Научная статья на тему 'Formation of blocks of categorial apparatus of construction industry'

Formation of blocks of categorial apparatus of construction industry Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Zalunina O.

The object of research is the formation of blocks of the categorical apparatus of the construction industry to determine the strategic guidelines for development of construction. The need for criticality to the variable parameters of the construction complex requires the effectiveness obtained by mathematizing and modeling the formalized data. In the course of the research, a comprehensive approach to the analysis of the conceptual apparatus is used, which determines the main directions for strategic development of construction in general. The need for an integrated approach is confirmed by the experience accumulated by science and practice. The formed modular base of the indicative space of the conceptual-categorical apparatus of construction makes it possible to focus further research in direction of stable development. Thanks to the formed blocks of the indicative space, the combined tools and tools for designing, developing and improving complex analysis in resource unity allow to evaluate the feasibility of construction activities, that is, they have the property of representability. The direction of actions through goals, functions, principles, i. e. the procedural component coordinates the sequence and interrelation of the construction stages.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Formation of blocks of categorial apparatus of construction industry»


12. Otsiniuvannia naukovoi roboty [Electronic resource] // Official website of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. - Available at: \www/URL: http://science.univ.kiev.ua/ research/analytics/


Обоснована необходимость формирования рейтингов публикационной активности научных и научно-педагогических работников высших учебных заведений как действенных инструментов обеспечения и повышения конкурентоспособности ВУЗов. Развит метод формирования рейтинга публикационной активности научных и научно-педагогических работников по показателю, который рассчитывается как средневзвешенное количество научных публикаций (монографий, статей, мате-

риалов конференций) за определенный период. Разработаны мероприятия по усилению публикационной активности.

Нлючевые слова: рейтинг публикационной активности, формирование рейтингов научных и научно-педагогических работников, мотивация научных и научно-педагогических работников.

Kuzmin Oleh, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Department of Management and International Business, Director of the Institute of Economics and Management, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, e-mail: oleh.y.kuzmin@lpnu.ua, ORCID: http:// orcid.org/0000-0002-6014-6437

Zhuk Liliya, PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Scientific Research, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, e-mail: liliia.v.zhuk@lpnu.ua, ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7299-2705

UDC 323.41:62 DOI: 10.15587/2312-8372.2017.113175

Zalunina o.

formation of blocks of categorial apparatus of construction industry

Проаналгзовано зарубгжний досвгд з питаньрозвитку будгвельног галузг. Класифгкованг гснуючг тдходи до поняття будгвельна галузь. Запропонованорозглядати будгвельну галузь як детенсгвну економгчну систему в будгвництвг, що об'еднуе дгяльнгсть сукупностг тдприемств I виробництв, що володгють ознакоюресурсного едност1. Сформовано блоки категоргального апарату, що вклю-чають промисловий, галузевий, управлтський I соцгальний тдходи.

Клпчов1 слова: будгвельна галузь, будгвельний комплекс, будгвельнг органгзацгг, будгвництво, блоки.

1. Introduction

Construction industry occupies a leading position in the structure of the national economy of the country and in the development of the territory. At the present stage, the construction industry is a complex system that includes many subsystems that are interconnected and exert mutual influence on the constituent elements. That is why the task of justifying the theoretical and conceptual foundations of the management of the construction industry is urgent in the context of accelerating the structural changes in the national economy, which is expedient to begin with the development of the conceptual apparatus.

2. The object of research and its technological audit

The object of research is the systematization of scientific views of foreign scientists on the development of the construction industry.

The construction industry occupies a leading position in the structure of the national economy of the country and in the development of the territory. At the present stage, the construction industry is a complex system that includes many subsystems that are interconnected and exert mutual influence on the constituent elements. That is why

the task of justifying the theoretical and conceptual foundations of the management of the construction industry is complex, in the context of accelerating the structural changes in the national economy, which is expedient to begin with the development of the conceptual apparatus.

Despite the significant contribution to development of scientific thought in construction, most authors consider the construction industry without paying sufficient attention to modern terminology, the development of which occurs in connection with the evolution of the theory of economics, the improvement of market relations, and the formation of new trends in development of the economy. In the modern scientific and methodological literature, researchers interpret the concept of the construction industry depending on the object and the subject of research. At the same time, it becomes necessary to clarify the conceptual apparatus in the sphere of economic activity, which takes into account various properties and characteristics, as noted in [1].

3. The aim and objectives of research

The aim of the article is formation of blocks of the categorical apparatus of the construction industry to determine the strategic guidelines for the development of construction.



To achieve this goal, it is necessary to perform the following tasks:

1. To analyze foreign experience in development of the construction industry.

2. To classify existing approaches.

3. To form blocks of a categorical apparatus.

4. Research of existing solutions of the problem

Theoretical and practical issues of development of the construction industry attract the attention of a wide range of scientists. The need for an integrated approach is confirmed by the experience accumulated by science and practice [2]. Consideration of the development of the territory on the basis of factors that form the productive potential is presented in [3]. Additional driving forces are spatial factors, which are analyzed in [4].

The construction industry is characterized by activities related to the production process, technological connection of all operations related to the construction process, management of the sequence of construction stages [5].

Considering the functioning of construction, it is possible to single out several aspects of the consideration of the term characterizing the construction industry [6]. These include: technological managerial, dynamic, methodological, organizational and information aspects [7].

Over the past decade, significant progress has been made in economic research to develop a complex theoretical basis for the analysis of territorial education and the economic development of the world economy [8]. This analysis of theoretical development shows the continuing uneven distribution in production and consumption, differentiating the role of structural and institutional conditions on different scales [9, 10].

5. Methods of research

To solve the tasks, the following methods are used: analysis and synthesis, logical generalization, analogies, relative comparison.

6. research results

Construction in any country is a complex sector of the economy, which includes a wide range of stakeholders and has significant interrelations.

Conventionally, it is possible to divide all approaches to the notion of «construction industry» of foreign scientists into: industrial approach, sectoral approach, managerial approach, social approach. This is because the study of the development of the construction industry focuses on different aspects of construction. Thus, analyzing the development of the construction industry from the standpoint of the production process, industry is considered as the dominant development. The sectoral aspect implies the interrelation of the development indices of the construction industry at the macro level; the management aspect is related to the regulation of the components of the construction system; the social aspect is related to the indicator of the economic well-being of the state.

Proponents of the industrial approach believe that construction is an activity connected with the production and use of materials, energy, finance, labor and equipment.

At the same time, it is noted in [2] that the term «construction industry» is defined as an activity that creates all types of new buildings and engineering structures, as well as their maintenance and repair.

Proponents of the sectoral approach view the construction industry as a system that is inextricably linked with the external environment. Thus, the studies described in [8] link the construction industry in interaction with other spheres of activity. At the same time, the emphasis in the study of the construction industry development is placed on the relationship with other areas and on the change in the national economy of the country with the development of construction. The scientific thought expressed in [9] emphasizes the influence of the construction industry on the national economy of the country, and its significance is further developed in [8]. The consequences of changes in the construction industry affect the economy of the state [3, 5]. If there is a decline in construction, the disproportions as a consequence are felt in all aspects of life. This confirms the postulate that construction as a branch has a strong connection with many types of economic activity [11-13] and everything that happens in construction will directly or indirectly influence other sectors and, ultimately, the development of the national economy of the country. This approach is consistent with the opinion of domestic scientists considering the construction industry from the position of generalization and the position of investment policy.

Proponents of the managerial approach [14-16] believe that the construction industry is dependent on territorial distribution. The authors [17] classify the contribution of construction to the country's economy, which can be divided into the following components:

- production of specific and national basic needs;

- creation of the country's fixed assets and infrastructure;

- targeted contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP), thereby stimulating further growth through its backward and direct linkages with other industrial sectors;

- creation of jobs.

This representation of the construction industry is identical to the interpretation of domestic scientists from the position of the construction complex.

It is possible to say that the proponents of the social approach believe that construction is an indicator of the economic well-being of society. It is possible to agree with this statement, because the construction industry is one of the most important sectors of the national economy. Its condition largely determines the degree of society development and its productive forces. The construction industry is called upon to renew production assets, develop and improve the social sphere, reconstruct and modernize the production of material goods.

Such variety of approaches to the interpretation of the construction industry is due to the fact that the construction industry directly participates in the development of the territory through the construction of buildings, infrastructure, roads, etc. At the same time, production processes and economic relations of economic entities are carried out on the basis of the legislative base. The construction industry is characterized by activities related to the production process, the technological interconnection of all operations involved in the construction process,

the management of the sequence of construction stages. Therefore, the views of scientists in the interpretation of construction are divided into industrial, sectoral, managerial and social approaches.

As a result of the analysis of foreign experience, structured blocks of approaches of foreign scientists to the interpretation of construction activities are formed (Table 1).

The number of characteristics describing the construction industry is quite large. Consideration of the term «construction industry» provides for the study of the latter as an integrated system with inherent characteristics.

A symptom - in economics, logic - is a sufficient condition for an object to belong to a certain class.

The interrelations and characteristics of the construction industry can be described as a feature space.

An attribute space is a set of characteristics that describe the investigated object. An indicative space is the area of variation of all the features of the totality of the investigated phenomena [24, 25].

Considering the construction industry, it is logical to assume that the indicative space of the construction industry is a collection of methods and tools for analysis, information field, assessment, forecasting, planning and management of elements of the external and internal environment for development [26, 27].

The initial sample is excessively large. The indicative space of the construction industry is an integral system. It should be noted that each element of the construction

industry is described by a set of characteristics that can be called attributes.

The indicative space includes the law, society, customers, suppliers, banks, project and intermediary organizations, the economy of the country, labor and capital markets, land, etc.

On the basis of this assumption, it is possible to form a modular attribute base of the categorical apparatus, in which the main characteristics of the construction industry are grouped according to the selected features.

Construction is characterized by a wide range of characteristics and features that vary with time [28-36]. Wherein:

1. The system of characteristics and attributes taken into account can't be fully used for differentiation within the framework of Ukraine because a number of parameters that form the conditions for the development of the construction industry are hypothetical and do not contain a specific set of numerical and categorical data.

2. The existing approaches to the interpretation of the construction industry do not reflect the main characteristics of the production and construction system, which assesses the feasibility of construction activities, i. e. there is no such characteristic as representativeness.

3. Criticality to variable parameters is absent, although the construction industry, as a system, needs to respond appropriately to the change in each element.

4. There is no comparability of the integrated assessment results.

table 1

Classification of approaches of foreign scientists ta the interpretation of the construction industry

Approach Presence of circumstances: yes «+», no «-» Author, source Distinctive features of the approach

Industrial «+» Wells, J. [2] Emphasis - on creating and repairing (activities related to the production and use of materials, energy, finance, labor and equipment)

Chan, A. P. C., Cheung, S. □., Lam, P. T. I [3] Emphasis - the consequences of changes in the construction industry

Chen, J. J. [5]

«+» Fine, B. [6] Emphasis - on the role of technology in construction

«+» Gort, M. [4] Emphasis - on the intensity of the use of technologies in construction

«+» Johnston, R. E. [7]

Sectoral Moavenzadeh, F. [10] Emphasis - on the level of development of the industry (state) in comparison with the developed countries.

«+» Hillerbrandt, P. [8] Emphasis - on the relationship with other branches

Turin, D. [9] Emphasis - on the influence of the national economy

Managerial «+» Bon, R. [11, 12, 15] Emphasis - on the organization of interaction with other branches

«+» Lean, S. C. [13]

«+» □fori, G., Field, B. [14] Emphasis - on the interconnection of components of the national economy

Papageorgiou, Y. Y., Smith, T. R. [16] Emphasis - on the dependence of the construction industry on the territorial distribution

Papageorgiou, G. [17]

Social «+» Barro, R. [19] Emphasis - on the indicator of economic well-being

Low, S. P. [18]

«+» Feldman, M. [20] Emphasis - on cross-side effects

«+» Henderson, V. [21] Emphasis - on the mobility of factors in the construction industry

«+» Nijkamp, P., Poot, J. [22]

«+» Richardson, H. W. [23]



7. SWOT analysis of research results

Strength of this research is analysis and systematization of foreign experience, which should be used for strategic guidelines for development of the construction industry

Weakness of this research is the difficulty in adapting the approaches of foreign scientists to the realities of Ukraine, in connection with the uncertainty and instability of the external environment.

Opportunities for further research are improvement of development of programs for development of the state's construction industry.

Threats to research results are the influence of the political component, as a dominant, on the development of the construction industry.

8. Conclusions

As a result of the analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The foreign experience in development of the construction industry is analyzed. A comprehensive approach to the analysis of the conceptual apparatus determines the main directions of the long-term analysis of its components and the development of the conceptual apparatus of the construction industry as a whole. The need for an integrated approach is confirmed by the experience accumulated by science and practice.

2. The existing approaches to the concept of the construction industry are classified. The construction industry is a system that represents an integral complex of interrelated elements; elements of the system are subsystems of a lower order, i. e. there is a unity of goals, resources, structure. Modern approaches to the term «construction industry» do not consider it as an economic system. It is proposed to consider the construction industry as a sensitive economic system in construction, combining the activities of a set of enterprises and industries that have a sign of resource unity.

3. The construction industry needs to improve the theoretical basis for development, because it is very complex and diverse in terms of the interconnection of the constituent elements. The blocks of the categorical apparatus are formed, including the industrial, sectoral, managerial and social approaches.


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Проанализирован зарубежный опыт по вопросам развития строительной отрасли. Классифицированы существующие подходы к понятию строительная отрасль. Предложено рассматривать строительную отрасль как детенсивную экономическую систему в строительстве, объединяющую деятельность совокупности предприятий и производств, обладающих признаком ресурсного единства. Сформированы блоки категориального аппарата, включающие промышленный, отраслевой, управленческий и социальный подходы.

Ключевые слова: строительная отрасль, строительный комплекс, строительные организации, строительство, блоки.

Zalunina Olga, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, Ukraine, e-mail: olvialavina@gmail.com, ORCID: http://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-7478-4528

UDC 339.187.144 DOI: 10.15587/2312-8372.2017.113283

lisun y. investigation of relationship

marketing in the franchising activity of trade companies

В роботг автором уточнено суттсть та складов1 понять «маркетинг вГдносин», «маркетинг взаемодп», «партнерство» в торговельному тдприемництвг. Дослгджено суттсть термту «дистрибущя» та «франчайзинг» та визначено мкце франчайзингу у структурi оргатзацш-но-правових форм дистрибуцйних систем. Узагальнено сильт та слабт сторони франчайзинговог дiяльностi з використанням SWOT-аналiзу.

Клпчов1 слова: тдприемництво, торгiвля, дистрибущя, партнери, франчайзинг, маркетинг взаемодП, узгодження iнтересiв, ефективтсть, сталий розвиток.

1. Introduction

In dynamic competitive conditions, the marketing aspect of mutual relations and interaction of companies becomes especially important, since it is marketing that integrates the goods and services of the company, their perception by consumers, location and promotion, taking into account the actions of competitors and business partners. The theoretical and methodological aspects of marketing relationship of trade companies operating on the basis of franchising require further study

2. The object of research and its technological audit

The author researches the marketing aspect of mutual relations and interaction of companies, since it is marketing

that integrates the goods and services of the company, their perception by consumers, place and promotion, taking into account the actions of competitors and business partners. Further theoretical and methodological aspects of relationship marketing of trading companies operating on the basis of franchising have been obtained. Scientific research is aimed at clarifying the essence and components of relationship marketing in the field of trade and determining its features, due to the technology of franchising.

3. The aim and objectives of research

The aim of the article is investigation of the theoretical and methodical aspects of relationship marketing in supply chains in the implementation of commercial entrepreneur-ship on the basis of franchising. Achieving the aim of research necessitated the solution of the following tasks:

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