FEATURES OF DIGITALIZATION OF THE REGIONAL ECONOMY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
digitalization / digital transformations / regional development / information and communication technologies

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Rakhmatullaeva Firuza Mubinovna

In this article, the concept of the digital economy is analyzed. Issues related to the processes of digital transformation are among the priorities of the modern development of the country and its regions. The limited availability of certain types of resources in the region, along with the available unused resources, the potential of which is promising in digital reality, actualizes the study of various aspects of the digital economy and the processes of its formation in the regions of the country. Therefore, currently, the study of various aspects of the digital economy and the processes of its formation in the regions of the country is an urgent scientific and practical task

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Rakhmatullaeva Firuza Mubinovna

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Bukhara state university


Abstract: In this article, the concept of the digital economy is analyzed. Issues related to the processes of digital transformation are among the priorities of the modern development of the country and its regions.The limited availability of certain types of resources in the region, along with the available unused resources, the potential of which is promising in digital reality, actualizes the study of various aspects of the digital economy and the processes of its formation in the regions of the country. Therefore, currently, the study of various aspects of the digital economy and the processes of its formation in the regions of the country is an urgent scientific and practical task.

Keywords: digitalization, digital transformations, regional development, information and communication technologies.



Raxmatullayeva Firuza Mubinovna

Buxoro davlat universiteti "Iqtisodiyot" kafedrasi i.f.n., dotsent,

fusalinaa@gmail. com

Annotatsiya: Maqolada raqamli iqtisodiyot tushunchasi tahlil qilinadi. Raqamli transformatsiya jarayonlari bilan bog'liq masalalar mamlakat va uning mintaqalarini zamonaviy rivojlantirishning ustuvor yo'nalishlaridan biridir. Mintaqa hududida mavjud bo'lgan ma'lum turdagi resurslarning cheklanganligi, mavjud bo'lmagan resurslar bilan bir qatorda, ularning salohiyati raqamli haqiqatda istiqbolli bo'lib, raqamli iqtisodiyotning turli jihatlarini va uning mamlakat mintaqalarida shakllanish jarayonlarini o'rganishni amalga oshiradi. Binobarin, hozirgi vaqtda raqamli iqtisodiyotning turli jihatlarini va uning mamlakat mintaqalarida shakllanish jarayonlarini o'rganish dolzarb ilmiy va amaliy vazifadir.

Kalit so'zlar: raqamlashtirish, raqamli transformatsiyalar, mintaqaviy rivojlanish, axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari.


Рахматуллаева Фируза Мубиновна

к.э.н., доцент кафедры «Экономика», Бухарский государственный

университет fusalinaa@gmail. com

Аннотация: В статье анализируется концепция цифровой экономики. Вопросы, связанные с процессами цифровой трансформации, относятся к числу приоритетных направлений современного развития страны и ее регионов. Ограниченность имеющихся на территории региона незадействованных ресурсов, потенциал которых перспективен в цифровой реальности актуализирует изучение различных аспектов цифровой экономики и процессов ее становления в регионах страны. Следовательно, в настоящее время изучение различных аспектов цифровой экономики и процессов ее становления в регионах страны является актуальной научно-практической задачей.

Ключевые слова: цифровизация, цифровые преобразования, региональное развитие, информационно-коммуникационные технологии.


The modern rapid development of information and communication and digital technologies contributes to their integration into all spheres of the national economy. New digital technologies, innovative business models penetrate into all spheres of economic life of society, influencing the very essence of the economy, forming qualitative structural changes in it. As a result, the digital economy is being formed as a subsystem of the traditional economy, characterized by the active use of digital technologies and the turnover of specific electronic goods. Digital technologies play the role of a driver for the entire economy by attracting investments, creating new added value, creating new high-performance and high-tech jobs, and introducing advanced technologies in production and management. Ultimately, digitalization has a positive impact on economic growth and improving living standards. The level of development of the digital economy, the system-forming elements of which are the information society and the knowledge economy, is closely connected with country's competitiveness, which requires special attention of the state and business to its development.

The business community and governments of the countries of the world, including Uzbekistan, have realized the need to accelerate the processes of digitalization and digital transformation of the economy in order to achieve competitive positions in the emerging digital space of the new world economy.

Digital transformation is the introduction of modern digital technologies into the business processes of socio-economic systems at all levels. A unified approach to the definition of the concept of "digital economy" at the international level has not yet developed due to the complex and dynamic nature of this phenomenon.


At present, it can be said that there is no generally accepted definition of the concept of digital economy, and terms such as digitalization, digital age or digital transformation are often used in an interchangeable way [1].

In defining the concept of digital economy, attention is focused on a new stage of economic development, which is based on the integration of physical and digital objects in the sphere of production and consumption, in the economy and society. This integration contributes to a significant expansion of network communications, highspeed connection of people, processes, data and objects, which makes it faster to make decisions in conditions of rapid changes in environmental factors based on the analysis of a large amount of data.

Today, digitalization in the context of regional development is most often referred to as the transformation of all sectors of our economy, government, and society based on the large-scale adoption of existing and emerging digital technologies.

A significant factor in stimulating the digitization in various sectors of the economy, is to increase the availability of modern digital and network technologies, new software, a variety of digital devices and equipment, information and communication technologies based on the internet and mobile communications.

The term "digital economy" was introduced by Don Tapscott in his work "Digital Economy: Promise and Danger in the Era of Network Intelligence" in 1994 year [2, 15].

T. Mezenburg considers electronic business, its infrastructure and e-commerce to be the main components of the digital economy [3].

E. J. Malecki and B. Moriset define the digital economy as the widespread use of hardware and software, applications and telecommunications in all aspects of the economy [4].

The World Bank considers that the digital economy is an economy in which, thanks to the development of digital technologies, there is an increase in labor productivity, competitiveness of companies, reduction of production costs, creation of new jobs, reduction of poverty and social inequality [5].


The purpose of this study is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological principles of the role of digitalization in the development of regions. This article, like every scientific research, includes the analysis of the thoughts and opinions of

scientists, and to achieve the main goal, methods such as scientific abstraction, induction, deduction, systematic approach, and comparative analysis were used.


The need to solve the problem of formation and development of the digital economy in the regions of the country in the face of global challenges is increasing, especially recently in connection with the globalization of the world economy, the intensification of competition both in the domestic and foreign markets, including for resources, primarily information resources.

In many countries, considerable attention is paid to the problem of the formation of a digital society, which is confirmed by the adopted strategies and programs for the development of the digital economy. In Uzbekistan, the development of the digital economy is one of the priorities of the state economic policy. The proof of this statement is that the year 2020 in Uzbekistan was declared the Year of Development of Science, Education and the Digital Economy. It was during this period that the fundamental documents were adopted, laying the regulatory foundation for further digital reforms. The basis of digital transformation in Uzbekistan was the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 5, 2020 "On the approval of the Digital Uzbekistan - 2030 Strategy and measures for its effective implementation", which laid down measures aimed at stimulating the development of digital technologies and their application in priority economic sectors and regions.

Over the past five years, the country's digital infrastructure has improved, a significant amount of resources have been invested, which has laid a solid foundation for improving the ICT infrastructure. As a result, in the country, according to the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in 2017-2021 in the field of information and communications gross value added increased more than 2 times and reached 11.8 trillion soums (more than 1 billion US dollars) in 2021 [6].

The main goal of the national digital economy is to create new opportunities for the development, modernization and optimization of all levels of economic activity based on digital infrastructure. However, this cannot be achieved unless progress is made in digitalization of all regions of the country, because the country's economy consists of the economies of its regions, individual enterprises. Currently, the introduction of elements of the digital economy in the regions is mainly limited to the development of social and communication services. At the same time, the penetration of the digital economy into the production and business of the regions is still not fast enough.

Therefore, at present, the study of various aspects of the digital economy and the processes of its formation in the regions of the country is an urgent scientific and practical task.

The uniqueness of the resource and competitive potentials of territories, differences in the level of spatial development and industry specialization are important factors determining the possibilities and pace of implementation of the processes of socio-economic development and digitalization of the economy of each particular region. The era of digital transformation opens up new opportunities for the development of regions, which come not only from the availability and use of resource components, but also from the quality of regional policy and human capital, provided that clear priorities are set and resources are used efficiently, especially in conditions of their limitations.

The processes of digital transformation are characterized by great complexity and multidimensionality. They are affected by many different factors, the most significant of which need to be able to identify and measure timely in order to make the right strategic decisions, plan development in key areas and carry out corrective action based on feedback.

When choosing and justifying the system of priorities for regional development, it is necessary to pay special attention to the fundamental aspects of the digital reality that is emerging today, which creates new conditions for the spatial and sectoral development of regions.

The first is the speed of transformation. In the digital age, time, distance and space are critically compressed, which makes it necessary to shorten the time frame for developing, making and implementing any decisions. The available volumes of information, the speed of its receipt and processing have increased significantly, which makes it possible to effectively solve a whole range of problems in the development of a regional spatial and sectoral structure.

Another unique feature of digital technologies is the possibility of their integration and joint use, which provide a powerful synergistic and systemic effect that allows you to change not only the business process of an individual company, but also completely transform entire industries and markets - this is also important to take into account when forming a system of development priorities.

Digitalization in the regions has its own characteristics, opens up huge opportunities, but at the same time requires changes and solutions to a whole range of social and institutional problems that hinder the development of the spatial and sectoral structure in the conditions of digitalization of the economy. Among the most acute problems that need to be solved, we highlight the following:

- heterogeneity of regional economies and their weak resource security;

- lack of methodological developments and regulatory documents on the digital transformation of regional economies;

- low rates of innovation and technological re-equipment of the branches of the spatial and sectoral structure of the region [4].


Digitalization of the regional economy and the development of digital life will allow achieving a number of important socio-economic effects in the space of regions:

- Increasing the pace of socio-economic and spatial development of regions and its quality, that is, balancing structural imbalances in the development of territories and industries of regions.

- Ensuring equal access to socio-economic resources and conditions, increasing the inclusiveness of society.

- Improving the quality of life of the population of the regions by creating and continuously developing modern infrastructure and conditions for self-realization of citizens.

- Accelerated development of public-private partnership, increasing the trust of the government on the part of the population and the business community.

- Providing conditions for accelerating and increasing the efficiency of scientific and innovative activities and innovative-technological development of territories. In this direction, digitalization provides conditions for unlimited access to knowledge and information and stimulates innovation through the introduction of new technologies.

- The development of digital culture and increasing the competitiveness of the region both within the country and in the global economic space.

Digital technologies have firmly entered into all spheres of modern public life, and the digital economy plays an important role in the development of the economy of both the country and its individual spheres and regions. Today the most important task for our country is not to miss the moment of industrial transition and not to remain beyond the threshold of the digital economy, the solution of which is possible only through the joint efforts of business, government and society. Therefore, it is necessary for the state and business to work together to further develop the digital economy. The creation of new structures for the development of digitalization, horizontal and vertical cooperation between sectors of the economy, the interaction of the state, research institutes based on universities and private enterprises will allow the development of the digital economy in the regions.

Thus, support and development at the regional level of digital transformations in the spatial and sectoral structure of the region are directly interrelated with improving the quality of the business environment, creating favorable socio-economic conditions, infrastructure development and human capital growth, which makes regions that succeed in digitalization attractive sites for further accelerated development of spatial and sectoral infrastructure in digital conditions transformations.


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