the factors of development of competitive advantages of the region, contributes to the development of priority industries that determine the investment attractiveness of territorial entities [4].

Michael Porter is recognized as the scientific founder of the cluster approach. It was he who defined the cluster as a group of geographically neighboring interconnected companies and related organizations operating in a certain sphere and characterized by common activities and mutually complementary [2].

The creation of a cluster will give impulse to the development of interrelated activities through:

- ensuring the economic growth of the region;

- reducing transaction costs;

- achieving synergies effect;

- increase the financial, production potential of cluster enterprises by joining their resources;

The development of the stages of the procedures for the formation of cluster structures in the management of territorial production units is rather broadly represented in the study of GA. Denisov [3]. Based on the level of economic development, technological and managerial culture, the criteria for the formation of industrial and economic clusters have been identified, and a system for building

cluster associations has been developed, taking into account the effective interaction between the productive and non-productive spheres of enterprise activity.

Organization stages of the formation of clusters and the functions of implementation and control between the main executors is shown in Table 1.

Table 1 - Organization of stages of cluster formation

Contest Executive

Evaluation of relevance for creation cluster Structural subdivisions of the administration of regional government bodies; expert council specialized in a particular industry

Evaluation of the possibility of creating a cluster An expert council specialized in a particular industry; potential cluster members

Disclosure of incentives for creating a cluster An expert Council, specialized in a particular industry; potential cluster members

Defining the goals and objectives of the cluster An expert council specialized in a particular industry; potential cluster members

Defining the composition of cluster members Potential cluster members; initiative working group

Evaluation of resource opportunities to stimulate key points of development in the region Potential participants in the cluster; expert council specialized in a particular industry

Formation of organizational and legal provisions for the creation of cluster. Structural subdivisions of the administration of regional government bodies; potential cluster members

Technic-economical feasibility Study for the Cluster Organizational Project An expert Council, specialized in the specific industry; consulting services

Distribution of organizational responsibilities among cluster members Potential cluster members

Evaluation on effect of the cluster's operation The structural subdivisions of the administration of regional government bodies

Formation of the mechanism of cluster interaction with the regional administration Structural units of the administration of regional government bodies; potential cluster members

Expertise and conclusion of the antimonopoly agency Structural units of the administration of regional government bodies

Development and signing of an agreement on the creation of a cluster. Structural units of the administration of regional government bodies; potential cluster members

The mechanisms of functional interaction of the projected regional economic cluster on the territory of Sughd region can be represented as follows (Figure 1).

Figure 1- Mechanisms of functional interaction of the projected regional

economic cluster

The justification for the need to create a cluster structure cannot be based only on traditional indicators of profitability and financial efficiency. In this case, it is necessary to calculate the social and environmental effect - increasing the workplaces of skilled labor, increasing the educational and cultural level of the population, the quality of life, reducing unemployment, conserving natural resources, etc. (Figure 2).

Ecological efficiency

Savings and rational use of raw materials resulting from using in advanced technology

The costs of processing secondary and low-quality raw materials (waste in order to save raw materials)

Savings of raw materials due to the introduction of technology for using in secondary raw materials

Figure 2 - Indicators of integration processes, projected regional economic


The process of formation of territorially-localized production systems has a direct impact on the integration of intellectual, technical, technological and financial resources far beyond the cluster itself, contributing to the development of the territory, which generally corresponds to the strategic directions of socioeconomic development-raising the level and quality of life of the population. The effectiveness of this process is provided by the use of a systematic approach to the identification, compilation and systematization, as well as the integrated consideration of key factors in conjunction with the specific conditions and characteristics of a particular territory. Complexity and rationality in the strategic approach provides a powerful synergetic effect that qualitatively improves the investment climate, which ensures a dynamic growth of direct investment, modernization of the economy, and an increase in the incomes of budgets of all levels. Thus, due to the formation of territorial industrial complexes based on the cluster approach, a progressive effect is achieved in the development of the territory, which includes the following main advantages:

1. The combination of diverse in form of ownership, organizational and legal status, sectoral and geographical affiliation of organizations in an integrated

Economic efficiency

Level of GRP for one inhabitant

Reduction of costs due to the cooperation costs

Reduction of transaction costs

production system. The system includes all stages of the value chain of the goods -from processing raw materials, developing innovations and training personnel to the production and sale of final products.

2. All members of the cluster retain their legal and economic independence, which does not require the creation of hierarchical controls and removes transaction costs. The cluster is managed by a council of representatives of production, research, trade, financial, transport and other infrastructure organizations with the participation of consumers, regional authorities and the public.

3. Between the participants of clusters would be establish not only market, competitive, but also confidential relations of cooperation in achieving a common goal on the basis of the distribution of the synergistic effect.

4. State management of the cluster allows creating a regional innovation and infrastructure system, a system of public-private innovation and investment partnership, which allows to obtain a positive synergetic effect due to the territorial agglomeration, i.e. proximity of the consumer and the manufacturer, network effects, diffusion of knowledge and skills due to staff migration and business development.

List of used literature:

1. National development strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period until 2030. Enactment of Government of Republic Tajikistan from 1 October 2016 No. 392. Dushanbe, 2016.

2. Porter M. Competition; Trans. with English. - M .: Williams Publishing House, 2005. - 608 p.

3. Denisov G.A. Formation of the system of cluster management of the regional economy (on the materials of the Republic of Adygea): Abstract. diss. Cand. econ. Sciences / G.A. Denisov. - Maikop, 2011. - 27 with.

4. Shichiyah R.A. Perfection of organizational mechanisms of fruit growing management in the Krasnodar Territory on the basis of a cluster approach / R.A. Shichiyah, S.N. Sycanin // Proceedings of the Kuban State Agrarian University. -Krasnodar. - 2012. - №5. - P. 45-48.

5. Shichiyah R.A. Perfection of program-target management of development of social and economic systems of the region / R.A. Shichiyakh, I.N. Putilina. -Krasnodar: KubGAU, 2012. - 173 p.

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