FEATURES OF INTENSIVE DEVELOPMENT GARDENING IN THE CONDITIONS OF MARKET ECONOMY UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Yakhshibayeva M.T.

The essence of agriculture intensification is concentration of material means of production and sometimes living labour per unit of land area. The article presents theoretical statements of development of intensive gardening. It examines prerequisites and economic essence of gardening intensification, peculiarities of gardening development at the present stage, and methodical approaches to the determination of gardening intensification indicators. This article presents the main factors influencing the intensification of horticulture, the author made an attempt to bring the theoretical and methodological foundations of the intensification of the horticulture industry.

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UDC 330.322

Yakhshibayeva M. T. master's degree «Agribusiness and investment activity"

Tash SAU


Abstract. The essence of agriculture intensification is concentration of material means of production and sometimes living labour per unit of land area. The article presents theoretical statements of development of intensive gardening. It examines prerequisites and economic essence of gardening intensification, peculiarities of gardening development at the present stage, and methodical approaches to the determination of gardening intensification indicators. This article presents the main factors influencing the intensification of horticulture, the author made an attempt to bring the theoretical and methodological foundations of the intensification of the horticulture industry.

Key words: intensification, metadogical foundations of intensification, specifics of horticulture, competitiveness of the horticulture industry, innovation in the agro-industrial complex.

One of the determining factors for a successful agro-industrial complex in modern economic conditions is the ability of its specialists to create and maintain individual competitive advantages over other market participants. This position can be considered the basis of business. In a competitive environment, the most important factor in competitiveness, as well as profit maximization, is the intensification of production, in particular, through the introduction of innovations. In agricultural production, the development and implementation of innovative projects makes it possible to overcome technical and technological backwardness, low labor productivity, high resource consumption and, as a result, weak competitiveness of products. For agro-industrial production, the innovation process plays a huge role and is a set of consistent actions that are aimed at improving old and introducing new technologies.

Intensification, in our opinion, is a process, a method of development, based on scientific and technological progress, the purpose and result of which is to increase the productivity of production and, on this basis, increase output. The main criterion for the effectiveness of the intensification of agricultural production is the outstripping growth of output per unit area compared to the amount of input costs. Unlike extensive development, in which the increase in agricultural production is carried out by expanding the land area and attracting additional labor resources, the intensification of agriculture provides a systematic increase in production volumes with unchanged labor and land resources as a

result of increasing the economic fertility of the soil, increasing crop yields. The purpose of intensification is to increase production, and the material basis of this process is to increase capital investments and other resources.

In economic terms, intensive horticulture is a system of horticulture in which capital investments per hectare of plantings increase with a simultaneous increase in the efficiency of the industry. In our opinion, F. Erdei, L. Chete and J. Marton are the most justified in defining the essence of intensive agricultural culture. "A crop," they note, "may be called intensive if relatively more living and materialized labor is expended in its cultivation compared to the current average level of input, resulting in a relatively larger amount of production or a higher yield". In this case, the relativity of the concept of "intensive culture" is emphasized.

A specific feature of horticulture, in our opinion, is that production is carried out "in the open air" and to a greater extent depends on weather and climatic conditions, which is also a prerequisite for the introduction of intensive technologies. The choice of the direction of intensification should be based on taking into account the uncertainty of the result, the degree of risk of various options, the use of the most effective strategy for increasing the sustainability of agriculture, since the forecast is a probable value. The next most important feature of the industry is the seasonality of production and the associated different needs for labor and material resources, as well as the receipt and sale of products once a year or every two years (fruit growing, productive and lean years), i.e. natural factors and The specifics of the functioning of plants leads to a discrepancy in this branch of the working period with the time of production.

In terms of the effectiveness of investment investments, intensive gardening is currently a very highly profitable and profitable business. It is important to note that intensive horticulture pays off quickly and is ten times more profitable than some other areas of agar production. From the point of view of management - the effective use of agricultural land with an increase in profitability per hectare of land and as one of the ways out in conditions of water shortage.

The demands of the time make us think about the possibility of reviving the traditional for our republic horticulture, given the lack of lantations, orchards and vineyards that have fallen into disrepair, and their low economic efficiency. It was decided to regain the lost positions, when in a number of regions thousands of hectares of old orchards did not produce crops for years, it was decided to use intensive production instead of the aging extensive one. Taking into account modern technologies, we adopted the most advanced developments in the field using dwarf trees imported from abroad and drip irrigation. In parallel with this, breeding developments were carried out to create a base for our own production of planting material for fruit crops. Thanks to state support, new gardens began to be planted with certified seedlings of highly productive varieties, and the industry

has become a key industry in the economic segment of most agrarian regions of the republic and one of the priorities for the development of agriculture.

Moreover, intensive horticulture has established itself as a highly profitable production that allows obtaining a product of competitive quality, and the most profitable investment for private agricultural enterprises. According to experts in the field, in the gardens of a new type, trees regularly bear fruit for almost two or more decades, with extensive technologies, for example, an apple tree "rests" once every two years. The advantage of intensive gardens is that the trunks of the trees are small, so it is convenient to work with them (processing, watering, pruning, shaping, spraying and harvesting). In such gardens, light falls on the trunk, air circulation is good, so the quality of the fruit is high.

Spacious apple orchards, where you can walk, are a thing of the past. In their place come compact and super-efficient. This year, it is planned to create intensive orchards and vineyards on an area of more than seven thousand hectares in the Navoi region. Currently, preparations are underway for the creation of 3876 hectares of vineyards and 3136 hectares of orchards. The process is controlled by the regional and district departments of the Inspectorate for Control of the Agro-Industrial Complex under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, whose powers include monitoring compliance with the requirements for the formation of stocks of agricultural and food products in volumes in accordance with the planned implementation of the state order.

In our region, agricultural products are grown in excess of the standards established for consumption. And more than others in this product range of fruits and grapes - 3.1 and 5.3 times, respectively. And according to the norms approved by the Ministry of Health of the country, the consumption of fresh vegetables per person should be 142 kg annually (28 kg in winter). The surplus of agricultural products grown in the Navoi region for domestic consumption, along with sales to other regions, is exported abroad. According to official information, fruits and vegetables worth $19.9 million were sent to foreign markets last year in more than fifteen countries. It is noteworthy that compared to 2017, these figures have almost doubled.

The supply of local producers of vitamin products will grow not only by expanding the area of plantations, but also by replacing traditional (extensive) gardens with new intensive ones using advanced technologies. For them, you can not use ordinary seedlings. Special varieties have been bred that are capable of producing abundant fruit yields. In particular, more than 2 million seedlings are required to create garden plantations in the region. Today, they are supplied by Tomorka Khizmati LLC, with which relevant contracts are signed. In addition, this sector is considered as a promising one by 159 farms and dekhkan farms in the region, which have prepared 1,860 hectares of land for planting seedlings for new gardens. 4,295 seedlings are needed for new vineyards, which will occupy 1,981 hectares, of which 1,690 are planned to be organized in the Khatyrcha district, which is the vineyard of the Navoi region and has long been famous for

vineyards and raisins. Orchard plantations will be planted on another 540 hectares. Inspectors of the district department of Uzagroinspektsiya consult farmers in person, give recommendations on what nuances should be paid attention to when preparing land for sowing, choosing seedlings. Experts emphasize that in order to ensure high productivity of intensive orchards and vineyards, it is necessary to constantly nourish the soil, timely implementation of agrotechnical processes. This means a yield of 50-60 tons per hectare in four to five years.

Large-scale new vineyards began to be created at the Zarafshon Golden City farm in the Koksaroy mahalla of the Khatyrchinsky district. This year, it is planned to plant 111,000 seedlings on 100 hectares, of which 36 hectares are grape varieties of black raisins. In Triumf Fruitgardens, a horticultural farm, 18 hectares of the 40 hectares put into agricultural use have already been occupied by high-yielding and highly liquid seedlings of the golden apple tree. According to Jamoliddin Bobomurodov, senior inspector of the Uzagroinspektsiya department of the Khatyrchi district, this year 198 farmers and entrepreneurs of the district will create intensive orchards and vineyards. They are sent written and oral notification letters, which indicate to pay attention to the quality of land preparation, certification of seedlings, timely implementation of the necessary agrotechnical measures. To provide producers with resources, vertical wells are being dug, and power lines are being laid.

In the Nurata region, new orchards are being created on 635 hectares, vineyards - on 1045 hectares. In Nurota Golden Grapes LLC, on 40 hectares, using drip irrigation, they plan to grow such varieties of sunny berries as red grapes "rizamat", "husaini" and black "mers". In the future, the Nurata entrepreneur plans to export the grown crop. As part of a three-year contract with farmers from Margilan, he purchased seedlings, which are expected to begin bearing fruit in three years. On the remaining 25 hectares, he plans to plant wine grape varieties.

In the Kyzyltepa district, new gardens were laid on an area of 1150 hectares. For these purposes, 499,000 seedlings were handed over to local farmers. Fruit plantations will occupy 72 hectares in the Navbakhor region, 84 hectares in the Karmana region, and 38 hectares in the Kanimekh region. Naturally, when laying orchards, the best-selling varieties of fruits that are in great demand among the population, competing in price and taste with foreign counterparts that have appeared on the domestic market, are envisaged. In order to support domestic fruit producers, intensive horticulture, taking into account the relevance of development, has been identified as a key priority. Experience shows that this area of fruit growing is in demand and economically profitable. Moreover, the region has sufficient potential, as well as traditions and scientific strength.


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