Научная статья на тему 'Flipped learing as the key to improving education in higher education'

Flipped learing as the key to improving education in higher education Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Djafarova Nigina Alisherovna

This article discusses the use of a new teaching model called flipped class, reveals all its details of the process of preparing and conducting a lesson, explains the advantages, privileges and possibilities of representing this method with other teaching methods, as well as the possibilities of using this method for all fields of tourism. Since the 21st century is the century of information technology, they have been introduced into all segments of our lives, including education, making it even more interesting and effective.

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В этой статье обсуждается использование новой модели обучения, которая называется «перевернут ый класс», раскрываются все детали процесса подготовки и проведения урока, объясняются преимущества, привилегии и возможности представления этого метода с другими методами обучения, а также возможности использования этого метода для всех сфер туризма. Поскольку XXI век это век информационных технологий, они были внедрены во все сферы нашей жизни, включая образование, что делает их еще более интересными и эффективными.

Текст научной работы на тему «Flipped learing as the key to improving education in higher education»


FLIPPED LEARING AS THE KEY TO IMPROVING EDUCATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION Djafarova N.A. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: Djafarova450@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: this article discusses the use of a new teaching model called flipped class, reveals all its details of the process ofpreparing and conducting a lesson, explains the advantages, privileges and possibilities of representing this method with other teaching methods, as well as the possibilities of using this method for all fields of tourism. Since the 21st century is the century of information technology, they have been introduced into all segments of our lives, including education, making it even more interesting and effective.

Keywords: traditional learning, flipped learning, vodcasts, podcasts, pre-vodcasting, tourism.


Джафарова Нигина Алишеровна - преподаватель, кафедра туризма и гостиничного бизнеса, Бухарский государственный университет, г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в этой статье обсуждается использование новой модели обучения, которая называется «перевернутый класс», раскрываются все детали процесса подготовки и проведения урока, объясняются преимущества, привилегии и возможности представления этого метода с другими методами обучения, а также возможности использования этого метода для всех сфер туризма. Поскольку XXI век - это век информационных технологий, они были внедрены во все сферы нашей жизни, включая образование, что делает их еще более интересными и эффективными.

Ключевые слова: традиционное обучение, перевернутое обучение, водкасты, подкасты, предварительная, водкастинг, туризм.

The flipped classroom concept has been around for a number of years, and it has garnered much attention from educators around the globe [1]. In 2007, professors Jonathan Bergmann (a chemistry teacher) and Aaron Sams began recording their lectures, followed by PowerPoint presentations. These notes were intended for students who missed a lesson. Online lectures began to spread. The number of expelled students fell from 50 to 19%. The method gained popularity due to the widespread use of new technologies.

In the traditional model of classroom first the teacher introduces the material to the students, and then it is practiced at home whereas in a flipped classroom the notion of classroom-based learning is completely inverted, and students learn the new material at home, and to practice it in the classroom.

Flipped learning is a form of blended learning that allows you to "flip" learning as follows:

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- Instead of homework, students watch short video lectures on the network - they independently pass theoretical material,

- and the entire classroom time, when the teacher or teacher is nearby, is used to jointly complete practical tasks.

Flipped learning is characterized by the use of vodcasts, podcasts, and pre-vodcasting. Before moving on to the details, let's look at key concepts.

A podcast is a sound file (audio lecture) that its creator sends out by subscription via the Internet. Recipients can download podcasts to their devices, both stationary and mobile, or listen to lectures online.

Vodcast (from video-on-demand, i.e. video on demand) is about the same as a podcast, only with video files.

Pre-Vodcasting is an educational method in which a school teacher or university teacher creates a vodcast with his lecture so that students get an idea of the topic before the lesson, on which this topic will be discussed. The pre- vodcasting method is the original name of the flipped class method.

Flipped Class benefits [2]:

• significant time savings, which allows you to work out the material in groups / pairs under the supervision of a teacher. Instead of 20 minutes of practice, 40 minutes of a lesson to practice. According to the founders of the method, the teacher does not waste time on lecture explanations;

• when studying material, students learn to think critically. This method involves greater autonomy;

• great for repeating, because you can always listen to the lecture again. The teacher, even in the notes, will explain more readily than what is written in the textbook;

• for those students who missed the lesson, now there is no need to individually explain the material - there is a video.

Disadvantages of the flipped classes:

• remaking the curriculum and the complexity of creating video lectures for the teacher, the need to be technically savvy. Not all lectures can be found in the record because each level has its own program;

• not all students are accustomed to working independently; they are not used to studying material without a teacher.

Teachers have good reason to stick with the flipped approach: The Flipped Learning Network reports that 67 percent of surveyed instructors saw an improvement in student test scores after utilizing the flipped learning model, and 80 percent reported an improvement in student motivation. Teachers reported that the flipped learning model benefits a wide range of students, from the academically advanced to those with special needs.

Teachers themselves stand to benefit as well. According to the same survey, 88 percent of flipped learning instructors reported improved job satisfaction after flipping their classrooms, and 99 percent said they would use the methodology again next year. Data like this indicates that flipped instruction is beneficial to the overall learning and teaching experiences [3].

Theoretical knowledge is an integral part of teacher education, and the tourism industry is no exception. Since tourism is a very wide field, giving examples from all over the world during lessons is a must, and showing examples using videos is considered more effective. If students will attend lectures on the subjects of hotel management, etiquette of service, tourism industry and others at home, during classes you can devote more time to examining tasks, solving problems and getting to know each student's opinion.

Flipped learning method is popular all over the world and is used in many disciplines. In our opinion, the introduction of this pedagogical method of teaching in higher academic envisions enhances the quality of teaching and opens up more and more opportunities for students to explore, share and create content.

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References / Список литературы

1. Bergmann Jon and Sams Aaron. The flipped classroom. The Flipped Classroom. Cse. Volume 17 № 3. 2013/2014.

2. [Electronic Resource]. URL: https://skyteach.ru/2018/02/15/zachem-nuzhen-perevernutyj-klass/ (date of access: 05.08.2019).

3. [Electronic Resource]. URL: https://lesley.edu/article/an-introduction-to-flipped-learning/ (date of access: 06.08.2019).

4. Juraev A., Sobirov T. Content based instruction in teaching tourism and economics courses // Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Volume I., 2017. Т. 208. С. 215.

5. Khurramov O.K. Concept of teaching, actions and technology // Современные тенденции развития аграрного комплекса, 2016. С. 1728-1732.

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