FEATURES OF GLOBAL PROJECTS IN TERMS OF NATIONAL TERRITORIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
global projects / megaprojects / the Far East / China. / глобальные проекты / мегапроекты / Дальний Восток / Китай.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Zubarev A. E., Wu Peng, Pinegina I. T.

In this article, the authors discuss theoretical approaches to the definition and characteristics of megaprojects, note insufficient attention of the participants of megaprojects to the transport corridor of the Far East, and present the fea-tures of implementation of global projects highlighting the national interests of the participants.

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Особенности глобальных проектов в условиях реализации национальных территорий

В данной статье рассматриваются теоретические подходы к определению и характеристике мегапроектов, отмечается недостаточное внимание к транспортному коридору Дальнего Востока со стороны участников мегапроектов, представлены особенности реализации глобальных проектов с выделением национальных интересов участников.



y^K 339.9(571.6)

A. E. Zubarev, Wu Peng, I. T. Pinegina


Zubarev A. E. - Doctor of Economics, Prof., Director of the Institute of Economics and Management, Pacific National University, Khabarovsk, Russian Federation , tel.: 79145445258, e-mail: 000008@pnu.edu.ru; Wu Peng - Shanghai, People's Republic of China, tel.: 79243496666, e-mail: jjpprus@hotmail.com; Pinegina I. T. - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management, Pacific National University, Khabarovsk, Russian Federation, tel. (4212) 76-85-18 (ext. 27-31), e-mail: 000238@pnu.edu.ru

In this article, the authors discuss theoretical approaches to the definition and characteristics of megaprojects, note insufficient attention of the participants of megaprojects to the transport corridor of the Far East, and present the features of implementation of global projects highlighting the national interests of the participants.

Keywords: global projects, megaprojects, the Far East, China.

In recent years, a sufficient number of studies have been carried out on the problems and prospects for the development of the territories, taking into account the impact of the implementation of infrastructure projects and large projects.

The works of Russian and Mongolian authors can be noted, e.g. D.D. Ba-daraev, A.V. Vinokurova, T.N. Litvinova (in the field of alternative economic corridors "China - Mongolia - Russia"), B.V. Bazarov ("The New Silk Road: to the Issue of Strategic Cooperation between Russia and China"), A.N. Beshentsev ("Monitoring System and Analysis of the Features of the Socio-Economic Development of the cross-border Territories of Russia, Mongolia and China") [1], A.V. Vorontsov (in the field of prospects for the development of the corridor "China - Mongolia - Russia" within the framework of the global Belt and Road Initiative [2]), S. Demberel (in the field of infrastructure approach and services for processing geospatial data in the tasks of managing territorial development),

© Zubarev A. E., Wu Peng, Pinegina I. T., 2022

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V.S. Potaev (on problems and ways of socio-economic development of Mongolia).

Scientific research on the problems of assessing the impacts of global projects mainly relate to society, ecology, climate and other global trends. And although economic processes are given enough attention (authors: Tamborra M., Nkaro A. L., Castro J., Hertel T. W. and others), it is very difficult to find methods for assessing the impact of investment projects on the socio-economic condition of territories, taking into account the implementation of global projects.

However, even with all the variety of approaches to the problems of assessing the impacts of the global Belt and Road Initiative on the development of socio-economic cooperation between China, Russia and Mongolia, there are practically no opportunities in the analytical support of the Far East as the basis of a transport corridor (Baikal-Amur Mainline, Vostochny Port). The Arctic development program opens up prospects for the Far East. Special attention should be paid to the impact of Chinese investments (investment projects in the real economic sector and infrastructure) on the socio-economic condition of the territories of the Far East as the basis of transport corridor; it is also necessary to identify the investment needs of the territories for the integrated transport structure "China - East of Russia - Mongolia".

The geographical position of the Far East, the available transport opportunities (railway, air hubs, ports and customs crossings), and the availability of natural resources are the factors attracting partners to participate in global projects.

Although national states are trying to move away from the globalization processes and focus on regionalization - national interests became especially evident during the pandemics - the significant importance of megaprojects should be noted:

1. Large megaprojects appear in the world practice; they are implemented in several national territories.

2. Programs of socio-economic development of territories introduce project management technologies into the management system.

3. Megaprojects are becoming more widespread and attractive both in terms of investments and from a political point of view.

4. "Zones of intersection of national interests" appear, and there is an interest of national governments in the implementation of the multi-sector megaprojects.

5. The conditions for the development of the digital economy dictate the requirements for digitalization in the financial, industrial, service and other areas of national economies.

6. There are new requirements for the communication system - the difference in cultures, national characteristics, terminology, time zones, distances and


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territory conditions require the development of consistent approaches to managing megaprojects.

Therefore, it is important to correctly define the interaction and responsibility between the participants of megaprojects.

To begin with, we note the various definitions and content of megaprojects presented in theoretical concepts (table 1).

Table 1.

Theoretical definitions and characteristics of megaprojects

Denomination Definition Characteristics

Megaproject A target program (large investment project) containing a set of interrelated projects united by a common goal, allocated resources and time for their implementation. High cost (about 1 billion US dollars or more); labor intensity (15-20 million man-hours); duration of implementation (5-7 years or more) [3].

Global project A supranational idea which can become the basis for determining the value system of any person on earth. The fundamental point is voluntariness of the choice of participation in a particular global project for each specific person; the basic concepts of any projects must include the condition that its values should reach each person voluntarily, due to their universality and attractiveness [4].

A particularly large international project which creates the conditions for integration or, in some cases, expansion into the world space of the project initiator. The fundamental point is the creation of new institutions, technologies and business schemes, the replication of which in the world economy brings the greatest benefit to the project initiator [5].

Geopolitical project Modeling and design of geopolitical objects and processes. World regions and subregions, individual countries, as well as intrastate regions can act as objects of geopolitical design [6].

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Many authors note the main reasons which have led the economy to globalization: open borders, convenient and diverse logistics, the need for imports and the development of new markets. Globalization fulfills its role of expanding the economic interdependence of national economies, but at the same time, the content of processes changes under the influence of objective reasons (the global pandemics has revealed features of the assessment of globalization processes) and is partially moving to regionalization processes.

Noting different approaches to the project characteristics, it is possible to distinguish aggregated groups according to the relevant features:

- scope of the project;

- purpose (infrastructural, industrial, logistical);

- funding structure (share of investors, including public and private ones);

- labor resources (ratio of national and foreign workers implementing the project);

- compliance with strategic directions of the territory development;

- political motives.

In the Far East, large projects involving Chinese investments can be noted: the transport and energy proj ect "Power of Siberia", the Free port of Vladivostok, the RFP Group (one of its shareholders is the Russian Direct Investment Fund. Since 2013, it owns 42 % of shares of the RFP Group though the Russia-China Investment Fund) [1,7], etc.

The rest of the projects financed by Chinese investors in this territory are medium-sized businesses which are implemented mainly in the woodworking industry, agriculture and cargo transportation. At the same time, the projects are located in advanced development territories with preferential taxation and are financed to a greater extent by investors from China.

According to the authors, developing methods for assessing the impact of a global project on the development of socio-cultural conditions of the territory on the example of the Far Eastern Federal District; updating processes and activities within the framework of multilateral (China - East of Russia - Mongolia; other directions of the Road and Belt Initiative may also be considered) and bilateral cooperation (Russia - China); evaluating the investment projects of the transport route "China - Mongolia - Russia (East of Russia)" corridor; information and analytical support for developing forms of cooperation, - all of the above is extremely necessary, as it can take into account the peculiarities of the countries participating in the transport infrastructure.


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All in all, it can be concluded that joint efforts to create conditions for the development of the territory should take into account not only the effectiveness of investments, but also national characteristics and national interests of the territory where the projects are located.


1. Beshentsev A. N. Geoinformation Assessment of Socio-economic Systems and processes in Central Asia // Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference «Social and Economic Development of Russia and Mongolia: Problems and Prospects». Ulan-Ude: Publishing House of ESGUTU, 2019.

2. Ershov V. F. Classification of projects on the basis of scale // Business design. St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2005. S. 234.

3. Classification and composition of investment projects. Investments, exchanges, finances - Zor Bank. Retrieved 15 July 2019.

4. Gavrilenkov S., Khazin M. About global projects. Report at the VSEI conference, on joint work with S. Gavrilenkov // Reconfiguration of the squaring of the circle: Russian Entrepreneur. URL: http://cy-clowiki .org/wiki/%D0...%BA%D1%82.

5. Shimov V., Bykov A. Economic constructivism and its role in the «core-periphery» system // The Economist/ 2016. No. 10. URL: https://popecon.ru/ot-rivki/283-globalnyi-proekt-razvitij a.html .

6. Goltsov A.G. Regional geopolitical project «Intermarium»: prospects for implementation // Comparative Politics, Russia. 2016. Vol.7, No. 4.

7. Abramovich's timber industry RFP Group began looking for an investor: Kommersant. URL: https://www.vedomosti.ru/busi-ness/news/2020/05/13/830070-o-prodazhe-rfp-group

8. Darbalaeva D.A.? Tsyrenzhapova U.V., Beshentsev A.N. Monitoring system and analysis of the features of the socio-economic development of the cross-border territories of Russia, Mongolia and China // Scientific Review, 2012.

9. Atlas of sustainable development of North Asia in the context of the One Belt, One Road project / Tulokhonov A. K., Suochen D., Baklanov P. Ya., Garmaev E. Zh., Plyusnin V. M., Vladimirov I. N., Batuev A. R., Voronov B. A., Beshentsev A. N. // InterCarto. InterGIS. 2020. Vol. 26, No. 1.

2иЬагеу А. Е., Wu Репе, Ртетпа I. Т.

ВЕСТНИКТОГУ. 2022. № 4(67)

Заглавие: Особенности глобальных проектов в условиях реализации национальных территорий


Зубарев А. Е. - Тихоокеанский государственный университет, Хабаровск, Российская Федерация

У Пэн - Китайская народная республика, Шанхай

Пинегина И. Т. - Тихоокеанский государственный университет, Хабаровск, Российская Федерация

Аннотация: В данной статье рассматриваются теоретические подходы к определению и характеристике мегапроектов, отмечается недостаточное внимание к транспортному коридору Дальнего Востока со стороны участников мегапроектов, представлены особенности реализации глобальных проектов с выделением национальных интересов участников.

Ключевые слова: глобальные проекты, мегапроекты, Дальний Восток, Китай.

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