№ 6 (111)
июнь, 2023 г.
Sitora Sultonova
Bukhara State Medical Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara
Sherzod Ortikov
Assistant, Bukhara State University Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara
Ilgor Norov
Assistant, Bukhara State University Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara E-mail: i.i. norov@buxdu. uz
Султонова Ситора Фахриддиновна
Бухарский государственный медицинский институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Бухара
Ортиков Шерзод Шарофович
Бухарский государственный университет Республика Узбекистан, г. Бухара
Норов Ильгор Ильхомович
Бухарский государственный университет Республика Узбекистан, г. Бухара
In looms, due to the forces of friction, the thread sometimes leads to its rupture. At textile enterprises, yarn is sizing to increase its strength. Therefore, the creation of new technologies for the production of sizing agents and the study of their properties, as well as their use in textile enterprises, is relevant.
В ткацких станках за счет сил трения нити иногда приводит к ее разрыву. На текстильных предприятиях пряжу шлихтуют для повышения ее прочности. Поэтому создание новых технологий производства шлихтующих веществ и изучение их свойств, а также использование их на текстильных предприятиях является актуальным.
Keywords: size, polyacrylamide, polymethyl methacrylate, starch, polyvinyl acetate, viscosity, strength, paste. Ключевые слова: клей, полиакриламид, полиметилметакрилат, крахмал, поливинилацетат, вязкость, прочность, клейстер.
Библиографическое описание: Sultonova S.F., Ortikov Sh.Sh., Norov I.I. FEATURES OF APPLICATION IN THE TEXTILE INDUSTRY OF SYNTHETIC POLYMER COMPOSITIONS SOLUBLE IN NATURAL WATER // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2023. 6(111). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/15665
№ 6 (111)
июнь, 2023 г.
The addition of synthetic polymers such as PAA (polyacrylamide), HPMA (hydrolyzed polymethyl acry-late) and PVA (polyvinyl acetate) to the composition of the dressing sizing on starch leads to significant changes in the structural and mechanical properties. High adhesive properties of polyacrylate compositions as sizing agents testify to its advantages [1]. When studying the rheological properties of pastes based on 6% rice starch with a small amount of PAA (1.0-3.0% by weight of starch) and HPMA (6-10% by weight of starch), a sharp change in the
properties of starch was noted with the introduction of PAA and HPMA (table 1). As can be seen from the table, the addition of HPMA leads to an increase in the viscosity of the system. This indicates that HPMA reacts with starch to form bonds due to hydrogen forces and Van der Waltz forces, since the hydroxyl groups in the polymer chain of starch (more precisely, its components - amylose and amylopectin) are conveniently located at a distance of 2.42 A and at an angle of 190°.
Table 1.
Viscosity change of 6% starch paste at different temperatures depending on the amount of HPMA
Temperature, oK Composition viscosity, Pa^s (At different concentrations of HPMA)
4,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,0
298 0,42 0,76 1,22 1,34 1,76
313 0,34 0,68 1,13 1,28 1,63
323 0,26 0,61 0,98 1,22 1,55
333 0,21 0,57 0,84 1,16 1,43
343 0,14 0,50 0,72 0,94 1,44
353 0,10 0,42 0,76 0,89 1,23
The ability of the composition to form a film is one of the important properties of the sizing process. When processing and drying the threads with a sizing composition, a smooth film is formed on the surface of the fiber and inside the fiber [2].
Therefore, the physico-mechanical properties of films based on natural and synthetic polymers were studied, the results of which are presented in table 2.
From Table. 2 shows that the strength of the film based on starch-HPMA-PAA-PVA is 1.5-2.5 times higher than the strength of starch-PVA or other three-component systems. This feature of the film is very important for the formation of a strong and elastic film with a reduced coefficient of friction on the surface of the thread, as well as for increasing the resistance of the thread to abrasion, bending, twisting, elongation and similar mechanical stress.
Table 2.
Physical and mechanical properties of sizing mix from different systems
Film type Film compression length at break, mm Film width, mm Film thickness mm Resis-tance to interrupts g/c Film strength, kg/mm2 Stretching, %
Starch 50 50 0,314 11,6 1,6 27
Starch-PAA 50 50 0,276 19,3 2,3 21
Starch-PVA 50 50 0,234 19,7 2,6 18
Starch-HPMA 50 50 0,184 21,4 3,1 16
Starch-PVA-HPMA 50 50 0,196 24,6 3,8 15
Starch-HPMA-PAA 50 25 0,163 26,1 4,2 14
Starch-HPMA-PAA-PVA 50 25 0,157 28,4 4,5 13
Adhesive properties are one of the main properties of sizing components, since they are designed to increase the strength of the yarn by forming an adhesive film on the yarn. To form a strong film with sufficient viscosity, it must be absorbed into the fiber, but the viscosity and surface tension should not be too low, as this will worsen the physical and mechanical properties of the yarn [3].
On fig. 1 shows the dependence of the adhesion of starch dressings at various concentrations on the amount
of HPMA. As can be seen from the figure, the introduction of HPMA leads to an increase in the adhesive properties of the system.
With the introduction of HPMA, the surface tension of starch solutions increases. The resulting complexes facilitate the transition of a large amount of substrate from the composite solution to the surface, since the internal molecular interaction in the solution is small.
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июнь, 2023 г.
HPMA concentration, % starch concentration: 1 - 4, 2 - 5, 3 - 6, 4 - 7.
Figure 1. Effect of HPMA Concentration on Adhesion Change
Thus, the composition based on water-soluble natural and synthetic polymers (starch 6%, PAA up to 5%, HPMA 12% and PVA 2% by weight of starch) improves the systemic adhesive properties of the yarn.
The discontinuous characteristics of the weaving process are mainly determined by the penetration of the dressing into the yarn, as a result of which a part of the fibers that make up the basis of the yarn merges [4].
When studying the effect of the composition composition on the strength, rupture and stretching of yarn (fig. 2 and 3), it was found that an increase in the amount of PAA, HPMA and PVA in starch compositions increases the strength of yarn due to the formation of films on the fiber surface.
HPMA concentration, % Concentrations of PAA and PVA respectively 5 and 2% Amount of starch: 1 - 5, 2 - 6, 3 - 7%.
Figure 2. The effect of the concentration of HPMA on the strength of yarn impregnated with a polymer composition
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июнь, 2023 г.
HPMA concentration, % Concentrations of PAA and PVA respectively 5 and 2% Amount of starch: 1 - 5, 2 - 6, 3 - 7%.
Figure 3. The effect of the concentration of HPMA on the relative decrease in elongation under the influence of the polymer composition
Excessive strength reduces elongation, which, in turn, reduces the efficiency of dressing. As a rule, the sizing solution yarn has higher strength and lower elongation [5].
Thus, according to the data obtained, starch, PAA and HPMA, which are part of the dressing composition,
have a significant effect on the physico-mechanical properties of the coated yarn. The addition of 5% PO, 12% GPMA and 2% PVA to 6% starch paste increases the strength of the yarn and reduces its tear during elongation.
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