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Ключевые слова
triticale / yield / disease resistance / winter hardiness

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Levchenko O.

The article presents research of determine the yield of winter triticale and the factors influencing its dimension. It was found that the yield depended almost equally on the year of cultivation and the variety. The resistance of triticale samples to diseases and winter hardiness were also determined. According to the results of the evaluation of the triticale collection, samples were taken as sources of high yield and disease resistance.

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приемний смак i аромат, ввдсутш ознаки бродшня та механiчнi домшки.


1. Разанова О.П., Скоромна О.1. Технологiя виробництва продукцп бдж1льництва. Вшниця, 2020. 408 с.

2. Бшаш Н.Г. Зимiвля бджш на волi. Пасiка. 2003. № 4. С. 11-12.

3. Бондарчук Л.1., £мець К.1., Дудка Л.Л. Спецiалiзацiя i концентрацiя виробництваю. Паака. 2008. № 12. С. 22-27.

4. Букреев А.С., Деготюк В.В. Ринок продукцп бдж1льництва. Укранський паачник. 2002. № 5. С. 26-30.

5. ДСТУ 4497:2005. Мед натуральний. Техшчш умови.



Levchenko O.

PhD (education), National Scientific Center "Institute of Agriculture NAAS", Ukraine


The article presents research of determine the yield of winter triticale and the factors influencing its dimension. It was found that the yield depended almost equally on the year of cultivation and the variety. The resistance of triticale samples to diseases and winter hardiness were also determined. According to the results of the evaluation of the triticale collection, samples were taken as sources of high yield and disease resistance.

Keywords: triticale, yield, disease resistance, winter hardiness.

Introduction. Triticale is a promising, high-yielding crop of various uses. It is undemanding to growing conditions and is able to form high yields growning on light, poor and wet, as well as acidic soils, which are unsuitable for many other crops [13].

According to the requirements of production, varieties of triticale are created for special uses, which must meet the various specified parameters of the traits. Thus, for use in food purposes, varieties with high grain quality and high baking characteristics, close to the best wheat varieties, are needed. When creating varieties of triticale brewing - with low protein content, and for the production of bioethanol is relevant to breed varieties with high content of starch and high level of it extractivity [5 -7]. However, the main task has always been and remain to create varieties with high genetic productivity potential.

Increasing yields is a major factor in increasing grain production, which occurs both through im-

and introduction into production of new, more productive varieties. [8, 9]. World practice and data from research institutions show that the contribution of breeding in increasing the yield of major crops over the past decade is 25-60% [10, 11].

Methods. The study used generally accepted methods of field estimation and crop accounting. The object of study were collection of winter triticale, which is represented by varieties and numbers of own breeding, as well as breeding of other scientific institutions.

Results. It was established that the yield of winter triticale in the collection samples ranged from 3.69 to 5.17 t / ha on average over three years of research. On this basis, all samples were divided into three groups: high-yielding with indicators of more than 5.00 t / ha, medium-yielding - 4.10-4.99 t / ha and low-yielding -less than 4.10 t / ha (Fig. 1).

proved growing conditions and through the creation

Fig. 2

Distribution of winter triticale collection samples into groups according to the level of grain yield, 2017-2019

As a result of distribution, the first high-yielding group included 5 samples, which was 12.0% of their total number. On average over three years, these samples exceeded the standard variety Molfar by 0.76-0.92 t / ha. The most numerous was the group with an average yield, which consisted of 32 samples (74.0%). Five samples from this group were on average 0.09 t / ha lower than the standard, and all others exceeded it by 0.05-0.72 t / ha. The third, low-yielding group, had 6 samples, or 14.0% of the total number of the collection, the yield of which was on average for three years by 0.19-0.56 t / ha lower compared to the standard variety.

Table 1 presents data on the yield of collection samples for 2017-2019 from the first and third groups, as well as the 10 best samples from the second, average yield, group. The highest grain yield was obtained in 2017, when its average value in the collection was 4.97

t / ha with fluctuations from 4.02 (breeding number 215) to 5.72 t / ha (breeding number 181). The samples included in the first group significantly exceeded the standard variety Molfar. The average yield samples this year mostly exceeded the standard grade. In the low-yield group, all numbers were inferior to the standard grade.

In 2018, grain yield was relatively lower: on average in the collection it was 4.38 t / ha, with a maximum value of 5.23 t / ha in number 101. All high-yielding samples exceeded the standard variety Molfar by 0.610, 82 t / ha. In the group with average yield, the number of samples inferior to this indicator of the standard increased. Collection samples from the low-yield group showed a yield lower than the standard by 0.01-0.59 t / ha.

Grain yield in collection samples of winter triticale, t / ha

Table 1

Sample Year of research Average for 3 years ± St

2017 2018 2019

Molfar - St 4.78 4.21 3.77 4.25 -

Group of high-yielding samples (more than 5.00 t / ha)

181 5.72 4.82 4.98 5.17 +0.92

101 5.33 5.23 4.81 5.12 +0.87

185 5.52 5.16 4.66 5.11 +0.86

219 5.61 5.11 4.54 5.09 +0.84

Arystokrat 5.39 5.03 4.60 5.01 +0.76

Group of middle-yield samples (4.10-4.99 t / ha)

87 5.23 5.15 4.54 4.97 +0.72

Maetok Poliskyi 5.04 5.08 4.44 4.85 +0.60

123 4.99 4.64 4.72 4.78 +0.53

Soloduk 5.53 4.51 4.21 4.75 +0.50

141 5.44 4.52 4.27 4.74 +0.49

217 5.39 4.48 4.30 4.72 +0.47

Petrol 5.10 4.62 4.44 4.72 +0.47

Lubomyr 5.38 4.47 4.22 4.69 +0.44

213 5.08 4.52 4.31 4.64 +0.39

53 5.23 4.53 4.15 4.64 +0.39

Group of low-yield samples (less than 4.10 t / ha)

Dokuchaevske 4.03 4.20 3.95 4.06 -0.19

199 4.70 3.92 3.53 4.05 -0.20

Алмаз 4.23 3.76 3.90 3.96 -0.29

Poliskii 7 4.27 3.81 3.40 3.83 -0.42

161 4.39 3.69 3.22 3.77 -0.48

215 4.02 3.62 3.42 3.69 -0.56

Average in the collection 4.97 4.38 4.09 4.48 -

Lim in the collection 4.02-5.72 3.62-5.23 3.22-4.98 3.69-5.17

S 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

V. % 8.0 9.5 9.7 8.3

LSD05 0.32

The most unfavorable for the formation of high plant productivity and, consequently, yield was 2019, due to hot and dry weather during flowering and grain filling of winter triticale. Therefore, the lowest yield for all years of research was obtained, which averaged 4.09 t / ha in the collection, and 4.98 t / ha in the best number 181. All high-yielding and most samples from the middle-yielding group exceeded the standard grade by this indicator. Varieties Dokuchaevske and Almaz, which belong to the group with low yield, exceeded the standard by 0.18 and 0.13 t / ha, respectively.

Graphic representation of the minimum, maximum and average grain yields in the collection of winter triticale over the years of research allows us to clearly see how its level changed depending on the year of cultivation (Fig. 2). Thus, in 2018, the average yield of the collection, compared to 2017, decreased by 0.59 t / ha, and in 2019, compared to the previous year - by 0.29 t / ha. Similarly, over the years of research, the indicators of minimum and maximum grain yields have changed.


Fig. 2 Grain yield in winter triticale samples by years of research (minimum, average and maximum value in the


It was found that the demonstration of the trait year of cultivation, the share of the factor "collection "grain yield" in collection samples of triticale almost sample" was 49.0%, and the factor "year" - 48.8% (ta-equally depended on the genotype and conditions of the ble 2).

Table 2

Influence of factors on grain yield formation in winter triticale collection samples, 2017-2019_

Factor The share of influence, %

Year of the study 48.8

Collection sample 49.0

Other factors 2.2

According to the results of the evaluation of the winter triticale collection in terms of grain yield, the breeding numbers 181, 101, 185, 219 and the Aristokrat variety with indicators on average for three years of 5.01-5.17 t / ha were singled out as the best. These samples are sources of high productivity and a valuable source material for use in breeding practice.

One of the important features of the variety is the length of the growing season, because it largely determines its suitability for cultivation in certain climatic conditions. Table 3 shows the results of the evaluation of 23 collection samples of winter triticale, characterized by high grain yield, and the standard variety on

such characteristics as the length of the growing season, winter hardiness and disease resistance. According to the length of the growing season, which ranged from emergence to full maturity from 271 to 277 days, these samples differed little. In most samples, this trait was 276 days. If we compare the duration of vegetation by years of research, for the period 2016-2017 and 20172018 it was on average almost the same in the collection, and in 2018-2019 it increased by 9-10 days. Over the last year, a somewhat slower development of plants was observed, in particular, the flowering and earing phases were observed later, which occurred due to the cold weather in certain periods of the spring months.

Table 3

Duration of the growing season, winter hardiness and disease resistance in collection samples of winter triticale,


Sample Duration of the growing season. days Winter hardiness, points Winter hardiness, points

septoria of leaves powdery mildew

Molfar — St 275 9.0 9.0 9.0

101 277 8.0 9.0 9.0

181 276 9.0 8.7 9.0

185 276 9.0 9.0 8.7

219 276 9.0 8.7 9.0

Arystokrat 276 8.3 9.0 9.0

Maetok Poliskyi 276 9.0 9.0 9.0

123 276 9.0 9.0 8.7

Soloduk 276 9.0 9.0 9.0

Petrol 276 9.0 9.0 9.0

217 276 9.0 9.0 9.0

Lubomyr 276 9.0 9.0 9.0

Volemyr 276 9.0 9.0 9.0

147 276 9.0 8.7 8.7

209 276 9.0 9.0 9.0

Kotyhoroshko 276 9.0 9.0 9.0

191 276 9.0 8.7 8.7

53 275 7.7 9.0 9.0

205 275 8.7 8.7 9.0

229 275 9.0 9.0 9.0

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87 274 9.0 8.7 9.0

135 274 8.7 9.0 8.7

141 274 9.0 9.0 9.0

213 273 9.0 8.7 9.0

Average in the collection 275 8.8 8.9 8.9

Lim in the collection 271-277 7.7-9.0 8.7-9.0 8.7-9.0

S 1.1 0.3 0.1 0.1

V. % 0.4 3.3 1.5 1.3

According to the results of the evaluation of the winter triticale collection in terms of grain yield, the breeding numbers 181, 101, 185, 219 and the Aristokrat variety with indicators on average for three years of 5.01-5.17 t / ha were singled out as the best. These samples are sources of high productivity and a valuable source material for use in breeding practice.

Winter hardiness of winter triticale collection samples was determined by comparing the data of autumn and spring analysis of crop condition. Over the years of research in most collection samples, the condition of crops during the winter did not worsed, so they showed high winter hardiness and received a higher score of 9.0 points. In ten samples, winter hardiness was estimated at 8.7 points and in four - from 7.7 to 8.0 points.

Winter triticale is relatively more resistant to disease than wheat. The main diseases that can be affected are brown leaf rust, powdery mildew, leaf septoria, ear fusarium wilt, root rot, snow mold and smut. According to the results of assessments of the winter triticale collection in the field for lesions of various diseases, minor symptoms of powdery mildew and leaf septoria and isolated cases of smut were observed in crops. Defeat

of collection samples by other diseases was not observed during the years of research.

The development and spread of septoria leaves were found only in some years on the leaves of triticale plants minor symptoms of the disease. Thus, in 2017 the disease was observed in samples 191, 153 and 87, in 2018 - in 219, 147, 205, 161 and 207, in 2019 - in 181, 213, 157 and Yasha, which received a score of 8.0 points. On average over 3 years, all samples showed high resistance to septoria with an average collection score of 8.9 points.

All collection samples of triticale showed high resistance to powdery mildew, and on average for three years in the collection the score was 8.9 points. Minor symptoms of the disease were identified in 2017 in samples 185, 223 and 147, in 2018 - in 191 and 199 and in 2019 - in samples 123, 135 and 165, the stability of which was estimated at 8.0 points.


1. It was found that the demonstration of the trait "grain yield" in the collection samples of triticale equally depended on the genotype and conditions of the year of cultivation, the share of the factor "collection sample" was 49.0%, and the factor "year" - 48.8%

2. As a result of evaluation of the winter triticale collection in terms of grain yield, samples 181, 101, 185, 219 and Aristokrat with parameters 5.01-5.17 t / ha, which are sources of high productivity and a valuable source material for use in breeding practice, were selected as the best.

3. High resistance of collection samples to defeat by the main diseases of grain crops is revealed. For resistance to powdery mildew and septoria leaves, most samples received a score of 9 points.


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5. Pylnev V.V., Rubets V.S., Igonin V.N. (2014). History and achievements of winter triticale selection in RGAU-MAA named after KA Timiryazeva. Agrobiol-ogy.№ 1 (109). C. 16-23.

6. Randhawa H. S., Bona L., Graf R. J. (2019). Triticale breeding - progress and prospect. Advances in Plant Breeding Strategies: Cereals. Volume 5, chapter: 11. P. 405-451. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-03023108-8_11

7. Obuchowski W., Banaszak Z., Makowska A. (2010). Factors affecting usefulness of triticale grain for bioethanol production. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. November. Vol. 90. Issue 14. P. 2506-2511. DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.4113

8. Randhawa H. S., Bona L., Graf R. J. (2019). Triticale breeding - progress and prospect. Advances in Plant Breeding Strategies: Cereals. Volume 5, chapter: 11. P. 405-451. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-03023108-8_11

9. Eberhart S.A., Russel W.A. (1966). Stability parameters for comparing varieties. Crop Sci.. N 6. P. 36-40.

10. Marenich M.M. (2018). Regularities of formation of winter wheat yield in conditions of unstable moisture. Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series "Crop production, breeding and seed production, fruit and vegetable growing and storage". №.2.P. 125-132.

11. Petrova I.F. (2013). Introduction of new varieties as the main factor of intensification of grain production. Collection of Sciences. Tavriya State Agro-technological University. № 2 (3). P. 277-285.

УДК: 712.4(477.44)



Matusiak M.

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


Studies have shown that the genus Cotinus has 2 species of plants: C. obovatus Raf. and C. coggygria Scop., are mainly deciduous trees and shrubs. As a result of phenological observations of the genus Cotinus in the conditions of Vinnytsia, it was found that the dates of phenological phases in sumac depend on the accumulation of the sum of effective temperatures (SET). Vegetation of the genus Cotinus began with the budding of generative buds in the first decade of April at the sum of effective temperatures of 80-96 °C. Introduced in Vinnytsia, C. obovatus is characterized by a full degree of acclimatization (acclimatization number - 88), and is a promising species for introduction into culture (prospect index - II).

A comprehensive assessment of the decorativeness of the genus Cotinus (C. coggygria, C. obovatus, C. coggygria «Purpurea», C. coggygria «Royal Purple»), which assessed the decorative architecture of the trunk and crown, color and texture of leaves, color and size of flowers, color and texture of bark, trunk, branches and shoots. The peak of decorative plants reach in June-July. On average, the decorativeness of sumac is high and is 4 points.

Keywords: Cotinus Mill., rhythms of development, stability, introduction, perspective, decorativeness, use.

Introduction. An important fundamental problem today is the conservation of biodiversity and the rational use of plant resources. Its solution is possible under the conditions of enrichment of the range of plants with valuable economic features, due to the introduction of new species and their introduction into the culture. These include the little-known and little-studied genus Cotinus Mill. (stingy), which unites plant species whose natural habitats are located in temperate regions

of Eurasia, the Mediterranean, Asia Minor, China, the Himalayas and North America. In Ukraine, of course, members of the genus are common in the forest-steppe and steppe zones, in the foothills and mountains of the Crimea.

Plants of the genus Cotinus Mill. are valuable ornamental, medicinal, phytomeliorative plants. Due to their decorative properties, they are one of the most spectacular plants for solitary and group plantings

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