FEATURES OF THE PSYCHOEMOTIONAL STATE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Психологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
law enforcement agencies / psychoemotional state / emotional stability / mental well-being / psychological literacy / professional activity

Аннотация научной статьи по психологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Ermekkyzy Diana Ermekova, Kassymzhanova Anargul Aliakparovna

the article analyzes the features of employees working in law enforcement areas. The State, through special bodies, manages society, resolves socially significant issues and ensures public order. The various organs of the State are divided according to their functional activities, they are closely interrelated and subordinate to each other in the exercise of their direct powers. Among these bodies, there are also internal affairs bodies responsible for the legal and disciplinary stability in society, ensuring the legal protection of citizens. Work in the Department of Internal Affairs is accompanied by extreme loads: maintaining mental health, proper use of everyday service weapons, training of drill and physical strength, monitoring of constant order and discipline associated with the use of special equipment, etc. The results of the performance include: the integrity and professional skills of the personnel, the physical and mental health of the employees. In addition, maintaining a high level of professionalism of employees is associated with stressful situations in the service and increasing requirements for the level of comprehensive self-training. To achieve success in solving official tasks, employees of internal affairs bodies need to be able to analyze a number of external data, to be emotionally stable. Achieving such stability, in turn, provides a set of methods related to the regular assessment of the psychological and emotional state of employees in the industry, psychological and educational work, monitoring of moral health and raising the morale of personnel.

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'Ermekkyzy Diana Ermekova - master's student;

2Kassymzhanova Anargul Aliakparovna - Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor, DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF TURAN, ALMATY, REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN

Abstract: the article analyzes the features of employees working in law enforcement areas. The State, through special bodies, manages society, resolves socially significant issues and ensures public order. The various organs of the State are divided according to their functional activities, they are closely interrelated and subordinate to each other in the exercise of their direct powers. Among these bodies, there are also internal affairs bodies responsible for the legal and disciplinary stability in society, ensuring the legal protection of citizens. Work in the Department of Internal Affairs is accompanied by extreme loads: maintaining mental health, proper use of everyday service weapons, training of drill and physical strength, monitoring of constant order and discipline associated with the use of special equipment, etc. The results of the performance include: the integrity and professional skills of the personnel, the physical and mental health of the employees. In addition, maintaining a high level of professionalism of employees is associated with stressful situations in the service and increasing requirements for the level of comprehensive self-training. To achieve success in solving official tasks, employees of internal affairs bodies need to be able to analyze a number of external data, to be emotionally stable. Achieving such stability, in turn, provides a set of methods related to the regular assessment of the psychological and emotional state of employees in the industry, psychological and educational work, monitoring of moral health and raising the morale ofpersonnel. Keywords: law enforcement agencies, psychoemotional state, emotional stability, mental well-being, psychological literacy, professional activity.

Currently, there is a rapid pace of change, activity at the level of development of society, a large dissemination of news and information. Acceptance of such changes at a decent level and adaptation to them is directly related to the presence in the psyche of people of the necessary level of stability. This means that the importance of the time of communication contacts has increased and it is necessary to develop emotional literacy in working with people.

In society, law enforcement officers can be considered as representatives of the public administration system that provides communication between the state and the population. The psychological features of the activities of specialists of IAB are sufficiently studied in legal psychology. At the same time, the development of this problem allows us to distinguish from the point of view of the psychological analysis of the structure of the professional activity of representatives of the IAB an area that has characteristic psychological features, as well as its corresponding specifics.

As already noted, the psychological state of the subjects performing actions in the law enforcement sphere is significantly different from that comparable with other industry specialists. According to Vasiliev V.L., Kudryashova G.N. [5, p 29], Konovalova V.E., Rodygina U.K [6, p. 78-79], Stolyarenko A.M [2, p 142], and other russian scientists who have successfully conducted research in this direction, the work of employees of internal affairs bodies is characterized by the following psychological features:

First, one of the features of the professional activity of employees of the IAB is the legal regulation. Their activities are strictly regulated by legal norms (legislative acts, codes, normative documents of the MIA and etc.). Legal regulation subordinates the activities of industry specialists to the order established by the law. Misconduct by an employee is always considered a violation of the law. All this increases the responsibility of the employee for each decision and action taken by him.

However, this does not mean that the employee has less freedom in choosing the means of carrying out activities, in his most rational and effective organization. Among the psychological features and advantages of the professional activity of employees of the internal affairs bodies, one can also include the presence of a voluminous tactical space provided within the framework of the norms of the law and professional morality.

Secondly, the next feature of this activity is the presence of a power force. If necessary, in the interests of the case under consideration, employees are given the right to encroach on the personal life of people, to reveal the circumstances that they are trying to hide from others, to enter the home of citizens, if necessary, to restrict and even deprive individual citizens of their freedom. The ability to use the power provided reasonably and legally is one of the most important professional requirements for the employees of the IAB. The legality and expediency of the use of power largely depends on the personal qualities of the employee.

Thirdly, an important psychological feature of the professional activity of employees is the constant contradictions and resistance of interested parties. These crimes are characterized by the struggle with the detection, investigation and prevention of crimes, which sometimes take more acute forms. The need to overcome dangerous situations, the elimination of specially created obstacles in the way of the employee, gives rise to various emotional reactions and, accordingly, requires constant effort and mental activity.

Fourth - broad communication skills, the scale of which is the ability to communicate with the public environment. The universality of the employee's communication skills is characterized by the fact that he interacts with citizens of different age categories, representatives of different professions with different legal status. That is, it means that employees should know the psychology of the person as a whole, especially the psychological foundations of communication. Communication skills of an employee is a property necessary for the proper organization of investigative, operational-search and preventive measures.

The next feature of the activity is the time density and the presence of overloads in the

work. Promptness and speed are one of the basic principles of detecting and investigating crimes. The time density is measured by the time spent on the investigation of a criminal case, the consideration of a large number of citizens ' appeals. 'Emergency, urgent situations' that arise in other areas are the circumstances of the daily work of the IAB employees.

The next feature of this field is explained by the pronounced cognitive nature of the employee's professional activity. This means requiring not only different types of difficulties to be solved in different ways, but also their practical implementation. At the same time, mental activity aimed at building actions in various variants, at developing operational and service activities and work plans, and its practical correlation.

In the course of preparing for the service of citizens working in law enforcement agencies, it is necessary to conduct special psychological and educational work in advance. Accordingly, with the optimal solution of service tasks, the IAB employees timely analyze the incoming information and ensure the formation of emotional resistance to it.

Emotions-a mental process of impulsive regulation of behavior, based on the description of the significance of external influences through feelings. Emotion is the general reaction of the body to vital influences. The peculiarity of emotions is their integration, that is, it can be caused by the corresponding emotional influences and cover the entire body, integrating all its functions into the corresponding generalized stereotypical act of behavior. Emotions prevail when conscious regulation of behavior is impossible. But this does not mean that the more conscious the activity, the more important the emotions. Even mental actions are organized on an emotional basis. Emotional activity in real activity occurs in the process of solving tactically important tasks, in connection with determining the correct answer to the situation that has arisen. At such moments, activity is often characterized by a very quick reaction to decision-making. At the moment of emotional assessment of the problem, the process of perception proceeds in an incomplete form.

Feelings and emotions of a person affect the process of perception and processing of information. As an example, when people are very concerned about some events, some are left indifferent, for others they may not feel any feelings at all. A person feels and remembers joy and sadness, pleasure and discontent. Depending on the individual characteristics of the individual and the perception of people, feelings can be deep.

The level of emotional state of the employees of the IAB, who are assigned the task of solving the constant fuss and complex problems, will be even higher. The professional activity of an investigator and the whole life of a modern person is often subject to events and situations that cause various emotional responses. These feelings, accordingly, have a certain influence on all human actions, including his feelings, perception, thoughts, and imagination. Various situations have an impact on employees, increasing or, conversely, reducing their performance, up to causing diseases. Such situations lead to emotional stress. As a rule, emotional stress is caused by negative emotions. In recent years, there has been a trend of increasing extremity, the importance of the activities of the IAB,

related to the detention of criminals, the release of hostages, the use of weapons, the regulation of order at mass events, ensuring law and order in natural disasters and emergency situations.

As already noted, the professional activity of the employees of thelABis saturated with factors that have various stressful and psychotraumatic effects. Consequently, long-term exposure to stressful factors, the presence of a persistent risk to life, a high probability of death or injury, and injuries place high demands not only on the level of professional training, but also on the psychological qualities of a person that determine psychological readiness in extreme situations. Two groups of such factors can be distinguished [1, p. 898]. The first ones include moral and psychological factors:

1) understand their task in suppressing and restoring public order;

2) loss of life, loss of loved ones, suffering of people, their needs, material damage, calls for help, etc.;

3) special (non-normative) behavior of citizens in the city, on the road, on the territory, general public disorganization;

4) understanding of personal involvement in the events taking place in society and their special significance;

5) employees ' awareness of responsibility for decisions, actions taken in the course of work and the achievement of the necessary professional result in emergency situations;

6) fight against threats to the health and life of citizens in the zone of extreme events, as well as their colleagues and personally.

The second group includes professional and psychological stress factors that differ from those that are performed in normal working conditions: the requirement of novelty and speed in solving problems, sudden tasks, high and long loads, the occurrence of a lack of time, constant risks, characterized by a general impact on the psyche.

In order to resist the impact of the above psychological factors, the employees of the IABneed moral and psychological stability or sustainability.In the psychological literature, there are several interpretations of the concept of 'stability'. This word in many countries is synonymous with the word 'sane, patient, hardy, strong'.

Among them the emotional stability of the employees of the IABshould be particularly noted. This is a kind of basis for professional training to perform operational and service activities in emergency situations. According to scientists (Stolyarenko A.M. [2, p. 142], Andreev N.V. [3, p. 162], Sakhno A.I.[4, p. 136]), the problem of moral and psychological well-being of employees directly depends on the organizational work and leadership between organizations. The indicators of the structure of moral and mental stability include: motivational-value, cognitive-operational, professional-personal and reflexive assessment.

Motivational-value indicator-is evaluated by the employee's achievement of success in professional activities based on law and morality, improving their abilities. That is, a positive attitude to service in the IABan understanding of the importance of tasks in this area, a desire to perform their official duties flawlessly and the ability to maintain their behavior in accordance with social requirements and norms.

Cognitive-operational indicator-moral and psychological knowledge, moral and psychological skills, and the possibility of their practical application. These include professional actions based on the law, the employee's consideration of professional and ethical standards, familiarization with the rules of use of firearms, the rules of physical force and special training.

Professional-personal indicator-consists of moral and psychological qualities necessary for the effectiveness of professional activity. This means that official duty and white honest service include compassion, justice, a distinctive principle, conscience, and responsibility that comes from morality.

Reflexive assessment indicator -the ability of an employee of the IABto analyze their consciousness and every action. It consists in understanding yourself and others, in evaluating yourself and others, in the ability to explain others ' and your own actions.

So, service in the internal affairs bodies is a type of activity that requires a large load and requirements, responsibility and corresponding high moral training. Moral-psychological, emotional stability-personal qualities of an employee of the IABand an integral part of professional activity, an obligatory part of consciousness. The non-compliance of this activity with such general requirements leads to various mistakes, professional burnout and personal disorders, a decrease in the efficiency of solving official tasks and violating the law, and in general to the undermining of the reputation of the industry.

Therefore, the attention of educational institutions that train employees of the IAB should be directed to the formation of their emotional resistance to the negative factors of operational and

official activities: tension, responsibility, risk, threat, lack of time, uncertainty, surprise, etc. For example, they should be prepared for the following factors:

- circumstances that have a strong impact on the psyche: blood, a corpse, bodily injuries, etc.;

- to be able to conduct a psychological struggle with persons who oppose the prevention, detection and investigation of crimes, to resist psychological pressure, manipulation by law-abiding citizens and offenders; not to succumb to provocations, etc.;

- be able to analyze the internal causes of the conflict, understand the patterns of their occurrence, ways and means of resolving conflict situations: personal insult and violence, hooliganism, robbery, murder, resistance to a representative of the authorities, verbal and physical aggression, etc.;

- the possibility of self-control in situations of psychological tension, conflict, provocation. An employee's inability to regulate their emotional state and actions leads to negative and often serious consequences for both themselves and others. The inability to manage their behavior reduces the ability of a person to socio-psychological adaptation to these environmental conditions, is a serious obstacle to the realization of their life potential.

Summing up, it should be noted that the service of the IAB is a responsible service in which danger and nervous overstrain accompany. In this area, which requires increased responsibility for the service, vigilance and tolerance, the employee of the IAB must be able to manage emotions and feelings in order to maintain their efficiency. An employee of the IAB should be able not only to manage their mood, but also to directly contact people, the population, if necessary, to create a certain mood at the object of influence. In order to do this, it is necessary to know exactly the reasons and conditions that arise. The psychological and emotional well-being of law enforcement officers can be achieved by constantly conducting psychological and pedagogical work with them.


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