Научная статья на тему 'FEATURES OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY'

FEATURES OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Khalilov Sh.K.

This article examines the specifics of pediatric surgery.

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Текст научной работы на тему «FEATURES OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY»

УДК 617

Khalilov Sh.K. assistant

department of pediatric surgery Andijan State Medical Institute


Abstract: This article examines the specifics of pediatric surgery.

Key words: children, complaints, diagnostics, treatment, therapy.

The Medical Department of Pediatric Surgery is engaged in research and study of the characteristics of pediatric surgical pathologies and diseases. Pediatric surgery became an independent discipline quite recently, around the end of the last century. The term "surgery" is translated from the ancient Greek language from the words "cheir" - hand and "ergon" - action or work.

The work of pediatric surgery is aimed at solving problems associated with surgical pathological diseases that develop in childhood. Pediatric surgery studies the emergence of these pathologies. Also, scientists - surgeons are engaged in the optimization and improvement of existing diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic techniques and measures.

There are several reasons why the "pediatric surgery" section of medicine is considered not just one of the most difficult sections of child care, but the most difficult section in medicine in general. The first reason for this is that many congenital defects are diagnosed either during pregnancy or immediately after the birth of a child, and this provides a basis for surgical intervention to eliminate such pathologies. That is, the earlier the operation is performed and the pathology is eliminated, the more chances the child is given to grow up with full health. But, such operations should be performed by surgeons who are fully aware and filled with knowledge about the differences and characteristics of the child's newborn organism, which is in the stage of formation and development, and is poorly adapted to stressful situations, such as anesthesia and the operation itself.

The second reason for the complexity of pediatric surgery is the too large number and variety of pediatric surgical pathologies and diseases. The list of childhood diseases is several times higher than the list of diseases in adults. On the one hand, a pediatric surgeon must have a high level of training and high qualifications in his skills, on the other hand, there are no ample opportunities to gain such qualifications, due to the widest range of diseases and a small number of identical operations.

Only today is pediatric surgery beginning to separate certain specialties, such as pediatric traumatology, urology, orthopedics and maxillofacial surgery. Until our time, pediatric surgery included all these departments and was the most extensive branch of medicine.

Today, pediatric surgery is making leaps and bounds in its development, distinguishing it from other areas of medicine. The latest techniques and technologies for complex operations are being introduced here. The use of electric knives and laser knives is introduced. Also, new methods are being introduced for the diagnosis of pediatric surgical diseases, such as laparoscopy, computed tomography, endoscopy, magnetic resonance imaging and radial isotope scanning. Fundamentally new drugs are used in the conservative treatment of children.

It should be noted that modern pediatric surgery is already on the verge of introducing into practice operations to eliminate congenital pathologies in children still in the uterine state.

Most pediatric surgical diseases have vivid clinical symptoms. Certain symptoms occur with each type of disease. The most common symptoms of surgical diseases in children include the following:

• stupor or coma (disturbance in the consciousness of a child of varying intensity and severity), may accompany brain injury.

• elevated body temperature or a febrile state clearly expresses the inflammatory process that can occur as a result of cholecystitis, appendicitis, abscess, omphalitis or phlegmon.

• pain sensations, of varying intensity and severity, localized in any area of the body, accompanies and manifests pathologies or injuries of any organ.

• pathologies of the heart rhythm, shortness of breath, palpitations, pain in the region of the heart are symptoms of diseases or pathologies of the cardiovascular system of the child's body.

• cough, sensations of a foreign body in the organs of the respiratory system, shortness of breath, usually these are manifestations of lung diseases, tumors in the respiratory system, defects or abnormalities in the development of the child's respiratory system.

• malformations of physiological development are manifested by dysfunctions of the limbs (upper and lower).

• nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, heartburn, frequent regurgitation, refusal to eat, bloating, decreased appetite, constipation or diarrhea, these are all symptoms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

One of the most common symptoms of a child's surgical illness is behavior change, such as loss of interest in play, lethargy, or immobility.

laboratory and instrumental research methods are used to diagnose children's surgical diseases.

In this case, laboratory diagnostic methods include: a general blood test (detection of inflammation, anemia or tumor lesions of the circulatory and hematopoietic systems), a general urine test (pathologies and dysfunction of the kidneys are detected), a biochemical blood test (the function of the liver, kidneys and other systems is reflected organism).

Instrumental methods for diagnosing surgical diseases in childhood include:

• X-ray (pathological changes in the tissues of the lungs and bones are visible). With the help of X-ray, anomalies and malformations of the child, diseases in the abdominal cavity are diagnosed.

• ultrasound is used to diagnose dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiac system and injuries of various organs.

• fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy (done with an endoscope). This method visualizes stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers and malformations of the esophagus.

• angiography, with the introduction of a contrast agent, for the clarity of the image of organs in the images.

• computed tomography helps to diagnose traumatic injuries of the skeleton or pathology of its development.

• magnetic resonance imaging is mandatory when diagnosing soft tissue tumors.

• arthroscopy (introduction of a device (endoscope) into the joint cavity), is carried out to study the joint fluid in case of suspected pathology in the joint cavities.

• fistulography (performing a series of survey images with the introduction of a contrast agent into the pathological passage).

• rheovasography is done when it is necessary to assess vascular blood flow in the extremities.

• puncture biopsy (pathomorphological examination using a surgical needle).


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