FEATURES OF PERSONALITY TRUST OF RUSSIAN AND INDONESIAN STUDENTS IN TERMS OF NETWORK ACTIVITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Sungurova N.L., Akimkina Yu.E., Adawiyah R.

Introduction. The process of modern youth’s cybersocialisation is caused by the digitalisation and the inclusion of information and communication technologies (ICT) in daily life. Network activity is a part of students’ socialisation. The interaction of student youth in the virtual space is conditioned by personality trust, which is revealed through the categories of trust in oneself, other users and the virtual world. The personality trust of students, as a belief in the reliability of other people and the world, regulates network activity and the life of society. Trends in the formation of personality trust in traditional and virtual space have similar prerequisites.Aim. The aim of the study is to identify the features of personality trust of Russian and Indonesian students in terms of network activity.Methodology and research methods. The study was conducted on the basis of the subject-personal approach. A set of methods was used: “Assessment of trust/distrust of a person in other people” (A. B. Kupreychenko) (the authors introduced an additional construct “virtual world”); “The study of trust/distrust of the individual in the world, other people, oneself”; “Questionnaire for the problematic use of social networks”; “Assessment of involvement in the use of ICT”.Results and scientific novelty. For the first time, personality trust is considered in the context of network activity in the framework of a comparative study of Russian and Indonesian students. Indonesian students tend to display personality trust in communication by accepting participants in network activity, in choosing more authoritative sources of information and participants with a positive reputation. Students from Russia trust reliable and credible sources and network users, basing on empathy and a similar worldview. The personality trust of students in the virtual world and network users is more pronounced among Indonesians, and trust in oneself is equally important for both groups of students. The Russian student youth is characterised by a low level of trust in the information on the network, in comparison with the Indonesian youth. General trends in the problematic use of technology have been identified, such as cognitive absorption, emotion regulation, and Internet addictive behaviour. Both groups of students prefer online communication and strive for open and effective relationships in the virtual space with like-minded people, for mutual assistance and unity.Practical significance. The results of studying the personality trust of Russian and Indonesian students in terms of network activity can be used to build open and productive relationships between young representatives of the countries, to organise psychological and pedagogical support for the socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students, to develop digital educational environment of an international university.

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УДК 159.923

DOI: 10.17853/1994-5639-2023-1-171-199


N. L. Sungurova1, Yu. E. Akimkina2, R. Adawiyah3

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russia.

E-mail: 'sungurova-nl@rudn.ru; 21042200112@rudn.ru; 31032205281@yudn.ru

Abstract. Introduction. The process of modern youth's cybersocialisation is caused by the digitalisation and the inclusion of information and communication technologies (ICT) in daily life. Network activity is a part of students' socialisation. The interaction of student youth in the virtual space is conditioned by personality trust, which is revealed through the categories of trust in oneself, other users and the virtual world. The personality trust of students, as a belief in the reliability of other people and the world, regulates network activity and the life of society. Trends in the formation of personality trust in traditional and virtual space have similar prerequisites.

Aim. The aim of the study is to identify the features of personality trust of Russian and Indonesian students in terms of network activity.

Methodology and research methods. The study was conducted on the basis of the subject-personal approach. A set of methods was used: "Assessment of trust/distrust of a person in other people" (A. B. Kupreychenko) (the authors introduced an additional construct "virtual world"); "The study of trust/distrust of the individual in the world, other people, oneself"; "Questionnaire for the problematic use of social networks"; "Assessment of involvement in the use of ICT".

Results and scientific novelty. For the first time, personality trust is considered in the context of network activity in the framework of a comparative study of Russian and Indonesian students. Indonesian students tend to display personality trust in communication by accepting participants in network activity, in choosing more authoritative sources of information and participants with a positive reputation. Students from Russia trust reliable and credible sources and network users, basing on empathy and a similar worldview. The personality trust of students in the virtual world and network users is more pronounced among Indonesians, and trust in oneself is equally important for both groups of students. The Russian student youth is characterised by a low level of trust in the information on the network, in comparison with the Indonesian youth. General trends in the problematic use of technology have been identified, such as cognitive absorption, emotion regulation, and Internet addictive behaviour. Both groups of students prefer online communication and strive for open and effective relationships in the virtual space with like-minded people, for mutual assistance and unity.

Practical significance. The results of studying the personality trust of Russian and Indonesian students in terms of network activity can be used to build open and productive relationships between young representatives of the countries, to organise psychological and pedagogical support for the socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students, to develop digital educational environment of an international university.

Keywords: personality trust, involvement, Internet, communication, students, trust in the world, trust in oneself, trust in other people, network activity.

Acknowledgements. This paper has been supported by the RUDN University Strategic Academic Leadership Programme "Prioritet-2030".

For citation: Sungurova N. L., Akimkina Yu. E., Adawiyah R. Features of personality trust of Russian and Indonesian students in terms of network activity. The Education and Science Journal. 2023; 25 (1): 167-195. DOI: 10.17853/1994-5639-2023-1-171-199


Н. Л. Сунгурова1, Ю. Е. Акимкина2, Р. Адавиях3

Российский университет дружбы народов (РУДН), Москва, Россия. E-mail: 'sungurova-nl@rudn.ru; 21042200112@rudn.ru; 31032205281@rudn.ru

Аннотация. Введение. Процесс киберсоциализации современной молодежи обусловлен цифровизацией сфер жизнедеятельности и включением информационно-ком-муникативного-пространства в повседневность. Сетевая активность является частью социализации студентов. Взаимодействие студенческой молодежи в виртуальном пространстве продиктовано личностным доверием, которое раскрывается через категории доверия себе, другим пользователям и виртуальному миру. Личностное доверие студентов как убежденность в надежности других людей и мира регулирует сетевую активность и жизнедеятельность общества. Тенденции формирования личностного доверия в традиционном и виртуальном пространстве имеют схожие предпосылки.

Цель исследования - выявить особенности личностного доверия российских и индонезийских студентов в условиях сетевой активности.

Методология и методы исследования. Исследование было проведено с опорой на субъектно-личностный подход. Использован комплекс следующих методик: «Оценка доверия/недоверия личности другим людям»; «Методика изучения доверия/недоверия личности миру, другим людям, себе»; «Опросник проблемного использования социальных сетей».

Результаты и научная новизна. Впервые рассматривается личностное доверие в условиях сетевой активности в рамках сравнительного исследования российских и индонезийских студентов. Индонезийские студенты склонны к проявлению личностного доверия в коммуникации, посредством принятия участников сетевой активности, в выборе более авторитетных источников информации и участников с положительной репутацией. Студенты из России доверяют надежным и проверенным источникам и пользователям сети, руководствуясь эмпатией и схожим мировосприятием. Личностное доверие студентов виртуальному миру и пользователям сети более выражено у индонезийцев, а доверие себе в равной степени важно для обеих групп студенчества. Для российской студенческой молодежи характерен невысокий уровень доверия информации в Сети в сравнении с индонезийскими студентами. Выявлены общие тенденции проблемного использования технологий, такие как когнитивная поглощенность, регуляция эмоций, интернет-зависимое поведение. Обе группы студентов предпочитают общение онлайн и стремятся к открытым

и эффективным взаимоотношениям в виртуальном пространстве с единомышленниками, к взаимопомощи и объединению.

Практическая значимость. Полученные результаты в ходе исследования личностного доверия молодежи в условиях сетевой активности у российских и индонезийских студентов, обучающихся в России, могут быть использованы для построения открытых и продуктивных взаимоотношений между молодыми представителями стран для организации психолого-педагогического сопровождения социокультурной адаптации иностранных студентов, для организации цифровой образовательной среды международного вуза.

Ключевые слова: личностное доверие, вовлеченность, Интернет, коммуникация, студенты, доверие миру, доверие себе, доверие другим людям, сетевая активность.

Благодарности. Публикация подготовлена при поддержке Программы стратегического академического лидерства «Приорирет-2030» РУДН.

Для цитирования: Сунгурова Н. Л., Акимкина Ю. Е., Адавиях Р. Особенности личностного цифрового доверия российских и индонезийских студентов в условиях сетевой активности // Образование и наука. 2023. Т. 25, № 1. С. 167-195. DOI: 10.17853/19945639-2023-1-171-199


N. L. Sungurova1, Yu. Е. Аkimkina2, R. Adaviyah3

Universidad de la Amistad de los Pueblos de Rusia (RUDN), Moscú, Rusia.

E-mail: 'sungurova-nl@rudn.ru; 21042200112@rudn.ru; 31032205281@rudn.ru

Abstracto. Introducción. El proceso de cibersocialización de la juventud moderna se debe a la digitalización de las esferas de la vida y la inclusión del espacio de información y comunicación en la vida cotidiana. La actividad de la red es una parte de la socialización de los estudiantes. La interacción de los jóvenes estudiantes en el espacio virtual está dictada por la confianza personal, que se refleja a través de las categorías de confianza en uno mismo, en los demás usuarios y en el mundo virtual. La confianza personal de los estudiantes como creencia en la fiabilidad de otras personas y del mundo regula la actividad de la red y la vida de la sociedad. Las tendencias en la formación de la confianza personal en el espacio tradicional y virtual tienen antecedentes previos similares.

El objetivo del estudio es identificar las características de la confianza personal de los estudiantes rusos e indonesios durante su desmpeño de actividades en la red.

Metodología y métodos de investigación. El estudio se realizó basado en el enfoque sujeto-personal. Se usó una serie consistente en los siguientes métodos: "Evaluación de la confianza/desconfianza de una persona hacia otras personas"; "Metodología para el estudio de la confianza/desconfianza de una persona hacia el mundo, hacia otras personas, hacia si mismo". También se utilizó un cuestionario sobre el uso problmático de las redes sociales.

Resultados y novedad científica. Por primera vez, la confianza personal se considera durante el desempeño de actividades en la red, en el marco de un estudio comparativo de estudiantes rusos e indonesios. Los estudiantes indonesios tienden a mostrar confianza personal en la comunicación, aceptando participantes en la actividad de la red, eligiendo fuentes de información de mucha autoridad y participantes con una reputación positiva. Los estudiantes de Rusia confían en fuentes confiables y usuarios de la red, guiados por la empatia y una visión del mundo similar. La confianza personal de los estudiantes en el mundo virtual y los usuarios de la red es más pronunciada entre los indonesios, y la confianza en uno mismo es igualmente importante para ambos grupos de estudiantes. Los estudiantes rusos se caracterizan por un bajo nivel de confianza en la información de la Web en comparación con los estudiantes indonesios. Se han identificado tendencias generales en el uso problemático de la tecnología, como la absorción cognitiva, la regulación emocional, el comportamiento adictivo a Internet. Ambos grupos de estudiantes prefieren la comunicación en linea y luchan por relaciones abiertas y efectivas en el espacio virtual con personas de ideas afines, para colaborarse entre ellos y para el afianzamiento del sentimiento de unidad.

Significado práctico. Los resultados obtenidos en el transcurso del estudio de la confianza personal de los jóvenes en su desempeño de actividades en la red entre los estudiantes rusos e indonesios que cursan la universidad en Rusia, se pueden utilizar para construir relaciones abiertas y productivas entre los representantes jóvenes de los paises, para organizar el apoyo psicológico y pedagógico con fines que conlleven a la adaptación sociocultural de los estudiantes extranjeros, para organizar un entorno educativo digital de una universidad internacional.

Palabras clave: confianza personal, implicación, Internet, comunicación, estudiantes, confianza en el mundo, confianza en uno mismo, confianza en los demás, actividad en red.

Agradecimientos. La publicación fue preparada con el apoyo del Programa de Liderazgo Académico Estratégico "Prioridad-2030" de la Universidad de la Amistad de los Pueblos de Rusia.

Para citas: Sungurova N. L., Akimkina Yu. E., Adaviyah R. Peculiaridades de la confianza digital personal de los estudiantes rusos e indonesios durante su desempeño de actividades en la red. Obrazovanie i nauka = Educación y Ciencia. 2023; 25 (1): 167-195. DOI: 10.17853/19945639-2023-1-171-199


Modern post-industrial society is characterised by digitalisation of human life. The integration of ICT into society is becoming not only a necessity, but something natural, ordinary and is associated with the growing demands of society. Network activity on the Internet is becoming part of the youth culture because everyday culture of student youth, which includes social and cultural ties, values, communication, expression of personal characteristics, is reflected and developed also in the virtual world. Due to the diversity and accessibility of Internet resources as part of the virtual world, involvement in the use of information and communication technologies, the question of personal trust of participants on the network arises on the agenda.

In the studies of different authors, there is still no single approach to the phenomenon of trust. In this article, analysing personality trust we relied on the work of Russian authors T. P. Skripkina, A. B. Kupreichenko, I. V. Antonenko, E. P. Ilyin, I. Yu. Leonova, where trust is shown as a personal subjective attitude towards something or someone. Trust is an integral system "man-world", in which the act of trusting the world and other people makes possible the act of human interaction with the outside world.

In the studies of I. V. Antonenko [1], I. Yu. Leonova [2], personality trust is considered from the standpoint of interpersonal, subject and abstract trust. Interpersonal trust is manifested in the relationship personality - personality, in interaction with other people; objective trust is formed in relation to the individual to the objective world; and the abstract trust of the individual is expressed in trust in the system, in the world. Thus, in the present study, in terms of network activity, students' trust in other network participants in virtual communication was considered as the initial condition for human communication.

The demonstration of subject trust was studied in the individual's trust in Internet resources, sources, and information. Abstract trust was considered as trust in oneself and the virtual world as a social system. Trust in yourself is associated with trust in the world, and is part of this world. Auto-trust (trust oneself) provides the individual with autonomy in activity, sovereignty in decision-making, in choice, and the absence of fear of interacting with the world. Personality trust begins with trust in oneself, develops into trust in the world and other people.

A. B. Kupreychenko identified the foundations of personality trust, which are like affection, reliability, unity, knowledge, imperfections, and calculation. These grounds of trust determine the degree of trust and distrust, exist and are demonstrated in the activities of student youth [3]. In the work of E. P. Ilyin, personality trust is considered as a variant of interpersonal trust and is characterised by the presence of experience in the interaction of partners [4].

T. P. Skripkina considered the components of trust: trust in oneself, as an infinity of human possibilities, self-confidence; trust in the world as a basic attitude of personality containing trust in objects, traditions, culture, etc.; trust in other people as a willingness to interact with other people [5].

Student youth is considered to be an active part of society, which quickly adopts innovations and adapts them to their life activities. Digital technologies have firmly entered the life of a student, and involvement in the use of technology has become a condition for accommodation and actualisation of human potential. Communicative activity in the virtual world has its own characteristics that are different from traditional interaction. With the development ICT and the active involvement of students in virtual communication, it becomes necessary

to study the interaction of student-users in the virtual world. The epidemiological situation with COVID-19 has accelerated the use of e-learning systems (mixed, hybrid, distance formats) in educational processes. With the development of information and communication technologies, the question arises of the excessive active involvement of students in Internet.

In this regard, the study of the characteristics of personality trust of students from different countries in network activity is relevant. The results of cross-cultural studies by R. A. Baron, B. T. Johnson, T. Yamagishi, F. Fukuyama provided grounds for believing that there are differences in the value system of different nations and the presence of specific features of trust. The relevance of a comparative analysis of the characteristics of personality trust among Russian and Indonesian students is due to the development of socio-economic relations between countries, the growth of students from Indonesia who come to study at the Russian universities.

In recent years, the number of scholarships for education for Indonesian students in Russia has increased: in 2020, the flow of students from Indonesia amounted to 600 people. Diplomatic relations between Russia and Indonesia began in 1950, but only in the last decade the cooperation between the countries reached a new fruitful level. Mutually beneficial cooperation in terms of trade, economic, military, tourism, investment relations, high trade turnover, training of national personnel, as well as political dialogue open up positive prospects for friendship between countries. In this regard, cooperation in the field of education is actively progressing.

The study of the personality characteristics of Indonesian students, the specifics of their network activity, the improvement of intercultural interaction, the preferred nature of communication is important for building strong relationships both in the future and in the present. Like Russian student youth, Indonesians have become participants in the virtual educational space, spending most of their time on the Internet.

The purpose of our study was to identify the features of personality trust of Russian and Indonesian students in terms of network activity.

Planning the study, a hypothesis was put forward: there are differences in the characteristics of personality trust of Russian and Indonesian students in network activity in relation to trust in the world and trust in other people as well as differences in the bases of personality trust (reliability, unity, affection, imperfections, knowledge, and calculation).

This study contributes to the study of the bases of personality trust in terms of network activity and reveals the features of personality trust, the characteristics of representatives of different cultures. We formulated the following research questions:

1. What are the structural components of students' personality trust in network communication?

2. What features of personality trust in network activity are characteristics of student samples, who are representatives of different cultures?

Literature Review

The study of students' personality trust in terms of network activity has not received wide coverage in both domestic and foreign literature. At the moment, in the domestic psychological science there are no comprehensive works that have analysed the personality trust of students in network activity. In the studies of various authors, personality trust is considered differently and there is still no single approach to understanding the phenomenon. The scientific significance of the study of trust is conditioned by its many functions and the importance of trust in life. In turn, there are many studies of network activity in connection with human cybersocialisation. Involvement in network activity entails the replacement of real world, the importance of interpersonal interaction decreases.

The main domestic studies are the works of T. P. Skripkina, A. B. Kuprey-chenko, I. V. Antonenko, E. P. Ilyin, who consider different aspects of personality trust. According to T. P. Skripkina, the demonstration of personality trust, the conditions for the emergence of trust, the existence of trust are universal in all spheres of human life. The author differentiates trust in the world and in himself/herself. Trust in the world is formed on the basis of trust in oneself, and becomes a prerequisite for human interaction with the world. She considers trust in other people as one of the manifestations of trust in the world, and interprets it as an internal state of readiness for interaction and a prerequisite for communication [5].

In his turn, E. P. Ilyin writes that trust refers not only to the rational will, but also to unconscious moods, and also acts as an ethical category of morality. The author refers to personality trust as a variation of interpersonal trust. He draws attention to the flexibility of interpersonal trust and its dependence on situational factors. Interpersonal trust is expressed in a form of trust in the individual as a performer of a social role [4].

I. V. Antonenko introduces the concept of trust, where the subject of trust/distrust is the environmental factor that affects the success/failure of the activity [1]. Trust is a secondary result of activity and is considered as a meta-relationship (a generalisation of the totality of all relations of the subject to the object). The author creates a classification of trust's types: private (subject trust, interpersonal trust), generalised (social and abstract trust), and personality trust.

According to A. B. Kupreychenko, the main functions of trust are knowledge and ensuring the interaction of a person with the world. Thus, trust is the foundation of a person's relationship with the world, other people. The experienced feeling of trust guides a person in his life. A. B. Kupreychenko defines the foundations of trust/distrust of a person (affection, unity, imperfections, knowledge, reliability, calculation). The level of trust/distrust of a person depends on the justification of the expectations that arise in relation to the above bases of trust [3].

Among the foreign studies of the problem of trust, it is necessary to note the conceptions of F. Fukuyama, P. Sztompka, in which trust is considered as a necessary condition for human interaction with the outside world and other people, and as the expectation to fulfill a social contract in a modern developed society between a person and the world.

P. Sztompka distinguishes trust into several categories: 1) a characteristic of mutual and unilateral relations; 2) personality trait; 3) cultural aspect [6]. According to P. Sztompka, the concept of trust has two components or rather, the expectation of certain actions of another person, and confidence in the fulfillment of these expectations, based on one's own worldview. The scientist writes that risk is associated with trust.

A similar approach to the issue of trust was formulated in the works of F. Fukuyama, where trust was seen as an integral characteristic of a developed society. For F. Fukuyama, trust is realised as an expectation, which is realised in demonstrating correct and honest behaviour. Trust determines progress in the interaction between man and society, contributes to the formation of moral standards, and strengthens relations between people. According to F. Fukuyama, generalised trust is distributed differently in countries (Germany, USA, Japan) and depends on moral values [7].

A low level of self-confidence, according to F. Perls, E. Shostrom, leads to uncertainty, distrust of others, loss of contacts and reduced communication, insincere expression of feelings and their blocking, loss of meaning to live in the present, distrust of the world, to experiences of fear, to the search for confirmation and justification of expectations.

Several scientists (R. A. Baron, B. T. Johnson, T. Yamagishi) have studied the phenomenon of trust in cross-cultural studies (USA and Japan). According to the results of the study, it can be concluded that trust is a tendency to endow other people with positive qualities and intentions. Based on the research data, American scientists rely on personal trust ("cognitive bias"), while Japanese scientists rely on the established cultural value system in society, and not on the personal characteristics of communicators [8].

Social aspects of trust in mass media were studied by E. Aronson and A. R. Pratkanis, D. G. Myers. Trust in the context of social influence introduced

the concept of the model of "mass media". The researchers were interested in "communicators" who are trustworthy and able to ingratiate other people. Communicators who inspire confidence have a certain image of reliable, highly qualified, attractive, and interesting people. In their opinion, trust can be achieved by following a certain pattern of actions [9]. D. G. Myers analysed the problem of trust in the process of communication and considered the credibility of trust. "Credit sources" are trustworthy and proven objects that can manipulate consciousness due to their status. At the same time, trust is very unstable, because unpleasant messages can negatively affect the perceived credibility of the source. A more figurative and vivid presentation of messages/information by communicators increases the level of trust [10].

N. Miller, R. A. Baron, N. Kerr studied the reasons for trust in a group. According to the analysis, people with a high degree of trust tend to cooperate with other people and groups, communities than people with a low level of trust [11].

Due to the high level of network activity of users in the virtual space, a new phenomenon of digital trust should be considered, which manifests itself in the confidence of network participants in the ability to create and find a secure digital world. It is digital trust that takes on the function of a buffer in offline and online society, filtering incoming information, and also reducing the "forces of friction" [12].

The problem of trust in the digital space is considered in the studies of the following authors: Yu. V. Veselov, N. L. Sungurova, Yu. E. Akimkina, M. Granovetter, A. J. Park, E. Hwang, V. Spicer, L. V. Casalo, C. Flavian , M. Gui-naliu. Digital trust in a virtual environment has similar formation prerequisites as in offline conditions [13]. Scientists draw attention to such features of the relationship between trust and network activity as anonymity, pro-social behaviour, avoidance of negative communication, behaviour strategies, promiscuity in Internet resources, the formation of horizontal connections, and easy communication.

Yu. V. Veselov's work analyses the approach of J. Coleman, who singled out two types of trust: who gives trust and who accepts trust. In modern terminology, the first type includes digital users (givers), the second type is digital service providers (guarantors) Yu. V. Veselov explains the emergence of digital trust in the network as the need for the full formation and development of social relations among urban residents. Horizontal social ties become a characteristic of trust in the virtual world [14].

According to M. Granovetter, digital trust in virtual world complements the institutional one and contributes to the formation of market relations in society, strengthening personal ties, which may be weak in the real world. The power of "weak" ties creates an expanded human circle of communication and

reproduces "digital trust" [15]. The scientist notes that a person voluntarily provides all information about himself/herself to his/her gadgets, and all personal information is stored by technology.

Scientists (A. J. Park, E. Hwang, V. Spicer, C. Cheng, P. L. Brantingham, A. Sixsmith), exploring trust and its impact on human behaviour on the Internet, revealed that people do not behave honestly enough in digital environments. Users avoid negative behaviour in virtual environments [16].

Basing on the results of the study of trust in terms of network communication by a group of scientists L. V.Casalo, C. Flavian, M. Guinaliu, it can be concluded that users have an individual perception of the environment and different network activities. People with a high level of interpersonal digital trust believe the virtual world more, while the likelihood of risk is not taken seriously [17]. The high level of interpersonal online trust of students models the links between identity and their online prosocial behaviour [18]. A low level of trust negatively affects user empathy and formation of relationships on the network [19].

Some scientists like C. Ring, M. Kavussanu, J. Mazanov, R. Urena, G. Kou, Y. Dong, F. Chiclana, E. Herrera-Viedma, F. Hendrikx, K. Bubendorfer, R. Chard studied communicative activity on the network, where the virtual environment provides many opportunities for users to establish new identities, create a reputation. The study by C. Ring, M. Kavussanu, J. Mazanov revealed that an invisible, anonymous and informal network environment provided young people with the opportunity to establish new identities in communicative activity. People with a high level of moral standards and values behave online more freely and openly, because they are aware of the responsibility for their actions [20]. According to research by R. Urena, G. Kou, Y. Dong, F. Chiclana, E. Her-rera-Viedma, network users, being in conditions of anonymity and invisibility, create the image they want. The virtual environment has provided young people with the opportunity to establish new identities and enter new communication environments with these identities [21]. In this regard, building a secure relationship between users in the context of Internet communication becomes difficult. Social media channels allow building relationships (exchange of opinions, information, recommendations, etc.) under a virtual identity. An important component of effective virtual communication built on trust is the reputation of a virtual identity. Distrust, as the flip side of trust, leads to the minimisation of unscrupulous network users and to the encouragement of trustworthy users by participating in reputation building. User trust, as a forming factor of reputation, is involved in the social management of the network [22, 23].

In the studies of S. Gao, J. Krogsti and K. Siau and Al. Hogail, Al. Shahra-ni, it was revealed that trust plays an important role in the process of incorporating ICT into human life and affects the purpose of use. The user's confidence in the reliability and confidentiality, security of technology forms trust in ICT

[24, 25]. According to scientists F. Goldhammer, G. Gniewosz, J. Zylka, getting pleasure from using ICT leads to involvement in the use. Engagement in the use of information and communication technology environments includes self-efficacy, interest and enjoyment in the use of technology [26].

Self-efficacy in the use of ICT shows the level of proficiency in the skills, Internet literacy, necessary for communication on the network, and reduces and eliminates the possible risk of using ICT. The low level of user trust in the conditions of network activity forms the principles of correct behaviour and increases the security of the individual in the conditions of Internet interaction [27].

Thus, basing on the analysis, personality trust in network activity is considered as trust in oneself, trust in others and the virtual world. Personality trust, which includes subject, abstract and interpersonal trust, is manifested in network activity, performing important functions (interactive, predictive, orienting, managerial, and communicative).

Methodology, Materials and Methods

The article presents an analysis of a theoretical and empirical study of the characteristics of personal trust of Russian and Indonesian students in the conditions of network activity. The object of this study is personality trust. The subject of the study is the features of personality trust of Russian and Indonesian students in the conditions of network activity.

The methodological basis of the study was the subject-personal approach (A. G. Asmolov, V. N. Myasishchev). The study involved 142 students aged 17 to 25 years. The average age of the participants was 20.5 years. Among them: 71 students from Russia, 71 students from Indonesia. The respondents are students of higher educational institutions in Moscow (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Russian University of Transport, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow State University, Kazan Federal University, National University of Science and Technology, St. Petersburg State University, Belarusian State Medical University). Data collection took place during the period November-December 2021 and was carried out using Microsoft Forms software. In the study we used survey methods, statistical processing methods, including: Mann-Whitney U-test, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. Computer data processing was carried out using Microsoft Excel and IBM SPSS Statistics 21 software packages.

In the process of empirical research, we used the following methods:

1) The method of "The study of trust/distrust of the individual in the world, other people, oneself" (A. B. Kupreychenko) [4]. This technique with additional use of virtual world's construct allows identifying the features of the bases of trust among students in the network.

2) Methodology "Assessment of trust/distrust of a person in other people" (A. B. Kupreychenko) [4]. This technique, using the introduced additional construct of the virtual world, allowed us to identify the features of the components of trust among students on the Internet.

3) "Questionnaire for the problematic use of social networks" (N. A. Sirota, D. V. Moskovchenko, V. M. Yaltonsky, A. V. Yaltonskaya) [28]. The questionnaire allows identifying the features of the problematic use of social networks, or rather the preference for online communication, regulation of emotions, compulsive behaviour in the obsessive desire to visit the network and the negative consequences of frequent use of Internet communication.

4) "Assessment of involvement in the use of ICT" (A. N. Tatarko, E. V. Mak-lasova, Z. Kh. Lepshokova, V. N. Galyapina, M. V. Efremova, D. I. Dubrov, M. A. Bultseva , E. V. Bushina, A. A. Mironova) [29]. The methodology was applied to identify such behavioural characteristics of students in the process of economic activities on the Internet, communication in social networks, smart-phones use, etc.

Research Results

During the analysis of the research results, the features of the personal trust of students from Russia and Indonesia were revealed in terms of network activity. The results of the study obtained by the methodology "The study of trust/distrust of the individual in the world, other people, oneself" (the authors used the additional construct "virtual world") are shown in Figure 1.

■ Indonesian students ■ Russian students

90,00 80,00 70,00 60,00 50,00 40,00 30,00 20,00 10,00 0,00

'Гшst in the world Tnist in other people Trust oneself

Fig. 1. Analysis of components of personality trust in the world, trust in other

people and trust oneself

For a comparative analysis of trust in other people in the virtual world, in themselves and in the virtual reality itself, the authors applied the Mann-Whitney U-test. Basing on the general trends obtained during the study, personal trust in the virtual world is more pronounced among students from Indonesia. Russian students trust themselves more in terms of network activity. Indonesian students (87.11) trust the virtual world more than students from Russia (55.89). Also, students from Indonesia (82.37) have more confidence in other people in the virtual space than Russian ones (60.63). At the heart of the Indonesian culture of communication, amity and benevolence occupies an important place. According to the "Trust oneself" scale, there were no statistically significant differences in the virtual reality, but there was a tendency that Russian students (79.60) tend to listen to themselves, their inner voice more than Indonesian ones (63.40). Statistically significant differences were found on the following scales - "Trust in the world" (U = 1412.50; p = 0.000), "Trust in other people" (U = 1748.50; p = 0.002).

We proceed to reviewing the method's results of "Assessment of trust/ distrust of a person in other people" (the authors used an additional construct "virtual reality") (Fig. 2).

Unity Knowledge Affection Calculation Imperfections

Fig. 2. The bases of personality trust.

Studying the bases of personality trust in network activity among students, the authors applied the Mann-Whitney U-test. Let us designate the general tendencies obtained in the analysis of the bases of personality trust. The average values on the scales "Reliability" and "Unity" dominate among Russian students, while the Indonesian students have more pronounced values on the scales "Im-

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perfections" and "Calculation". Students from Russia are dominated by average values on the "Reliability" scale - 83.47, than among Indonesian students - 59.53. This suggests that Russian student youth pays more attention to the reliability and quality of information resources, and trusts verified people on the Internet.

The "Unity" scale is more distinct among Russian students (82.15) than among students from Indonesia (60.85). It can be assumed that while choosing a circle of communication, one of the defining criteria for communication becomes a similar worldview of users, a single system of value orientations. Values on the "Affection" scale are higher for students from Russia (81.61) than for Indonesians (61.49). This indicates the need for a sense of sympathy and amity for the beginning of communication among Russian youth. Students from Indonesia (86.75) have a higher score on the "Imperfections" scale than Russian students (56.25). Perhaps the Indonesian youth is ready to accept and trust people on the Internet, despite absence or presence of the expected characteristics, while being guided by the reputation of users. The specificity of the culture of behaviour of people from Asian countries lies in the focus on social roles. At the same time, the Russian youth, in the presence of Imperfections, prefers to refuse communication and interaction.

We found statistically significant differences between Indonesian and Russian students on the scales "Reliability" (U = 1670.50; p = 0.000), "Unity" (U = 1764.50; p = 0.002), "Affection" (U = 1809.50; p = 0.003), "Imperfections" (U = 1437.50; p = 0.000). According to the scales "Knowledge" (U = 1895.00; p = 0.010) and "Calculation" (U = 2238.0; p = 0.245), there were no statistically significant differences.

Comparative analysis of the methodology "Assessment of involvement in the use of ICT" is presented in Figure 3.

In the process of general trends analysis, it follows that the "Use of a smart-phone" is more distinct among students from Indonesia (78.23) than among Russian students (64.77). In turn, Russian student youth (76.17) dominates in social networks communication over the Indonesians (66.83). Basing on the results, it can be argued that student youth have the same level of involvement in the use of ICT. The data on the scale "Economic actions on the Internet" show more regular purchases of services and goods from Indonesian students (77.65) than from Russian students (65.35). Data on the scale "Variety of spheres of use" show almost equal values for student groups. Students use the Internet to purchase services and goods, using a variety of Internet resources for these purposes. Spending time in social networks among students from Indonesia and Russia is commonplace and takes a lot of time, just like the regular use of a phone in everyday life. Mathematical processing and analysis of studies of differences between Indonesian and Russian students using the Mann-Whitney U-test did not reveal statistically significant differences.

Fig. 3. Analysis of involvement in ICT use

Analysis of the results of "Questionnaire for the problematic use of social networks" showed the following trends (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Analysis of the problematic use of social networks

The identified general trends demonstrate that the average values on the "Negative Consequences" scale are more distinct among students from Indonesia. Russian student youth are ahead according to the values on the "Cognitive Absorption" scale. The values on the scales "Preferences for online communication" characterise more Indonesians (72.47) than Russians (70.53). The average values on the scales "Regulation of emotions" and "Compulsive use" have similar values for both groups. The obtained data on the scale "Negative Consequences" demonstrate dominant values among Indonesian students (76.87) than among Russian students (66.13). "Cognitive absorption" is more distinct among students from Russia (74.62) than among Indonesian ones (68.38). Modern students spend time in online communication, preferring social networks, to improve their psychological state; they find psychological support from Internet friends. Students have obsessive thoughts about the need to regularly visit social networks in order to communicate or get some kind of information. Control of the time spent on social networks is lost; the desire to communicate on the Internet becomes regular and common. Today's Indonesian youth are aware that online communication contributes to the deterioration of their quality of life, and can lead to the neglect of responsibilities in social life. It is possible that awareness of the negative consequences of using social networks is due to the religious principles in the country. Comparative analysis using the Mann-Whitney U-test between students from Indonesia and Russia did not reveal statistically significant differences.

The results of the correlation analysis on the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient made it possible to reveal the interrelations of students' personal trust in the conditions of network activity among students from Indonesia.

Below there are the identified significant relationships between the scales-bases of personality trust with the scales of the methodology "Questionnaire for the problematic use of social networks".

"Unity" and "Cognitive Absorption" scales are positively correlated (rs = 0.338; p = 0.001). Student youth have an uncontrollable mental return to social networks due to the sense of unity and community with other people.

A positive relationship was found between the scale "Knowledge" and "Cognitive absorption" (rs = 0.292; p = 0.001). Young people strive for regular communication in order to receive and transmit information.

A positive correlation was found between the "Imperfections" and "Cognitive Absorption" scales (rs = 0.330; p = 0.001). Students seek for a regular contact with exemplary users with a good reputation.

The "Calculation" scale positively correlates with the "Compulsive Use" scale (rs = 0.273; p = 0.005). Indonesian students show a conscious attachment to the use of social networks, which brings satisfaction, which can lead to Internet addiction.

The relationships between the scale - bases of trust and the scales of the methodology "Assessment of involvement in the use of ICT" is as follows: the "Reliability" scale positively correlates with the "Smartphone use" scale (rs = 0.268; p = 0.005), as well as with the "Diversity of ICT use areas" scale (rs = 0.273; p = 0.005). Young people trust smartphones and other modern information and communication technologies and their products, relying on them and entrusting information about themselves.

Positive correlations were established between the scales of the methods "The study of trust/distrust of the individual in the world, other people, oneself" and the "Questionnaire for the problematic use of social networks".

The "Trust in the World" scale positively correlates with the "Emotion Regulation" scale (rs = 0.384; p = 0.001). A high level of personality trust in the world is interconnected with a positive and intense emotional state, manifesting in the confidence and reliability of the components of network activity.

The positive relationship between the scales "Trust in other people" and "Regulation of emotions" (rs = 0.360; p = 0.001) indicates that Indonesian students strive to create harmonious relationships in virtual world. Behaviour in the network is aimed at building and maintaining positive, effective and sustainable relationships between people participating in the interaction.

The "Trust in other people" scale and the "Unity" scale have a positive correlation (rs = 0.297; p = 0.001). Personality trust in other people enhances the sense of community with other people online and also contributes to the feeling of being part of the Internet system.

Further to we present the results of a correlation analysis by the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, revealing the relationship of personality trust of students from Russia in terms of network activity.

There are the identified significant relationships between the scales-bases of trust with the scales of the "Questionnaire for the problematic use of social networks" methodology.

A negative correlation was found between the "Reliability" scale and the "Preference for online communication" scale (rs = - 0.241; p = 0.005). It can be assumed that Russian students do not show confidence in online communication, having high requirements for the reliability of communication on the Internet.

A negative correlation was established between the "Imperfections" scale and the "Preference for online communication" scale (rs = - 0.316; p = 0.001). Young people prefer superficial online communication, realising the disadvantages of the network activity.

As for the negative correlation between the "Reliability" and "Cognitive Absorption" scales (rs = - 0.246; p = 0.005): Russian student youth have frivolous and superficial use of social networks.

The scales "Imperfections" and "Cognitive absorption" have a positive relationship (rs = 0.257; p = 0.005). The data indicate that despite understanding the disadvantages of Internet resources and distrust of social networks, students are prone to compulsive use of ICT in their life activities.

Positive correlations were recorded between the scales "Researching trust/ distrust of the individual in the world, other people, oneself" and "Questionnaire for the problematic use of social networks".

A positive correlation was found between the scales "Trust in the world" and "Cognitive absorption" (rs = 0.343; p = 0.001). Personality trust in the virtual reality increases the obsessive thought to return to the Internet.

The relationship found between the scales "Trust oneself" - "Cognitive absorption" (rs = 0.346; p = 0.001) indicates that students are oriented towards Internet-addicted behaviour.

A positive correlation was found between the scales "Trust in other people" and "Smartphone use" (rs = 0.241; p = 0.005). Young people, using a smart-phone for communication purposes, have an increased level of trust in others online.

Russian students found a negative correlation between the scale-base of trust "Calculation" and the scale of involvement in the use of ICT "Variety of spheres of IT use" (rs = - 0.259; p = 0.005). The judicious use of the offered Internet content helps to reduce involvement in a variety of online environments.

A positive correlation between the scales "Unity" and "Trust in other people" (rs = 0.298; p = 0.005) demonstrates the desire for open relationships with like-minded people, confidence in decency and mutual support.

Discussion of the Results

The analysis carried out shows that the experience of previous studies has mainly made it possible to identify the characteristics and features of personality trust both offline and online.

The authors note the features of personality trust in terms of network activity among Russian and Indonesian students. Therefore, trust as an important component of a developed society and the basis of human interaction with oneself, the world and other people were studied by such scientists as Yu. V. Ve-selov, M. Granovetter, J. Coleman, B. Chakravorti, R. S. Chaturvedi, A. Bhalla,

F. Fukuyama, I. V. Antonenko, A. B. Kupreichenko, E. P. Ilyin, T. P. Skripkina, P. Sztompka. R. A. Baron, B. T. Johnson, T. Yamagishi. Trust in the context of social influence was studied by E. Aronson and A. R. Pratkanis, N. Miller; David

G. Myers; R. A. Baron, N. Kerr; P. Zeng, X. Zhao, X. Xie, J. Long, Y. Wang, L. Qi, L. Lei Q. Jiang, P. Wang; F. Hendrikx, K. Bubendorfer, R. Chard. A num-

ber of scientists have considered different aspects of trust in virtual communication, such as R.Urena, G Kou, Y. Dong, F. Chiclana, E. Herrera-Viedma; C. Ring, M. Kavussanu, J. Mazanov; C. D. Batson, D. A. Lishner, E. L. Stocks; L. V. Casalo, C. Flavian, M. Guinaliu; A. J. Park, E. Hwang, V. Spicer, C. Cheng, P. L. Brantingham, A. Sixsmith. Sh. Areepattamannil, M. S. Khine; S. Gao, J. Krogsti, K.Siau; A. AlHogail, M. AlShahrani. The prerequisites for involvement were identified by the groups of scientists F. Goldhammer, G. Gniewosz, J. Zylka and A. Rohatgi, R Scherer, O. E Hatlevik. E. F. Yashchenko, D. A. Lashchenko, O. V. Lazorak studied the characteristics of Indonesian students.

The results of the study obtained in the course of applying the methodology "The study of trust/distrust of the individual in the world, other people, oneself" demonstrate statistically significant differences on the scales "Trust in the world" (virtual world) and "Trust in other people" (in the virtual world). No statistically significant differences were found on the "Trust oneself" scale. Indonesian students trust the virtual reality and other people online more than students from Russia.

Analysis of the method results "Assessment of trust/distrust of a person in other people" revealed statistically significant differences on several scales "Reliability", "Unity", "Affection", "Imperfections". Russian students prefer to trust reliable sources; the criteria for Internet resource environments are reliability, unity, and amity. Indonesian students prefer the absence or minimisation of disadvantages in terms of network activity.

During the study of the problematic use of social networking resources, it was found that there were no statistically significant differences between students from Indonesia and Russia. Questionnaire scales: "Preference for online communication", "Emotion regulation", "Cognitive absorption", "Compulsive use", "Negative consequences". The purposes of using social networks are the exchange and transfer of information, expanding the circle of acquaintances. Pastime in online communication is aimed at improving the psychological state of young people. At the same time, students have difficulty controlling the time spent online. Regular communication on social networks leads to Internet addictive behaviour and compulsive use of ICT.

A comparative analysis of the methodology for assessing involvement in the use of ICT also did not reveal statistically significant trends. Scales of the methodology: "Economic actions on the Internet", "Communication in social networks", "Smartphone use", "Variety of areas of ICT use". Thus, it can be assumed that being online for students from Indonesia and Russia has become commonplace and a natural phenomenon, which takes a lot of time. The variety of areas of ICT use in student life is justified by the epidemiological situation, as well as the innovative progress of technology.

The authors analysed the relationship between personality trust and virtual communication among students from Indonesia and Russia. Correlation analysis showed the following interrelations among Indonesian students: scales-bases of personality trust "Unity", "Knowledge", "Imperfections" positively correlate with the scale "Cognitive Absorption"; scale-base of trust "Calculation" correlates with the scales "Compulsive use" and "Variety of spheres of ICT use"; the scales "Trust in the world" and "Trust in other people" correlate with the scale "Regulation of emotions"; the scale "Trust in other people" and the scale "Unity".

For Russian students, correlation analysis showed the following relationships: the personality trust bases scales "Reliability" and "Imperfections" correlate with the scale "Preference for online communication"; scales "Reliability", "Imperfections" correlate with the scale "Preference for online communication"; the scales "Trust in the world", "Trust oneself" correlate with the scale 'Preference for online communication"; the scale "Trust in other people" and the scale "Smartphone use"; scale-component "Calculation" with the scale "Variety of spheres of IT use"; the scale "Trust in other people" and the scale "Unity".

The revealed relationships among students between the scales showed the presence of differences in personality trust in the conditions of communication:

Indonesian students are more inclined to show personality trust in the world, trust in other people in terms of communication. Young people strive for communication in order to receive and transmit information, strive to create harmonious relationships in virtual reality, and try to build positive relationships in social networks, aimed at the formation of a prosperous environment. A high level of regulation contributes to the improvement of communication in social networks. Students trust smartphones and other modern information technologies and their products. Indonesian youth express a conscious attachment to the use of social networks through a variety of platforms, applications and ICT resources.

Russian students prefer superficial online communication. Young people do not show personality trust in social networks, not considering Internet resources reliable. At the same time, the use of a smartphone for communication purposes helps to increase trust in other people on the Internet. The rational use of Internet content helps to reduce involvement in a variety of online environments. At the same time, despite understanding the disadvantages of social networks and virtual reality, students are subject to the compulsive use of IT in their life.

We have also found common similar aspects of trust in online communication. Among students, the relationship between the scales "Trust in other people" and "Unity" was revealed. The desire for open, reliable and effective relationships on the Internet with like-minded people, confidence in mutual assistance and acceptance. Students from Indonesia and Russia have a disposition

to Internet-addicted behaviour and increased involvement in the use of ICT. Compulsive use of ICT also is shown.

Comparison of the results of the study with the findings of other authors makes it possible to identify a number of features of personality trust in the conditions of communication on the Internet.

The revealed high values among Indonesian students on the scale of the "Imperfections" component of personality trust are to some extent consistent with the results of the group of researchers E. F. Yashchenko, D. A. Lashchen-ko, O. V. Lazorak. The psychological portrait of Indonesian students is characterised by tolerance and non-conflict, sensitivity and kindness [30]. Also, the revealed high interpersonal trust in other people online among Indonesians is consistent with the opinions of L. V. Casalo, C. Flavian, M. Guinaliu.

The desire for unity and cooperation shown by students from Indonesia and Russia is confirmed in the studies of N. Miller, R. A. Baron, N. Kerr.

In the present work, Russian students showed high average values on the scale-base of trust "Amity". The data are consistent with the statement, put forward by scientists C. D. Batson, D. A. Lishner, E. L. Stocks that a high level of empathy has a positive effect on building relationships on the Internet, and vice versa.

The results of the study of personality trust in the framework of a cross-cultural approach are consistent with studies conducted by scientists R. A. Baron, B. T. Johnson, T. Yamagishi. Russian students, like American citizens, rely on personal perceptions, and Indonesian students, like Japanese citizens, build personal trust based on an established cultural value system. The identified features of trust among residents of the West and the East indicate differences in the perception of representatives of different cultures.

"Reliability", as a base of personality trust and reputation shown by Russian students, is a prerequisite for effective and sustainable communication, consistent with studies of trust and reputation as factors of social management on the Internet (a group of scientists F. Hendrikx, K. Bubendorfer, R. Chard).

The results of this study, considering the involvement in the use of IT, are confirmed in the studies of Sh. Areepattamannil and M. S. Khine [31] and F. Goldhammer, G. Gniewosz, J. Zylka and A. Rohatgi, R Scherer, O. E. Hatlevik.


This study reveals the features of personality trust in terms of network activity within the framework of a comparative study of Russian and Indonesian students. Personality trust in network activity is considered as an integral system of relationships. Structural components of personality trust: interpersonal

trust through trust in other people (network users), subject trust through trust in information sources and ICT, and abstract trust through trust in oneself and the virtual world.

We have investigated the bases of personality trust in the network, such as affection, calculation, unity, knowledge, reliability and imperfections. Also, we have investigated the problematic use of technology and the involvement of students in information and communication technologies. In terms of network activity, there are a number of differences between Indonesian and Russian students.

The results obtained in the course of a comparative analysis describe the features of personality trust in terms of network activity on the example of Russian and Indonesian students. The study made it possible to identify specific features of personality trust among representatives of different countries. The differences were confirmed in the manifestation of students' personality trust in the world and other people, as well as on such bases of personality trust as affection, unity, imperfections and reliability. In view of this, the hypothesis about the presence of specific features in the manifestation of personality trust in terms of network activity among Russian and Indonesian students is confirmed.

Russian student youth show less personality trust in communication than Indonesian students. Students from Russia prefer easy and superficial communication on the Internet; communication is possible only with reliable and trusted sites and people. Trust oneself, introspection, trust in your inner voice is a priority for students from Russia. When choosing sources, obtaining information, Russian students tend to filter and analyse information, evaluating it through such structural bases of personality trust as affection, reliability, unity and calculation.

Students from Indonesia show more trust in the virtual reality and trust in other people. Personality trust in the virtual world and other users is more significant and originates from traditional upbringing and the principles of mutual assistance and support. Reliability, as a base of personality trust, is not a priority. Indonesian student youth prefer authoritative sources, relying on reputation. In Indonesian culture, an important principle is the preservation of reputation and strict adherence to a social role. When receiving information, communication, students are often guided by the business qualities of partner-users. Bases of personal trust in network activity among Indonesian students are calculation, imperfections, unity.

Our research made it possible to identify similar features of personality trust among Indonesian and Russian students in the context of network activity. Both groups of students strive for communication, unity, search for like-minded people, the feeling of being "their own" and expanding the circle of

acquaintances on the network. Communication in the virtual reality takes up most of the time of young people. Students show compulsive use of ICT and cognitive absorption. First of all, this reflects the trend of regular and prolonged use of ICT, prolonged stay in social networks for the purpose of communication, exchange and obtaining information. The student audience is characterised by increased communicative activity.

A comparative analysis of the characteristics of student youth from Indonesia and Russia demonstrates the similarities and differences of personality trust in the context of online communication between young people. The differences revealed in the analysis of trends in the bases of personality trust in student groups indicate a difference in mentality. The differences are due to the specifics of the historical and cultural formation of states: there is the presence of various traditions and lifestyles of students, which are based on different cultural value systems.

The results obtained by the authors in the course of studying the personality trust of students in terms of network activity among Russian and Indonesian students studying in Russia can be used to build open and productive relationships between young representatives of countries, to organise psychological and pedagogical support for the socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students, to organise digital educational environment of an international university. In this aspect, further research work is expected.


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25. Alhogail A., Alshahrani M. Building consumer trust to improve Internet of Things (IoT) technology adoption. In: International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics; 2018 June 28. Cham, Switzerland: Springer; 2018. p. 325-334. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-94866-9_33

26. Goldhammer F., Gniewos, G., Zylka J. ICT engagement in learning environments. In: Kuger S., Klieme E., Jude N., Kaplan D. (Eds.). Assessing contexts of learning. Methodology of educational measurement and assessment. Cham, Switzerland: Springer; 2016. p. 331-351. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-45357-6_13

27. Rohatgi A., Scherer R., Hatlevik O. E. The role of ICT self-efficacy for students' ICT use and their achievement in a computer and information literacy test. Computers & Education. 2016; 102: 103-116. DOI: 10.1016/j.compedu.2016.08.001

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31. Areepattamannil S., Khine M. S. Early adolescents' use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for social communication in 20 countries: Examining the roles of ICT-related behavioral and motivational characteristics. Computers in Human Behavior. 2017; 73: 263-272. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2017.03.058

Список использованных источников

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13. Sungurova N. L., Akimkina Y. E. Self-trust and academic motivation of students in virtual educational space // Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism. 2021. № 117. P. 1490-1495. DOI: 10.15405/epsbs.2021.11.196

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16. Park A. J., Hwang E., Spicer V., Cheng C., Brantingham P. L., Sixsmith A. Testing elderly people's fear of crime using a virtual environment // In: Proceedings of the 2011 European Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (EISIC). 2011. Sept 12-14. Athens, Greece: Publication House IEEE; 2011. p. 63-69. DOI: 10.1109/EISIC.2011.68

17. Casalo L. V., Flavian C., Guinaliu M. Understanding the intention to follow the advice obtained in an online travel community // Computers in Human Behavior. 2011. № 27 (2). P. 622-633. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2010.04.013

18. Zeng P., Zhao X., Xie X., Long J., Wang Y., Qi L., Lei L., Jiang Q., Wang P., Moral perfectionism and online prosocial behavior: The mediating role of moral identity and the moderating role of online interpersonal trust // Personality and Individual Differences. 2020. № 162. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2020.110017

19. Batson C. D., Lishner D. A., Stocks E. L. The empathy-altruism hypothesis // In: D. A. Schroeder, W. G. Graziano (Eds.). The Oxford handbook of prosocial behavior. UK: Oxford University Press; 2015. p. 259-281. DOI: 10.1093/OXFORDHB/9780195399813.013.023

20. Ring C., Kavussanu M., Mazanov J. Self-other judgments of doping likelihood and anticipated guilt in hypothetical situations // Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 2019. № 41. P.

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21. Urena R., Kou G., Dong Y., Chiclana F., Herrera-Viedma E. A review on trust propagation and opinion dynamics in social networks and group decision making frameworks // Information Sciences. 2019. № 478. P. 461-475. DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2018.11.037_

22. Hendrikx F., Bubendorfer K., Chard R. Reputation systems: A survey and taxonomy // Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 2015. № 75. P. 184-197. Available from: https://homepages.ecs.vuw.ac.nz/~kris/publications/JPDC-2014.pdf (date of access: 01.03.2022).

23. Yan S. R., Zheng X. L., Wang Y., Song W. W., Zhang W. Y. A graph-based comprehensive reputation model: Exploiting the social context of opinions to enhance trust in social commerce // Information Sciences. 2015. № 318. P. 51-72. DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2014.09.036

24. Gao S., Krogstie J., Siau K. Developing an instrument to measure the adoption of mobile services // Mobile Information Systems. 2011. № 7 (1). P. 45-67. DOI: 10.3233/MIS-2011-0110

25. Alhogail A., Alshahrani M. Building consumer trust to improve Internet of Things (IoT) technology adoption // In: International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics. 2018 June 28. Cham, Switzerland: Springer; 2018. p. 325-334. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-94866-9_33

26. Goldhammer F., Gniewos, G., Zylka J. ICT engagement in learning environments. In: Kuger S., Klieme E., Jude N., Kaplan D. (Eds.) Assessing contexts of learning. Methodology of educational measurement and assessment. Cham, Switzerland: Springer; 2016. p. 331-351. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-45357-6_13

27. Rohatgi A., Scherer R., Hatlevik O. E. The role of ICT self-efficacy for students' ICT use and their achievement in a computer and information literacy test // Computers & Education. 2016. № 102. P. 103-116. DOI: 10.1016/j.compedu.2016.08.001

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31. Areepattamannil S., Khine M. S. Early adolescents' use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for social communication in 20 countries: Examining the roles of ICT-related behavioral and motivational characteristics // Computers in Human Behavior. 2017. № 73. Pp. 263-272. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2017.03.058

Information about the authors:

Nina L. Sungurova - Cand. Sci. (Psychology), Associate Professor, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; ORCID 0000-0001-74109779; Moscow, Russia. E-mail: sungurova-nl@rudn.ru

Yuliya E. Akimkina - PhD Student, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; ORCID 0000-0001-7184-578; Moscow, Russia. E-mail: 1042200112@rudn.ru

Robiatyl Adawiyah - Student, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; ORCID 00000003-3452-5828; Moscow, Russia. E-mail: 1032205281@rudn.ru

Contribution of the authors:

N. L. Sungurova - systematisation of theoretical foundations of the research, organisation of empirical research, data analysis, data generalisation and presentation, preparation of the article.

Yu. E. Akimkina - expansion and generalisation of conceptual foundations of the research, conduction of empirical research, data processing and analysis, data generalisation and presentation, preparation of the article.

R. Adawiyah - generalisation of conceptual foundations of theoretical and empirical research, data analysis, preparation of the article.

Conflict of interest statement. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.

Received 31.03.2022; revised 29.10.2022; accepted for publication 07.12.2022.

The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

Информация об авторах:

Сунгурова Нина Львовна - кандидат психологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры психологии и педагогики Российского университета дружбы народов; ORCID 00000001-7410-9779; Москва, Россия. E-mail: sungurova-nl@rudn.ru

Акимкина Юлия Евгеньевна - аспирант Российского университета дружбы народов; ORCID 0000-0001-7184-578; Москва, Россия. E-mail: 1042200112@rudn.ru

Адавиях Робиатул - студент Российского университета дружбы народов; ORCID 0000-0003-3452-5828; Москва, Россия. E-mail: 1032205281@rudn.ru

Вклад соавторов:

Н. Л. Сунгурова - систематизация теоретических основ исследования, организация эмпирического исследования, анализ данных, обобщение и представление результатов, подготовка публикации.

Ю. Е. Акимкина - расширение и обобщение концептуальных основ исследования, проведение эмпирического исследования, обработка и анализ данных, обобщение и представление результатов, подготовка публикации.

Р. Адавиях - обобщение концептуальных основ теоретико-эмпирического исследования, анализ данных, подготовка публикации.

Информация о конфликте интересов. Авторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов.

Статья поступила в редакцию 31.03.2022; поступила после рецензирования 29.10.2022; принята к публикации 07.12.2022.

Авторы прочитали и одобрили окончательный вариант рукописи.

Información sobre los autores:

Sungurova Nina Lvovna: Candidata a Ciencias Psicológicas, Profesora Asociada, Profesora Asociada del Departamento de Psicología y Pedagogía, Universidad de la Amistad de los Pueblos de Rusia; ORCID 0000-0001-7410-9779; Moscú, Rusia. Correo electrónico: sunguro-va-nl@rudn.ru

Akimkina Yulia Evguenievna: Estudiante de aspirantura de la Universidad de la Amistad de los Pueblos de Rusia; ORCID 0000-0001-7184-578; Moscú, Rusia. Correo electrónico: 1042200112@rudn.ru

Adaviyah Robiatul: Estudiante de la Universidad de la Amistad de los Pueblos de Rusia; ORCID 0000-0003-3452-5828; Moscú, Rusia. Correo electrónico: 1032205281@rudn.ru

Contribución de coautoría.:

N. L. Sungurova: Sistematización de los fundamentos teóricos del estudio, organización de la investigación empírica, análisis de datos, generalización y presentación de resultados, preparación de la publicación.

Yu. E. Akimkina: Expansión y generalización de los fundamentos conceptuales del estudio, realización de un estudio empírico, procesamiento y análisis de datos, resumen y presentación de los resultados, preparación de la publicación.

R. Adaviyah: Generalización de los fundamentos conceptuales de la investigación teórica y empírica, análisis de datos, preparación de la publicación.

Información sobre conflicto de intereses. Los autores declaran no tener conflicto de intereses.

El artículo fue recibido por los editores el 31/03/2022; recibido después de la revisión por los pares el 29/10/2022; aceptado para su publicación el 07/12/2022.

Los autores leyeron y aprobaron la versión final del manuscrito.

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