FEATURES OF TEACHING LEXICAL MATERIAL IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE LESSONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Matkarimova G.A.

Learning English as a means of communication requires focused attention. It is impossible to learn a language without knowing words. The lexical unit is the core of the language. Proper use of vocabulary and rich vocabulary is the key to free communication in a foreign language. The question arises: how to learn words most efficiently and quickly. In order to achieve success and get results, it is necessary to effectively form the lexical competence of students. The relevance of the topic is that by studying this topic, critical analysis and comparison with already known approaches, it is possible to identify effective ways to use different types of visualization in the formation of lexical competence at different stages of learning.

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UDC: 378.1

Matkarimova G.A.


department of foreign languages faculty of agro engineering and hydro melioration Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agro technologies

Andijan, Uzbekistan



Abstract: Learning English as a means of communication requires focused attention. It is impossible to learn a language without knowing words. The lexical unit is the core of the language. Proper use of vocabulary and rich vocabulary is the key to free communication in a foreign language. The question arises: how to learn words most efficiently and quickly. In order to achieve success and get results, it is necessary to effectively form the lexical competence of students. The relevance of the topic is that by studying this topic, critical analysis and comparison with already known approaches, it is possible to identify effective ways to use different types of visualization in the formation of lexical competence at different stages of learning.

Key words: lexical, vocabulary, competence, effectively, success, analysis, foreign language.

English language teaching occupies one of the leading places in the general education of students and in general in all-round development. Knowledge of a foreign language is combined with knowledge of words, while knowledge of a language is combined with lexical skills. Thus, lexical skills should be considered as the most important component of the content of foreign language learning, and their formation is the purpose of learning lexical material.

In order for learning to be effective and the selected methods to meet the needs of students, the process of learning lexical material is divided into stages. Thus allocate:

1) the stage of acquainting students with new lexical items;

2) the stage of automation of students' actions with new lexical units, where there are:

a) automation at the level of word form, free phrase and phrase, sentence;

b) automation at the supra-phrase level - dialogical or monologue unity.

Acquaintance with new lexical units begins with semantic - the disclosure

of the meaning of new words. Methods of semantic are divided into translatable and untranslatable. The untranslatable include: visual semantic (demonstration of drawings, objects, slides, paintings, gestures, movements, etc.), linguistic

semantic, definition, interpretation. Visuality can be pictorial and objective. Some methods have their advantages and disadvantages and it is impossible to single out the most effective. English words differ in form, meaning, compatibility, express objects or abstract phenomena. Therefore, it is advisable to choose the method of semantic for a single word or group of words. An effective combination of several methods.

The next task of this study is: to define the concept of lexical competence to analyze the content of lexical competence. Lexical competence is understood as lexical knowledge, as well as the ability to use the language vocabulary in speech: oral (listening, speaking) and written (reading, writing).

Lexical knowledge includes:

• knowledge of the sound form of the lexical unit (LU), necessary for its correct pronunciation and recognition and distinction by ear;

• knowledge of graphic form, spelling rules necessary for the correct spelling of LU and recognition and understanding of it when reading;

• knowledge of grammar required for the formation of word forms;

• knowledge of the semantics of words necessary for the formation of free phrases;

• knowledge related to the rules of combination of relevant words in the language being studied.

To ensure the functioning of vocabulary in the process of communication it is necessary to form in students the appropriate lexical skills: receptive and reproductive. Their formation is the leading practical goal of learning lexical material, as noted by scientists-methodologists VA Buchbinder, S.Yu. Nikolaev and others. In this case, the unit of teaching lexical material at all stages of the school course in a foreign language is the lexical unit. The LU includes:

• individual words (root, affix less, complex and derivative), for example: red, green, go, reader, musical;

• simple steel phrases like look like, a lot of;

• a significant part of which are colloquial expressions and formulas of speech etiquette for example: How do you do? Good morning! Well done!

Considering the content of the formation of lexical competence of students, we should not forget about the educational and developmental value of learning foreign lexical material. After all, special research has shown that due to the cumulative (cumulative) function, language at the level of all its units and, above all, at the level of words not only reflects modern culture, but also accumulates and preserves the achievements of human cognition, consolidates and reflects state of culture, cognition of which is mediated by language.

It is about forming the student's ability to apply other competencies in order to act (based on observation, guessing the meaning of what you observe, analysis, generalization, memorization, etc.) in a specific learning situation.

As a result of the analysis of theoretical literature, we came to the conclusion that the objects of control of students' learning of English vocabulary should be the correct recognition of auditory and graphic image of isolated lexical units, their correct pronunciation and spelling, and their meaning, ie information transmitted by them. Both sides of the lexical unit (LU) - external and internal - are a unity, which is carried out through the identification of graphic or auditory LU with its meaning. To decide on the availability of lexical knowledge in students and the possibility of transition to the stage of formation of lexical skills, it is necessary to clearly define the relevant indicators, which is also important given the formation of self-control of students.

Indicators of language proficiency at the level of lexical knowledge are:

1) correct understanding and reproduction of LU;

2) the speed of implementation of appropriate actions, which should indicate the process of still conscious operation of information about new LU. Speed is measured by the time of task completion, which in reproduction depends on the individual pace of speech or writing of a particular child.

Testing of knowledge of LU at the receptive and reproductive levels is carried out in a specific and clearly defined place of the educational process, namely after the communication of lexical knowledge. It is known that children memorize new words equally quickly. Therefore, at a certain stage of the lesson, the following arises: some students complete tasks quickly enough, and some cannot cope with them at all. If in such a situation to move to the next stage of work, there is a danger of gaps in the knowledge of the weaker student, the accumulation of which in the future will lead to the inability to use English as a means of communication. "Active assistance" will help to solve this well-known problem: weak students are given additional exercises, and stronger ones are offered to help them in their work. move on.

The use of "active assistance" benefits both weak and strong students: the weak gets the opportunity to "slow down" and better remember and comprehend new lexical material, and the strong gets the opportunity to test their strength in teaching a weaker friend, which increases his self-esteem and therefore has a high motivational value.

Modern teaching of a foreign language to students involves their communication at the intercultural level in the most typical situations on the basis of a communicative minimum, which should include a certain amount of regional and linguistic knowledge.

The source of selection of lexical material should be authentic materials: samples of literature, English folklore, dictionaries, videos of films on various topics by the BBC. Of course, the selection of lexical material should be limited to the scope of the topic.


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