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Ключевые слова
public administration / public service / public servants / professional training / professional training system / professional development / European educational standards / efficiency of the professional training system for public servants

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Nataliia Goncharuk, Oxana Orhiiets, Leonid Prokopenko

The subject of the research is the formation and development of the system of professional training of public servants in Ukraine. The relevance of this study is due to the fact that one of the most important tasks of the development of the public service institute in modern conditions is its professionalization, which is carried out primarily through the system of professional training of public servants. Methodology. The paper uses a historical approach, which has made it possible to study the process of formation and development of the system of professional training of public servants in Ukraine. Based on the method of systemic analysis, the current system of professional training of civil servants in Ukraine, its legal framework and strategic priorities for its reform are considered. Results. The purpose of the article is to analyze the process of formation and development of the system of professional training of public servants and ways to increase its efficiency in Ukraine in modern conditions. To achieve this goal, the following research objectives are set: to consider the evolution of the system of professional training of public servants in Ukraine; to analyze the development of the system of professional training of public servants in independent Ukraine; to determine the main directions of its reform in the modern conditions of state formation. The main stages of formation and development of the system of professional training of public servants in Ukraine are justified. The organizational, legal, and economic aspects of formation and development of the system of professional training of public servants in Ukraine, as well as regulatory bases of formation and development of competence of public servants are analyzed. It is established that its financial and resource provision is important for the development of the system of professional training of public servants. Emphasis is placed on the need for continuous professional training of civil servants for their mobility, prompt and effective response to societal challenges in a paradigm of public administration, local government reform and decentralization of power in Ukraine through the development of formal, non-formal and informal education. It is concluded that ensuring the effective operation of public servants directly depends on increasing the level of their competence through professional training. The strategic principles of development of the system of professional training of civil servants are analyzed and the ways of increasing the efficiency of the existing system of professional training of civil servants, heads of local state administrations, their first deputies and deputies, local self-government officials, and deputies of local councils are determined, and the new model of the system of professional education of public servants, which based on European principles and standards for the development of adult education for life, are proposed.

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Vol. 7, No. 1, 2021 -

DOI: https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2021-7-1-39-46


Nataliia Goncharuk1, Oxana Orhiiets2, Leonid Prokopenko3

Abstract. The subject of the research is the formation and development of the system of professional training of public servants in Ukraine. The relevance of this study is due to the fact that one of the most important tasks of the development of the public service institute in modern conditions is its professionalization, which is carried out primarily through the system of professional training of public servants. Methodology. The paper uses a historical approach, which has made it possible to study the process of formation and development of the system of professional training of public servants in Ukraine. Based on the method of systemic analysis, the current system of professional training of civil servants in Ukraine, its legal framework and strategic priorities for its reform are considered. Results. The purpose of the article is to analyze the process of formation and development of the system of professional training of public servants and ways to increase its efficiency in Ukraine in modern conditions. To achieve this goal, the following research objectives are set: to consider the evolution of the system of professional training of public servants in Ukraine; to analyze the development of the system of professional training of public servants in independent Ukraine; to determine the main directions of its reform in the modern conditions of state formation. The main stages of formation and development of the system of professional training of public servants in Ukraine are justified. The organizational, legal, and economic aspects of formation and development of the system of professional training of public servants in Ukraine, as well as regulatory bases of formation and development of competence of public servants are analyzed. It is established that its financial and resource provision is important for the development of the system of professional training of public servants. Emphasis is placed on the need for continuous professional training of civil servants for their mobility, prompt and effective response to societal challenges in a paradigm of public administration, local government reform and decentralization of power in Ukraine through the development of formal, non-formal and informal education. It is concluded that ensuring the effective operation of public servants directly depends on increasing the level of their competence through professional training. The strategic principles of development of the system of professional training of civil servants are analyzed and the ways of increasing the efficiency of the existing system of professional training of civil servants, heads of local state administrations, their first deputies and deputies, local self-government officials, and deputies of local councils are determined, and the new model of the system of professional education of public servants, which based on European principles and standards for the development of adult education for life, are proposed.

Key words: public administration, public service, public servants, professional training, professional training system, professional development, European educational standards, efficiency of the professional training system for public servants.

JEL Classification: H83, J45, P46

Corresponding author:

1 Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute of Public Administration

of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Ukraine.

E-mail: goncharuknt@gmail.com

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2681-6687

2 Zaporizhia National University, Ukraine. E-mail: orgiets.oxana@gmail.com

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7282-2562

3 Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute of Public Administration

of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Ukraine.

E-mail: l.l.prokopenko@ukr.net

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8743-1054

1. Introduction

The relevance of the article is due to the fact that the implementation of processes to reform public administration and local self-government, decentralization of power in Ukraine requires a high level of professionalism and competence of public servants, ensuring their continuous professional development as an integral component of successful reforms since the efficient operation of public servants depends on it. Taking into account domestic and European experience, this requires the development of a system of professional training of civil servants and an increase of its efficiency.

In this regard, the purpose of the article is to study the formation and development ofthe system ofprofessional training of civil servants and ways to increase its effectiveness in Ukraine in the context of a paradigm shift in public administration and decentralization of power. To achieve this goal, the following research objectives were set: to consider the evolution of the system of professional training of public servants in Ukraine; to analyze the development of the system of professional training of public servants in independent Ukraine; to determine the main directions of its reform in the modern conditions of state formation.

Well-known Ukrainian scientists, such as K. O. Vashchenko, N. S. Kalashnyk, S. M. Seriohin, Ye. I. Borodin, N. A. Lypovska, L. V. Prudius,

1. V. Shpektorenko, etc. have made substantial contributions to the study of the training of public servants, but today the problem cannot be considered exhaustively studied.

2. Evolution of the formation

of the system of professional training of public servants in Ukraine

For the first time the problem of training managers arose during the reforms of Grand Prince Volodymyr the Great (979-1015), so to meet the urgent need for educated professionals, he launched a "book doctrine", i.e. public schools of advanced type with teaching "seven liberal arts". The first school of this type was opened by him in 988 at St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv.

After the liberation war of 1648-1657 and the formation of the Ukrainian Cossack state, the Hetman's government paid considerable attention to training for a branched administrative apparatus consisting of many central and local institutions, including the development of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and later Chernihiv and Pereiaslav colleges, as the main suppliers of personnel for the administrative apparatus of the Hetmanate. In 150 years, about 25 thousand people graduated from the Academy before it was transformed into a purely spiritual educational institution. Education provided them with positions in the offices of general, regimental, and the hundreds'

governments, and in the long run with senior positions (Polonska-Vasylenko, 1992).

However, since the academy and colleges were educational institutions of the humanities and provided their students with a thorough knowledge of a general nature, in the 40s of the 18 th century, a special semi-military institution, the so-called Hlukhiv kurin, was established at the General Military Chancellery to train managers. The training consisted of theoretical and practical parts. We studied law, cameral (financial and economic) sciences, military theory. At a certain stage of training, students were instructed to conduct separate cases and were included in various commissions, which went to consider cases in regiments and hundreds. Graduates of the kurin were appointed to the positions of Bunchuk comrades, commanders of the hundreds, regimental sergeants, etc. It should be emphasized that the establishment of the Hlukhiv kurin actually coincided with similar processes in Western Europe where the creation of special programs aimed at training administrative staff for public authorities in leading universities in the 1720s-1730s became an important step towards the formation of a professional civil service (Kuk, 1969).

After the liquidation of the autonomy of Ukraine in the late 18 th century, it was covered by the all-Russia system of civil service. The close connection between public administration reform and the process of reforming and expansion of the system of training of civil servants should be noted. Accordingly, in the course of the educational reform of 1803-1804, a general imperial system of training civil servants was formed on the basis of the German model; it existed without special changes until the beginning of the 20th century. Universities and gymnasiums became the main source of educated managers. The charter of the universities of the Russian Empire in 1804 defined the main task of universities as the preparation of "the youth to enter various ranks of civil service". To this end, a network of universities and privileged educational institutions was created in Ukraine: Universities in Kharkiv (1805), Kyiv (1834), the Richelieu Lyceum in Odesa (1817), and the Nizhyn Gymnasium of Higher Sciences (1820). Later, on the basis of the latter, the Novorossiysk University (1865) and the Institute of History and Philology (1875) were established (Vysochaishii utverzhdennyi ustav uchebnykh zavedenii ot 5 noiabria 1804 g.).

Subsequently, the laws led to the transition to a close link between a career and an educational qualification. This allowed to further ensure the gradual occupation of higher levels in the apparatus of public administration by graduates of universities and equivalent privileged educational institutions. Reforms of the 60s-70s of the 19th century and the resulting creation of zemstvo and new judicial bodies, the expansion of the central and local administrative apparatus increased the need for relevant specialists, which led to a significant spread

of legal education: in 1869, law students accounted for almost half (45.8%) of all students at Russian universities (Ocherki istorii shkoly, 1976).

Radical changes in the system of training managers took place after 1917. Feeling the lack of qualified personnel, the Bolsheviks began to pay considerable attention to the training of their own management and ideological staff. As a result, a system of special, including party, educational institutions was created, which was finally formed in the post-war period. Initially, higher party schools (HPS) had a two-year term of study based on secondary education. They switched to three-year curricula in 1949. In the 1950s, HPSs under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the UkrSSR and interregional HPSs in Kharkiv, Odesa, Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk, and Stalino (Donetsk) operated with a 4-year term of study on the basis of secondary education at the full-time and with a 5-year term of parttime education, which provided students with both higher general and party political education, and on the basis of higher education there operated higher party political education (2 years for full-time students and 3 years for part-time students). Since 1962, the HPSs at the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the UkrSSR and the Odesa HPS had been training on the basis of higher education (Istoriia derzhavnoi sluzhby v Ukraini, 2009).

In the late 1980s, the leading position of party education was significantly weakened. In the Perestroika years, when the course was taken to differentiate between the party and Soviet leadership and deprive the CPSU of its leading role in the state, the Republican Institute for Further Training of Managers under the Council of Ministers of the UkrSSR was established in Ukraine for executives and leading specialists of large associations, enterprises, and organizations. In December 1990, this educational institution was transformed into the Republican Institute for Management Training under the Council of Ministers of the UkrSSR. In 1990, the HPSs began to transform into the Institutes of Political Science and Social Management. Accordingly, in 1990, both existing HPSs in Kyiv and Odesa received such status (Derzhavna sluzhba, 2012).

3. Development of the system of professional training of public servants in independent Ukraine

After Ukraine gained independence in 1991, the question of creating a professional civil service as the basis for effective public administration arose. By the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 126/92 dated March 4, 1992, on the basis of the Republican Institute for Management Training under the Cabinet ofMinisters of Ukraine, the Institute of Public Administration and Self-Government (IPASG) was established, headed

by two co-directors: Canadian citizen of Ukrainian origin, Professor B. Kravchenko and Ukrainian citizen, Professor V. Svintsytskyi. The Institute trained specialists in public administration according to the one-year training program for masters in public administration in accordance with the Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved No. 410 dated July 21, 1992 of the Procedure for admission of students to the Institute of Public Administration and Self-Government under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and Resolution no. 349 dated May 14, 1993 of the Regulations on the admission of students to the Institute of Public Administration and Self-Government under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (Istoriia derzhavnoi sluzhby v Ukraini, 2009; Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 04 bereznia 1992 r.; Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 21 lypnia 1992 r.; Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 14 travnia 1993 r.).

The next step in creating a state system of training, retraining and further training of civil servants after the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Civil Service" No.3724-XII dated December 16, 1993, was the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 98/95 dated May 30, 1995 on the establishment of the Ukrainian Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine (since 2003 - the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine) as a leading educational institution of this system. Branches of the academy (since 2001 - regional institutes) were also established in Dnipropetrovsk, Lviv, Odesa, and Kharkiv. During 1995-1996, this system was adapted to the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, so after completing a master's program in public administration, the graduates received a diploma of the second professional higher education (Istoriia derzhavnoi sluzhby v Ukraini, 2009; Ukaz Prezydenta Ukrainy vid 30 travnia 1995 r.). In total, from 1995 to 2018, 39,693 people were enrolled in the master's program of NAPA and its regional institutes (Stan system profesiinoho navchannia derzhavnykh sluzhbovtsiv, 2019).

In 1996, 23 regional centers for further training of civil servants and heads of state enterprises were established, as well as for the implementation of the Civil Service Personnel Program approved by the Presidential Decree of November 10, 1995. № 1035, there was started training of masters in the speciality 8.150101 - "Civil Service" in the field of knowledge "Public Administration" in 9 leading higher educational institutions of Ukraine. Gradually, their number increased: in 2014, there were 39 higher education institutions able to carry out educational activities in the field of knowledge "Public Administration", in 2017 there were 88 HEIs, in 2018 - 109 HEIs, and in 2019 - 116 HEIs. Ofthese 116 institutions, 95 belonged to the state form of ownership, 17 were private and

4 were communal. Almost half of them (47%) were located in Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Dnipro. The analysis shows that the largest share of people (4,335 (32.6%)) out of their total license volume (13,291 persons) fell on NAPA, 0.3% for Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, and TTernopil National Economic University each (Stan systemy profesiinoho navchannia derzhavnykh sluzhbovtsiv, 2019).

In 2010, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 564 dated July 7, 2010 approved the Regulation on the system of training and retraining of civil servants and local self-government officials, which defined the purpose, content, terms, forms, and methods of training and retraining of civil servants and officials of local self-government, as well as components of the system of training, specialization and further training (Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 07 lypnia 2010 r.):

1) NAPA under the President of Ukraine with Dnipropetrovsk, Lviv, Odesa, and Kharkiv Regional Institutes;

2) other institutions of higher education that provide training for masters in the speciality "Public Management and Administration" in the field of knowledge "Public Administration";

3) Centers for retraining and further training of employees of public authorities, local governments, state enterprises, institutions, and organizations (CRFT);

4) institutions for postgraduate education.

In 2018, 64,266 civil servants and local self-government officials, including 36,057 civil servants and 28,209 local self-government officials, improved their skills in all types of training at the regional institutes of NAPA and CRFT (Stan system profesiinoho navchannia derzhavnykh sluzhbovtsiv, 2019).

However, according to the analysis, the system of professional training of public servants does not meet modern requirements for the quality and content of education. The problems that need to be addressed in reforming the system of professional training of civil servants and local self-government officials are that the subjects of this system have different organizational and legal status: NAPA, its regional institutes and centers for retraining and further training of public authorities, bodies local self-government, state enterprises, institutions, and organizations belong to the system of executive bodies; higher education institutions belong to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; branch educational institutions of postgraduate education belong to the relevant central executive bodies; therefore the powers and functions of the system are diversified, uncoordinated, they do not ensure effective and efficient functioning of the system. The current state of professional training of civil servants indicates that

it is most likely informational or academic in nature and is less characterized by dynamism and practical focus on acquiring certain skills needed to perform official duties (Stan system profesiinoho navchannia derzhavnykh sluzhbovtsiv, 2019).

The Concept of reforming the system of professional training of civil servants, heads of local state administrations, their first deputies and deputies, local self-government officials, and deputies of local councils adopted in 2017 states that the existing system of training, specialization, and further training of civil servants does not meet modern requirements for the quality and content of education, there is no comprehensive system for monitoring and evaluating the quality of educational services for professional training of civil servants in accordance with the European standards for quality assurance, the market for vocational training services is not competitive, quite closed to non-state actors service (Rozporiadzhennia Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 01 hrudnia 2017 r.).

In the Law of Ukraine "On Civil Service" No. 889-VIII dated December 10, 2015, professional training is defined as the acquisition and improvement of professional knowledge, skills, and abilities that provide the appropriate level of professional qualification of a civil servant for his or her professional activity. Organizational principles of functioning of the system of professional training of civil servants, heads of local state administrations, their deputies and deputies, local self-government officials, and deputies of local councils are defined in the Regulations on the system of professional training of civil servants, heads of local state administrations, their first deputies and the deputies of local councils, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 106 dated February 6, 2019 (Zakon Ukrainy vid 10 hrudnia 2015 r.; Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 06 liutoho 2019 r.).

The regulation provides for the possibility for public servants to exercise their right to professional training through formal, non-formal, and informal education. They can exercise their right to professional training using:

- preparation - successful implementation of the relevant educational and professional program, which is the basis for awarding a master's degree in the speciality 281 "Public Management and Administration" in the field of knowledge "Public Administration";

- further training - acquisition of new and/or improvement of previously acquired competencies within a professional activity or field of knowledge;

- internship - gaining practical experience in performing tasks and responsibilities in professional activity or field of knowledge;

- self-education - self-organized acquisition of certain competencies, in particular during daily activities related to professional, social or other activities, leisure.

Among the innovations of the Regulation it is worth noting the introduction of a rule on the study of individual needs in professional training of public servants, their special and general needs; division of advanced training programs into general, special, and professional (certification); introduction of compulsory further training in general, special professional (certification) programs and short-term programs; accrual of ECTS credits based on the results of professional training, etc. The Regulation also stipulates that the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service (NAUCS) monitors the state of the professional training system and prepares a report taking into account the results of identifying and analyzing professional training needs, assessing the quality of educational services at least once in a 3-year period making a release on its official website and web portal of knowledge management (Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 06 liutoho 2019 r.).

Its financial and resource provision was important for the formation and development of the system of professional training of public servants. According to the passports of the budget program KPKVK DB 0301130 "Training, further training of managers, public administration specialists, training of scientific, and pedagogical personnel on strategic issues of domestic and foreign policy" for 2016-2018, the average cost of training one student for general fund increased from 104.7 thousand UAH in 2016 to 186 thousand UAH in 2018 (for the special fund - from 38.9 thousand UAH in 2016 to 45.8 thousand UAH in 2018). Also, the average cost of training one student in the speciality "Public Management and Administration" under the state contract with NAUCS increased by 48%: from 72 thousand UAH in 2016 to 106.8 thousand UAH in 2018. Funding for advanced training of public servants belonging to the 1st-4th groups of remuneration, and local government officials, whose positions were classified in the I-IV categories of positions in local self-government bodies, amounted to 11,947.7 thousand UAH, including in 2016 - 3,791.6 thousand UAH; 2017 - 4,056.1 thousand UAH; 2018 - 4,100 thousand UAH (Stan systemy profesiinoho navchannia derzhavnykh sluzhbovtsiv, 2019).

4. Directions of modernization of the system of professional training of public servants in Ukraine

The processes of reforming public administration and local self-government, decentralization of power taking place in Ukraine at the present stage of its development, necessitate increasing the efficiency of professional training of civil servants and local self-government officials by reforming, modernizing, and optimizing their training and development, individual programs of staff development and individual career

planning, development of institutional capacity, the introduction of the latest technologies, forms and methods of training.

The Public Administration Reform Strategy of Ukraine up to 2021 states that one ofthe main directions of public administration reform is the introduction of a modern holistic, mobile, and flexible system of professional training of civil servants with developed infrastructure and adequate resources. According to this Strategy, the only governmental customer for training and retraining of civil servants and local self-government officials should be the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service as a central executive body that formulates and implements the state policy in the field of civil service (Rozporiadzhennia Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 24 chervnia 2016 r.).

To implement the Strategy of Public Administration Reform of Ukraine up to 2021 and determine strategic directions, mechanisms, and deadlines for the formation of a modern effective system of professional training of civil servants, to increase their professional competence by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 974-p dated December 1, 2017, the Concept of reforming the system of professional training of civil servants, heads of local state administrations, their first deputies and deputies, local self-government officials and deputies of local councils was approved (Rozporiadzhennia Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 01 hrudnia 2017 r.).

The Concept states that the new model of professional training of civil servants, heads of local administrations, their first deputies and deputies, local government officials, deputies of local councils, taking into account the provisions of the Memorandum of Lifelong Learning ofthe European Commission, should be based on the following principles: development; the proximity of educational services to the place of residence and work of the person; obligatory and continuity, i.e. ensuring the desire of civil servants, heads of local state administrations, their first deputies and deputies, local self-government officials and deputies of local councils to lifelong self-education and professional development; purposefulness, predictability and anticipatory nature; innovation and practical orientation; individualization and differentiation of approaches to learning; openness; guaranteed financing of professional training (Rozporiadzhennia Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 01 hrudnia 2017 r.).

The new model of the system of professional training of civil servants envisages European approaches to lifelong adult learning, which will contribute to the creation of appropriate conditions for their professional development. It should be aimed at training highly qualified managers, and the system of professional development should be transferred to the method of lifelong learning, implementation of the training system,

interactive forms of learning, use of mixed approach (full-time and distance learning) and educational innovations, the introduction of integrated monitoring and quality assessment of the system for providing educational services for the preparation of masters in the speciality "Public Management and Administration" in accordance with the European standards for quality assurance in education.

Taking into account the experience of European countries, it is necessary to maintain the existing master's program for employees with higher education already working in public administration and local self-government. It is also advisable to systematically change the ratio of forms of training in favor of inservice training, to increase the time for internships for students, their practical training, to ensure the implementation of one of the basic ideas - lifelong learning, to bring a solid material and financial basis for the system of training and retraining of public servants in order to restructure it.

The effectiveness and efficiency of the system of professional training of public servants depend on many factors. In our opinion, to ensure the processes of modernization of the system of professional training of civil servants, harmonization of the main provisions of existing regulations, and their compliance with the European principles of public administration, it is advisable to develop and adopt the Law of Ukraine "On Civil Service" and the Law of Ukraine "On Service in Local Self-Government Bodies".

According to the National Qualifications Framework, which is a systemic and competency-based description of qualification levels for the development, identification, correlation, recognition, planning, and development of qualifications, "integrated competence" is considered as a generalized description of a qualification level defi-ning main characteristics on learning and/or professional activities, where "learning outcomes" are knowledge, skills, abilities, ways of thinking, attitudes, values, other personal qualities acquired in the process of learning, education and development, which can be identified, planned, evaluated and measured (Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 23 lystopada 2011 r.).

We agree that today we should talk about integrated (activity, business) competence, as well as that "the profile of integrated (activity, business) competence in Ukraine includes rule-making, administrative jurisdictional (organizational-administrative, managerial, coordination), control and supervision, information and analytical; economic (budget-planning, etc.), value-oriented (moral-ethical), socio-psychological and communicative consulting competencies" and designed "mainly for the creative type of activity" (Serohin, Shpektorenko, 2019).

The main areas of reforming the system of professional education of public servants include: improving the legislative and regulatory framework

for professional training; adaptation of professional training of civil servants in Ukraine to the standards of the European Union; fundamentalization and advanced nature of the educational process; rotation of civil service personnel; staffing of the system of professional training of civil servants. Promising areas for modernization of the system of professional training of civil servants are the following: identification of customers, revision of the network of educational institutions through the accreditation procedure, modernization of curricula and programs in accordance with the content of previous education and customer needs, the introduction of new educational technologies; methods and technologies that ensure continuity of education (from knowledge to skills, from skills to experience); training of top managers, analysts, advisors through the system of postgraduate and doctoral studies; self-education of civil servants, the transition from evaluation to career monitoring (Reformuvannia profesiinoho navchannia derzhavnykh sluzhbovtsiv v Ukraini, 2013).

Modernization ofthe system ofprofessional training of public servants should be carried out by: improving the institutional and organizational structure of professional training; updating of educational and methodical support; improvement of mechanisms for receiving education by public servants, creation of an appropriate motivational system based on adjusting the results of professional training with career advancement. The system of professional training of civil servants, heads of local state administrations, their first deputies and deputies, local self-government officials, and deputies of local councils in Ukraine needs to be modernized in the context of approximation to the standards, legal and organizational bases of the European Union and provides for institutional and organizational structure of professional training; updating of educational and methodical providing; improvement of mechanisms for these categories of servants to receive education; creation of an appropriate system of motivation based on the adjustment of professional training and professional development of employees with their career advancement (Vashchenko, 2017).

5. Conclusion

1. Consideration of the evolution of the system of professional training of public servants in Ukraine showed that it passed several main stages: the period of Kyivan Rus (the 10th-12th century), the Ukrainian Cossack state (middle 17th - late 18th century), the imperial period (late 18th - early 20th century), the Soviet period (1917-1991), and the modern period (since 1991). During these five periods, there were changes in the system of professional training of civil servants in accordance with the needs of public administration.

2. The analysis of the development of the system of professional training of civil servants in independent Ukraine showed that from the very beginning, the state faced the issue of creating a professional civil service as the basis of effective public administration. In this regard, the Institute of Public Administration and Self-Government under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine was first established, and after the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Civil Service" in December 1993, there was created a system of training and retraining of civil servants and local self-government officials, which was progressively improved.

3. In the conditions of reforming public administration, local self-government, civil service, and services in local self-government bodies, the


modernization of the system of professional training of public servants becomes significant. It should be built taking into account the development trends of the public service, provide continuous, advanced education of public authorities by constantly updating the content and standards of professional training in accordance with the challenges of the time.

The system of professional training of public servants should become holistic, high-quality, innovative, mobile, and flexible with developed infrastructure, effective management, and adequate resource potential, constantly improving and approaching European standards of continuing adult education (lifelong learning) through formal, non-formal and informal education, basic principles of raising the professional level of public servants.

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