Научная статья на тему 'Feed productivity of Medicago sativa depending on the elements of growing technology'

Feed productivity of Medicago sativa depending on the elements of growing technology Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
Medicago sativa / Liutsys / Saprohum / seed treatment / yield / foliar feeding / люцерна посівна / Люцис / Сапрогум / обробка насіння / урожайність / позакореневе пі-дживлення.

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Telekalo N. V., Melnyk M. V.

The article determines that the forage productivity of Medicago sativa is determined by the use of growth stimulants and micronutrients in crops, the genetic potential of the culture is realized in the 2 year of cultivation. The basis of the methodology of our work were laboratory, vegetation and field experiments, as well as the use of analytical, statistical research methods. Growing techniques for Medicago sativa were generally accepted for the Forest-Steppe zone. The effect of growth stimulants on Medicago sativa productivity has been established and the optimal combination of macroand microelements in modern complex fertilizers has been determined, which con-tributes to the maximum possible productivity of Medicago sativa green mass. Revealed on average over four years of Medicago sativa vegetation on gray forest soils in the conditions of the Forest-Steppe right bank, the highest yield of green mass provides the option of sowing treatment with growth stimulator Saprohum in the phase of branching and budding + fertilization in the phase of budding – microfertilizer Wuxal 16.6% more than in the control. Use of Liutsys growth stimulator in the phase of branching and budding + fertilization of crops in the phase of budding with microfertilizer for Urozhay bobovi. The bean harvest will provide a yield of green mass – 41.8 t/ha, which is 18.2% more than in the control.

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В статті визначено, що кормову продуктивність люцерни посівної зумовлює застосування стимуля-торів росту та мікродобрив на посівах, генетичний потенціал культура максимально реалізувала на 2-й рік вирощування. Основою методології нашої роботи були лабораторні, вегетаційні і польові досліди, а також застосування аналітичних, статистичних методів досліджень. Агротехніка вирощування для лю-церни посівної була загальноприйнята для зони Лісостепу. Встановлено, дію стимуляторів росту на про-дуктивність люцерни та визначено оптимальне поєднання макроі мікроелементів у сучасних комплекс-них добривах, що сприяє максимально можливої продуктивності зеленої маси люцерни. Виявлено в серед-ньому за чотири роки вегетації люцерни посівної на сірих лісових ґрунтах в умовах Лісостепу правобережного найвищу урожайність зеленої маси забезпечує варіант обробки посіву стимулятором росту Сапрогум у фазу гілкування та бутонізації + підживлення посіву у фазу бутонізації мікродобривом Вуксал – 41,0 т/га, що на 16,6% більше, ніж на контролі. Використання для обробки посіву стимулятора росту Люцис у фазу гілкування та бутонізації + підживлення посіву у фазу бутонізації мікродобривом Урожай бобові забезпечує урожай зеленої маси – 41,8 т/га, що на 18,2% більше, ніж на контролі.

Текст научной работы на тему «Feed productivity of Medicago sativa depending on the elements of growing technology»



УДК: 633.31:636.086

Telekalo N. V.

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor of the Department of Plant Production,

Breeding and Bioenergy Crops Melnyk M.V.

postgraduate student of Plant Production, Breedin and Bioenergy Crops Vinnytsia National Agrarian University



Телекало Н.В.

кандидат альськогосподарських наук, доцент кафедри рослинництва, селекци та бюенергетичних культур Мельник М.В. аспiрантка кафедри рослинництва, селекцп та бюенергетичних культур Вiнницький нацюнальний аграрний }miверситет DOI: 10.24411/2520-6990-2020-11856 КОРМОВА ПРОДУКТИВН1СТЬ ЛЮЦЕРНИ ПОС1ВНО1 ЗАЛЕЖНО В1Д ЕЛЕМЕНТ1В



The article determines that the forage productivity of Medicago sativa is determined by the use of growth stimulants and micronutrients in crops, the genetic potential of the culture is realized in the 2 year of cultivation. The basis of the methodology of our work were laboratory, vegetation and field experiments, as well as the use of analytical, statistical research methods. Growing techniques for Medicago sativa were generally accepted for the Forest-Steppe zone. The effect of growth stimulants on Medicago sativa productivity has been established and the optimal combination of macro- and microelements in modern complex fertilizers has been determined, which contributes to the maximum possible productivity of Medicago sativa green mass. Revealed on average over four years of Medicago sativa vegetation on gray forest soils in the conditions of the Forest-Steppe right bank, the highest yield of green mass provides the option of sowing treatment with growth stimulator Saprohum in the phase of branching and budding + fertilization in the phase of budding - microfertilizer Wuxal 16.6% more than in the control. Use of Liutsys growth stimulator in the phase of branching and budding + fertilization of crops in the phase of budding with microfertilizer for Urozhay bobovi. The bean harvest will provide a yield of green mass -41.8 t/ha, which is 18.2% more than in the control.


В статтi визначено, що кормову продуктивнють люцерни поавно! зумовлюе застосування стимуля-торiв росту та мкродобрив на поавах, генетичний потенцiал культура максимально реалiзувала на 2-й ргк вирощування. Основою методологП нашо'1 роботи були лабораторнi, вегетацiйнi i польовi до^ди, а також застосування аналтичних, статистичних методiв до^джень. Агротехнка вирощування для люцерни посiвноi була загальноприйнята для зони Люостепу. Встановлено, дю стимуляторiв росту на продуктивтсть люцерни та визначено оптимальне поеднання макро- i мiкроелементiв у сучасних комплекс-них добривах, що сприяе максимально можливоi продуктивностi зеленоi маси люцерни. Виявлено в серед-ньому за чотири роки вегетаци люцерни посiвноi на арих люових Грунтах в умовах Люостепу правобережного найвищу урожайтсть зеленоi маси забезпечуе варiант обробки посiву стимулятором росту Сапрогуму фазу гшкування та бутошзацИ + пiдживлення поавуу фазу бутошзаци мжродобривом Вуксал - 41,0 т/га, що на 16,6% бтьше, тж на контролi. Використання для обробки поаву стимулятора росту Люцис у фазу гшкування та бутон1зацИ + пiдживлення поаву у фазу бутошзаци мжродобривом Урожай бобовi забезпечуе урожай зелено '1' маси - 41,8 т/га, що на 18,2% бтьше, тж на контролi.

Keywords: Medicago sativa, Liutsys, Saprohum, seed treatment, yield, foliar feeding.

Ключовi слова: люцерна посiвна, Люцис, Сапрогум, обробка настня, урожайтсть, позакореневе т-дживлення.

The strategic direction of development of the livestock industry is an integral part of the feed industry, as the main source of high quality feed, where perennial legumes play a leading role in solving the problem of

vegetable protein [1]. Therefore, increasing the area under perennial legumes is a prerequisite for organic farming systems that harmoniously combine the achievements of natural, biological, organizational, economic, informational areas of human activity. In



this context, perennial legumes provide environmentally friendly products, and created by them agrophyto-cenoses become an important component of agroland-scapes, which ensure the ecological purity of the environment, maintain human safety and health [2,3].

One of the factors controlling the process of legume productivity is pre-sowing seed treatment with bacterial preparations and foliar fertilization of crops [4,5,6], which makes it possible to increase the activity of nodule bacteria to absorb nitrogen from the atmosphere as the only inexhaustible source of soil nitrogen enrichment. And with careful implementation of agronomic cultivation measures creates a powerful herbage and long-term use of agrophytocenosis.

High rates of forage productivity (47.03 t/ha) Medicago sativa sowing is able to provide in the early spring sowing period compared to the recommended summer sowing, provided intensive use of grass for 3 years [7]. The mowing phases have a direct impact on the forage productivity of Medicago sativa, due to which the yield of Medicago sativa leaf mass in the second year of life was about 45 t/ha, with a yield of 12.0 feed units per hectare [8].

Material and methodology of researches. Field experiments were conducted in the research field of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University. Used in experiments variety Syniukha (2010) created at the Institute of Feed and Agriculture of NAAS of Ukraine suitable for cultivation in the area of Polissya.

The aim of the work was to establish the effects of seed treatment with stimulants and foliar fertilization with microfertilizers on the processes of growth, development and formation of forage productivity of Medicago sativa agrophytocenoses.

In the year of coverless sowing of Medicago sativa sown on the option without the introduction of growth stimulants and microfertilizers, the yield of green mass was 32.9 t/ha. Treatment of crops with Sapropum growth stimulator in the branching phase contributed to the increase in yield of green mass of Medicago sativa by 12.9% - up to 37.8 t/ha. Treatment of crops with Saprohum growth stimulator in the budding phase increases the yield of green mass by 12.7% - up to 37.7 t/ha, which is 0.1 t/ha less than when using Saprohum growth stimulant in the branching phase. Double application of growth stimulator Saprohum in the phase of branching and budding causes an increase in yield of green mass by 13.1% - up to 37.9 t/ha, which is 0.1 t/ha and 0.2 t/ha more, respectively, than at their one-time introduction in the specified phases.

Foliar fertilization with Wuxal microfertilizer in the budding phase of Medicago sativa sowing helps to increase the yield of green mass by 13.1% to 37.6 t/ha, which is 0.1 t/ha less than when the growth stimulant Saprohum is introduced into the budding phase. The highest yield of green mass in the first year of vegetation is provided by sowing with Saprohum growth stimulant in the phase of branching and budding + fertilization of crops in the budding phase with microfertilizer Wuxal - 38.2 t/ha, which is 13.9% more than in the version without stimulant treatment and microfertilizer, 0.6 t/ha more than when processing crops with micro-fertilizer Wuxal in the budding phase, 0.5 t/ha more -than when treated with growth stimulant Saprohum in the budding phase, 0.4 t/ha - than when treatment with the same drug in the branching phase and 0.3 t/ha more - than with and double treatment of crops with growth stimulator Saprohum in the phase of branching and budding (Table 1).

Table. 1

The yield of green mass of sowing Medicago sativa depending on the treatment with stimulants and micro__fertilizers (1-4th year of vegetation), t/ha___

Seed treatment Maturity and combination of growth stimulant and microfertilizers 1-st year 2-nd year 3-d year 4-th year Average for all years

Without Without stimulator and 32.9±0.3 42.7±0.3 35.7±0.1 25.4±0.2 34.2±0.1

treatment seed microfertilizer treatment

Background + Saprohum sowing in branching phase 37.8±0.2 49.0±0.1 42.5±0.2 30.8±0.2 40.0±0.2

Background + Saprohum sowing in budding phase 37.7±0.4 48.7±0.2 42.4±0.3 30.6±0.1 39.8±0.3

Background + Saprohum sowing in branching and 37.9±0.3 50.0±0.3 42.7±0.3 31.1±0.3 40.4±0.3

Seed treatment budding phase

with growth promoter Background + out of the root of the nourishment of sowing 37.6±0.2 48.9±0.3 42.6±0.2 30.7±0.3 40.0±0.2

Saprohum Wuxal in the budding phase

(background) Background + seeding treatment with growth promoter Saprohum in the branching and budding phase + under-feeding the crop in the budding phase with microfertilizer Wuxal 38.2±0.3 50.8±0.2 43.0±0.2 32.0±0.2 41.0±0.3



When using a combination of Liutsys growth stimulant and microfertilizer Urozhay bobovi of the first year of Medicago sativa growing season, its yield increased by 13.2 - 14.5% compared to the control. The highest yield was observed for treatment of crops with Liutsys growth stimulator in the phase of branching and budding + fertilization of crops in the phase of budding with microfertilizer Urozhay bobovi - 38.6 t/ha, which

is 0.4 t/ha more than the yield of green mass for combination treatment with stimulant growth of Saprohum in the phase of branching and budding + fertilization of crops in the phase of budding with microfertilizer Wuxal. The lowest yield of green mass is provided by the introduction of Liutsys growth stimulator in the budding phase of Medicago sativa - 37.9 t/ha (Table 2).

In the second year of the growing season, the yield of green mass of Medicago sativa was 48.9-51.5 t/ha.

Table. 2

The yield of green mass of sowing Medicago sativa depending on the treatment with stimulants and micro__fertilizers (1-4th year of vegetation), t/ha___

Seed treatment Maturity and combination of growth stimulant and microfertilizers 1-st year 2-nd year 3-d year 4-th year Average for all years

Without treatment seed Without stimulator and microfertilizer treatment 32.9±0,4 42.7±0,2 35.7±0,3 25.4±0,4 34.2±0,3

Seed treatment with growth promoter Liutsys (background) Background + Liutsys sowing in branching phase 38.1±0,2 49.3±0,2 42.6±0,4 31.0±0,4 40.3±0,3

Background + Liutsys sowing in budding phase 37.9±0,3 48.9±0,4 42.5±0,1 30.9±0,6 40.1±0,4

Background + Liutsys sowing in branching and budding phase 38.2±0,3 49.8±0,4 42.8±0,3 31.4±0,2 40.6±0,4

Background + out of the root of the nourishment of sowing Liutsys in the budding phase 38.2±0,1 49.6±0,3 42.7±0,2 31.2±0,3 40.4±0,2

Background + seeding treatment with growth promoter Liutsys in the branching and budding phase + under-feeding the crop in the budding phase with microfertilizer Urozhay bobovi 38.6±0,3 51.5±0,3 43.7±0,4 32.9±0,4 41.8±0,3

Conclusions. On average, for four years of Medicago sativa vegetation, the highest yield of green mass is provided by the option of sowing treatment with Saprohum growth stimulator in the branching and budding phase + fertilization of crops in the budding phase with Wuxal microfertilizer - 41.0 t/ha. Use of Liutsys growth stimulator in the phase of branching and budding + fertilization of crops in the phase of budding with microfertilizer for treatment of crops the Urozhay bobovi provided the yield of green mass - 41.8 t/ha.


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