FEATURES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF A CHILD WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
vision / learning / children / impairment / preschool education. / vision / learning / children / impairment / preschool education.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Azamatova Sh.I.

This article examines the features of education and upbringing of children with visual impairments in a preschool educational organization.

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This article examines the features of education and upbringing of children with visual impairments in a preschool educational organization.


Azamatova Sh.I. student

Samarkand Institute of Foreign Languages



Abstract. This article examines the features of education and upbringing of children with visual impairments in a preschool educational organization.

Key words: vision, learning, children, impairment, preschool education.

The diagnosis and research of visually impaired children are comprehensive studies by various experts: opticians, psychologists, teachers, etc. Visually impaired children are divided into visually impaired and sighted children. Autism is a type of mental illness caused by limited or no vision, and affects a person's entire structure and development. Visually impaired children have unique functional, visual, and cognitive developmental characteristics. Blindness A subset of visually impaired children who have mild visual impairment and residual vision, as well as children with progressive disease and narrow vision. Field of vision (up to 10-15 degrees) and visual acuity of 0.08.

According to the type of visual impairment, children are classified into children with complete loss of visual acuity due to complete (total) blindness in both eyes and children who are completely blind with photophobia or residual vision that allows them to see light and color., object silhouette (sharpness 0.010.04).

Visibility: A child has a visual impairment between 0.05 and 0.2 in the better eye that can be corrected with normal glasses. Children with strabismus and amblyopia (visual acuity less than 0.3). In addition to decreased vision, children with low vision may also have problems with other visual functions (color and light perception, peripheral and binocular vision). Visual impairment can be congenital or acquired. Birth defects are caused by diseases of the womb. It is the result of fetal development or the genetics of certain visual defects. Acquired diseases are the result of diseases of the visual organ, including diseases of the retina, cornea and central nervous system, problems after general diseases of the body, brain injuries and others.The cognitive development of blind people is similar to that of normal children, but the lack of visual perception affects the motor area, the content of social experience, the emotional area, internal, personal and sensory experiences.People with disabilities have the opportunity to use their vision to learn about shapes, objects, space and movement. Sight is still the best observer, but visual observation saves only a part and is not complete. There are three conditions to recognize because as your perception of surrounding reality increases, it becomes slower and more distorted. Children's developmental delays

are significant compared to visual development. Your awareness of the world around you has diminished. This can be seen in physical and mental development.

The development time of a child with a disability is not the same as that of a child without a disability. Until a blind child learns ways to overcome his visual impairment, the ideas he receives from the outside world will not be coherent and the pace of the child's development will slow down. How parents and teachers can help visually impaired children develop into healthy children. However, this does not mean that specific developmental disabilities and mental conditions do not deserve consideration.

Development is known to be delayed due to lack of awareness of the world around us, lack of motor skills, and limited means of exploring where we are. Exploring the world requires more time and effort. Special children often have to find their own way of knowing.

What else do we need to know about the psychological characteristics of children with disabilities? Visually impaired children are characterized by being childish, low self-esteem, hyperactivity, rejection, aggression, overconfidence and dependence on others. Children like this are often separated and misunderstood. They are afraid of everything new.

Knowing the problems mentioned above, it is important to create all the conditions for the good and successful development of children with visual impairments in preschools (kindergartens) and schools, even outside the centers. This helps prevent mental and emotional development problems.

We can hope to include children with disabilities in information and education only if education and training are carefully managed and the most effective methods are chosen that take into account the mental state of these students.

It depends a lot on the type of family education. In the absence of neglect or overprotection, the child becomes a highly skilled problem-solving and task-oriented individual.

Through a correct management of education and training, a wide participation in various activities, the construction of personal characteristics, motivationfor work, attitudes, will be achieved the child will be very independent in huma form. visual analysis.

Characteristics of attention. Due to lack of vision, attention (lack of knowledge and ideas) becomes weak. Decreased attention is caused by a violation of the emotional world and desire, which leads to inhibition.

There is lack of attention, randomness, that is, lack of direction, change from one type of activity to another, in another, inhibition, inertia, little attention in children. Attention shifts to secondary matters. Anxiety disorders in children are explained by increased activity due to prolonged exposure to auditory stimuli.

ThereforeChildren with visual impairments tend to get tired faster when they look at their peers. The attention of the blind and visually impaired has the

same rules as the sighted, and reaches the same level of development. Teaching and Development

The critical thinking that is done is not the same program as it is done in regular schools.

Remember. Taking into account the special characteristics of memory in the blind, it turns out that errors in the visual auditor, which violate the ratio of critical and inhibitory functions, negatively affect the speed of recall. The rapid forgetting of what has been learned is not due to little or no repetition, but to the lack of importance of the material and concepts that children with disabilities only know orally small amount.

Purposeful education Based on the existing features, it becomes extremely important to properly build education, which should take into account all significant nuances. Parents need to realize that blindness causes an extremely poor understanding of the child about objects and objects located both in the place of residence and beyond. The lack of visual experience often leads to the fact that without seeing either himself or others from the outside, such a baby often begins to make monotonous stereotypical movements that can become a habit. Blindness and visual impairment are also the causes of very difficult orientation in space, causing an uncertain, mincing gait, incorrect foot position, posture disorders, etc. In order to eliminate all these negative consequences of dysfunctions in the work of the visual organs, it is necessary to adhere to the correct strategy of special education, which can quite successfully correct all such deviations. It should include, first of all, active verbal interaction with the child with the constant use of tactile sensations. It is vital for a blind child to read aloud a lot, and from the moment of the appearance of a verbal response and talk about how the surrounding objects look (closet, sofa, crib, toys, trees, flower beds, sidewalks, etc.). If possible, everything that is advisable should be given to him to touch, having studied the surface and shape with his hands one thing or another. It is also worth mastering with a child various counting books and nursery rhymes, providing for active movements of the fingers. This will contribute to the development of fine motor skills, which is directly related to the improvement of intellectual activity. Gradually, you should master the basics of correct orientation in space, paying attention to the fact that the baby at the same time observes correct posture and moves confidently. All this, according to typhlopedagogues, is able to make the development of a blind child more intense and harmonious, competently redistributing accents in the rehabilitation process, helping him overcome difficulties in accessible ways. Timely adaptation of the cognitive component of education to the peculiarities of the baby allows him to form the foundations of full-fledged intellectual and mental activity, so that he can subsequently become a healthy, versatile and interesting person. Purposeful education Based on the existing features, it becomes extremely important to properly build education, which should take into account all significant nuances. Parents need to realize that blindness causes an extremely poor understanding of

the child about objects and objects located both in the place of residence and beyond. The lack of visual experience often leads to the fact that without seeing either himself or others from the outside, such a baby often begins to make monotonous stereotypical movements that can become a habit. Blindness and visual impairment are also the causes of very difficult orientation in space, causing an uncertain, mincing gait, incorrect foot position, posture disorders, etc. In order to eliminate all these negative consequences of dysfunctions in the work of the visual organs, it is necessary to adhere to the correct strategy of special education, which can quite successfully correct all such deviations. It should include, first of all, active verbal interaction with the child with the constant use of tactile sensations. It is vital for a blind child to read aloud a lot, and from the moment of the appearance of a verbal response, and talk about how the surrounding objects look (closet, sofa, crib, toys, trees, flower beds, sidewalks, etc.). If possible, everything that is advisable should be given to him to touch, having studied the surface and shape of a particular thing with a movement of his hands. It is also worth mastering with a child various counting books and nursery rhymes, providing for active movements of the fingers.

This will contribute to the development of fine motor skills, which is directly related to the improvement of intellectual activity. Gradually, you should master the basics of correct orientation in space, paying attention to the fact that the baby at the same time observes correct posture and moves confidently. All this, according to typhlopedagogues, is able to make the development of a blind child more intense and harmonious, competently redistributing accents in the rehabilitation process, helping him overcome difficulties in accessible ways. Timely adaptation of the cognitive component of education to the peculiarities of the baby allows him to form the foundations of full-fledged intellectual and mental activity, so that he can subsequently become a healthy, versatile and interesting person.


1. Methodological recommendations for working with children with disabilities in a preschool educational organization

2. Особенности развития и воспитания детей дошкольного возраста с недостатками слуха и интеллекта: Сб. /Под ред. Л.П. Носковой. - М.: Педагогика, 1984. - 143 с.

3. https://soros.kg/wp-

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