Научная статья на тему 'Features of application of transmission oils on automobile and road-construction equipment in the Southern regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan'

Features of application of transmission oils on automobile and road-construction equipment in the Southern regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
иқтисодий ҳудуд / иссиқ иқлим / ишончлилик / автомобиль / йўл-қурилиш / омил / совитиш / тишли узатмалар / агрегат / куч узатмаси / ейилиш / хусусият / экономический район / жаркий климат / надежность / автомобиль / дорожно -строительный / фактор / охлаждение / зубчатая передача / агрегат / трансмиссия / износ / свойство.

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Norbaev E. K., Mustanov O. G.

Мақолада 2015-2019 йилларга мўлжалланган муҳандислик-коммуникация ва йўлтранспорт инфратузилмасини ривожлантириш ва модернизация қилиш дастурининг самарали бажарилиши ва М39 “Тошкент-Термиз” ва 4П87 “Ғузор-Чим-Кўкдала”йўлларини реконструкция қилишда йўл-қурилиш машиналарининг ишлатилиши тўғрисида мулоҳазалар билдирилган. Шунингдек, иссиқ-қуруқ иқлим шароитида атмосфера ҳавосининг автомобиллар ва йўл-қурилиш машиналари агрегатларининг ишлашига ва ҳар хил замонавий трансмиссия мойларига иқлимий омилларнинг таъсир кўрсаткичлари таҳлил қилиб чиқилган.

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В статье приведены суждения об эффективной реализации Программы развития и модернизации инженерно-коммуникационной и дорожно-транспортной инфраструктуры на 2015 2019 годы и выполнение реконструкции автодороги М39 «Ташкент-Термез» и 4Р87 «Гузар-Чим-Кукдала». Также приведен анализ воздействия на работу агрегатов трансмиссий автомобилей и строительно-дорожных машин и современных трансмиссионных масел в условиях жаркого сухого климата.

Текст научной работы на тему «Features of application of transmission oils on automobile and road-construction equipment in the Southern regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan»


Совук х,олатда жуваланган анизотропли электротехник пулат листлар бир-биридан оксид пардалар ёки махсус лок билан изоляцияланади ва шу оркали уюрма токлар х,осил киладиган исрофлар камайтирилади [2,4].

Х,озирги кунда Чирчик трансформатор заводида ишлаб чикарилаётган пулат узакларнинг калинлиги 0,27 мм килиб тайёрланмокда. Агарда пулат узак 0,27 мм калинликдаги электротехник пулат листдан тайёрланган булса, узакдаги уюрма ток исрофи куйидагича аникланади:



1,64- tr-f*-Pi


443- 10-flt5- Ii"


Электротехник пулат листдаги магнит майдон ва токнинг таксимланиши куйидагича булади, «у» уки буйича магнит оким ва <«» уки буйича эса ток кучи йуналган булади (2-расм). 2-расм. 5 та пулат листларда Демак, электротехник пулат листларни бир-биридан

укларнинг жойлашиши оксид пардалар ёки махсус локлар билан изоляциялаш

оркали уюрма токлар х,осил киладиган исрофлар камайтирилади. Юкорида натижалари келтирилган тадкикот ишида калинлиги 0,35 мм булган пулат листларга нисбатан, калинлиги 0,27 мм булган пулат листларда узакнинг кизишига сарф буладиган актив кувват уч фазали трансформаторларининг кувватига боглик равишда аникланган кийматлардан сезиларли фарк килади. Х,озирда электр энергия истеъмоли ва исрофини рационал даражада камайтириш буйича олиб бориладиган халкаро сиёсат хдмда энергетика тизимининг экологияга таъсирини камайтириш йуналишида амалиётга жорий килиниши техник-иктисодий ва экологик жихдтдан амалий ахдмиятга эга масала х,исобланади.


1. https://zen.yandex.ru/media/ energofiksikvihrevye-toki-toki-fuko-chto-eto-takoe-i-gde-oni-


2. Salimov J.S., Pirmatov N.B. Elektr mashinalari. -T.: O'zbekiston faylasuflari milliy jamiyati nashriyoti, 2011. - 408 b.

3. Вольдек А.И., Попов В.В. Электрические машины. Машины переменного тока: Учебник для вузов. - СПб.: Питер, 2008. -350 с.: ил.

4. Иванов-Смоленский А.В. Электрические машины. В 2-х т. Том 1: Учебник для вузов. - 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: Издательство МЭИ, 2004. - 656 с., ил.

UDK 621.8:665.6 Norbaev E.K., Mustanov O.G.



Norbaev E. K. - senior lecturer; Mustanov O.G'.- senior lecturer (Karshi engineering-economics institute)

Ma^onada 2015-2019 uunnapгa Mynwannarnan мy^aндucnuк-кoммyнuкaцuн ea uyn-mpancnopm un$pamy3unMacunu pueownanmupum ea мoдеpнuзaцuн ^num dacmypunum caMapanu dawapunumu ea M39 "Тomкенm-Теpмuз" ea 4n87 "Fyзop-Huм-Кyкдana"uynnapuнu

реконструкция цилишда йул-цурилиш машиналарининг ишлатилиши тугрисида муло%азалар билдирилган. Шунингдек, иссиц-цуруц ицлим шароитида атмосфера %авосининг автомобиллар ва йул-цурилиш машиналари агрегатларининг ишлашига ва %ар хил замонавий трансмиссия мойларига ицлимий омилларнинг таъсир курсаткичлари та%лил цилиб чицилган.

Калит сузлар: ик;тисодий худуд, исси; ик;лим, ишончлилик, автомобиль, йул-курилиш, омил, совитиш, тишли узатмалар, агрегат, куч узатмаси, ейилиш, хусусият.

В статье приведены суждения об эффективной реализации Программы развития и модернизации инженерно-коммуникационной и дорожно-транспортной инфраструктуры на 2015 - 2019 годы и выполнение реконструкции автодороги М39 «Ташкент-Термез» и 4Р87 «Гузар-Чим-Кукдала». Также приведен анализ воздействия на работу агрегатов трансмиссий автомобилей и строительно-дорожных машин и современных трансмиссионных масел в условиях жаркого сухого климата.

Ключевые слова: экономический район, жаркий климат, надежность, автомобиль, дорожно -строительный, фактор, охлаждение, зубчатая передача, агрегат, трансмиссия, износ, свойство.

At the same time, a comprehensive analysis of the stage of development of the country, the changing conjuncture of the global economy in the context of globalization and increasing competition require the development and implementation of radically new ideas and principles for the further sustainable and accelerated development of the country.

In order to radically increase the effectiveness of the reforms, create conditions for the comprehensive and accelerated development of the state and society, implement priority directions for the modernization of the country and liberalize all spheres of life, the Decree on the Strategy of Action for the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 was adopted [1].

The role and importance of transport in the economic development of the country has increased dramatically.This requires the development of the transport system in accordance with modern requirements and improvement of transport links.

President Sh. M. Mirziyoyev in his speech [2] at the international conference in Samarkand expressed his opinion on the transport sector in the country - "... more efficient use of the transit and logistics potential of the region and the region will ensure the rapid development of transport infrastructure. I would like to note with satisfaction the practical steps taken by the countries of the region in this direction".

In the plans of economic and social development of the country, great attention is paid to the expansion of the road network with the hard and improved pavement.

According to the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 26, 2017 number PP-3011 and the resolutions [2] of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 12, 2010 number PP-1433"On measures for the implementation of the project" Reconstruction of the M39 Tashkent-Termez highway" with the participation of Islamic Development Bank" and dated December 28, 2011 number PP-1671.

"On measures for the implementation of the project"Reconstruction of the highway 4P87 Guzar-Chim-Kukdala" with the participation of the Saudi Development Fund and Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development"and in order to ensure the effective implementation of the Program of development and modernization of engineering, communication and road transport infrastructure for 2015-2019, a huge amount of work has been done.

In addition to the construction of superior roads, it is important to expand the local road network.

These paths are crucial for expanding trade, increasing agricultural production and raising living standards. These routes are crucial for expanding trade, increasing agricultural production and raising the standard of living of the population.

Road conditions need to be developed to prevent road and traffic accidents, and the use of high-speed vehicles should be considered for road construction, as they provide the least congestion.

Highways are a complex of engineering structures that must ensure the speed and safety of vehicles.Road construction and engineering structures are inextricably linked to the speed and intensity of their movement and the local climate.

The regulations [2] noted ensure timely mobilization of road construction equipment in 4P87 reconstruction of highway Guzar-Chim-Kukdala length of 73 km in Kashkadarya region and the reconstruction of highway M39 Tashkent-Termez with the length of 100 km in Surkhandarya region and in time to complete the construction work, without taking into account adverse weather conditions and technical delays.

In this direction, work was carried out in physical volume on the device of the roadbed with a length of 28.4 km, the base of the gravel and crushed stone layer-6.4 km, asphalt concrete coating-4.0 km, the reconstruction of two bridges-60 percent and the construction of a transport interchange - 90 percent (Act as of 15.05.2019) [5];

At performance of the planned volumes of works on reconstruction of the highway different cars and road-construction cars are mobilized. In operation, these cars and road construction machines in hot dry climates have a negative impact on the reliability of the operation of automotive and road construction equipment and operational materials.

The Central Asian economic region, which includes Uzbekistan in accordance with GOST 17479.2-85 (GOST 16350-70), belongs to the hot climate zone (with the exception of high mountain regions). Environmental factors of a hot dry climate have a significant impact on the reliability of operation of automotive and road-building equipment. The values of climatic factors affecting machines and operating materials in relation to the Central Asian region are given in table.

Table 1.

The significance of climatic factors for the Central Asian economic region

Indicators Limit values

Climate technical rigidity, points: Nk (cold) 30

Sk (hot) 55

Continentality % 80

Total radiation Q year max, in J / m2 335,2.104

Air temperature, ° C (average / absolute): Minimum Maximum -5/-28 39/50

Daily amplitude of air temperature, °C (winter / summer) 25/20

Average wind speed, m/s 6,5

Relative humidity,% (winter/summer) 79/30

The most severe climatic factors and atmospheric phenomena of hot dry climate react to the work of transmission units of cars and road construction machines that do not have cooling and thermostating facilities. According to [3], in the gear drives of modern cars, the specific loads in the contact of the teeth are in the range of 20000 - 40000 kg/cm2, and the operating temperature of the oil in the transmissions reaches 160-170 0C. More than 25 different transmission and gear oils and oil mixtures are used to lubricate various transmission units of cars and other transport vehicles [3,4].

Oils used to lubricate gears in automobile transmission units. Their main purpose is to reduce wear on the working surfaces of gear teeth and reduce friction losses in transmission units, lubricated by dipping or spraying methods. In addition, they must provide good heat dissipation from rubbing parts, protecting them from corrosion. Such oils are obtained mainly from residual oil refining products (tars and semi-tars) by their purification from paraffins and asphalt-resinous substances. Transmission oils are highly viscous and sticky dark-colored liquids with a density of

900-935g / cm3. Transmission oils are classified according to viscosity-temperature properties, purpose and their ability to absorb loads arising from the operation of gears. Depending on the viscosity-temperature properties, the oils are divided into all-season and northern, and according to the purpose they are distinguished: general-purpose, used for lubricating cylindrical and bevel gears (except hypoid); hypoid, used only for bevel gears with hypoid gearing; universal, suitable for lubricating gears of all types, including hypoid gears; special, poured into hydromechanical transmissions. Transmission oils are classified according to the ability to absorb loads of three types for gears:

-cylindrical and bevel gears with moderate loads;

- highly loaded cylindrical gears and bevel gears with circular teeth;

-conic gears with hypoid gearing operating at high specific loads in combination with high speeds of mutual sliding of the teeth.

The kinematic viscosity at 100 ° C for all-season gear oils is 14-20, northern - 9-10, special for hydromechanical gears -7 mm2 / s. Sulfur content increases extreme pressure properties of gear oils. Therefore, the oils used in the crankcases of driving axles, gearboxes and steering gears introduce sulfur-containing additives. As a result, the sulfur content in transmission oils reaches 1.23.6% (by weight). To improve the individual properties of gear oils, additives are added to their composition: antioxidant, depressant, viscous (increasing viscosity at high temperatures), antifoam. But the most important for gear oils, especially for hypoid and universal oils, are anti-seize and anti-wear additives containing sulfur (for example, OTP, Chloref-40). Transmission oils are indicated by a combination of letters with a hyphen indicating the kinematic viscosity (in mm2 / s) at 100 ° C. The legend includes additional letters showing the distinguishing features of the oil.

General purpose oil marking begins with the letters TC. For example, a combination of letters and numbers TS-10-OTP means that it is a transmission oil with a kinematic viscosity of 10 mm2 / s at 100 ° C, with an extreme pressure and anti-wear additive OTP. The letter "p" in the TSp-15K brand oil indicates that it is a gear oil with an additive, and the letter K - that it is designed for high-load transmission units of KamAZ vehicles [5].

Labeled gear oils for automobiles are denoted by their initial letters TA (T - gear, A -automobile) with a hyphen indicating the kinematic viscosity. Additional letters indicate some other distinctive features of the oil. For example, in the TAD-17i oil brand, the letter D indicates that the composition of the oil includes not only residual, but also distillate oils, the letter "i" indicates that the oil contains a complex of additives that provide the oil with good viscosity-temperature, anti-wear and anti-foam properties.

The use of oils not intended for transmission units is unacceptable (gear transmissions will very quickly fail). Belowweconsiderarangeofmoderngearoils.

Oil TEP-15, Tap-15V is intended for transmissions of tractors as all-season for areas of Central Asia. Ithassatisfactorylubricatingandpreservativeproperties.

TSP-14 gip oil is intended for hypoid gears of trucks.It is not recommended to use TSP-14 gip oil in hypoid transmissions of passenger cars, because it leads to increased wear of rubbing surfaces

TAD-17 oil (TM 5-18 or according to SAE 85W90 API GL5) [8] refers to universal oils that can work in any type of gear. It has high operational properties and is able to work without changing 60-100 thousand km. The oil has excellent conservation properties. These all-season oils are effective in a wide temperature range (from +50 to -35 ° C). These include the following types of oils: TAD-17i - as universal in the crankcase of final drives (including hypoid gears) and gearboxes [5].

Thus, we can conclude that the modern transmission oils must be all seasonal and universal, which will significantly reduce their range and positively affect the rubbing parts of transmissions. Firstly, it perfectly maintains operational and conservation properties in acute hot and dry climates, secondly, it can be used with any type of gear, thirdly, the service life is longer than other brands of oils, fourthly, to ensure the durability of parts of any gears, fifthly, it reduces the cost of maintenance and repair of transmission units, sixth, spare parts costs are reduced [16].

All ongoing repair and reconstruction of the road are by the supervision of the State Inspection

for Quality Control of Road Construction Works. This circumstance contributes to a significant

improvement in the quality of road repairs and a reduction in the timing of its implementation.


1. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. UP-4947 "On the strategy of action for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" Tashkent city., 2017.

2. Mirziyoyev Sh. M. Speech at the international conference in the city of Samarkand"Central Asia: a unified history and common future, cooperation for sustainable development and progress."R.Uzb., Samarkand city, 10.11. 2017.

3. Itinskaya N.I., Kuznetsov N.A. reference book on fuel oils and technical fluids. - M .: Kolos, 1982. 207 p.

4. Boltenas R.Gearoils, greases. -Moscow, St. Petersburg: DNA Publishing House LLC, 2001. -208 p.

5. ru.wikipedia.org

УДК 631.37 Тургунов З., РаззаковТ., Бойназаров У.



Тургунов З. - к.т.н., доцент. (Андижанский филиал ТашГАУ); Раззаков Т.- к.т.н.,доцент; Бойназаров У. -к.т.н., доцент.( КарИЭИ )

Мацолада йул шароитида трактор гилдиракларининг сурилиш ва огиш бурчагини аницлаш методикаси, турт гилдиракли тракторнинг дала-йул шароитида синаш режими ва ундан олинган натижалар уамда тракторни нишабликларда узини тутиш уолати буйича маълумотлар келтирилган.

Калит сузлар: дастур, услуб, синов, шинанинг огиши, шинанинг ейилиши, киялик, тажриба, гилдирак, деформация, сирпаниш, номуким, муким, режим.

The article describes the methodology for determining tire drift and wheel drift under raod conditions, and also highlights the modes and results of field tests of a for-wheel traktor, as well as evaluates traktor behavior on slopes.

Key words: program, methodology, testing, tire removal, tire demolition, slope, experience, wheel, deformation, rolling, unstable, mode.

В Стратегии действий по дальнейшему развитию Республики Узбекистан определены задачи по сокращению энерго и ресурсоемкости экономики, широкому внедрению в производство энергосберегающих технологий, повышению и стимулированию производительности труда в отраслях сельскохозяйственного производства [1].

Опытом установлено, что деформация шин при движении наклоненного колеса и деформация при движении колеса по кругу имеет одинаковый характер изменения. Наклоненное колесо стремится двигаться по кругу в сторону наклона вследствие действия внешних сил [8].

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