FEATURES OF THE TRANSLATION OF APHORISMS FROM FOREIGN LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
aphorism / languages / foreign

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Feruza Lutpullaevna Ashurova

People are usually interested in translating texts from Russian into English or vice versa, since English today is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. The demand for translation from Russian into any other language and vice versa is much lower. Only a qualified and experienced translator can perform a high-quality translation.

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Feruza Lutpullaevna Ashurova

Senior teacher, Department of English language teaching methodology, UzSWLU


People are usually interested in translating texts from Russian into English or vice versa, since English today is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. The demand for translation from Russian into any other language and vice versa is much lower. Only a qualified and experienced translator can perform a high-quality translation.

Keywords: aphorism, languages, foreign

The word "Aphorism" in Greek means definition. This is a short author's statement that is easily remembered for its accuracy, imagery and originality. For many centuries, humanity has been troubled by the same problems, philosophical and not so much. People observe life, reflect on it, communicate, share thoughts. A huge number of well-aimed expressions will sink into the abyss of history. A person has learned to write down his thoughts relatively recently. And the lack of literacy in some countries is a serious problem to this day. Very often it is not possible to determine the authorship of this or that saying. Someone once said something. Someone picked up, altered, added. As a result, if this thought is lucky, it will become an unauthorized proverb or saying. More precisely, it belongs entirely to the people.And although it is believed that an aphorism is always someone's property, in fact, even in our age it can be difficult to identify the author. Indeed, often those to whom this or that statement is attributed, in turn, borrowed it from someone else. It's just that the person's personality turned out to be more famous, which means that more people heard, saw, read a certain expression for the "authorship" of this person.

And this is not just about English. By contacting a reputable translation agency, anyone can order a translation from English, Portuguese, Italian, Bengali or exotic languages and vice versa. It will not be difficult for real specialists to perform translation of any complexity.

A translator must have considerable experience when working with literary texts. Here the specialist should take into account the specifics and nuances of such a translation. It is especially difficult to translate aphorisms - both from Russian into other languages, and in the opposite direction.

Aphorisms have the following characteristics:

- stability (stability of use, structural and semantic stability, semantic stability, lexical stability, morphological and syntactic stability);

- Complicative, that is, "a specific complication of the semantic structure", reflecting in them "the results of human cognitive activity";

- rethinking of its components;

- consistency.

The following types of aphorisms are distinguished:

- didactic - gnomes - teachings, usually poetic and anonymous, but sometimes uttered directly on behalf of their writer:

- philosophical - chriyas, transmitting the sayings of the sage in the context of a biographical or anecdotal story about him

Easy to remember short judgments with a capacious meaning and deep content, belonging to any author, in ancient times were called sayings, and today - aphorisms. Aphorisms, representing the embodiment of public opinion, have existed for a long time. It is impossible to imagine world civilizations without statements that generalize folk wisdom. Such expressions were a kind of reflection of the interests and experiences of people.

An aphorism, as a minimal text, can be viewed as a specially arranged mechanism that has the ability to contain extremely highly concentrated information. If you compare a simple sentence from colloquial speech and an aphorism, you can easily make sure that the main thing is that he is able to contain, store and transmit what is beyond the capabilities of the former.

The fact of the extreme popularity of aphorisms in the culture of different peoples undoubtedly requires an explanation. The pragmatics of laconicism and the semantic capacity of aphorism, the potential for generalization, systematization and universalism that aphorisms possess, require explanations. Brevity in itself is neither good nor bad, and the striving for it is explained both by subjective reasons, a certain inclination in brevity of expression, as well as by objective reasons, by the very specificity of the genre of aphorism, which allows one to generalize, edify, and teach.

Brevity is only one of the constructive features of the construction of the genre. Each of the genres of minimalism has its own

the internal structure, its own laws of development, is to a large extent an ethno-and socio-specific artistic and aesthetic form. As the analysis of the aphorism shows, this is a type of text that is quite specific in terms of the internal structure and genre form, which is set by a number of text-forming factors:

- the minimum size;

- the specifics of the structural and semantic organization;

- communicative and pragmatic specificity.

Thus, it would be wrong to assert that it is the form, in particular the minimum dimensions, that is decisive. As in other forms of minimalism, all three parameters of text formation are inextricably linked.

The minimal text uses one of the essential characteristics of the semantics of a linguistic expression - the implication structure, that is, the very property of the semantics of the text that allows you to expand the structure of generalization and make a didactic conclusion.

The aphorism involves semantic mechanisms for creating a generalization, expanding the structure of generalization, while the volume of the text does not matter for the implementation of the main pragmatic setting of the text - the function of generalization, systematization, universalization. The form of a minimal text, since it has developed in the culture of many peoples, is characterized by the property of universality, generalization, systematization (as well as in proverbs, sayings, maxims of minimalist poetry)

The main ways of translating aphorisms is a translation that conveys a given aphorism using lexical means. Some authors also talk about "free", others - about "descriptive translation". Unlike "one-word" and closer to what is called free translation, the semantic content of the aphorism can be conveyed by a variable phrase. Calculation, or literal translation, is usually preferred in those cases when other methods cannot convey the aphorism in its entirety, its semantic-stylistic and expressive-emotional meaning, and for one reason or another it is desirable to "bring to the reader's view" the figurative basis.

Descriptive translation is, in fact, reduced to the translation not of the aphorism itself, but of its interpretation, as is often the case in general with units that have no equivalents in the translated language. These can be explanations, comparisons, descriptions, interpretations - all means that convey the content of the aphorism in the most clear and concise form. Most often, we remember contextual translation, of course, in the absence of equivalents and analogues - when an aphorism has to be conveyed by non-phraseological means.

Periodic study of aphorisms in English or their inclusion in the course as a separate topic allows you to achieve several extremely important goals at once.

A full-fledged study of a foreign language implies a gradual coverage of more and more deep aspects. That is why English aphorisms often become an extremely useful tool for comprehending linguistic subtleties, mastering the art of constructing phrases and even playing with words. The deep, interesting and wise sayings of poets, actors, writers and politicians create a pleasant speech variety and reflect the mentality

and culture of both native speakers and authors of catch phrases in the best possible way.


1. Azizova F S,Ashurova F L,Abramova N T The role of language aptitude in the EFL learners' trajectory SJIF Impact Factor: 6.260| ISI I.F.Value:1.241| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2016 ISSN: 2455-7838 EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD) Volume: 5 | Issue: 3 | March 2020 - Peer Reviewed Journal.

2. Azizova F S,Ashurova F L,Abramova N T LINGUACULTUROLOGICAL FEATURES OF TEACHING ENGLISH PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS TO THE STUDENTS SJIF Impact Factor: 6.260| ISI I.F.Value:1.241| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2016 ISSN: 2455-7838 EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD) Volume: 5 | Issue: 3 | March 2020 - Peer Reviewed Journal.https://epraiournals.com/ipanel/upload/724pm 95.EPRA%20Journals-4065.pdf

3. Azizova F S, Ashurova F L, Abramova N T, Djabbarova K A.TEACHING ENGLISH PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS TO LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY STUDENTS http://www.jcreview.com/?mno=99677

4. Ashurova Feruza Lutpullaevna


5.Соссюр, де Ф. Курс общей лингвистики / Русский пер. А. М. Сухотина, 1933. С. 107.

6. Щерба Л. В. Очередные проблемы языковедения // Известия АН СССР.ЛЯ. Т. 4, 1945

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