FEATURES OF MODERN ELECTRIC CARS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Техника и технологии»

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Ключевые слова
operation / manufacturers / load / structure / electric vehicle / mileage / recharge / charge-discharge. / эксплуатация / производители / нагрузка / структура / электромобиль / пробег / перезарядка / заряд-разряд.

Аннотация научной статьи по технике и технологии, автор научной работы — Ikromov Nurillo Avazbekovich

The article describes the types of batteries, structural diagram and operational characteristics of modern electric vehicles.

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Features of modern electric cars

В статье проведены типы аккумуляторов, структурная схема и эксплуатационные характеристики современных электромобилей.

Текст научной работы на тему «FEATURES OF MODERN ELECTRIC CARS»

УДК: 621.35


Ikromov Nurillo Avazbekovich Andijan Machine-Building Institute, Ph.D. Associate Professor, nurillo.08@mail.ru, +99891-479-46-46

Abstract. The article describes the types of batteries, structural diagram and operational characteristics of modern electric vehicles.

Аннотация. В статье проведены типы аккумуляторов, структурная схема и эксплуатационные характеристики современных электромобилей.

Аннотация. Maqolada zamonaviy elektr transport vositalarining akkumulyator turlari, strukturaviy diagrammasi va ekspluatatsion xususiyatlari tasvirlangan.

Key words: operation, manufacturers, load, structure, electric vehicle, mileage, recharge, charge-discharge.

Ключевые слова: эксплуатация, производители, нагрузка, структура, электромобиль, пробег, перезарядка, заряд-разряд.

Kalit so'zi: ekspulatatsiya, ishlab chiqaruvchi, yuklama, struktura, elektr transport vositasi, kilometr, qayta zaryadlash, zaryadlash-zaryad.


Most car manufacturers mass-produce small quantities of electric vehicles. Fleets of various city services are experimenting with their large-scale operation.

And now give extra information about electric vehicle: Electric vehicles fall into three main categories:

• Battery electric vehicles are powered by electricity stored in a battery pack.

• Plug-in hybrids combine a gasoline or diesel engine with an electric motor and large rechargeable battery.

• Fuel cell vehicles split electrons from hydrogen molecules to produce electricity to run the motor.

Electric vehicles are saving the climate and our lives. To solve the climate crisis, we need to make the vehicles on our roads as clean as possible. We have only a decade left to change the way we use energy to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

Emissions from cars and trucks are not only bad for our planet, they're bad for our health. Air pollutants from gasoline- and diesel-powered vehicles cause asthma, bronchitis, cancer, and premature death.


The health impacts of localized air pollution last a lifetime, with the effects borne out in asthma attacks, lung damage, and heart conditions.

A study by Harvard University found "a striking association between long-term exposure to harmful fine particulate matter and mortality in the United States," explains electric engineer,

a staff scientist at Earthjustice's Toxic Exposure & Health Program. One of the primary causes of fine particulate matter pollution (PM2.5) is combustion from gasoline and diesel car engines.

An separate study by Duke University underscored the health costs: each gallon of gasoline purchased at the gas station carries with it up to $3.80 in health and environmental costs. The diesel in big rigs and farm equipment is worse, with an additional $4.80 in social costs to our health and climate per gallon.

The electricity that charges and fuels battery electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles comes from power grids, which rely on a range of sources — from fossil fuels to clean renewable energy.

Energy grids can vary from one state to another, which means that the carbon footprint of driving an electric vehicle ranges depending on the source of its electricity.

Earth justice attorneys are working across the country to bring 100% clean energy, but on our way there (consumption of renewable energy recently surpassed coal), a portion of the electricity in this country will continue to be generated by the burning of fossil fuels. The very good news? Because electric vehicles are more efficient in converting energy to power cars and trucks, electricity across the board is cleaner and cheaper as a fuel for vehicles, even when that electricity comes from the dirtiest grid. Running electric or hybrid cars on the grid in any state has lower greenhouse gas emissions than gasoline-powered cars, as revealed in a study by experts at the Union of Concerned Scientists. And as states clean up their energy grids, the benefits of electric vehicles become stronger.


Fig 1. Smog clogs the air around the 405 freeway in Los Angeles

In the manufacturing process, electric vehicles will produce more global warming emissions than the average gasoline vehicle, because electric cars' large lithium-ion batteries require a lot of materials and energy to build. (For example, manufacturing a mid-sized electric car with an 84-mile range, results in 15% more emissions.) However, once the vehicles get on the road, it's a whole different energy story. Electric vehicles make up for their higher manufacturing emissions within, at most, 18 months of driving — and continue to outperform gasoline cars until the end of their lives

Fig 2. Driving an electric car in convenient way.

The average electric car on the road today has the same greenhouse-gas emissions as a car getting 88 miles per gallon — which is far greater than the average new gasoline-powered car (31 mpg) or truck (21 mpg), according to analysis by the Union of Concerned Scientists.

In large cities, there are already charging points for electric vehicle batteries. Nevertheless, today the operation of electric vehicles is not economically justified, it occurs more due to political and environmental considerations. Electric vehicles are significantly more expensive than comparable models with internal combustion engines (ICEs). Despite recent advances, electric vehicle technology is still underdeveloped. A serious drawback of electric vehicles is low mileage before recharging the battery (80-160 km depending on the speed) [1-3]. In hybrid electric vehicles, this disadvantage is overcome by using two energy sources: an electric motor with a battery and an internal combustion engine. For example, a hybrid Toyota Prius (Japan) (Fig. 1, c) at low loads uses electric traction, at large loads - a petrol 1.5-liter internal combustion engine or both engines at the same time, the battery is recharged from the internal combustion engine.

The pollution of the environment with toxic waste from hybrid electric vehicles has been significantly reduced compared to cars. The low mileage of an electric vehicle before recharging is due to the fact that modern types of storage batteries are not perfect [4, 5].


There are a large number of types of batteries (table 1) suitable for use in traction batteries on electric vehicles, but none of them fully meets all the requirements and there is no clear criterion for choosing the optimal battery. Insufficient capacity, long charging times, and low specific energy of batteries have been limiting the efforts of electric vehicle designers for many years. Lead acid batteries, the cheapest and most commonly used, have only marginally improved since the first electric vehicle. Nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride batteries with a higher energy density are also used, but they are much more expensive than lead ones.

Table 1

Types of modern batteries

Battery type Specific power W/kg Energy density W h/dm3 Specific energy, W h/kg Number of "chargedischarge" cycles Price, $/kWh

Lead acid 35-300 50-90 15-45 300-600 70-400

Iron-nickel 70-130 60-100 35-60 400-1200 400-500

Nickel-cadmium 100-200 60-100 30-60 1000-1500 500

Nickel metal hydride 140-200 100-210 55-80 1000 150-800

Sodium Sulfur 90-120 75-110 80-120 250-500 300

Nickel chloride 150 160 100 500 1000

Lithium ion 100 100 150 300 1000

Many leading automotive companies are researching low-cost, high-capacity batteries. Electric vehicle batteries must meet the following requirements: high specific energy and power, high efficiency, a large number of charge-discharge cycles, low cost, safety, reliability, low maintenance costs, short charge time, recoverability of materials [3-4]. Already developed batteries do not meet most of these requirements.

The structural diagram of a modern electric vehicle (Fig. 1) includes the following devices:

• charger - converts the alternating voltage of the external network into a constant one for charging batteries, traction and auxiliary;

• protection device (relay and fuse box) - consists of switches, relays, fuses, which are connected between the battery and the rest of the electrical circuit - consumers. If a fault occurs, the AC circuit and batteries are disconnected;

• traction storage battery - provides energy to the electric vehicle engine;

• on-board computer - monitors the state of the main functional components and onboard systems of an electric vehicle.

Initiates remedies if necessary;

• an additional source of electricity (usually an auxiliary 12 V battery) - ensures the operation of lighting devices, instrument panels, power windows, wipers;

• interior climate control system - consists of an air conditioner and an electric heater;

• electronic motor controller - generates the required type of supply voltage. Controls the number of revolutions and tractive torque on the shaft at the command of the driver or automatically;

1-charger; 2-protective device; 3-storage battery; 4-on-board computer; 5-auxiliary storage battery; 6-climate control system; 7-electronic controller of the electric motor; I-electric motor / gear motor; 9-mechanical transmission; 10-governing bodies; 11-electric car wheels Fig. 3. Block diagram of a modern electric vehicle

• electric motor - drives the wheels of an electric vehicle directly or indirectly through the transmission. Electric motors of direct and alternating current, as well as motor-wheels are used;

• mechanical transmission - consists of a gearbox, differential and other mechanical devices to ensure the movement of an electric vehicle;

• driving controls for an electric car;

• propellers (wheels) of an electric vehicle. The main task of the developers of electric vehicles is to create a model that is competitive with a car with an internal combustion engine.

Most electric vehicles are modifications of conventional cars, for example, the Ford Ranger or Toyota RAV4 are produced both with internal combustion engines and as electric vehicles [5, 6]. There are models that were designed from the very beginning as an electric car, for example, General Motors EV1 (table 2).

Table 2

Performance characteristics of electric vehicles

Model Ford Ranger EV Toyota RAV4 EV Chevrolet S10 EV GME EV 1

A type Pickup 4-bed passenger Pickup 2-seater passenger

The weight equipped kg 2000 1500 1900 1300

Engine 3-phase, 90 h.p. Contactless, direct current, 45 kWt 3-phase, 114 h.p. Variable current, 137 h.p.

Battery Lead acid, 312V, 23 Nickel metal hydride, Lead acid, 312B, Lead acid, 312V,

kWh 300 V 16,2 kWh 16,2 kWh

Charger device Onboard, without galvanic interchanges, 4,16 kW, charge time 8 h Onboard, without galvanic interchanges, 12 kW, charging time 6-8 h Stationary, galvanically isolated, 6,6 kW, time charge 2,5 h Stationary, galvanically isolated, 6,6 kW, time charge 3 h

Overclocking 12,3 s up to 80 km/h 13,3 s up to 80 km/h 10,35 s up to 80 km/h 6,7 s up to 80 km/h

Mileage to recharging at speed: 96,5 km/h 72,4 km/h 104,8 km 139,8 km 88 km 131,5 km 62,6 km 97,2 km 143 km 217,6 km


Electric cars don't leave smoke behind or let out dangerous exhaust. Whatever, Electric cars are friends with the ecosystem; consequently they are the top one in zero pollution in the world. electric cars are clearly preferable to petrol or diesel cars. Contrary to some public doubts and uncertainties about the environmental benefits of electric cars, the science is increasingly. The main fact that, electric cars are more efficient and produce fewer emissions than gasoline engines do.


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