FORMAL AND INFORMAL STYLE OF SPEECH IN ENGLISH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Atadjanova S.

The article deals with the actual problem of using formal and informal communication styles in English. Attention is paid to the main characteristics and specifics of the considered registers. Some typical examples of misuse are presented. styles and suggested possible options for improving the style of speech, since non-compliance with these rules can have a negative impact on communication, both oral and written.

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Atadjanova S. assistant the faculty of economics Tashkent State Transport University


Annotation: The article deals with the actual problem of using formal and informal communication styles in English. Attention is paid to the main characteristics and specifics of the considered registers. Some typical examples of misuse are presented. styles and suggested possible options for improving the style of speech, since non-compliance with these rules can have a negative impact on communication, both oral and written.

Key words: Formal and informal communication styles, main characteristics of styles, English language.

Speech styles exist in all languages, and English is no exception. Mastering the style is necessary for everyone who seeks to master the language and speak it as naturally as its native speakers. Language is part of the image. A bank employee will never come to work in a tracksuit. And an evening dress and high-heeled shoes on the beach will look strange. Similarly, you should choose your communication style. Moreover, every English learner should master different styles of conversation, because even the strictest official has pajamas in his wardrobe, and every stylish lady, in addition to high-heeled shoes, also has comfortable ballet flats for long walks. In the same way, one should keep expressions of various styles with oneself and use them according to the situation.

Formal English - the language of business and science the formal style is used in a formal setting: conferences and presentations are held in this style, business communication takes place, documents, scientific articles and books are written. There are several rules that should be followed to make the speech sound formal:

1. Don't shorten words: In formal speech there is no place for all sorts of I'm, I'd, I don't. Instead, you should use the full forms of words: I am, I would, I do not. At the same time, it is acceptable to use expressions indicating ownership, for example, the company's manager, it is not necessary to say the manager of the company.

2. Avoid using phrasal verbs: In a formal setting, you are unlikely to hear "The inflation rate went up". Instead, it is customary to say "The inflation rate increased/rose". Phrasal verbs are replaced by regular ones.

3. Avoid slang and colloquialisms: We think this point is obvious: it's hard to imagine a business partner who calls you bro (brother). And if you want to ask how a representative of a partner company is doing, you are unlikely to say "What's up?" Rather, you ask "How are you doing?" And in response, you will

receive not the colloquial "Yourself?", but the friendly and polite "Thank you, very well."

4. Build Complex Expanded Expressions: It is not necessary to attend public speaking courses, it will be enough not to be limited to short, jerky phrases that we use in everyday speech. If you start to express some thought, then develop it, support it with clear arguments, justify and bring it to the end. If you are asked a question, answer as fully as possible. Keep track of the cause-and-effect relationship between sentences. An example of a complex sentence in a formal style:

- The period of the five months has been very rich in new events, with significant developments taking place both in the securities markets and in the financial system as a whole.

- The five-month period was rich in events and significant transformations that took place both in the securities market and in the financial system as a whole.

5. Use technical terminology: Each industry has its own specifics, so try to use the appropriate vocabulary. For example, if you work in the field of economics and check the financial statements of a company, it would be appropriate to say "We audit financial report", and not "We check financial report". In addition, there are words that are synonyms for the words you and I are used to, these synonyms should be used in documents or official speech. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the list of such words on this page. Try to use "formal" words in a formal setting, business letters, your speech will only benefit from this, and the interlocutor or addressee will be pleasantly surprised.

• Go up (informal) - increase (formal);

• Find out (informal) - discover (formal);

• Set up (informal) - establish (formal);

• Free (informal) - release (formal);

• Show (informal) - demonstrate (formal);

• Seem (informal) - appear (formal);

• Keep (informal) - retain (formal);

• But (informal) - however (formal);

• So (informal) - therefore (formal);

• To sum up (informal) - to conclude (formal);

• Just wanted to let you know... (informal) - I am writing to inform you... (formal);

• Hope to hear from you soon (informal) - I am looking forward to hearing from you (formal);

• Call me if you need anything (informal) - Please do not hesitate to contact me (formal)

6. Avoid the word "I" If you are writing a business letter, try to avoid the expressions I think, In my opinion, etc. As a rule, such papers are written on behalf of the company, on behalf of the company in which you work. Similarly, in

business negotiations: talk less about yourself, your opinion, address the interlocutor on behalf of the company.

- Should you need any further information, do not hesitate to contact us.

- If you require any additional information, do not hesitate to contact us.

7. Use complex grammar in speech: Formal language is distinguished not only by long phrases, but also by complex grammatical constructions. So, for example, in formal letters and oral speech, the passive voice is used much more often than in ordinary conversation. The reason is that the active voice personifies speech, while the passive one has a more formal connotation, compare: You are invited to the conference. We invite you to the conference. As you can see, the first option sounds more formal and respectful. This is what an official invitation or appeal looks like. If you want to speak in a formal style, remember to use participial constructions, infinitive constructions, conditional sentences, inversion, etc. in your speech.

8. Be tolerant and politically correct: This item, although it is the last, but plays an important role. Formal speech is an example of ethics and political correctness. Choose your words carefully so as not to offend your interlocutors, listeners or readers. For example, instead of poor, use economically exploited, and instead of old man, say senior citizen._

Verbs Nouns

Informal Formal Informal Formal

ask for enquire boss employer

bring out cause chance opportunity

check verify help assistance

deal with handle job occupation

find out discover money funds

fix repair old people senior citizens

get receive place location

get in touch with contact quarrel debate

Formal English follows a few simple rules, so learning it won't be too much of a problem. In fact, once you get used to formal English, you will switch between it and informal English without any problems. Of course, you will have to spend some time replenishing your stock of formal vocabulary, but you will only remain in the black. Learn and try to use a few new words every day! And if you manage to accompany your studies with communication with native English speakers (friends or colleagues), you will also quickly become fluent and confident in English.


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