Научная статья на тему 'Foreign medical students adaptation in the conditions of humanization and humanitarization of higher education'

Foreign medical students adaptation in the conditions of humanization and humanitarization of higher education Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Shapoval Galina Nikolaevna

It is covered the problem of foreign medical students adaptation who have come to Russia to study in the focus of higher medical education humanization and humanitarization. A special attention is given to foreign students personal position activization as an inseparable condition to adapting to the Russian reality. Improvement of higher education is necessary to realize in the framework of integration projects. In consequence of these reasons, education from the category of national priorities passes into the category of the world priorities.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Foreign medical students adaptation in the conditions of humanization and humanitarization of higher education»

UDC 314


G.N. Shapoval

Rostov State Medical University. Rostov-on-Don, Russia

It is covered the problem of foreign medical students adaptation who have come to Russia to study in the focus of higher medical education humanization and humanitarization. A special attention is given to foreign students personal position activization as an inseparable condition to adapting to the Russian reality. Improvement of higher education is necessary to realize in the framework of integration projects. In consequence of these reasons, education from the category of national priorities passes into the category of the world priorities.

Key words: adaptation, quality of education, competence approach, humanization, humanitarization, bioethics.

Russian education fundamentality always makes Russia to be attractive for foreign students and traditionally students from different countries come to study in our universities. Modern society is oriented to innovative development values that actualize a question of medical workers professional training in the sphere of RF higher education. V.V. Putin in a panel session of Council under the president of international relations noticed that: "State youth policy priorities must be aimed to harmonic person formation, Russian citizen upbringing - mature, responsible person, within whom love to great and little native land goes together with nationwide and ethnical identity, respect to culture and traditions of people who live near here" [3].

Humanization and humanitarization of Russian university pedagogical process determinate objectives to youth world view formation, which are contained in respect to morally-ethical norms and society juridical laws, in a sense of duty and justice [2]. It is worth to mention that initial priority under the education aims formation of student in general and a foreign student in particular should be formation of free and responsible person, capable to work constructively in problem situations, combining professional competence with civil responsibility, possessing proper world view scope and moral consciousness [6, p. 699].

In the light of introduced new educational standard specialist formation [8], ready to individual medical practice under the conditions of modern level of material and technical health service equipment appears to be the main aim of medical education system development. Country educational institutions play an important role in world view formation and creation of sociocultur-al samples for imitation among young people. The challenge of foreign students optimum life and study conditions on the basis of their complex process adaptation to the new way of life stands in front of Russian universities [1; 4; 7]. It is mentioned that foreign students education should consider aim system formation in the sphere of adaptation and diagnostics instruments development of foreign students adapting level. One should particularly notice Russian society cultural inhomoge-nuity, conditioned by polyethnic population composition, combination of various cultural norms and values in it, that is why foreign students coming to Russia undergo so called "culture shock". Culture shock - is collision of two cultures at the level of individual consciousness. Though, culture shock is accompanied by anxiety, which induces deprivation of social communication habitual forms, in whole it is considered as normal adaptation process to cultural stress and conditioned by cultural distinctions, individual distinctions and presence experience in another culture.

Culturally-educational university space appears to be environment, influencing adaptive processes, having the straight correlation with foreign students successful study. Consequently, organization of personally-developing culturally-educational space becomes a pedagogical condition of foreign students training intensification. Besides activation of foreign student personal position in the training-educational process, it includes informational and ethnocultural supporting of personal interaction; and also effectually-humane using of national peculiarities under the life conditions and orientation to full-value language dialogue in leisure sphere.

Lecturers - as bearers of professional values and as culture representatives, including language culture are considered to be the main agents of foreigners personally-developing space at universities. Efficiency of lecturers challenges implementation is primarily conditioned by their professionalism [5, p. 1126]. It is worth mentioning, that students-foreigners painfully pass through incomprehension, and more over conflicts with lecturers.

The aim of humanitarian knowledge in the light of foreign students education - is to form a conscious need in moral development of a future medical practitioner, to strengthen his faith in possibility of humanitarian knowledge using for good of a person, to assure him in distinct criteria of evil and welfare existing, that is especially important for various cultures representatives and confessions. Along with professional thinking, requirements to humanistic professional consciousness and specialist personality as a person, obtaining a special position - delivery of assistance position, personal responsibility and participation in a patient destiny, advance to the foreground. Mainly for this reason disciplines the subject-matter of which appears to be a person and society - such, as philosophy, culturology, bioethics and others are included into the system of medical education. For instance, the significance of philosophy for a future medical practitioner can be illustrated for a foreign student with a help of one instances: a doctor should realize that in the process of faithful information delivery to a patient such problems as acquired information comprehension by a patient, his competence and consensus building according to the treatment play quite important role.

At the present time one has to acknowledge that most of foreign students have no demand in humanitarian knowledge and humanitarian culture. By no means all the students are ready to humanitarian disciplines comprehension. Most part of foreign students are convinced that a person with higher medical education not necessarily should have knowledge in the sphere of worldwide or Russian history, philosophy, culture science, but in fact humanistic principles play a significant role in the system of students clinical training in the medial university, determine person formation of a future specialist and his professional behavior, and in the following they are entirely embodied in various activity spheres of a medical worker.

In conclusion it is worth mentioning that competitiveness of a country - is one of the most significant factors of global economy and policy development, as it comprises not only strictly economical indexes, but also estimates consequences of the important uneconomical phenomena. Hu-manization of the highest medical education aims at moral and spiritual developed person formation - a future specialist, regardless of his national and cultural identity, ready and capable to harmoniously combine education, professionalism, spirituality, moral politeness; this is a process aimed to acquirement of humanitarian knowledge, humanitarian culture, and humanitarian medical potential. Improvement of higher education is necessarily to realize in the framework of integration projects. In consequence of these reasons, education from the category of national priorities passes into the category of the world priorities.


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January, 29, 2016

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