FOREIGN-LANGUAGE DIALOGIC SPEECH SKILLS DEVELOPMENT THROUGH ROLE-PLAYING GAMES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ageenko Natalia Vladimirovna, Rybkina Alla Anatolievna

The article is devoted to the methodological and pedagogical problem of teaching unprepared dialogic speech. The authors describe the experience of using role-playing games in mastering a special language by undergraduates. The process of teaching foreign language speech with the use of the described complex of games contributes to the implementation of foreign language communication and interaction of students, combining group, paired and individual forms of foreign language teaching. The role-playing games allow to create conditions for the disclosure of communicative function of language and bring the learning process closer to the real communication conditions. Role-playing games implementation in teaching English proved the efficiency of developing communication skills and abilities in dialogic speech and, therefore, increased the level of professional training of students of linguistic specialties.

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UDC 378.2

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Ageenko Natalia Vladimirovna

Samara State Technical University (Samara);

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Rybkina Alla Anatolievna

Samara Branch of Moscow City Pedagogical University (Samara)


Annotation. The article is devoted to the methodological and pedagogical problem of teaching unprepared dialogic speech. The authors describe the experience of using role-playing games in mastering a special language by undergraduates. The process of teaching foreign language speech with the use of the described complex of games contributes to the implementation of foreign language communication and interaction of students, combining group, paired and individual forms of foreign language teaching. The role-playing games allow to create conditions for the disclosure of communicative function of language and bring the learning process closer to the real communication conditions. Role-playing games implementation in teaching English proved the efficiency of developing communication skills and abilities in dialogic speech and, therefore, increased the level of professional training of students of linguistic specialties.

Key words: language training, skills and abilities in dialogic speech, role-playing game, deductive and inductive approaches, communicative task.

Аннотация. Статья посвящена методико-педагогической проблеме обучения неподготовленной диалогической речи обучающихся языковых направлений подготовки. Авторы описывают опыт применения сюжетно-ролевых игр в освоении языка специальности студентов младших курсов. Процесс обучения иноязычной речи с применением описываемого комплекса игр способствует осуществлению иноязычного общения и взаимодействию обучающихся, сочетая в себе групповые, парные и индивидуальные формы обучения иностранному языку. Сюжетно-ролевые игры позволяют создать условия для раскрытия коммуникативной функции языка и приближают процесс обучения к реальным условиям общения. Проведенное авторами исследование и апробирование в практической деятельности методики применения сюжетно-ролевых игр в обучении английскому языку подтверждает эффективность развития навыков и умений диалогической речи, следовательно, повышает уровень профессиональной подготовки обучающихся языковых специальностей.

Ключевые слова: языковое направление подготовки, навыки и умения диалогической речи, сюжетно-ролевая игра, дедуктивный и индуктивный подходы, коммуникативная задача.

Introduction. The process of globalization requires intensive verbal communication; knowledge of a foreign language gives access to the spiritual and cultural wealth of different countries, communication with representatives of different nations and plays a huge role in the formation and development of personality, therefore, the need for effective and rapid learning of foreign languages has caused the emergence of active forms of learning, which in turn contribute to the intensification of learning.

The problem of the development of skills and abilities of dialogic speech in the modern methodological literature is of particular interest. Dialogue as unprepared speech has complex communicative, linguistic and psychological characteristics that cause a number of difficulties in teaching dialogic speech. However, due to the multifaceted nature of the development of skills and abilities of dialogic speech, as well as the complexity of developing plot-role plays, the issue of how to improve the effectiveness of the development of skills and abilities of dialogic speech by means of plot-role plays is still open today. In particular, The analysis of the requirements for graduates in the course of studying the discipline "Practical course of the first foreign language" revealed the need to master a number of universal competencies: the ability to carry out business communication in oral and written forms in the state language of the Russian Federation and foreign language(s) and the ability to perceive intercultural diversity of society in social-historical, ethical and philosophical contexts.

The purpose of the study was to approve the author's methodology of using a system of role-playing games in the teaching of English, contributing to the effective development of skills and abilities of dialogic speech. The practical part of the research was carried out within the framework of the discipline "Practice of Speech of the First Foreign Language" with a total of 15 students of the 1st year of the training profile "Pedagogical Education" in the specialty "Methods of Teaching English and German Languages" (Bachelor's level) at the Samara Branch of the Moscow State Pedagogical University (specialty "Foreign Language in Education").

Main part. The discipline curriculum "Practical Course of the First Foreign Language" for bachelors profile "Methods of Teaching English and German Language" 44.03.01 "Pedagogical Education" contact work is 442 hours (29 hours - business (role) game, 6.56% of the total time; this work is scheduled in the 5 and 6 terms [10]. However, the role-playing game can be used in many ways as a method of teaching a foreign language at the initial stage of professional education, having a wide variety of communicative techniques that allow students to learn English fluently, promote group interaction and increase motivation. The role-playing game allows to improve learners' speaking skills, to form stable mechanisms of foreign-language dialogic speech generation.

T.P. Leontieva defines dialogue as "a form of verbal communication - a combination of verbal statements, consistently generated by two or more interlocutors in a direct act of communication, which is characterized by the commonality of the situation and speech intentions of the speakers" [5, P. 88]. V.A. Buchbinder pointed out that "the combination of productive and receptive functions allows to consider the dialogue as an independent, functionally differently directed, combined type of verbal activity, in which it is inexpedient to single out speaking and listening separately, and it is reasonable to see it as a complex, but essentially single function - having a conversation [6, P. 70].

As part of the experiment to determine the level of dialogic speech skills and abilities testing was conducted, so the students were offered to perform two tasks. The base of diagnostic testing were two approaches to teaching dialogical speech described in the works of Russian methodologists A.N. Shchukin and G.N. Frolova: deductive, implying the construction of one's own dialogue based on a structural and intonational dialogical sample, and inductive, involving the mastering of dialogue elements, on the basis of which one's own dialogue is constructed with due regard for the teaching and speech situation [9, PP. 215-216]. These models do not contradict, but complement each other, being used at different stages of learning dialogic speech.

The first part of testing implied making a dialogue based on the text "Colour analysis" from the English File textbook of the Intermediate Plus level. The students had an opportunity to prepare a dialogue or its parts beforehand.

The dialogue implied a discussion of the following questions:

• What colors do you prefer in clothes?

• Do you know anyone who wears one color almost all the time?

• Would you like to try shopping with a personal stylist?

The second part of testing - making an unprepared dialogue: students were asked to discuss one of the following questions without extra time for preparation:

• Is fashion a kind of art?

• Do you shop online? What kinds of things do you usually buy online?

• Are you a bargain hunter? Do you get excited about sales and discounts?

• When are the best sales in your country?

• Who usually does the food shopping in your household? Where do they prefer to shop?

• Which celebrity has the best sense of style?

Thus, both parts of testing allow students to assess the development of skills and abilities to build a text-based dialogue and spontaneous speech, taking into account the intonational, lexical, grammatical, and even non-verbal aspects of intercultural communication. The main criteria for evaluating students' dialogical speech were its qualitative and quantitative characteristics (high - 3 points, average - 2 points, low - 1 point), reflecting the level of formation of the following four competencies: linguistic (volume of a statement, number of lines, absence of pauses, as well as the number of grammatical, lexical, phonemic and intonational errors); linguocultural (adequacy of replicas to the situation of communication, appropriateness of language means and their variety, semantic and functional completeness of dialogue); communicative (expressiveness of speech, promptness of reaction (fluency); socio-cultural (knowledge and skills of speech and business etiquette, consideration of social rank, presence of emotionally estimated words and sentences). Accordingly, the maximum number of points is 12.

The obtained diagnostic results showed that 48% of the examinees had a low level of formation of skills and abilities of dialogic speech, 41% of the learners had an average level and 11% of the examinees were found to have a high level of formation of skills and abilities of dialogic speech. Thus, the results have revealed an insufficiently satisfactory level of development of skills and abilities of dialogic speech among the 1st year language training students, for the improvement of which a complex of plot-role-playing games has been developed and tested.

The complex of games developed by the authors includes 8 plot-role-playing games on the topics of the methodological materials:

1. Family in modern society.

2. Education. School and university.

3. My home.

4. Time and change.

5. Shopping. Food. Clothing of the modern man.

6. People who changed the world.

7. The cultural life of a modern person. Leisure time.

8. Money relations.

Developing game cases the following characteristics were taken into account:

I. Situationality, according to S.S. Kalinina, is an essential feature and predetermines the logic of dialogic communication. It is a source of speech generation, implies students' understanding of the speech task of communication, which ensures the effectiveness of communication [4]. Dialogue is influenced by the communicative situation, socio-communicative roles and speech prompting of the speakers. It is also important what type of communication represents the speech situation - Individual or group, formal or informal communication, free conversation or business conversation, etc. Before starting a role-play, students become familiar with the situation/problem, their roles and the scenario. A learning speech situation is "a model of such a set of circumstances, conditions and relations that prompts potential interlocutors to communicate through the use of linguistic means in the interest of teaching oral speech" [1, P. 332]. The game situation was presented to the students in different ways: verbally, with the help of visual aids, or was recorded in audio formats. It contained a description of the time and place of the game situation and any information necessary for the dialogic communication between the participants of the role-play. The roles of the learners included information about social status, age, relations between the communicants.

Role-play "It's me who told you!" (Topic 1: The Family in Modern Society).

Situation: Family members had not seen each other for a long time. And finally, the whole family gathered for dinner. Everyone has something to discuss and give advice if someone has problems.

Roles. Family tree: Grandmother Amanda and Grandfather Charlie

Alice (their elder daughter) and Oscar (her husband)

Kate, Billy, Oliver (their children)

Simon (their younger son) and Jane (his wife)

Baby twins Mary and Carry (their children)

Role cards:

A. Your name is Amanda and you are a retired person. You have a lot of free time and you don't know how to keep it busy. You are very worried about your husband Charlie. He sometimes drinks too much. You're afraid it will end badly. Also your daughter Alice and her husband Oscar often fight like cats and dogs. In general they seem to be a lovely family. They have three kids, a big house and a dog. But Alice seems unhappy and recently you saw her crying.

B. Your name is Alice. Recently you became the aunt of adorable babies Mary and Carry. You wish you could spend more time with them and help your sister-in-law Jane with the upbringing because you already have three children. But for some reason Jane began to invite you less often. Also you're worried about your own three children. Especially you feel anxious about your elder daughter Kate. She is about to marry a total stranger! They met only four weeks ago.

All of the roles of the game were written out in a similar way. The students were allowed to make small changes in their roles, but were not allowed to change the storyline and the game situation.

II. Communicative task. R.P. Milrud names the following subject-role plays depending on complexity of a communicative task: controlled (controlled role-play), with in advance offered lines; moderately controlled (semi-controlled role-play), with the set plot and roles; free (free role-play), with the set theme and distribution of roles; episodic (small-scale role-playing games), with playing out one of the episodes of the role-playing game; large-scale (large-scale role-playing games), lasting more than one class or, possibly, the whole semester [7, P. 121].

The example of the described game "That's what I told you!" can be referred to moderately controlled and episodic (according to R.P. Milrud's classification), because it regulates the following communicative tasks: each student must have 2 role cards that describe two periods, "now" and "one year later." The game includes four stages.

Stage 1. Students work with "now" role cards that are handed out randomly. They chat with each other, share the news, and discuss all the juicy gossip. They are also asked to give each other opinions on what their relatives should or should not do about their problems.

Stage 2: When all students have gone around and talked to each other, they work in pairs, filling out a questionnaire in which they have to make predictions about what might happen.

Stage 3: Students work with the "One Year Later" cards.

A.A year later, Amanda helped babysit her grandchildren a lot. In addition, she and Charlie have enrolled in dance lessons and now tango in the evenings. They have new topics of conversation and new friends with whom they spend their free time.

B.After a year, Alice and Oscar started seeing a psychologist every week. This had a good result. They began to understand each other better and quarrel less. They are very happy that they were able to keep their family together.

Stage 4. This time they have to find out if their predictions were correct and comment on what their relatives should have done. The task of the game is to find out how many of their predictions were correct. The highest score wins.

Each role-playing game was also preceded by a preparatory phase based on the English File Intermediate Plus textbook, which included:

• preparatory exercises forming the material and operational basis of speaking (lexical, grammatical, phonetic exercises on imitation, substitution, transformation, combination);

• conditional-communicative (communicative) exercises related to the solution of a specific communicative problem, where students acquire the ability to respond (say stimulating and responding lines), to relate actions to each other (assertion - interrogation, question - answer), i.e. to maintain bilateral activity.

The tasks enhance linguistic knowledge of communication: speech normality, intonation, linguistic features (incomplete pronunciation style, ellipses and elisions, speech stamps and cliches), and control extra linguistic parameters (differences in information evaluation, presence in speech of facial expressions, gestures and finally the influence of the subject environment of interlocutors). Thus, according to the plot of each role-playing game, the practiced exercises or suggested situations were sequentially arranged, taking into account the increase of difficulties. In the course of preparation for the role-play, the students moved from micro-situations to macro-situations: dialogue in which the question and answer complement each other and create a single statement about the subject; dialogue in which the answer is the objection to the original statement; dialogue in which the question and answer clarify the original statement [3].

Developed role-playing games are intended for use at the final stages of the study of the presented sections in the classes of complex application of knowledge and skills, as well as reflection.

Penny Ur argues that the use of role-playing games does not always lead to high learning outcomes; identifying two main problems that may be associated with the failure of role-playing games. Firstly, it is the problem of psychological resistance of students, secondly, it is the problem of the lack of the final goal of the role-playing game [11, PP. 10-11]. Jeremy Harmer is convinced that role-playing games are effective only when they have an open ending. This is due to the fact that people have different views on what the result should be [2]. When conducting role-playing, the teacher takes the role of an active observer, who intervenes in the course of the role-playing game when necessary.

Role-play "The new building" (Topic 5: Shopping. Food. Clothes of a modern person).

Situation: The government has decided to build a new building near your University. Today there is a meeting to decide what this building should be. But only one building can be built. There are six options: hypermarket, baker's, launderette, florist's, chain store, chemist's. Also there is a chair person who is in control of the meeting.

Extra situation 1: Your building can be built if you have special offers for students. What are these offers?

Extra situation 2: The new building should provide some working places for students or graduates. Is it possible? How might it influence academic performance and studying?

How to use the game: The game assumes the need of teamwork and communication of all game players. The minimum number of players is 7 while the maximum is 24. The students are randomly received role cards and divided into groups according to the roles. The students should promote the interest of their group. The team G takes the role of an observer of the game and at the end of the game decides whose arguments were more convincing. The task of the game is to give the most convincing arguments according to the role cards and come up with as many counterarguments as possible for other teams. The team with the most convincing arguments wins. The game includes 3 phases according to extra situations and involves discussions in groups and with all participants of the game.

Role cards:

Situation: The government has decided to build a new building near your University. Today there is a meeting to decide what this building should be. But only one building can be built. There are six options: team A: supermarket owners, team B: baker's owners, team C: dry cleaner's owners, team E: chain store owners, team F: chemist's owners, team D: florist's owners. Think of at least four reasons why this is the best choice. Use these ideas or your own: effect on students / safety / parking / cost / rubbish.

The stage of analysis of the results of the game followed either immediately after its completion, or in subsequent sessions, depending on the complexity of the game.

Consequently, the complex of narrative-role-playing games implied the prepared statements of students on the basis of the structural-intonational dialogical samples used in micro- and macro-dialogues at the stage of preparation for role-playing games, and their independent statements according to their roles on the basis of their own opinions and experience. Part of the story-role-playing games of the developed complex implied discussions on the problem or situation under discussion.

As part of the control stage in the re-diagnostics of the level of formation of skills and abilities of dialogic speech the students were offered to perform two tasks. The first part of the final control is making the dialogue with the support of the text "Some of our sellers" from the English File textbook of the Intermediate Plus level. Accordingly, students were given time to prepare a dialogue or part of it. In the second task of the final control, students were asked to discuss one of the following questions:

• How long do you usually shop for? Do you try to get your shopping done as fast as possible?

• Is shopping an addiction?

• Would you like to go on a shopping holiday?

• Pick one food to represent you. Why did you choose it?

• Will you wear something uncomfortable just because it looks good?

According to the discipline curriculum "Practical course of the first foreign language" the following scale was used to assess the dialogic speech skills level:

1. Range (owns a wide, sufficient, limited) range of language means.

2. Accuracy (demonstrates high / sufficient / low) level of proficiency in grammar and vocabulary.

3. Fluency (explains without preparation at natural speech rate / uses prominent pauses to select speech devices / pauses long to find the right words and patterns).

4. Interaction (initiates conversation and develops topic / maintains conversation on a known topic / communicates at an elementary level only in the form of retorts).

5. Connectedness (makes connected and logically constructed monologue lines / uses limited number of connections, with some inconsistency / uses only elementary connections).

6. Culture of verbal communication (correct / acceptable / incorrect use of nonverbal means of communication - gestures, facial expressions, poses, etc.).

The results of diagnostics shows that 40% of the students have a high level the dialogic speech skills, 52% - an average level, and 8% - a low level. Thus, the positive dynamics of changes in the level of formation of the skills and abilities of dialogic speech was revealed. The results received during the approbation of the developed complex of role-playing games correspond to the planned results of the development of the educational program in the discipline "Practical course of the first foreign language". The use of role-playing games in the foreign language classes is an effective means of developing the skills and abilities of dialogic speech among the 1st year language students. Foreign language speech activity of the students was characterized by motivation, activity and independence, purposefulness, connection with thinking, situational conditionality and heuristics.

Conclusion. The method of teaching with the use of story-role games in teaching a foreign language is an effective and innovative pedagogical technology that activates all the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired before by the learners in accordance with the set learning task. It follows from Penny Ur's definition that role-playing is used to develop all kinds of speech activities when students imagine themselves in a situation outside the classroom, using language tools appropriate to the new context [12, P. 131]. Skills, including speaking, have in their basis automated fixed operations developed under the control of consciousness with the help of a set of exercises: training (at the preparatory stage) and speech (in the process of role-playing).

G.V. Rogova believes that for emergence and motivation of speech it is necessary to have a motive of statement, personal orientation, correspondence to a context and situationality [8, P. 123]. A person expresses in the act of communication if he or she has such need defined by the circumstances of reality. In the conditions of study such component, as a natural motive, is absent, therefore it is necessary to prepare a ground, that application of plot-role games can promote.


1. Asimov, E.G. A new dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching) / E.G. Asimov, A.N. Shchukin. - M.: Publishing House IKAR, 2009. - 448 p.

2. Harmer, J. How to teach English / Jeremy Harmer. - Pearson Education Limited, 2007. - 288 p.

3. Ipsen, G. Gesprach und Sprachform Bd. 6. / G. Ipsen // Blatter fur deutsche Philosophie, 1932.

4. Kalinina, S.S. Teaching oral speech to junior students (English) / S.S. Kalinin. - URL: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext/m/2010/m1/Index/r/Report/Kal.html

5. Methods of teaching a foreign language: textbook. allowance / T.P. Leontiev [and others]; under total ed. T.P. Leontieva. -Minsk: Higher School, 2015. - 239 p.

6. Methods of teaching foreign languages: traditions and modernity / Ed. A.A. Mirolyubova. - Obninsk: Titul, 2010. - 464 p.

7. Milrud, R.P. Methods of teaching English. English Teaching Methodology: textbook for universities / R.P. Milrud. - M.: Drofa, 2005. - 253 p.

8. Rogova, G.V. Methods of teaching foreign languages in secondary school / G.V. Rogova, F.M. Rabinovich, T.E. Sakharov. - M.: Prosveshcheniye, 1991. - 287 p.

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9. Schukin, A.N. Methods of teaching foreign languages: textbook for students of institutions of higher education / A.N. Schukin, G.M. Frolova. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2015. - 288 p.

10. The work program of the academic discipline "Practical course of the first foreign language" for the direction of preparation 44.03.01 Pedagogical education of the profile Methods of teaching English and German at the full-time undergraduate level, approved at a meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Philology dated 06.06.2018 № 9/1. - URL: https://sfmgpu.ru/files/wp//bak/440301/mpa8nya/043.pdf

11. Ur, P. Discussions that work: Task-centred fluency practice (Cambridge handbooks for language teachers. New series) / Penny Ur. - Cambridge University Press, 2007. - 122 p.

12. Ur, P. A Course in language teaching: practice and theory / Penny Ur. - Cambridge University Press, 1991. - 375 p.


УДК 377.1

преподаватель кафедры физической подготовки Андрианов Владимир Александрович

Казанский юридический институт МВД РФ (г. Казань); кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, заместитель начальника кафедры Рыбалкин Дмитрий Александрович Казанский юридический институт МВД РФ (г. Казань);

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры общеобразовательных дисциплин Романюк Оксана Николаевна Казанский филиал ФГБОУ ВО

«Российский государственный университет правосудия» (г. Казань)



Аннотация. Практически в любой сфере профессиональной деятельности изучение и диагностика безопасного типа сотрудников играет важную роль. Это обусловлено необходимостью выработки алгоритма эффективной проработки психической устойчивости лиц с недостаточным уровнем безопасности поведения. Также актуальность поиска диагностических методов можно определить необходимостью создания психологических инструкций по работе с людьми определенной профессии по преодолению неконструктивных коммуникативных взаимодействий и опасного поведения. Для сотрудников МВД РФ, курсантов и слушателей данной системы, данная тема, несомненно является актуальной в силу ее своевременности. Это можно объяснить усугубленной опасной обстановкой в мире и положением Российской Федерации. Можно сказать, что сотрудники МВД РФ очень часто пребывают в ситуациях, обусловленных влиянием стрессогенными факторами, оказывающими накопительный эффект на психико-психологические аспекты характера. Исходя из этого, можно резюмировать, что диагностические методы исследования личности безопасного типа поведения сотрудников системы МВД РФ позволит предугадать необходимую психологическую и профилактическую работу по формированию их положительной психологической устойчивости. Данная работа должна проводиться с момента обучения курсантов и слушателей, т.е. и на протяжении всей трудовой деятельности в сфере МВД РФ. Это является много этапностью психологической и профилактической деятельности. Исходя из вышеприведенных рассуждений, актуальность темы обусловлена тем, что необходим сценарный и поэтапный процесс в профилактике психологического типа курсанта и действующего сотрудника данной системы.

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