FEATURES OF TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN CENTRAL ASIAN COUNTRIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Azizova N.T., Ilkhomova G.Z.

The article discusses the features of tourism development in the countries of the Central Asian region: Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan. The high potential of these countries for the development of tourism was noted, including a rich cultural and historical heritage, natural resources, and a variety of ecosystems. A number of tasks that need to be solved on the way to improving the tourism industry in the region are considered, the importance of adopting a unified strategy for the development of tourism in Central Asia is emphasized.

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DOI 10.46566/2225-1545_2022_1_103_51 УДК: 338.484.6

Azizova N. T., candidate of economic sciences

associate professor Department of foreign economic activity and tourism Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent Ilkhomova G.Z.

1st year master student Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent



Abstract: the article discusses the features of tourism development in the countries of the Central Asian region: Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan. The high potential of these countries for the development of tourism was noted, including a rich cultural and historical heritage, natural resources, and a variety of ecosystems. A number of tasks that need to be solved on the way to improving the tourism industry in the region are considered, the importance of adopting a unified strategy for the development of tourism in Central Asia is emphasized.

Key words: tourism, Central Asia, cultural heritage, economic development.

Currently, the development of the tourism industry is a priority for most countries in the world. Tourism is becoming a unique large-scale global industry, providing countries with the opportunity to acquire a promising source of national income and achieve high economic growth [1]. The development of the tourism industry makes it possible to increase the welfare of the population, create new jobs, because according to studies [2], to organize a vacation for one tourist, a total of at least nine jobs are needed in the host country. For countries with potential opportunities and rich resources in the field of tourism, the development of the tourism industry is of strategic importance. These include the countries of the Central Asian region - Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan.

The study of the tourism industry as a cultural phenomenon and an effective economic tool is devoted to many scientific works around the world. In the works of K. Kaspar, W. Freyer, E. Cohen, D. McCannell, D. Urry, 3. Bauman, M.A. Vinokurova, G.P. Dolzhenko, I.S. Barchukova examines in detail tourism activities and the specifics of its development, raises questions about the

functional features of tourism and methods for improving the industry as a whole.

Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan, located in the central part of Asia, due to their rich cultural and historical heritage, natural resources, diversity of ecosystems, have a huge tourism potential. However, today the tourism sector in these countries is at an insufficient level of development. The tourism industry in these countries, on average, accounts for no more than 5% of national GDP. The low level of competitiveness of tourism in the Central Asian countries is due to the insufficient use of the available resource potential, the lack or low implementation of common approaches and general plans for the development of tourism, underdeveloped infrastructure and an acute shortage of qualified personnel [3]. The development of tourism is not an easy, but very interesting task, giving these countries a support for economic development, and the world community the opportunity to join in their amazing cultural and spiritual wealth.

The countries of Central Asia, which have impressive cultural and natural values, original originality and exotic features of the Eastern world, attract more and more tourist groups every year. Tourist destinations are known all over the world, covering historical monuments and cultural heritage sites located on the Great Silk Road. Each of the countries of the Central Asian region has great opportunities to develop its tourism potential and achieve significant positions in world tourism.

Uzbekistan, which lies in the heart of Central Asia, has a world-famous rich cultural and historical heritage: ancient architectural monuments in Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, Tashkent, amazing handicraft traditions. The products of the masters of gold embroiderers, potters, weavers scatter all over the world and have gained brand fame. These are Rishtan and Gijduvan ceramics, amazingly beautiful satin and adras silk fabrics, which are a real work of art, copper embossing, knives, carpets, gold embroidery, suzani embroidery and much more. Uzbek nature is unique - bright, diverse and picturesque. The territory of the country combines the sand dunes of the endless deserts of the Kyzylkum and Karakum, full-flowing rivers and blue mountain lakes, the snow-white mountain peaks of the Tien Shan and Pamir-Alay rising to the sky. The abundance of cultural, architectural, natural, gastronomic, historical merits of Uzbekistan allow the country to actively work to promote various types of tourism, develop tourism infrastructure, and improve tourism products [4]. The government of the country provides active support for the development of the tourism sector of the economy, projects aimed at improving and modernizing infrastructure, creating new tourism products receive extensive state assistance and investment. The Department of Services Diversification, created by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of Uzbekistan, has planned more than 96 projects with implementation dates in the next 5 years, aimed at developing and improving the tourism sector.

Kyrgyzstan also has ample opportunities for tourism development. In most of the country, there are amazingly beautiful Tien Shan mountains, including 2 seven-thousander peaks: Khan-Tengri and Pobeda peaks. Alpine vegetation in the mountains, glaciers, lakes filled with crystal clear water, hot springs gushing from the generous land - all these natural resources make tours to Kyrgyzstan extremely attractive for tourists seeking to enjoy nature, restore health and peace of mind. Alpine lakes Issyk-Kul, Ala-Kul, Sary-Chelek, Son-Kul, the resort town of Cholpon-Ata, Arslanbob National Park are widely known to tourists from Central Asia and Russia. Mountain adventure tourism is actively developing in Kyrgyzstan, which includes mountain climbing, hiking, rafting, trekking, hunting, and fishing. The mineral waters of Jalalabad, numerous lakes and springs contribute to the development of health tourism. A variety of natural resources provide opportunities for the active development of ecotourism. The main problems related to the development of the tourism industry that need to be addressed in Kyrgyzstan include: underdeveloped infrastructure and low standards of tourist service.

Almost the entire territory of Tajikistan is located in the mountains. The variety of reliefs and the splendor of natural landscapes attract tourists to the country and allow the development of mountain adventure tourism. The snow-white, harsh mountain peaks of the Pamir system, which run through the territory of Tajikistan, are the highest in Central Asia. The Fann Mountains, located in the west of the country, are also unusually picturesque. Hot springs of Garm Chashma, mineral waters of Khosguni, Chursh, Zund provide an opportunity to create successful recreational tours. The country has a rich cultural and historical heritage, ancient architectural monuments [5].

Kazakhstan has no less resource opportunities for the development of tourism. The nature of the country is extremely diverse, the most beautiful mountains are combined with endless steppes, coniferous forests and azure lakes. All this, along with an amazing culture and rich history, allows the development of adventure, ecological, entertainment, cultural, educational, sports and health tourism [6].

The ancient cities of Turkmenistan: Nisy, Tashauz, Ashgabat, Kunya-Urgench, Merv, Mary are rich in historical architectural sights, which contributes to the development of cultural tourism in the country. Natural exoticism includes the amazingly beautiful nature of the Karakum desert. In recent years, Turkmenistan has been making active efforts to develop the tourism industry, thanks to which success has been achieved in the development of recreational, cultural, historical, and ecotourism.

It should be noted that the countries of Central Asia are united not only by belonging to one region - this unity is based on a deep historical, cultural relationship, a common worldview and traditions. The peoples of Central Asia are distinguished by their cordiality and hospitality, the value of which for the development of the tourism industry is no less important than the rich natural

and historical heritage. The similarity of the tourism opportunitiesBofBthe countries of the region is intertwined with common tasks that stand in the way of tourism development. We believe that most of the tasks, especially those related to the promotion of tourism in Central Asia on the international market, must be solved through mutual cooperation and common tourism programs.


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