FEATURES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF CREATIVE THINKING IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Science and innovation
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Ключевые слова
creative thinking / process of creation / solution preparation / product analysis / preschool age / child / communication / socio-psychological development / characteristics / speech

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — M. Oripova

This article discusses the socio-psychological features of the creative thinking process in the formation of the personality of preschool children.

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Oripova Munisa Shamsiddinovna

Director of State Preschool Education Organization No. 8 in Termiz Teacher of the Department of "Preschool, Primary and Special Training Methodologies" of the National Center for Teaching Educators to New Methodologies of Surkhandarya Region

https://doi. org/10.5281/zenodo. 10682377

Abstract. This article discusses the socio-psychological features of the creative thinking process in the formation of the personality of preschool children.

Keywords: creative thinking, process of creation, solution preparation, product analysis, preschool age, child, communication, socio-psychological development, characteristics, speech.

In the ever-changing modern world, demands on various personality traits are increasing. Increasingly, society requires a person to have a creative and creative approach to solving a given problem. Preschool age is the age when all cognitive processes begin to actively develop. During this period, the child often shows the ability to see something new and unusual in what seems ordinary to an adult. Preschool age is a sensitive age, so you can begin to purposefully develop creative thinking at this age. This emphasizes the relevance of the problem of developing creative thinking in preschool children.

Psychologists view creative thinking not only as the key to understanding a person and his potential, abilities in the field of art and areas directly related to creativity, but also as potential in other areas of life. Indeed, in the modern world, competition is growing; already in preschool educational institutions, children participate in various competitions. In various areas of our life, a creative and extraordinary approach to solving a problem is valued.

Creative thinking is considered in psychology as one of the types of thinking, the distinctive characteristic of which is the creation of a new product and emerging new formations during the very mental and cognitive activity of creating this product.

This phenomenon has been studied for many years, a large number of theories have emerged about how and what creative thinking is responsible for and how the concept of creative thinking is related to the concept of creativity. Also, in the studies of various psychologists, the question was raised whether creative thinking is an innate or acquired ability.

Foreign researchers equate creative thinking with the concept of creativity. J. Guilford adhered to a concept in which creativity was presented as a universal cognitive ability.

E.P. Torrance viewed creative thinking as a natural process, generated by a person's strong need to relieve tension that has arisen due to uncertainty or incompleteness. The scientist assumed that it was possible to identify the ability to create, as well as determine the conditions that accompany and stimulate this process; in addition to the ability and conditions, it was possible to evaluate the result of this process - the product of activity.

Our theoretical analysis of the work of other researchers showed that creative thinking is a key factor in the process of creating a creative, new work of art and any creative activity. The result of such creative activity is a product of activity that is distinguished by creativity and novelty. The process of creative thinking, like no other process, most fully combines two aspects

of creativity: the process of imaginative cognition of the world and the process of creating something new as a result of artistic cognition of reality.

The process of creativity is spasmodic, but the psychological structure of the process of creative activity, as many studies show, is invariant and typical. Like any activity, the creative process has certain stages in its structure. The process of creative activity in research is represented as follows:

- occurrence of a problem;

- implementation of the plan;

- preparation for the decision;

- forming a plan;

- verification and revision.

These stages are similar and can characterize any activity, not just creative. But the main criterion that distinguishes creativity from other types of activity is the novelty and uniqueness of the result of creative activity. Productive thinking is a process of awareness, processing, analysis and ultimately the creation of something new.

Accordingly, the opposite qualities of intelligence become barriers in the process of developing productive thinking and, consequently, in the process of creative activity. Thus, we can conclude that the development of creative thinking directly depends on the level of development and maturity of certain intellectual abilities.

From the above, we can conclude that the methodological tasks offered to children and the conditions for the development of creative thinking should be created with an emphasis on the formation of specific personality qualities.

A. I. Savenkov, who is working on a study of the special, purposeful development of creativity, identifies the following conditions for the formation of creative thinking in students:

- parity of tasks of divergent and convergent types, that is, tasks that involve multiple solutions should not only be present as uniform, but also in some subject classes dominate over convergent tasks that involve a linear, uniform solution to a problem;

- developing the ability to be critical and loyal in evaluating one's own and others' ideas;

- developing a desire for the deepest possible understanding of research problems;

- in the material used, developmental opportunity prevails over information richness;

- using a combination of the development of productive thinking with the skills of practical use of the results of thinking;

- formation of the ability to be independent in activities;

- individualization - creating conditions for the full manifestation and disclosure of specific personal functions of subjects of the educational process;

- dominance of one's own research practice over reproductive assimilation of knowledge;

- for the development of creative thinking, it is necessary to exclude moments that require conformist, i.e. ordinary, passive decisions;

- use of the problem-solving principle - focusing on posing a problem that motivates the child to solve it.

We can also highlight the general socio-psychological conditions for the development of creative thinking in preschool children:

• Giving preschool children freedom in their choice: in various every day, educational, play or control situations, give preschool children the right to choose means and methods of solving a

problem, objects, actions and a partner for the successful completion of an activity, as well as choose their own materials and content of the activity. In this case, the child can ask for help from an adult, in the meantime, the adult should lead the child with leading questions to his independent, informed choice.

• Enriching the life experience of preschoolers. Since creativity is characterized by some researchers as combining and transforming existing experience into a completely new and unique product, an adult needs to provide the child with this diverse experience. It is suggested to read as much fiction as possible, discuss surrounding objects, paying attention to their distinctive features. In addition, you need to go to theaters and museums so that the child has the experience of not only modernity, but also a comparison with the classics. With this type of activity, you can set problematic tasks for the child in order to activate not only analytical activity, but also his creative thinking.

• Involving children in activities. The basis of knowledge of the world around us is practice. Therefore, the adult's task is to provide the child with the opportunity to put his ideas for solving the problem into practice. Practice seems to be a measure of knowledge and it is precisely this that can become a creative activity. An adult needs to surround the child with an atmosphere and system of relationships that will motivate the child and encourage him to engage in a variety of creative activities. Such an atmosphere will gradually and naturally form creative thinking in the child.

• Encouraging curiosity, the child's cognitive initiative, children's questions, reasoning, independent conclusions, supporting children's spontaneity. At the same time, it is important to respect children's thoughts and ideas. Children should also have the right to make mistakes. Creative thinking is inseparable from creative imagination. It is imagination that helps the child create new images that are completely different from those previously stored in his memory. The process of creative imagination is close to figurative thinking, but unlike figurative thinking, the result of creative imagination can be unpredictable.

The following methods for developing productive thinking can be applied in developmental work:

- "brainstorming" technique, which is based on the principle of separating two phases of the creative act in time;

- methods of integrated tasks that will involve both visual and auditory sensations;

- the method of "focal objects", which allows you to see the object of work from a completely different side and create an innovative work, interesting and original, and ways to activate both hemispheres at once.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn:

- creative thinking will develop in the learning process if certain conditions are met: parity of divergent and convergent thinking, assignments focused on the development of certain intellectual qualities, exploratory, problem-based nature of the activity, mandatory reflection;

- creative thinking is determined by the intellectual-imaginative principle;

- creative thinking is conditioned by adherence to consistency, integrity of the form of presentation and content;

- subject to certain parameters and conditions, a methodology can be created aimed at the development and formation of creative thinking.

Researchers and psychologists emphasize the importance of developing creative thinking

in children precisely in preschool age, since preschool age is a sensitive period. It is at this age that

the most important brain processes are formed.


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