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Ключевые слова
Kolyubakins / Linevs / Dolgorukovs / Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya / Ustyuzhna Uyezd / noblility / landowners / family ties / landed estate / genealogical table

Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Mikhail N. Marov

The article is devoted to the consideration of regularities in the process of formation of regional landowning families in the territory of Ustyuzhna Uyezd in the 17th-19th centuries. The study takes into account the mutual ties between the clans, using the example of the landowning families of the Kolyubakins, the Linevs, and the Dolgorukovs. It was revealed from which administrative-territorial formations (pyatinas of the Novgorod Lands) and for what reason the landowning families of Kolyubakins, Dolgorukovs, and Linevs were resettled to Ustyuzhna-Zhelezopolskaya Uyezd at the beginning of the 17th century. The facts of relationships and family ties between the families of landowners under consideration are identified and the reasons for the emergence of these ties are analyzed on the basis of the analysis of a number of documents from the fonds of the Heralds office (F. 286), Pomestnyi Prikaz (F. 1209), and the Ustyuzhna Voivodeship Chancellery (F. 596) in the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts, which are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, as well as of the results of the research on the history of the ancient Kolyubakin family, conducted by the author. It is shown that the family ties of the Kolyubakins, Linevs and Dolgorukovs led to the redistribution of landed property between these clans due to its transfer as a dowry or inheritance by collateral by nephews and grand-nephews from maternal lineage. In the course of the research, the Ustyuzhna branch of the noble family of Dolgorukov is reconstructed, including five generations of descendants, and covering the period from the end of the 16th century to the second half of the 18th century. The development of the family clans of the Dolgorukovs, Linevs, and Kolyubakins in Ustyuzhna Uyezd in the period between the 17th and the 19th centuries is analyzed. It is esbalished that at the end of the 19th century, of the three families to which this article is devoted, only the Kolyubakins still remained among the prosperous landowners of the uyezd. It is noted that the village of Rastoropovo in Ustyuzhna Uyezd, which survived to this day, was the geographical center of the events described in the article. The analysis made it possible to illustrate with specific examples and in detail a number of previously identified patterns in the formation of land ownership in Ustyuzhna Uyezd.

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2. Установлено, что причина возникновения семейных связей между рассматриваемыми родами состояла в том, что пожалованные им поместья граничили или представляли собой доли одних и тех же территориальных образований - деревень, пустошей. Связи между родами Колюбакиных и Линевых прослежены с первой половины XVII в. до середины XIX в. Связь обоих этих родов с родом Долгоруковых выявлена в начале XVIII в. Несмотря на наличие родственных связей, компактное проживание семейств в ряде случаев приводило к возникновению имущественных или хозяйственных конфликтов.

3. Показано, что семейные связи приводили к перераспределению поместной собственности между родами за счет ее передачи в качестве приданого, как в случае с переходом долей села Расторопово от Долгоруковых к Колюбакиным, или в результате наследования по боковым ветвям, к племянникам и внучатым племянникам по женской линии, как в случае с переходом долей деревни Квашнино от Колюбакиных к Линевым и половины сельца Расторопово от Долгоруковых к Линевым.

4. Реконструирована роспись устюженской ветви рода помещиков Долгоруковых, включающая пять поколений потомков и охватывающая период с конца XVI до второй половины XVIII в.

Предварительный анализ корпуса источников из фонда Поместного приказа РГАДА показывает, что аналогичные связи и вызванный ими переход поместной собственности имели место и между другими родами устюженских помещиков, например, между Колюбакиными и Ушаковыми, Лаптевыми, Ходневыми и др. Изучение этих связей могло бы составить возможный предмет дальнейших исследований в данном направлении, не ограничивающихся территориально рамками одного только Устюженского уезда.



While studying the history of the Kolyubakin family, the author of the article revealed numerous marital ties of these noblemen with representatives of other well-known families. Some of the families related to the Kolyubakins were also related to each other. In some cases, the emergin family ties were strong enough and appeared to last for several centuries.

In particular, such marital ties were revealed between the Kolyubakins and the Linevs, the Kolyubakins and the Dolgorukovs, and between the Linevs and the Dolgorukovs who resided in the territory of Ustyuzhna Uyezd with its center in the town of Ustyuzhna. This town was located in the south-western part of the present-day Vologda Oblast and had been called Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya until the 18th century.1 The family ties of these three families of landowners, whose relationship to each other was analyzed in the period between the 17th and the 19th centuries, were chosen as the object of research presented in this publication. The territorial and chronological framework of the research was determined by the very fact of the existence of the family ties mentioned above in this very region and in this very period.

The basis for the historical description of Ustyuzhnya Zhelezopolskaya and its uyezd was laid in the publications of Pyotr A. Kolesnikov (1907-96). Pyotr Kolesnikov was one of the first researchers to point out the necessity of studying the history of the noble families of Ustyuzhna Uyezd and dedicated a separate article to this topic. The article stressed the importance of studying the history of local landowners and briefly described the Ushakov, Neplyuev, Linev, Perskii, and Kolyubakin families as well as representatives of some other clans who lived in the uyezd.3

Later on, the composition of the nobility of Ustyuzhna Uyezd, the reasons for the arrival of noble families in the uyezd, and the dynamics of the formation of local land ownership were researched and published in the works of I. Pugach.4

1 A.A. Rybakov, Ustyuzhna. Cherepovets. Vytegra [in Russian] (Leningrad: Iskusstvo, 1981), 7-82; W.C. Brumfield, "Ustyuzhna: Vologda's western treasure," in Ustyuzhna [in Russian and English] (Moscow: Tri Kvadrata, 2010), 7-32.

2 P.A. Kolesnikov, "Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya according to descriptions of 1567 and 1597" [in Russian], in Cities offeudal Russia: a collection of articles in memory of N.V. Ustyugov, ed. V.I. Shunkov (Moscow: Nauka, 1966), 144-47; P.A. Kolesnikov, "Ustyuzhna-Zhelezopolskaya Uyezd in the 17th century" [in Russian], in Problems of historical geography of Russia: Proceedings of the Second All-Union Conference on the historical geography of Russia, Moscow, November 25-26, 1980, is. 1, Formation of the state territory of Russia, ed. Ya.E. Vodarskii (Moscow: Institut istorii SSSR, 1982), 182-87; A.V. Kamkin, "Petr Andreevich Kolesnikov - a historian of Ustyuzhna" [in Russian], in Ustyuzhna: Local history almanac, ed. M.A. Beznin, is. 3 (Vologda: Rus', 1995), 411-20.

3 P.A. Kolesnikov, "Nobility of Ustyuzhna Uyezd of the 17th - early 20th century" [in Russian], in Ustyuzhna: historical and literary almanac, ed. M.A. Beznin, is. 1-2 (Vologda: Legiya, 2007), 288-309.

I.V. Pugach, Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya and the uyezd in the 16th - first half of 17th century: territory, population, economy [in Russian] (PhD. diss., Vologda State Pedagogical University, 1999), 140-71.

I. Pugach identified a number of patterns and regional peculiarities in the development of landowning families of Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya Uyezd, including the following:5

- Many of the landowning families that appeared in the early 17th century in the territory of Ustyuzhna Uyezd arrived from the Novgorod lands, where their surnames had been known since the middle of the 16th century;

- By the end of the first quarter of the 17th century, the process of expansion of landed property of landowning families through distribution of state, palace and unowned lands had been completed in the region; later on, the predominant practice of acquiring new estates was their inheritance through direct and lateral family lines within the clans;

- The tendency to develop mixed-type estates of the patrominy estate type was one of the signs revealing the strengthening of landowners' positions in Ustyuzhna-Zhelezopolskaya Uyezd in the first third of the 17th century.

Meanwhile, the study of the noble landowning families, condeucted by I. Pugach, is practically devoid of any analysis of their interrelationship. At the same time, compact residence of the noble families in the uyezd inevitably led not only to property-based relations between them (which in some cases resulted in conflicts of interest and economic disputes and litigations) but also to good-neighbourly relations and long-term friendship, often ending in marital unions. This, in turn, led to the redistribution of landed property between families and influenced the process of their development in the region.

In this connection, the purpose of this article was to examine the tendencies in the development of the landowning families of Ustyuzhna Uyezd in their interconnection on the example of the Kolyubakins, Linevs, and Dolgorukovs.

The purpose of the article mentioned above required to solve the following tasks: to reveal how the landowners Kolyubakins, Linevs, and Dolgorukovs appeared in Ustyuzhna-Zhelezopolskaya Uyezd; to establish the reasons for any family connections between them; to analyze the development of these connections during the 17th-19th centuries; to understand the processes of local property redistribution between the families.

The history of the Kolyubakin family recorded in documents can be traced back to the second half of the 15th century. The genealogical table of the Kolyubakins includes 25 generations and is described in sufficient detail for the purposes of this

5 I.V. Pugach, "Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya Uyezd in the 16th - first half of 17th century" [in Russian], in Ustyuzhna: local history almanac, ed. M.A. Beznin, is. 4 (Vologda: Legiya, 2000), 69, 78, 80-82.

article.6 The history of the Linev family dates back to the middle of the 14th century and the genealogical table of 10 generations of the Linevs' Ustyuzhna branch has also been published. At the same time, there was no description of the Dolgorukov family of the Novgorod service class people at the disposal of the author of this article. Therefore, it was required to reconstruct the branch of the family tree connected with the noble Kolyubakin and Linev families. This became one of the tasks of this work.

In order to trace back the details of arrival of the Kolubakin, Linev and Dolgorukov families in Ustyuzhena Uyezd, the author analyzed the lists of service class people of Novgorod Land, which were published in the works of N. Yanitskii,


N. Nosov, P. Ivanov, V. Vorob'ev and A. Degtyarev.

The source base of the research consisted of the materials stored in the fonds of the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts, which are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. Moreover, the source base includes the materials of the collection of Yu. Shmarov stored in the department of written and audio-visual sources at the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, the fonds of the Likharevs, noblemen of Zubtsovs Uyezd, at the State Archive of Tver Oblast (GATO), and various fonds of the Russian State Historical Archive (RGIA).

It should be noted that the documents of the 16th-17th centuries often contain different spelling of the surnames of the service class people mentioned in this article. This is sometimes the case for the same person. For instance, the surname "Kolyubakin" was often spelled as "Kulebakin," "Kulibakin," "Kulyubakin," or "Kolyubyakin." The surname "Dolgorukov" was sometimes spelled as "Dolgorukii." In this article, we will talk about the Dolgorukovs who are mentioned in documents without a title, that is, about the branch of the Dolgorukov family that did not belong

6 M.N. Marov, The Kolyubakins: Materials for the genealogy [in Russian] (St Petersburg: SPbGU, 2008), 15-16, 24-28, 61-229.

7 B.N. Morozov, "Genealogical table of the Chikhachevs, Gorstkins, Linevs, Ershovs, Somovs, and Okunevs with unique news from the 14th-15th centuries" [in Russian], Istoricheskaya genealogiya, is. 2 (1993): 42-43; is. 4 (1994): 14-19; E.A. Vorotyntseva, "The noble family of Linev, the Church of the Ascension, and a portrait of Pushkin" [in Russian], in Ustyuzhna: local history almanac, ed. M.A. Beznin, is. 6 (Vologda: VGPU, 2008), 152-58.

N.F. Yanitskii, Economic crisis in the Novgorod region in the 16th century [in Russian], Collections of the Students' Historical and Ethnographic Circle at the Imperial University of St Vladimir under the guidance of Prof. M.V. Dovnar-Zapolsky 4 (Kiev: Tipografiya universiteta svyatogo Vladimira, 1915); N.E. Nosov, Essays on the history of local governance of the Russian State in the first half of the 16f century [in Russian] (Moscow: Izdatel'stvo AN SSSR, 1957); P.I. Ivanov, Review of the cadastres of Novgorod and Pskov [in Russian] (Moscow: Tipografiya Pravitel'stvuyushchego senata, 1841); V.M. Vorob'ev and A.Ya. Degtyarev, Russian feudal landownership from the Time of Troubles to the eve of Peter the Great's reforms [in Russian], ed. A.L. Shapiro (Leningrad: LGU, 1986).

to the princely family or simply about the namesake of the famous princely family. In addition, the traditional practice existing in Russia until the 17th century should be mentioned. That is, to give a child another name in addition to his official baptismal name. This not baptismal name was originally called "a secular name" and later became known as a nickname.9 In official documents, people are mentioned by their nicknames almost as often as by names. For example, in some documents, Gavrila Kirillovich Kolyubakin, who was the third son and so had the nickname of Tretyak [the third], was referred to either as Gavrila son of Kirill (Kirillov syn), or Tretyak son of Kirill (Tret'yak Kirillov syn). The word 'son' was sometimes also omitted and in the text it was 'Gavrila Kirillov' or 'Tretyak Kirillov.' Osip Vasilievich Kolyubakin nicknamed Myasoed [Meat eater] was recorded as Osip Vasiliev or Myasoed Vasiliev, and so on. In the documents mentioning children, patronyms were also often formed from the father's nickname rather than from his name. The children of Gavrila Kolyubakin were often listed in the documents with the patronym formed from his nickname "Tretyak." For example, Gavrila's son Isai Kolyubakin was referred to either as Isai Gavrilov or as Isai Tretyakov (that is Isai son of Gavrila or Isai son of Tretyak). The same concerns another son of Gavrila, Sofron Kolyubakin. The above-mentioned patterns should be taken into account when reading this article, in which names, patronyms, and surnames of the people are given exactly as they appear in the official historical documentary sources.

Main body

It is believed that several families of service class people moved to Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya Uyezd from Novgorod Lands at the beginning of the 17th century after the liquidation of the Novgorod boyar republic. Special state measures were aimed at revising the number of the uyezd nobility in the course of oprichnina, which began in the second half of the 16th century.10 According to I. Pugach,

the noblemens and boyar scions of Bezhetsk and Obonezhsk pyatinas, which joined the oprichnina in 1571, were resettled to the bordering areas, including, in our opinion, Ustyuzhna Uyezd.11

In order to clarify the circumstance and the exact period of arrival of the landowning families of Kolyubakins, Linevs, and Dolgorukovs in Ustyuzhna

9 B.O. Unbegaun, Russian surnames. History of origin, meaning and national features of hereditary family names and pseudonyms [in Russian], trans. L.A. Igorevskii (Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf, 2021), 15-17.

10 Kolesnikov, "Nobility of Ustyuzhna Uyezd," 292-93; Pugach, "Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya Uyezd in the 16th - first half of 17th century," 59.

11 Pugach, "Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya Uyezd in the 16th - first half of 17th century," 101.

Zhelezopolskaya Uyezd, let us turn our attention to the Cadastre of Stans and Volosts of Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya of 1628-30. The cadastre mentions the following

landowners from the Kolyubakin family: Andrei Saveliev (recorded in the book as


Kolyubanov), Fyodor Saveliev, Myasoed Vasiliev, and Isai Tretyakov. Official records currently available on the genealogy of the Kolyubakins allow us to understand that all of them were close relatives. Andrei son of Savelii and Fyodor son of Savelii were brothers. Osip son of Vasilii Myasoed was their cousin. Isai Tretyakov was the son of Gavrila Tretyak son of Kirill Kolyubakin. Kirill Kolyubakin, in his turn, was the cousin of Andrei and Fyodor. All of these representatives of the Kolyubakin family are mentioned as landowners of Bezhetsk Pyatina of Novgorod Lands, where their origins can be found.

According to the census of 1582-84, among the landowners of Novgorod pyatinas, we can find the following landowners in Bezhetsk Pyatina: the already mentioned Osip Vasiliev; Zakharii Kuzmin and Kirill Zakharov, great-grandfather and grandfather of Isai Tretyakov; Savva Aleksandrov, father of Andrei and Fyodor,


children of Savelii, and at the same time nephew of Zakharii Kuzmich. Zakharii son of Kuzma Kulibakin as well as Kirilka and Bogdan, children of Zakharii, were also mentioned in the act of 1572. The record was found among the 16th century documents of the Novgorod local assembly house. This act refers to the section of the Refusal log book "Segregations, examinations, and transfers of estates in 1572 in different pogosts of Bezhetsk Pyatina."14 Thus, the Kolyubakins who received estates in Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya Uyezd had left rather prosperous lands of Bezhetsk Pyatina, where their ancestors lived for at least two or three generations.

Analysis of the records in the Cadastre of 1628-30 allows us to determine the time of the Kolyubakins' arrival in Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya Uyezd. According to the record made by register Fyodor Birechinskii and clerk Mikita Chashnikov in the year 124 (1615/1616), Osip son of Vasilii Myasoed Kolyubakin received his estate with three populated villages, which were not assigned to any previous owners.15 According to the same record of 1615/1616, Isai Kolyubakin son of Tretyak received a land allotment within the village of Kvashnino, which also did not belong to any other owners, as well as reaping fields and hay meadows by the rivers Mologa,

12 "The cadastre of stans and volosts of Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya" [in Russian], publ. I.V. Pugach, in Ustyuzhna: local history almanac, ed. M.A. Beznin, is. 1-2 (Vologda: Legiya, 2007), 97, 99, 100; is. 4 (Vologda: Legiya, 2000), 166, 175, 179, 182, 184-87, 212-13, 217, 219.

13 Yanitskii, Economic crisis in the Novgorod region, 146.

14 Archival material: Newly discovered documents of the local and patrimonial institutions of the Tsardom of Moscow [in Russian], vol. 2, comp. D.Ya. Samokvasov, Moskovskii Arkhiv Upravleniya Yustitsii (Moscow: Universitetskaya tipografiya, 1909), 164-67.

15 "The cadastre of stans and volosts of Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya," is. 4, 186-87.

Izhina, and Kobozha.16 These two landowners appeared in Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya Uyezd in the mid-1620s during the initial period of distribution of free lands of the uyezd.

According to the record by starosta Putil Birilev of the year 134 (1625/1626), Andrei son of Savelii Kolyubakin was granted half of the 'living' seltso of Timofeevskoe and half of the abandoned village of Testova of the estate of Marfitsa


Neganovskaya, daughter of Vasilii. According to the record of Pomestnyi Prikaz of the year 140 (1631/1632) notarized by clerk Feoktist Tikhomirov, Fyodor son of Savelii Kolyubakin received a small populated village, a hamlet of Zheleznaya

Dubrovka situated near another bigger settlement, and five abandoned villages from


the former estates of Yuri Zakharin and Semen Yakovlev. Zheleznaya Dubrovka formerly belonged to the estate of stolnik Rodion Yakovlevich Ladygin. These other two landowners appeared in Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya Uyezd in the late 1620s -early 1630s, when there were no more lands unassigned to anyone else and the estates of previous owners began to be distributed.

In regard to the Linevs, in the Cadastre of Stans and Volosts of Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya for 1628-30, we find mentions of Nikon son of Vasilii Linev, a landowner from Vodskaya Pyatina. Moreover, there are mentions of Semen Linev and Fyodor Linev.19 According to the record by Karp Navalkin of the year 130 (1621/1622), Nikon son of Vasilii Linev received a big estate formerly owned by

Alexander Efimiev. The estate included a hamlet, three populated villages without


land allotments with peasants, and two abandoned villages. At the same time, both Semen Linev and Fyodor Linev are mentioned among the former owners of the estates granted to other landowners. This suggests that the Linevs had lived on the lands of Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolsaya Uyezd before the beginning of mass distribution of land property in the first two decades of the 17th century.

Vasilii Linev, father of Nikon son of Vasilii Linev, is pointed out in the published


pedigree as the founder of the Ustyuzhna branch of the Linev family.

The noble family of Linev also have their ancestral roots in the pyatins of Novgorod Lands where their family name was already known at end of the

16th century. According to the census of 1582-84, Ivan and Nikita son of Ivan, sons


of Linev can be found among the landowners of Derevskaya Pyatina. Among

16 "The cadastre of stans and volosts of Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya," is. 4, 179.

17 "The cadastre of stans and volosts of Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya," is. 1-2, 99.

18 "The cadastre of stans and volosts of Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya," is. 4, 213-14.

19 "The cadastre of stans and volosts of Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya," is. 4, 168, 178, 181, 188, 195, 198, 200-01.

20 "The cadastre of stans and volosts of Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya," is. 4, 200-01.

21 Vorotyntseva, "The noble family of Linev," 125, 152.

22 Yanitskii, Economic crisis in the Novgorod region, 160.

Novgorod boyar sions there were bailiffs Vasilii Ignatiev son of Linev (1586/1587)


and Semen Yakovlev son of Linev (1592/1593). The description of Novgorod Uyezd of 1626-27 also mentions landowners under the family name Linev: Dmitrii,


Semen, and Yakov, sons of Pavel, and Semen son of Yakov.

As far as the Dolgorukovs are concerned, the Cadastre of Stans and Volosts of Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya for 1628-30 mentions only Demid Pimenov son of Dolgorukii, a landowner of Bezhetsk Pyatina. By the tsar's highest permission and according to the record in the books of the department of Ostalets Rumyantsev with the postscript by clerk Bazhen Stepanov of the year 136 (1628/1629), he received the village of Pogorelka, a land allotment of the inhabited village of Kvashnino and six abandoned villages of the estates, which used to be owned by Fyodor Linev, Iakov


Epanchin, Ilya Rezanov, and Andrew Zheleznyi.

The landowners under the name of Dolgorukov could also be found among the landowners of Novgorod pyatins of the end of the 16th century. Thus, the census of 1582-84 mentions Zyk Dolgorukii and Torpan Dolgorukii, sons of Evstafii, in Bezhetsk Pyatina and Roman Dolgorukov in Derevskaya Pyatina.26 During the same period, bailiff Danila son of Ilya Dolgorukov (1586/1587) was mentioned among


Novgorod boyar scions.

Let us proceed further to considering the relationships between the landowning families of Kolyubakin, Linev, and Dolgorukov.

The relationship between the Kolyubakins and the Linevs can be traced back to the middle of the 16th century.

As mentioned above, from 1615/1616, Isai son of Tretyak Kulebakin owned a land allotment in the village of Kvashnino, where his household was situated.

Subsequently, as noted in the Cadastre of Stans and Volosts of Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya for 1685-86, parts of the estate in this village passed from Isai to his sons Kuzma Kulibakin and Gerasim Kulibakin. However, according to the same cadastre, in 1685, some parts of the village of Kvashnino were also owned by Sergei

son of Fyodor Linev, and Ontsifor son of Ivan Linev. The cadastre also noted that


they received these shares from their grandfather Isai Kulebakin.

23 Nosov, Essays on the history of local governanace of the Russian state, 365-66.

24 Ivanov, Review of the cadastres of Novgorod and Pskov, 50.

25 "The cadastre of stans and volosts of Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya," vol. 4, 181-83.

26 Yanitskii, Economic crisis in the Novgorod region, 132.

27 Nosov, Essays on the history of local governance of the Russian state, 365.

28 I.V. Pugach, "The cadastre of Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya Uyezd in 1685-1686" [in Russian], in Problems of historiography and source study of the history of the European North: interuniversity collection of scientific works devoted to P.A. Kolesnikov, ed. A.V. Kamkin (Vologda: VGPI, 1992), 177-79, 185.

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The reason why Isai son of Tretyak Kulebakin gave a share of his estate to Sergei Linev and Ontsifor Linev was that Isai's brother, Sofron son of Gavril, nicknamed Nadezha (till 1615-59), who served in 1649 by order of tsar Alexei Mikhailovich as


voivode in Ladoga, was married to Akulina Lineva. Thus, Isai Kulebakin was the grandfather (it would be more correct to say 'great-uncle,' but in the 17th century it was not customary to be that specific) of Akulina's brothers' children Fyodor Linev and Ivan Linev. Here we observe the transfer of the estate to the relatives of another surname in the lateral branch of the female line.

Let us further understand the connections between the Kolyubakins and the Linevs with the Dolgorukov family.

According to the Cadastre of Stans and Volosts of Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya for 1628-30, Isai son of Tretyak Kulebakin and Demid son of Pimen Dolgorukii owned the same land allotments in the village of Kvashnino. Demid Dolgorukii also had a share in the estate of Fyodor Linev. Let us note this fact as it indicates the existence of property relations between the Kolyubakins, the Dolgorukovs, and the Linevs already at the end of the first third of the 17 th century.

Initial information needed in order to clarify the existing relationship between the families of Kolyubakin and Dolgorukov was obtained from the copy of deeds of purchase which belonged to retired Corporal Ivan son of Kornil Kolyubakin (about


1726 - after 1776). In this deed of purchase, written on March 16, 1771, it stands:

1771 g. marta v shest' na desyat' Novgorodskoi pomeshchik otstavnoi kapral Ivan Kornilov syn Kolyubakin v rode svoem ne poslednii prodal ya Bezhetskomu pomeshchiku kapitanu Stepanu Anfinogenovu synu Perskomu krepostnogo svoego krest'yanina Kipriyana Ekimova s zhenoyu evo i z dvumya [det'mi] i so vsemi ikh krest'yanskimi zhivoty bez zemli na vyvoz i s platezhom podushnykh deneg dostavshagosya mne po nasledstvu posle dyadi moego rodnogo Ivana Grigor'evicha

29 "Pokolennaya rospis' Kolyubakinykh" [Genealogical register of the Kolyubakins]. O opredelenii nedoroslei Mirona Fedora Kolyubakinykh... v morskoi korpus v kadety. 1761 fevralya 6 [On sending minors Miron and Fyodor Kolyubakin... to the Marine Corps as cadets. February 6, 1761]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 497, ll. 260-261. Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv drevnikh aktov [Russian State Archives of Ancient Acts] (RGADA), Moscow, Russia; A. Barsukov, comp., Lists of town voivodes and other persons of voivode administration the Russian State according to published government regulations [in Russian] (St Petersburg: Tipografiya M.M. Stasyulevicha, 1902), 124; "Starshaya Novgorodskaya vetv'. 6-ya otr. Kolyubakiny-Sofronovichi. 1-i otprysk, potomstvo Fedora Sofronovicha Nadezhina syna Kolyubakina" [The senior Novgorod branch. The 6th family tree branch of the Kolyubakins-Sofronoviches. The first descendant of Fyodor Sofronovich son of Nadezha Kolyubakin]. Delo Kolyubakinykh [Kolyubakins file]. Sobranie Yu.B. Shmarova [The collection of Yu.B. Shmarov]. L. 57. Gosudarstvennyi muzei A.S.Pushkina [The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts], Moscow, Russia; Marov, The Kolyubakins: Materials for the genealogy, 74.

30 Marov, The Kolyubakins: Materials for the genealogy, 133.

Dolgorukova kotoroi za mnoi v podushnoi oklad napisan v Novgorodskom uezde v sel'tse Rostoropove a vzyal ya Ivan u nego Stepana za onogo krest'yanina s semeistvom evo deneg desyat' rublei a napred sei kupchei onoi moi krest'yanin s zhenoi evo i z det'mi inomu nikomu ne prodan ne zalozhen i ne v kakie kreposti ne ukreplen i ni za chto ne opisan i ezheli kto vo onogo krest'yanina z zhenoyu evo i z det'mi po kakom i nest' krepostyam budet vstupattsa to mne Ivanu i naslednikam evo


ot togo vstupshchikom i oto vsyakoi kreposti. . .

[Retired Corporal Ivan son of Kornil Kolyubakin from Novgorod Uyezd stated that on March 16, 1771, he sold to a landowner of Bezhetsk Uyezd Captain Stepan son of Anfinogen Perskii his serf Kipriyan Ekimov, his wife, his two children, and all their peasant livestock. The serf was sold to be taken away from his land allotment without the land and with a capitation payment. The serf was inherited by Ivan Kolyubakin from his uncle Ivan Grigorievich Dolgorukov and was registered in his name in the hamlet of Rostoropovo of Novgorod Uyezd. I, Ivan, confirm that I took from Stepan ten roubles for that peasant and his family. I also state that before this deed of purchase this peasant, his wife and children were neither sold nor pledged to anyone else, nor were paying any capitation to anyone else. If anyone were to file claims for this peasant, his wife and his children, I, Ivan, and my heirs would have return claims to the sold serf and to his capitation payments. . .]

Captain Stepan son of Anfinogen Perskii mentioned in the deed of purchase was a famous representative of the ancient noble family of Perskii. Stepan, his wife Ulyana Ivanovna, and their children Mikhail, Nikifor, and Natalia are registered in the 6th part of the genealogical book of Tver Governorate by a decree as of February 8, 1793.32

The information about Ivan son of Kornil Kolyubakin and his son Vasilii was analysed in order to find out who was the Dolgorukov mentioned in the deed of purchase as Ivan Kolyubakin's uncle. This information was found in the funds of the Heralds Office of the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts (hereinafter RGADA) (F. 286).

In March 1774, a file on the debateable nobility of Vasilii Kolyubakin, then a soldier of the 1st Senate Company, was opened by the Heralds Office. In the file, there is a record of the words of Vasilii Kolyubakin, in which he had testified that he

31 "Kolyubakiny-Kornilovichi Novgorodskoi i Tverskoi gub." [The Kolyubakins-Kornilovichs of Novgorod and Tver governorates]. Delo Kolyubakinykh [Kolyubakins file]. Sobranie Yu.B. Shmarova [The collection of Yu.B. Shmarov]. L. 54. The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts.

32 M.P. Chernyavskii, comp. Genealogy of noblemen, listed in the genealogical book of Tver Governorate from 1787 to 1869: with an alphabetical index and appendices [in Russian] (Tver: [n.p.], 1869), 146.

was 18 years old and that his ancestors were noblemen. As a proof of this fact he presented a large pedigree chart, which included thirty-three representatives of the Kolyubakin family of seven generations, and also a certificate from "noble gentry" of


Ustyuzhna Uyezd. Vasilii Kolyubakin made several mistakes in the compilation of his pedigree chart. Due to this fact the Heralds Office requested a number of certificates from the Borovitskaya Voivodeship Chancellery, the Office of the Registrar's Archive, the Votchina Collegium and Office. Some of these certificates contained information relevant in the framework of this article, and references to them will be given when applicable.

Evidence of his son's noble origin was also sought from the father of Vasilii, Ivan son of Kornil Kolyubakin. In 1776, he also submitted his record and his certificate of the "Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya, Borovchi and Bezhetsk uyezds of noble gentry, general staff and chief officers" to the Heralds Office. In the record, Ivan Kornilovich not only described the line of 14 generations of his son's ancestors, but he also reproduced the legendary history of the arrival of the Kolyubakin family in Russia and pointed out the presence in the possession of the Kolyubakins' ancestors of the charters to the gentry of the 15 th century.34

There is information on Ivan Kornilovich himself in the collections of the Heralds Office at the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts. In the register of minors of 1743 and in the decree as of 13 April, 1743, "On sending minors. . . to military service" there is a record, submitted by Ivan son of Kornil during the first inspection:

Ivan Kornilov syn Kolyubakin skazal: ot rodu emu semnattsat' let pradeda i deda kak imyanno zvali i kakim chinami sluzhili ne znaet otets evo Kornila Mikhailov syn Kolyubakin sluzhil v dragunakh i otstavlen kapralom a v kotorom polku byl ne upomnit i praded i ded podlinno iz dvoryan ispomeshchen v Ustyuzhskom uezde Zhelezopol'skogo krest'yan za ottsom evo vo onom zhe Ustyuzhskom uezde pyat' dush dyadyu imeet rodnogo dvoryanina Ivana Grigor'eva syna Dolgorukova kotoroi sluzhil dragunom i otstavlen a brat'ev rodnykh i drugikh blizhnikh ne imeet a o pradede i dede i ottse evo i ob sem Ivane chto oni iz dvoryanstva i on Ivan nikakoi

33 "Skazka Vasiliya Ivanova syna Kolyubakina. Rodoslovnaya rospis'. Attestat" [Record on Vasilii son of Ivan Kolyubakin. Genealogical register. Certificate]. O ne priznanii soldata Vasiliya Kolyubakina dvoryaninom. 1774 [On not recognizing soldier Vasilii Kolyubakin as a nobleman. 1774]. F. 286, op. 2, d. 44, ll. 1-5. RGADA; M.N. Marov, "The case of not recognizing soldier Vasilii Kolyubakin as a nobleman" [in Russian], Izvestiya Russkogo genealogicheskogo obshchestva, is. 37 (2021): 211-23.

34 "Skazka Ivana Kornilova syna Kolyubakina. Attestat. Donesenie Borovitskoi voevodskoi kantselyarii" [Record on Ivan son of Kornil Kolyubakin. Certificate. Report from the Borovitskaya Voivodeship Chancellery]. O ne priznanii soldata Vasiliya Kolyubakina dvoryaninom. 1774 [On not recognizing soldier Vasilii Kolyubakin as a nobleman. 1774]. F. 286, op. 2, d. 44, ll. 12-14, 1617, 48 ob.-53. RGADA.

begloi chelovek i v podushnom oklade ne polozhen i do sego vremeni nigde v sluzhbu ne opredelen i ne yavilsya za skudost'yu vedaet i vo svidetel'stvo podpisalsya gvardii Preobrazhenskogo polku kapral Ivan Linev on zhe ob"yavil paduchuyu bolezn'gramote ipisat' ne umeet.

[Ivan son of Kornil Kolyubakin said that he was seventeen years old and that he did not know his great-grandfather's and grandfather's names or their ranks. His own father Kornila Mikhailovich Kolyubakin served as dragoon and retired as corporal, but in what regiment he could not recall. His great-grandfather and grandfather were noblemen and were stationed in Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya Uyezd. His father had five souls in the aforesaid Ustyuzhna Uyezd. He also said he had an uncle, also a nobleman by birth, Ivan Grigorievich Dolgorukov, who served as dragoon and retired in the rank of corporal. He told he did not have any brothers or other relatives and emphasized again that his great-grandfather and grandfather as well as his father were noblemen. He confirmed that he was not a runaway, was not paying any capitation, and was not appointed to serve anywhere else. The certificate was signed by Corporal Ivan Linev of the Preobrazhenskii regiment, because Ivan Kolyubakin himself was ill with seizure disorder and was not able to read or write.]

There was also a note on the record:


aprelya 13 dnya po rezolyutsii senatskoi otoslan v sluzhbu v voennuyu kollegiyu.

[The note reads that on April 13, by the resolution of the Senate, he was sent to the service to the Military Collegium.]

It should be noted that Ivan son of Kornil mentioned his own uncle Ivan Grigorievich Dolgorukov who served as a dragoon prior to retiring already during the first inspection.

Ivan Kornilovich served in the Vyatka Infantry Regiment. In September 1746, he was dismissed from service in connection with seizure disorder and received the rank of corporal. There is an extant pro memoria note from the State Military Collegium to the Heralds office as of September 174636 regarding this fact.

35 "Skazka Ivana Kornilova syna Kolyubakina" [Record on Ivan son of Kornil Kolyubakin]. Kniga zapisnaya nedoroslyam. 1743 [Register of minors. 1743]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 269, ll. 523 ob.-524. RGADA; "Skazka Ivana Kornilova syna Kolyubakina" [Record on Ivan son of Kornil Kolyubakin]. Ob otsylke nedoroslei ... Ivana Kolyubakina ... v voennuyu sluzhbu. 1743 [On sending Ivan Kolyubakin's minors ... to military service. 1743]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 269, ll. 523 ob.-524. RGADA.

36 "Promemoriya" [Pro memoria]. O napisanii kaprala Ivana Kolyubakina s vechno otstavnymi v spisok. 1746 [On including Corporal Ivan Kolyubakin to the list of the retired. 1746]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 322, l. 744. RGADA.

In 1764 Ivan Kornilovich was mentioned in the report of the Ustyuzhna Voivodeship Chancellery to the First Department of the Governing Senate:

Kapral Ivan Kornilov syn Kolyubakin ot rodu emu 41 god krest'yan za im v Ustyuzhskom uezde vosem' dush detei u nego syn Vasilei trekh let pashport dan iz Gosudarstvennoi voennoi kollegii v 746 godu... onoi Kolyubakin sluzhil v armeiskikh polkakh i v 746m godu po pashportu iz voennoi kollegii ot vsekh del


otstavlen zhivet v Novgorodskom uezde v sel'tse Rostoropove.

[Corporal Ivan Kornilovich Kolyubakin is 41 years old and has eight peasants in Ustyuzhna Uyezd. He has a three-year-old son Vasilei. A passport issued by the State Military Collegium in the year 746. . . He had served in army regiments and in the year 746 was discharged from military service under the passport from the State Military Collegium and lived in Novgorod Uyezd in the hamlet of Rostoropovo.]


According to the 3 revision (1761-67), Ivan Kornilovich owned estates in Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya, Borovichi, and Belozersk uyezds. The information on these estates is specified in the certificate which was issued to his son by the nobility of Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya, Borovichi, and Bezhetsk uyezds in January 1774 as a proof of his noble origin:

za ottsom evo Vasil'ya Ivanom Kornilovym synom Kulyubakinym, pomest'ya i votchiny sostoyat, pisannykh po tret'ei revizii muzheska polu, kotorye i nyne vo vladenii za nimi sostoyat v Ustyuzhskom uezde Zhelezopolskom v Beletovskom stanu v seltse Timofeevskom sem', v Borovitskom uezde, chto byv prezhde Novgorodskii uezd, v Spasskom Sleskinskom pogoste v usadishche Rostoropove z derevnyami shestdesyat shest' v Belozerskom uezde v Tumbavskoi voloste v derevne Kukueve


semnattsat' dush.

[The certificate states that Vasilii's father Ivan Kornilovich Kulyubakin had estates and fiefdoms, which were registered under his name during the 3 rd revision and still remained in his possession. The list of his property also included seven souls in Ustyuzhenskii Zhelezopolskii uyezd in Beletovskaya volost in the hamlet of Timofeevskoe; sixty-six souls - in Borovitskii uyezd, which formerly belonged to

37 "Vedomosti o dvoryanakh i o ikh detyakh, prislannye iz gubernskikh, provintsial'nykh, voevodskikh kantselyarii" [State registers of noblemen and their children, sent from Voivodeship Chancelleries of governorates and provinces]. Iz Ustyuzhskoi Zhelezopol'skoi voevodskoi kantselyarii po Ustyuzhskomu Zhelezopol'skomu uezdu. 1764 [From Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskya Voivodeship Chancellery of Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya Uyezd. 1764]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 512, ll. 234, 289, 675, 679 ob.

38 "Attestat" [Certificate]. O ne priznanii soldata Vasiliya Kolyubakina dvoryaninom. 1774 [On not recognizing soldier Vasilii Kolyubakin as a nobleman. 1774]. F. 286, op. 2, d. 44, ll. 4-5, 35 ob.-37. RGADA.

Novgorodskii uyezd, in Spasskii Sleskinskii pogost in the hamlet of Rostoropovo; and seventeen souls - in Belozerskii uyezd in Tumbavskaya volost in the village of Kukuevo.]

Father of Ivan son of Kornil, Kornila son of Mikhail Kolyubakin (1684 - after 1732), served in the Novotroitskii regiment as dragoon and was dismissed with the


rank of corporal. There was the following relpy to the enquiry about him sent by the Heralds Office to the Treasury Chamber:

kazennoi palaty ot arkhivy chto s imeyushchikhsya 1-i revizii so skazokperepisnymi imyannymi knigami a 2-i i 3-i revizii so skaskami okazalos' po podannoi ot pomeshchika Kornily Mikhailova syna Kolyubakina po vtoroi revizii skaske dostavshikhsya emu po pridannomu v 732 godu za zhenoyu evo Afim'eyu Grigor'evoyu docher'yu ot brata ee rodnago Ivana Grigor'eva syna Dolgorukova pisannykh za nim po skaske 719 godu Spaskago Sleskinskago pogosta v usadishche Rastoropove za nim Kolyubakinym sostoit muzheskapolu tri dushi4

[It was reported from Treasury Chamber that from the available 1st revision with records from census books and the 2nd and 3 rd revisions with records as well as in accordance with the record of the 2nd revision on the landowner Kornila Mikhailovich Kolyubakin, he had three male souls received by him in 732 as a dowry of his wife Afimia Grigorievna. The dowry was received from her brother Ivan Grigorievich Dolgoroukov. Ivan Dolgoroukov's property in Spaskii Sleskinskii pogost in the hamlet of Rastoropovo was confirmed by the record of the year 719.]

Thus, Ivan Kornilovich Kolyubakin called Ivan Grigorovich Dolgorukov his uncle because his father Kornil Mikhailovich was married to Dolgorukov's sister Afimia Grigorievna. The estate in the hamlet of Rastoropovo, which was given to Ivan Kornilovich, was received by his father in 1732 as a dowry from the Dolgorukov

39 "Skazka Ivana Kornilova syna Kolyubakina" [Record on Ivan son of Kornil Kolyubakin]. Ob otsylke nedoroslei ... Ivana Kolyubakina ... v voennuyu sluzhbu. 1743 [On sending Ivan Kolyubakin's minors ... to military service. 1743]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 269, l. 523 ob. RGADA; "Skazka Ivana Kornilova syna Kolyubakina" [Record on Ivan son of Kornil Kolyubakin]. Kniga zapisnaya nedoroslyam. 1743 [Register of minors. 1743]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 272, l. 1055. RGADA; "Skazka Ivana Kornilova syna Kolyubakina" [Record on Ivan son of Kornil Kolyubakin]. O ne priznanii soldata Vasiliya Kolyubakina dvoryaninom. 1774 [On not recognizing soldier Vasilii Kolyubakin as a nobleman. 1774]. F. 286, op. 2, d. 44, ll. 13 ob.-14. RGADA.

40 "Donesenie kazennoi palaty ot arkhivy" [Report from the archives of the Treasury Chamber to]. O ne priznanii soldata Vasiliya Kolyubakina dvoryaninom. 1774 [On not recognizing soldier Vasilii Kolyubakin as a nobleman. 1774]. F. 286, op. 2, d. 44, l. 52 ob. RGADA.

family. Therefore, again there is a transfer of property between the clans in the female line.

Another possible connection between the Kolyubakin family and the Dolgorukov family should also be mentioned. In addition to the above-mentioned son Vasilii, Ivan Kornilovich Kolyubakin had three daughters: Agafia, Praskovia and Daria. In the genealogical table of the Kolyubakins compiled by Lieutenant-General Alexei Mikhailovich Kolyubakin (1851-1917), Dolgorukov is listed as the husband of Praskovia Ivanovna Kolyubakina. This Dolgorukov is mentioned without his name or initials.41 This marital relationship seems highly likely, given that Praskovia was a native granddaughter of Afimia Grigorievna, née Dolgorukova, but no confirmation of this marriage has yet been found in the archival documents.

Additional information about the Dolgorukov family was found in the records of the Ustyuzhna Voivodship Chancellery of the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts (F. 596). There is a document called "On the petition of landowner Kolyubakin about an estate of his uncle Prince Dolgorukov" (it turned out to be a mistake to mention a princely title in the document).

The document is a petition as of November 7, 1750 filed by retired Corporal Ivan son of Kornil Kolyubakin from Ustyuzhna addressed to Her Majesty Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, containting a complaint against Captain Ivan son of Anton Linev from the Preobrazhenskii Regiment of the Lifeguards, also from Ustyuzhna. Here is how Ivan Kornilovich explains the essence of his complaint:

A sego noyabrya 3 chisla 1750 godu oznachennoi Ivan Linev buduchi v sel'tse Rostoropove poimav s lyud'mi svoimi cheloveka moego Mirona Vasil'eva i vzyav v khoromy o chem uvidavyaposhel ko ob"yavlennomu Linevu v khoromy i onoi Linev ne dopustiv menya do sebya vzyav v khoromakh svoikh za vorot i vynes von na kryl'tso i na kryl'tse zagreb menya za volosy taskal a potom i stolknul menya s


kryl'tsapryamo na zemlyu. . .

[On November 3, 1750 Ivan Linev was in the hamlet of Rostoropovo. With his own men, he caught my man Miron Vasiliev and took him into the mansion. When I saw

41 Marov, The Kolyubakins: Materials for the genealogy, 152; M. Marov, "Genealogical album" [in Russian], Mir muzeya, no. 11 (399) (2020): 10-14; "Kolyubakiny-Kornilovichi Novgorodskoi i Tverskoi gub." [The Kolyubakins-Kornilovichs of Novgorod and Tver governorates]. Delo Kolyubakinykh [Kolyubakins file]. Sobranie Yu.B. Shmarova [The collection of Yu.B. Shmarov]. L. 54. The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts.

42 "Chelobitnaya Ustyuzhskogo pomeshchika otstavnogo kaprala Ivana Kornilova syna Kolyubakina" [Petition from a landowner of Ustyuzhna, retired Corporal Ivan son of Kornil Kolyubakin]. Po prosheniyu pomeshchika Kolyubakina o nedvizhimom imenii dyadi ego knyazya Dolgorukova. 1750 noyabrya 7 [On the request of landowner Kolyubakin about the estate of his uncle Prince Dolgorukov. November 7, 1750]. F. 596, op. 1, d. 290, l. 1. RGADA.

that, I went to the Linev's mansion and was not allowed to enter. Ivan Linev grabbed me by the neck and carried me out onto the porch. On the porch I was caught by the hair and then pushed off the porch and onto the ground. . .]

This scene looked like a domestic conflict between neighbouring landowners. But, as it turned out, it was the question of kinship rather than neighbourhood. Ivan Kornilovich explained in his petition:

Posle umershego dyadi moego i evo Lineva rodnogo novgorodskogo pomeshchika dvoryanina Ivana Grigor'eva syna Dolgorukova nedvizhimoe evo imenie v Novgorodskom uezde Bezhetskoi pyatine v Tverskoi polovine v Spasskom pogoste Sleskine sel'tso Rostoropovo i v drugikhpogostakh v raznykh mestakh s lyud'mi i so krest'yany po zaruchnoi evo chelobitnoi nadlezhit mne imenovannomu s nim Linevym popolam i vo onom sel'tse v ostavshem evo Dolgorukova dome s nim Linevym nyne i zhitel'stvo imeyu43

[My and Ivan Linev's uncle Ivan Grigor'evich Dolgorukov, an honorable Novgorod landowner and nobleman, deceased, and both cousins, Kolyubakin and Linev, based on the hand-written petition of Dolgorukov, received an estate in the hamlet of Rastoropovo in Novgorod Uyezd, Tver half of Bezhetsk Pyatina, Spasskiii pogost, Sleskino as well as other pogosts in different places. Those territories were received with people and peasants and in that hamlet of Rastoropovo, in the house which belonged to Dolgorukov, I, Ivan Kolyubakin, reside with Ivan Linev together.]

Thus, Ivan Grigorievich Dolgorukov is mentioned not only as an uncle of Ivan Kolyubakin but also as an uncle of Ivan son of Anton Linev, who, in turn, is apparently a cousin of Ivan Kolyubakin and lives with him in the hamlet of Rastoropovo in the same house, inherited by both of them after their uncle's death.

Information about Ivan son of Anton Linev (1715 - after 1750) can be found in the published genealogy book of the Linevs. We can see his name in the 6th generation of the Ustyuzhna branch of the family, where the 7th-10th generations are his direct descendants.44

On the basis of this information we can find additional evidence of a close connection between these two families, the Kolyubakins and the Linevs.

43 "Chelobitnaya Ustyuzhskogo pomeshchika otstavnogo kaprala Ivana Kornilova syna Kolyubakina" [Petition from a landowner of Ustyuzhna, retired Corporal Ivan son of Kornil Kolyubakin]. Po prosheniyu pomeshchika Kolyubakina o nedvizhimom imenii dyadi ego knyazya Dolgorukova. 1750 noyabrya 7 [On the request of landowner Kolyubakin about the estate of his uncle Prince Dolgorukov. November 7, 1750]. F. 596, op. 1, d. 290, l. 1. RGADA.

44 Kolesnikov, "Nobility of Ustyuzhna Uyezd," 303-04; Vorotyntseva, "The noble family of Linev," 154-55.

First, it is highly likely that it was Ivan son of Anton Linev who represented his younger cousin Ivan Kornilov son of Kolyubakin at his first inspection in 1743. The record about Ivan Kolyubakin cited earlier in this article says

a o pradede i dede i ottse evo i ob sem Ivane chto oni iz dvoryanstva i on Ivan nikakoi begloi chelovek i v podushnom oklade ne polozhen i do sego vremeni nigde v sluzhbu ne opredelen i ne yavilsya za skudost'yu vedaet i vo svidetel'stvo podpisalsya gvardii Preobrazhenskogo polku kapral Ivan Linev.

[Ivan Kolyubakin's great-grandfather and grandfather as well as his father were noblemen. Ivan is not a runaway and is not paying any capitation and is not appointed to serve anywhere else. To certify this, Corporal Ivan Linev of the Preobrazhenskii Regiment Guard put his signature.]

The information about Ivan son of Anton Linev given in the article by A. Kolesnikov also states that he had the rank of corporal in 1744. In a petition compiled in 1750, Ivan Antonovich is listed as corporal of the same Preobrazhenskii Regiment.45 Moreover, he was 11 years older than his cousin Ivan Kolyubakin and could present him at the inspection and sign the record at the inspection for him.

Further, among noblemen of Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolsaya, Borovichi, and Belozersk uyezds who signed the certificate confirming a noble origin of Ivan Kornilovich Kolyubakin's son Vasilii in 1774, we can find two representatives of the Linev family. Those are Major Vasilii Linev and Major Logvin Linev of the Ladoga Infantry Regiment. 46

Probably, the first of them was Vasilyii Semenov son of Linev, grandson of Ontsifor Linev, who according to the second revision of 1744 was the owner of the


village of Sofrontsevo. He belonged to the same generation of the Linev family as Ivan Antonovich. The second signer of the certificate evidently was Login Ivanovich


Linev, son of Ivan Antonovich Linev (1745 - after 1782).

Close relations between the Kolyubakin family and the Linev family persisted into the 19th century. For example, Staff Rittmeister Linev (1811-80) from the village

45 "Chelobitnaya Ustyuzhskogo pomeshchika otstavnogo kaprala Ivana Kornilova syna Kolyubakina" [Petition from a landowner of Ustyuzhna, retired Corporal Ivan son of Kornil Kolyubakin]. Po prosheniyu pomeshchika Kolyubakina o nedvizhimom imenii dyadi ego knyazya Dolgorukova. 1750 noyabrya 7 [On the request of landowner Kolyubakin about the estate of his uncle Prince Dolgorukov. November 7, 1750]. F. 596, op. 1, d. 290, l. 1. RGADA.

46 "Attestat" [Certificate]. O ne priznanii soldata Vasiliya Kolyubakina dvoryaninom. 1774 [On not recognizing soldier Vasilii Kolyubakin as a nobleman. 1774]. F. 286, op. 2, d. 44, ll. 51 ob.-52. RGADA.

47 Kolesnikov, "Nobility of Ustyuzhna Uyezd," 303.

48 Vorotyntseva, "The noble family of Linev," 154.

of Rastoropovo, great-grandson of Ivan Antonovich Linev, was godfather to Vera Aleksandrovna Kolyubakina who was born on January 27, 1849 in Spaso-Slezkinskoii pogost near the village of Kresttsy in Ustyuzhna Uyezd of Novgorod Governorate and christened on January 30.49

But what kind of family were the Dolgorukovs related to the Kolyubakins and the Linevs? Another file from the Ustyuzhna Voivodship Chancellery in the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts helps to partly clarify this question.

The petition of the Novgorod landowner, the retired dragoon Tit son of Sergei Dolgorukii, as of March 14, 1752, states

V proshlom 7200 godu dano i otkazano ottsu moemu Sergeyu Antonovu synu Dolgorukovu pomest'e evo v Novgorodskom uezde v Bezhetskoi pyatine v Spaskom pogoste v Sleskine pustosh' Evantsevo na reke na Kate protiv pogosta Spaskogo Gorodku tozh a v nei pashni desyat' chetvertei so vsemi ugod'yami kotoraya nyne posle smerti ottsa moego nadlezhit mne po nasledstvu. A s togo zh 200 godu pri zhizni rechennogo ottsa moego onoyu pustosh'yu so vsemi ugod'yami zavladel nasil'no dyadya moi Efim Fokin syn Dolgorukov a posle evo Efima vladel nasil'no toyu pustosh'yu plemyannik evo rodnoi kotoroi ostalsya v evo Efimovom imenii zakonnym naslednikom Ivan Grigor'ev syn Dolgorukov a nyne posle smerti onogo Ivana Dolgorukova vladeyut toyu pustosh'yu nasledniki evo Ivan Antonov syn Linev da Ivan Kornilov syn Kolyubakin nasil'no zhe.50

[In the year of 200 (1691/1692) an estate in Novgorod Uyezd in Bezhetsk Pyatina in Sleskino, in the abandoned village of Evantsevo on the river Kat' against Spasskii Gorodok was given to my father Sergei son of Anton Dolgorukov with its arable land of ten chetverts and adjoining territories. After my father's death, the estate is to be inherited by me. In the year when my father was still alive, my uncle Efim Fokin son of Dolgorukov took possession of the above-mentioned territories by force and his own nephew Ivan Grigoriev son of Dolgorukov owned the abandoned village and remained in the estate as a lawful owner. After the death of Ivan

49 "Otnoshenie Novgorodskoi dukhovnoi konsistorii" [Official letter of Novgorod Ecclesiastical Consistory]. Delo o dvoryanstve roda Kolyubakinykh [Case of the nobility of the Kolyubakins. 1856]. F. 1343, op. 23, d. 5669, ll. 10-10 ob. Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arkhiv [Russian State Historical Archive] (RGIA), St Petersburg, Russia; "Arkhivnaya spravka" [Archival letter of verification]. Ex. no. 09-01/536 as of October 8, 2003. Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Tverskoi oblasti [State Archive of Tver Oblast] (GATO), Tver, Russia; Vorotyntseva, "The noble family of Linev," 155.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

50 "Chelobitnaya Tita Sergeeva syna Dolgorukova" [Petition of Tit son of Sergei Dolgorukov]. Po prosheniyu pomeshchika Dolgorukova o vladenii nasledstvennoyu ego pustosh'yu pomeshchikami Ivanom Linevym i Ivanom Kolyubakinym. 1752 marta 14 [On the petition of landowner Dolgorukov on the ownership of the abandoned village inherited by him by landowners Ivan Linev and Ivan Kolyubakin. March 14, 1752]. F. 596, op. 1, d. 305, ll. 1-2. RGADA.

Dolgorukov, his heirs Ivan Antonovich Linev and Ivan Kornilovich Kolyubakin own that abandoned village also illegitimately.]

Leaving aside the essence of the domestic conflict, let us pay attention to the kinship ties abundantly mentioned in the petition. On this basis, we conducted additional research of the landowning family of Dolgorukov in the 18th century files of the Heralds Office and Pomestnyi Prikaz (F. 1209) at the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts.

We managed to find some records clearing up proprietary and family relations of the families under research in the fonds of Pomestnyi Prikaz entitled "The documents of earlier years" (Dela molodykh del, DML).

In particular, the fonds of Pomestnyi Prikaz include a file containing a petition written by Ivan Grigoriev son of Dolgorukov to Empress Elizabeth Petrovna and sent in February 1750. The petition reads:

B'et chelom Ivan Grigor'ev syn Dolgorukov a v chem moe proshenie tomu sleduyut punkty


Imeyu ya sobstvennoe svoe dvizhimoe i nedvizhimoe imenie kotoroe mne dostalos' posle ottsa moego Grigoriya i dyadei moikh rodnykh Efima i Stepana Fokinykh i brata moego rodnogo Prokhora Dolgorukovykh v Novgorodtskom uezde v Bezhetskoi pyatine v Tverskoi polovine v Spaskom pogoste Sluskine51 i kuplenye mnoyu v Bezhetskom uezde v raznykh stanekh sel'tso Rostoropovo usadishche Kuzminskoe Gorodok tozh i v derevnyakh Gore i Poddub'e Tridanikha tozh i v derevni Berezovoi gore s lyud'mi i so krest'yany i s pustoshmi o chem yavno Votchinnoi kollegiipo dacham


I nyne ya imenovannyi prishel v glubokuyu starost' i dryakhlost' oznachennoe svoe nedvizhimoe razdelil plemyannikam svoim rodnym sestr rodnykh vdov Marfy da Afim'i detyam leib gvardii Preobrazhenskogo polku kaptenarmusu Ivanu Antonovu synu Linevu da otstavnomu kapralu Ivanu Kornilovu synu Kolyubakinu a imyanno iz vyshepisannogo moego nedvizhimogo oznachennomu plemyanniku moemu Ivanu Antonovu synu Linevu polovina sel'tsa Rostoropova v nem poldvora pomeshchikova

51 As it is written in the original; it should be "Slezkine.'

v nem lyudi [...] Ivanu Kornilovu synu Kolyubakinu drugaya polovina togo zh


sel'tsa Rostoropova v nempoldvorapomeshchikova v nem dvorovye lyudi [...]

[Ivan Grigoriev son of Dolgorukov petitions, and what he petitioned about is stated below


I have in my possession movable and immovable property which I inherited from my father Grigorii, my uncles from maternal lineage Efim Fokin and Stepan Fokin and from my brother Prokhor Dolgorukov. The estates I inherited is located in Novgorod Uyezd in Tver half of Bezhetsk Pyatina in Spasskii pogost, in Sluskino. I also bought land in Bezhetsk Uyezd, namely the hamlet of Rostoropovo, the farmstead of Kuzminskoe Gorodok, the hamlet of Gore and Poddubie, the village of Tridanikha, the village of Berezovaya Gora, with people, peasants and abandoned villages of which the Votchina Collegium is aware.


Due to my extremely old age and decrepitude, I want to divide my immovable property among my nephews, children of my sisters, widows Marfa and Afimia, retired Captainarmus of the Preobrazhenskii Regiment Guard Ivan Antonov son of Linev and retired Corporal Ivan Kornilov son of Kolyubakin is to inherit half of the hamlet of Rostoropovo with half of a landlord's house in the village and its yard with domestic servants. Ivan Kornilov son of Kolyubakin is to inherit the other half of the hamlet of Rostoropovo with another half of the same landlord's house and its peasant yard with domestic servants.]

52 "Chelobitnaya" [Petition]. Delo Ivana Grigor'eva syna Dolgorukova o spravke za plemyannikami ego Ivanom Antonovym synom Linevym i Ivanom Kornilovym synom Kolyubakinym dostavshegosya emu posle ottsa Grigoriya i dyadei Efima i Stepana Fokinykh detei i brata ego Prokhora Dolgorukovykh nedvizhimogo imeniya. 1750 [Case of Ivan son of Grigorii Dolgorukov on obtaining for his nephews, Ivan son of Anton Linev and Ivan son of Kornil Kolyubakin, real estate inherited by him after his father Grigori and after his uncles Efim Fokin and Stepan Fokin and his brother Prokhor Dolgorukov. 1750]. F. 1209, DML, Novgorodskii uezd, kn. 8807, d. 13, ll. 334-334 ob. RGADA.

Fragment of the petition of Ivan son of Grigorii Dolgorukov to Empress Elizabeth Petrovna.

February 1750.

Source: F. 1209, DML, Novgorodskii uyezd, kn. 8807, d. 13, l. 334. RGADA.

The petition mentions two sisters of Ivan Grigorievich Dolgorukov, Marfa, widow of Anton Linev with her son Ivan son of Anton Linev, and Afimia, widow of Kornil Kolyubakin, with her son Ivan son of Kornil Kolyubakin. This explains why Ivan Antonovich Linev was a nephew of Ivan Grigorievich Dolgorukov. It follows from the text of the petition that Ivan Linev also inherited a share of the village of Rastoropovo from the Dolgorukov family from maternal lineage.

The search carried out made it possible to draw up a list of six generations of the Dolgorukov family of the Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolsaya Uyezd related to the Kolyubakins and to the Linevs.

I - Pimen Dolgorukov.

II - Demid,53 Foka (born about 1600) and Timofei, children of Pimen.54

53 "The cadastre of stans and volosts of Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya," is. 4, 181-83.

III - Anton,55 Efim,56 Vasilisa, Stepan with his wife Lukeria Borisovna57 and Grigorii58 (born in 1637, died after 1722), children of Foka. Potap and his wife Aksinia Andreevna,59 Matrena, Fedosia, Agraphena and Fekla, children of Timofei.60

54 "Vypiski iz datochnykh knig" [Extracts from land allotment books]. Delo po otnosheniyu Novgorodskogo namestnichestva palaty grazhdanskogo suda po prosheniyu Ivana Kirilova Kolyubyakina po prisylke spravki po zaruchnoi chelobitnoi Ivana Grigor'eva Dolgorukova o razdele s Ivanom Antonovym Linevym nedvizhimogo imeniya Efima i Stefana Fokinykh i brata ego Prokhora Dolgorukovykh. 1784-1786 [The case regarding the official letter of the Chamber of Civil Court of the Novgorod Viceroyalty on the petition of Ivan son of Kornil Kolyubyakin on sending a certificate for a petition of Ivan son of Grigorii Dolgorukov to share with Ivan son of Anton Lineev the estate of Efim Fokin and Stephan Fokin and his brother Prokhor Dolgorukov. 1784-1786]. F. 1209, DML. Novgorodskii uezd. Kn. 8816, d. 43, l. 373. RGADA.

55 "Zhurnal zasedanii o nedoroslyakh" [Journal of the sessions on minors]. Ob otsylke nedoroslya Nikolaya Dolgorukova gvardii v Preobrazhenskii polk v soldaty. 1764 maya 4 [On sending a minor Nikolai Dolgorukov to the Guard of the Preobrazhenskii Regiment as a soldier. May 4, 1764]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 526, l. 140. RGADA.

56 "Chelobitnaya Tita Sergeeva syna Dolgorukova" [Petition of Tit son of Sergei Dolgorukov]. Po prosheniyu pomeshchika Dolgorukova o vladenii nasledstvennoyu ego pustosh'yu pomeshchikami Ivanom Linevym i Ivanom Kolyubakinym. 1752 marta 14 [On the petition of landowner Dolgorukov on the ownership of the abandoned village inherited by him by landowners Ivan Linev and Ivan Kolyubakin. March 14, 1752]. F. 596, op. 1, d. 305, l. 1. RGADA; "Chelobitnaya" [Petition]. Delo Ivana Antonova syna Lineva o spravke i ob otkaze za nim posle dyadi ego rodnogo Ivana Grigor'eva syna Dolgorukova nedvizhimogo imeniya Novgorodskogo uezda. 1754 [Case of Ivan son of Anton Linev about the request and the following refusal on the handover of the real estate of Novgorod Uyezd after the death of his uncle Ivan son of Grigorii Dolgorukov. 1754]. F. 1209, DML, Novgorod Uyezd, kn. 8813, d. 63, l. 140. RGADA.

57 "Vypiski iz datochnykh knig" [Extracts from land allotment books]. Delo po otnosheniyu Novgorodskogo namestnichestva palaty grazhdanskogo suda po prosheniyu Ivana Kirilova Kolyubyakina po prisylke spravki po zaruchnoi chelobitnoi Ivana Grigor'eva Dolgorukova o razdele s Ivanom Antonovym Linevym nedvizhimogo imeniya Efima i Stefana Fokinykh i brata ego Prokhora Dolgorukovykh. 1784-1786 [The case regarding the official letter of the Chamber of Civil Court of the Novgorod Viceroyalty on the petition of Ivan son of Kornil Kolyubyakin on sending a certificate for a petition of Ivan son of Grigorii Dolgorukov to share with Ivan son of Anton Linev the estate of Efim Fokin and Stephan Fokin and his brother Prokhor Dolgorukov. 1784-1786]. F. 1209, DML. Novgorodskii uezd. Kn. 8816, d. 43, ll. 373 ob.-374. RGADA.

58 "Spisok" [Register]. Kniga del o smotre sluzhilykh lyudei i nedoroslei v Senate. 1721 [Register of cases on the inspection of service class people and minors in the Senate. 1721]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 3, l. 485 ob. RGADA; "Skazka otstavnogo reitara Grigoriya Fokina syna Dolgorukova 1722 fevral'" [Record on the retired soldier Grigorii son of Foka Dolgorukov. February, 1722]. Skazki. 1721-1723 [Records. 1721-1723]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 13, l. 221. RGADA; "Raspiska Grigoriya Fokina syna Dolgorukogo 1724 noyabrya 21" [Acknowledgement of Grigorii son of Foka Dolgorukii, November 21, 1724]. Kniga del. 1723-1727 [Register of cases. 1723-1727]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 60, l. 379. RGADA; "Spisok" [Register]. Kniga del. 1733 [Register of cases. 1733]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 152, l. 18. RGADA.

59 "Proshenie" [Petition]. Proshenie Ivana Antonova syna Lineva o zapiske za nim menovnogo ot Ageya Potapova syna Dolgorukova s mater'yu ego Aksin'eyu Andreevoyu docher'yu Potapovoyu

IV - Sergei61 (born before 1692, died before 1752) and Bogdan, children of Anton.62 Tikhon son of Efim63 (mentioned between 1726 and 1729); Ivan64 (born in

zhenoyu Dolgorukovoyu nedvizhimogo imeniya Novgorodskogo uezda. 1759 [Petition by Ivan son of Anton Linev on handing him over the real estate of Novgorod Uyezd, which was exchanged for him from Agei son of Potap Dolgorukov by his mother, Aksinya, daughter of Andrei Potapov, wife of Dolgorukov. 1759]. F. 1209, DML, Novgorodskii uezd, kn. 8813, d. 68, l. 152. RGADA.

60 "Spravka" [Reference]. Delo Ivana Grigor'eva syna Dolgorukova o spravke za plemyannikami ego Ivanom Antonovym synom Linevym i Ivanom Kornilovym synom Kolyubakinym dostavshegosya emu posle ottsa Grigoriya i dyadei Efima i Stepana Fokinykh detei i brata ego Prokhora Dolgorukovykh nedvizhimogo imeniya. 1750 [Case of Ivan son of Grigorii Dolgorukov on obtaining for his nephews, Ivan son of Anton Linev and Ivan son of Kornil Kolyubakin, real estate inherited by him after his father Grigori and after his uncles Efim Fokin and Stepan Fokin and his brother Prokhor Dolgorukov. 1750]. F. 1209, DML, Novgorod Uyezd, kn. 8807, d. 13, ll. 341-43. RGADA.

61 "Spisok" [Register]. Kniga del o smotre sluzhilykh lyudei i nedoroslei v Senate. 1721 [Register of cases on the inspection of service class people and minors in the Senate. 1721]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 3, l. 478. RGADA; "Spisok" [Register]. Zapisnaya kniga priezdov. 1722-1724 [Register of arrivals. 1722-1724]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 47, l. 97. RGADA; "Spisok" [Register]. Kniga del [Register of cases. 1736]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 181, l. 908. RGADA; "Zhurnal zasedanii o nedoroslyakh" [Journal of the sessions on minors]. Ob otsylke nedoroslya Nikolaya Dolgorukova gvardii v Preobrazhenskii polk v soldaty. 1764 maya 4 [On sending a minor Nikolai Dolgorukov to the Guard of the Preobrazhenskii Regiment as a soldier. May 4, 1764]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 526, l. 140. RGADA.

62 "Kopiya s zakladnoi" [Copy of a mortgage]. Delo po otnosheniyu Novgorodskogo namestnichestva palaty grazhdanskogo suda po prosheniyu Ivana Kirilova Kolyubyakina po prisylke spravki po zaruchnoi chelobitnoi Ivana Grigor'eva Dolgorukova o razdele s Ivanom Antonovym Linevym nedvizhimogo imeniya Efima i Stefana Fokinykh i brata ego Prokhora Dolgorukovykh. 1784-1786 [The case regarding the official letter of the Chamber of Civil Court of Novgorod Viceroyalty on the petition of Ivan son of Kornil Kolyubyakin on sending a certificate for a petition of Ivan son of Grigorii Dolgorukov to share with Ivan son of Anton Lineev the estate of Efim Fokin and Stephan Fokin and his brother Prokhor Dolgorukov. 1784-1786]. F. 1209, DML, Novgorodskii uezd, kn. 8816, d. 43, l. 376 ob. RGADA.

63 "Zhurnal" [Register]. Kniga del. 1726-1729 [Register of cases. 1726-1729]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 83, ll. 185, 187. RGADA.

64 "Spisok" [Register]. Kniga del o smotre sluzhilykh lyudei i nedoroslei v Senate. 1721 [Register of cases on the inspection of service class people and minors in the Senate. 1721]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 3, l. 504 ob. RGADA; "Skazka otstavnogo reitara Grigoriya Fokina syna Dolgorukova 1722 fevral'" [Record on the retired soldier Grigorii son of Foka Dolgorukov. February, 1722]. Skazki. 1721-1723 [Records. 1721-1723]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 13, l. 221. RGADA; "Spisok" [Register]. Kniga del. 1722-1725 [Register of cases. 1722-1725]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 48, l. 744. RGADA; "Spisok. Zapiska priezdov dragunov, kotorye oblozheny v denezhnyi oklad. Dopros" [Register. Record of the arrival of the taxed dragoons. Interrogation]. Kniga del. 1723-1727 [Register of cases. 1723-1727]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 60, ll. 185 ob, 244, 463. RGADA; Kniga del o razbore sluzhilykh lyudei Novgorodskogo razryada. 1724-1731 [Register of cases of the inspection of service class people of Novgorod ranks. 1724-1731]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 69, ll. 5, 369, 646. RGADA; "Ukaz" [Decree]. Ukazy i rezolyutsii Senata i prigovory Gerol'dmeisterskoi kontory. 1729 [Decrees and resolutions of the Senate and the adjudications of the Heralds office. 1729].

1682, died in 1750), Afimia65 (married name Kolyubakina), Marta (married name Lineva) and Prokhor,66 children of Grigorii. Agei son of Potap.67

V - Tit son of Sergei 68 (mentioned between 1746 and 1752, died before 1764). Vasilii son of Bogdan.69

F. 286, op. 1, d. 105, l. 16. RGADA; "Ukaz" [Decree]. Ukazy i rezolyutsii Senata.1730 [Decrees and resolutions of the Senate. 1730]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 111, ll. 13, 26. RGADA; Vkhodyashchaya i iskhodyashchaya kniga. 1734 [Register of incoming and outgoing documents. 1734]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 157, l. 100. RGADA; Kniga del. 1734-1735 [Register of cases. 1734-1735]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 163, ll. 511, 515, 519, 521. RGADA; "Chelobitnaya otstavnogo draguna Ivana Grigor'eva syna Dolgorukova" [Petition from a retired dragoon Ivan son of Grigorii Dolgorukov]. Kniga del. 1739 [Register of cases. 1739]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 223, ll. 212-13. RGADA; "Reestr reshennym delam o nedoroslyakh po Gerol'dmeisterskoi kontore 1743 goda" [Register of the solved cases involving minors under the Heralds office in 1743]. Kniga del o nedoroslyakh. 1743. [Register of cases involving minors. 1743]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 269, l. 524. RGADA.

65 "Donesenie Novgorodskogo namestnicheskogo pravleniya" [Report of the Administration of Novgorod Viceroyalty]. O ne priznanii soldata Vasiliya Kolyubakina dvoryaninom. 1774 [On not recognizing soldier Vasilii Kolyubakin as a nobleman. 1774]. F. 286, op. 2, d. 44, l. 52 ob. RGADA.

66 "Otnoshenie Novgorodskogo namestnichestva palaty grazhdanskogo suda" [Official letter of the Chamber of Civil Court of Novgorod Viceroyalty]. Delo po otnosheniyu Novgorodskogo namestnichestva palaty grazhdanskogo suda po prosheniyu Ivana Kirilova Kolyubyakina po prisylke spravki po zaruchnoi chelobitnoi Ivana Grigor'eva Dolgorukova o razdele s Ivanom Antonovym Linevym nedvizhimogo imeniya Efima i Stefana Fokinykh i brata ego Prokhora Dolgorukovykh. 1784-1786. [The case of the official letter of the Chamber of Civil Court of the Novgorod Viceroyalty on the petition of Ivan son of Kornil Kolyubyakin on sending a certificate for a petition of Ivan son of Grigorii Dolgorukov to share with Ivan son of Anton Linev the estate of Efim Fokin and Stephan Fokin and his brother Prokhor Dolgorukov. 1784-1786]. F. 1209, DML, Novgorodskii uezd, kn. 8816, d. 43, l. 366. RGADA.

67 "Proshenie" [Petition]. Proshenie Ivana Antonova syna Lineva o zapiske za nim menovnogo ot Ageya Potapova syna Dolgorukova s mater'yu ego Aksin'eyu Andreevoyu docher'yu Potapovoyu zhenoyu Dolgorukovoyu nedvizhimogo imeniya Novgorodskogo uezda. 1759. [Petition by Ivan son of Anton Linev on handing him over the real estate of Novgorod Uyezd, which was exchanged for him from Agei son of Potap Dolgorukov by his mother, Aksinya, daughter of Andrei Potapov, wife of Dolgorukov. 1759]. F. 1209, DML, Novgorodskii uezd, kn. 8813, d. 68, l. 152. RGADA.

68 "Pokazaniya Tita Sergeeva syna Dolgorukova" [Testimony of Tit son of Sergei Dolgorukov]. Kniga del o nedoroslyakh. 1746-1747 [Register of cases involving minors. 1746-1747]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 318, l. 259. RGADA; F. 286, op. 1, d. 526, l. 140. RGADA; "Chelobitnaya Tita Sergeeva syna Dolgorukova" [Petition of Tit son of Sergei Dolgorukov]. Po prosheniyu pomeshchika Dolgorukova o vladenii nasledstvennoyu ego pustosh'yu pomeshchikami Ivanom Linevym i Ivanom Kolyubakinym. 1752 marta 14 [On the petition of landowner Dolgorukov on the ownership of the abandoned village inherited by him by landowners Ivan Linev and Ivan Kolyubakin. March 14, 1752]. F. 596, op. 1, d. 305, ll. 1-2. RGADA.

69 "Kopiya s zakladnoi" [Copy of a mortgage]. Delo po otnosheniyu Novgorodskogo namestnichestva palaty grazhdanskogo suda po prosheniyu Ivana Kirilova Kolyubyakina po prisylke spravki po zaruchnoi chelobitnoi Ivana Grigor'eva Dolgorukova o razdele s Ivanom Antonovym Linevym nedvizhimogo imeniya Efima i Stefana Fokinykh i brata ego Prokhora

70 71

VI - Nikolai (born in 1747), Timofei (mentioned between 1746 and 1747 as a


minor) and Katerina, children of Tit.

It was possible to find information in RGADA about Grigorii Fokich Dolgorukov, a retired reiter from Novgorod Uyezd, Bezhitsk pyatina, and his son, gragoon Ivan Grigorievich, a brother to wives of Kornil Mikhailovich Kolyubakin and Anton Linev.

The archives preserved a record documented from the words of Grigorii Fokich in 1722 at the Heralds Office in Moscow, where he appeared in front of heroldmeister


Stepan Andreevich Kolychev "along with his fellows." In this record, Grigorii Dolgorukov gave the following testimony:

otstavnoi reitar Grigorei Fokin syn Dolgorukov... ot rodu mne vosem'desyatpyat' let dryakhl i uvechen izozhzhen ot razboinikov sluzhil zhe s 1673 godu reitarskuyu sluzhbu i na sluzhbakh Ego Imperatorskogo Velichestva vezde byl s priezdu do otpuskov a u kogo v polku boyar i voevod i v kotorykh godekh i gorodekh o tom yavno v voennom prikaze i v 701 godu za starost' i za sluzhby ot polkovye sluzhby otstavlen... i posle togo predlozhen na denezhnoi okladpo dva rubli na god i takie den'gi platil po vsya gody spolna bez doimki a detei u menya syn Ivan soroka let uvechen izozhzhen ot razboinikov byl v dragunekh i predlozhen na denezhnoi oklad

Dolgorukovykh. 1784-1786 [The case regarding the official letter of the Chamber of Civil Court of Novgorod Viceroyalty on the petition of Ivan Kirilov Kolyubyakin on sending a certificate for a petition of Ivan Grigoriev Dolgorukov to share with Ivan Antonov Linev the estate of Efim Fokin and Stephan Fokin and his brother Prokhor Dolgorukov. 1784-1786]. F. 1209, DML, Novgorodskii uezd, kn. 8816, d. 43, l. 376. RGADA.

70 "Zhurnal zasedanii o nedoroslyakh" [Journal of the sessions on minors]. Ob otsylke nedoroslya Nikolaya Dolgorukova gvardii v Preobrazhenskii polk v soldaty. 1764 maya 4 [On sending a minor Nikolai Dolgorukov to the Guard of the Preobrazhenskii Regiment as a soldier. May 4, 1764]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 526, l. 140. RGADA.

71 "Pokazaniya Tita Sergeeva syna Dolgorukova" [Testimony of Tit son of Sergei Dolgorukov]. Kniga del o nedoroslyakh. 1746-1747 [Register of cases involving minors. 1746-1747]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 318, l. 259. RGADA.

72 "Chelobitnaya" [Petition]. Delo Afonas'ya Petrova syna Lodygina o spravke za nim prodannogo ot Kateriny Ivanovoi zheny Karaulovoi nedvizhimogo Novgorodskogo imeniya. 1765 [The case of Afonasii son of Pyotr Lodygin about handing him over the real estate in Novgorod sold by Katerina daughter of Ivan Karaulova. 1765]. F. 1209, DML, Novgorodskii uezd, kn. 8810, d. 1, ll. 1-2. RGADA.

73 Kolychev, Stepan Andreevich (1674 or 1679-1735), a statesman, the first Russian heraldmeister from January 18, 1722 (See N.A. Komolov, "Kolychev, Stepan Andreevich" [in Russian], Voronezh Encyclopedia, vol. 1, A-M, ed. M.D. Karpachev (Voronezh: Tsentr dukhovnogo vozrozhdeniya Chernozemnogo kraya, 2008), 385.

vmesto sluzhby a krest'yanskikh dvorov za mnoyu nyne net a kotorye byli i te spravleny za vyshepisannym synom moim Ivanom. . .

[The retired reiter Grigori son of Foka Dolgorukov. . . I am eighty-five years old and decrepit, mangled and mutilated by robbers. I started my service in the rank of reiter in 1673 and was at the service of His Imperial Majesty. In what regiment of boyars and voivodes, in what year and in what cities I served was clearly written down in the military department. In the year of 701 I was discharged from service because of age. I was supposed to pay two roubles a year and paid in full. My son Ivan is forty years old and he was also mangled and mutilated by robbers. Ivan was a member of the Dragoon corps and was also offered to replace service with annual payment. There are no peasant homesteads that belonged to me now, and those peasant homesteads that used to belong to me before passed on to my son Ivan.]

On arrival in Moscow on May 5, 1724 for the inspection declared by a government decree, Ivan Grigorievich Dolgorukov told about himself that he was 43 years old and he had served since 1708. He testified that he had 3 peasant homesteads in Novgorod Uyezd in the village of Rastoropovo. Ivan Dolgorukov declared that following the order of landrichter of Novgorod Yakov Rimskii-


Korsakov, his service was replaced with a payment of six roubles per year in 1709, which he paid on time without debts.76

The dramatic events mentioned by his father Grigorii Fokich in connection with the injuries and burns they both received "from the robbers" are described in even greater detail by Ivan Grigorevich himself. In his petition sent in March 1739, he reported that

Gosudarynya imperatritsa Anna Ioannovna... sluzhil ya Vashemu Imperatorskomu Velichestvu s 707 godu iz nedoroslei v Novo Pribornom polku dragunom i v 709 godu is togo polku dlya svoikh nuzhd otpushchen byl v dom svoi i v bytnost' moyu v dom moi prikhodya neodnokratno vory razboiniki menya i ottsa moego bili i muchili smertno i ognem zhgli i golovu klyapom zavertyvali otchego spinu i u

74 "Skazka otstavnogo reitara Grigoriya Fokina syna Dolgorukova" [Record on the retired soldier Grigorii son of Foka Dolgorukov]. Skazki. 1722 [Records. 1722]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 13, l. 221. RGADA.

75 Yakov Nikitich Rimskii-Korsakov, a commandant of Kopor and Landrichter of Ingria, Vice-Governor of St Petersburg in 1711. In 1715 he was exiled for various cases of misconduct (See F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron, comps., Encyclopedic Dictionary [in Russian], vol. 26a, Rezonans i rezonatory - Roza di-Tivoli (St Petersburg: Tipografskoe aktsionernoe obshchestvo "Izdatel'skoe delo, byvshee Brokgauz-Efron", 1899), 724.

76 "Zapiska priezdov dragunov, kotorye oblozheny v denezhnyi oklad" [Record of the arrivals of the taxed dragoons]. Kniga del. 1723-1727 [Register of cases. 1723-1727]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 60, l. 244. RGADA.

pravoi ruki palets svelo i ot togo v kostyakh lom i shchemota velikaya i v golove


shum i lom i glazami khudo vizhu...

[Your Majesty Empress Anna Ioannovna. . . I started serving Your imperial majesty as a minor in the Novopribornyi Regiment in the rank of dragoon in the year 707. In the year 709 I was released from that regiment for my own needs. Thieves and robbers have come to my house many times. They beat me and my father and tortured us terribly. They burned us with fire and tied our heads with gags, which made my back and mys right hand cramped, which is why my bones ache and my head aches and my eyes do not see properly. . .]

Fragment of the petition of Ivan son of Grigorii Dolgorukov to Empress Anna Ioanovna.

March 1739. Source: F. 286, op. 1, d. 223, l. 212. RGADA.

77 "Chelobitnaya otstavnogo draguna Ivana Grigor'eva syna Dolgorukova" [Petition from the retired dragoon Ivan son of Grigorii Dolgorukov]. Kniga del. 1739 [Register of cases. 1739]. F. 286, op. 1, d. 223, ll. 212-13. RGADA.

The question about the essence of the events connected with the repeated attack of robbers on the house of landowners of the village of Rastoropovo Grigorii Fokich and his son Ivan Dolgorukov is beyond the scope of this article.

Speaking about the development of the landowning families in Ustyuzhna Uyezd in the 17 th-19th centuries, it should also be noted that the Dolgorukovs were not mentioned in the cadastres of Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya Uyezd of 1685-86. At the same time, along with Sergei Fedorov and Ontsyfor son of Ivan Linev and Kuzma Kulibakin and Gerasim Kulibakin, children of Isai, mentioned earlier in this article, the cadaster mentioned landowners Fyodor son of Timofei Kulibakin and his father Timofei son of Safon (also mentioned as Safron) Kulibakin. Fyodor Kulibakin and Timofei Kulibakin were also close relatives of the previously mentioned Kolyubakins. From the genealogy of the Kolyubakin family, it is known that Timofei Sofronievich was a cousin of Kuzma Isaevich and Gerasim Isaevich.

According to the record of April 8, 193 (1685) in the registers of Ustyuzhnya Zhelezopolskaya made by local court clerk Ivashka Krivoshein, Fyodor son of


Timofei Kulibakin owned a part of the estate of the village of Kvashnino. According to another record of the year 184 (1675/1676) from the register of Ustyuzhnya Zhelezopolskaya, artilleryman Mishka Presnyakov also owned a plot in exactly the same village of Kvashnino. On July 30 194 (1686), this property was


officially included into the Timofei's votchina. The appearance of the mixed estate-votchina property of the Kolyubakins proves the strengthening of the positions of these landowners in Ustyuzhnya Zhelezopolskaya at the end of the 17th century.

The materials for the valuation of landed property in Ustyuzhna Uyezd of Novgorod Governorate published in 1897 do not list the family of Dolgorukov among landowners.80 Apparently, by the early 20th century, the Ustyuzhna branch of the Dolgorukov family had almost vanished, or maybe most of its representatives had left Ustyuzhna Uyezd and the governorate. In any case, in the second part of the noble genealogical book of Novgorod Governorate, there is a record only about one landowner, Nikolai Alexandrovich Dolgorukov, his wife Elisaveta Ivanovna and their

three children, Nikolai, Pyotr, and Vladimir. The record was made in compliance


woth the order of the noble assembly on June 5, 1836.

The property status of the Linev family had been strengthening up until the middle of the 19th century. Staff Sergeant Login Linev, who retired on November 26,

78 Pugach, "The cadastre of Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya Uyezd in 1685-1686," 177-78.

79 Pugach, "The cadastre of Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya Uyezd in 1685-1686," 185-86.

80 Materials for the valuation of landed property in Novgorod Governorate. Ustyuzhna Uyezd [in Russian] (Novgorod: Tipografiya A.S. Fedorova, 1897).

81 P.P. Golitsyn, comp., The list of noble families of Novgorod Governorate from 1787 to January 1, 1910, with the attachment of the list of governorate and uyezd marshals of the nobility of 1767 (Novgorod: Gubernskaya tipografiya, 1910), VII, 76.

1841, inherited from his late father the family estate Dubrovo-Linevo consisting of eight villages and hamlets with 144 serfs, located in the Rastoropovskaya Volost of Ustyuzhna Uyezd. However, by the early 1870s, the estate had already gone bankrupt. Already in 1876, the Dubrovo-Linevo estate was sold to debts collectors.82 In 1897, the Linevs were mentioned in Ustyuzhna Uyezd only as former landowners.83

By the end of the 19th century, the Kolyubakins had taken a very strong position in the region as landowners of Ustyuzhna Uyezd. In 1897, among those landowners were Nikolai Alexandrovich Kolyubakin (November 19, 1839 - February 20, 1911), a rather prominent figure in Ustyuzhna Uyezd at that time; Dmitrii Viktorovich Kolyubakin (1843 - October 19, 1913), an honorable citizen of Cherepovets, and his wife Yuliya Vasilievna; Anna Pavlovna Kolyubakina (died in 1903), wife of Nikolai Alexandrovich's brother; and the heirs of Nadezhda Antonovna Kolyubakina, widow of Counter Admiral Alexander Nikolaevich Kolyubakin.84

Ustyuzhna landowners Nikolai Alexandrovich Kolyubakin (centre) and Dmitrii Viktorovich Kolyubakin (right) with Colonel Alexei Mikhailovich Kolyubakin (left), compiler of the Kolyubakin family album. Ustyuzhna, August 2, 1897. Source: Collection of Yu.B. Shmarov, Kolyubakins' file, l. 54. Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts.

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Vorotyntseva, "The noble family of Linev," 129, 138.


Materials for the valuation of landed property in Novgorod Governorate. Ustyuzhna Uyezd, 5, 10, 15 (pag. 2), 17, 26, 30, 31 (pag. 3).


Materials for the valuation of landed property in Novgorod Governorate. Ustyuzhna Uyezd, 68 (pag. 2), 16 (pag. 5); Marov, The Kolyubakins: Materials for the genealogy, 127-28, 152-54, 192-95.

The village of Rastoropovo, which the Kolyubakin family inherited from the Dolgorukovs, was the family estate of the Kolyubakins for many years until the early 1910s. It passed from Kornil Mikhailovich Kolyubakin to his son Ivan, and later to his grandson Vasilii Ivanovich, who was married to Elizaveta Alexandrovna


Epanchina (1765-1835). After that the estate was inherited by the son of Vasilii Ivanovich, Staff Captain Alexander Vasilievich Kolyubakin (1796-1860) who served as the marshal of the nobility of Ustyuzhna Uyezd in 1842-44.86

Anna Pavlovna Kolyubakina, née Unkovskaya, and her husband Mikhail Alexandrovich

Kolyubakin (1840 - after 1915).

Source: Likharevy, dvoryane Zubtsovskogo uyezda [The Likharevs, noblemen of Zubtsov Uyezd].

F. 1063, op. 1, d. 277, l. 20. GATO.

Nikolai Alexandrovich Kolyubakin was the last owner of the estate. The list of his immovable property speaks about the high property status of this landowning family. In 1866-82 Nikolai Alexandrovich Kolyubakin owned the lands that included the Rastoropovo estate, a part of the hamlet of Posadnitsy and the hamlet of

85 "Kolyubakiny-Kornilovichi. Vasilii Ivanovich Kolyubakin i ego zhena Elizaveta Aleksandrovna rozhdennaya Epanchina" [The Kolyubakins-Korniloviches. Vasilii Ivanovich Kolyubakin and his wife Elizaveta Alexandrovna, nee Epanchina]. Dokumenty dvoryan Kolyubakinykh i ikh rodstvennikov [Documents of the nobles Kolyubakins and their relatives]. F. 1063, op. 1, d. 277, l. 48. GATO; A.A. Epanchin and A.Ya. Motorkin, comps., "Genealogy of the Epanchins" [in Russian], in Local history collection: archival materials (Murom: Rekom, 2005), 101-03.

86 P.P. Golitsyn, comp., "Uyezd marshals of the nobility" [in Russian], in The list of noble families of Novgorod Governorate from 1787 to January 1, 1910, with the attachment of the list of governorate and uyezd marshals of the nobility of 1767, 38 (pag. 3).

Duplikhovo, and also i the abandoned villages of Pushnovo, Guzarevo, Shaglovo, Arzhanukhino, Lukyantsevo, Stepantsevo, Pavlishchevo, Anufrikha, Krivaya Gora, and Shaglichi, and the villages of Gora, Kresttsy, Kuzminskii Gorodok and


Aleksino. In 1897-1911, he owned two estates, Staroe Rastoropovo and Novoe Rastoropovo, parts of the hamlet of Rastoropovo with the village of Gorka, the hamlet of Posadnitsy, the hamlet of Yakovlevo, the village of Znamenskoe, and some

abandoned villages in Rastoropovo Volost of Ustyuzhna Uyezd of Novgorod


Governorate. The last three generations of the Kolyubakins were buried not far away from Rastoropovo near the extant Transfiguration Spaso-Katskaya Church of Spaso-Slezkinskii pogost. The pogost itself was located in the southwest of


Ustyuzhna Uyezd on the river Kat', next to the village of Kresttsy.

87 "Zhurnal Novgorodskogo gubernskogo po krest'yanskim delam prisutstviya" [Journal of the Novgorod governorate office for peasant affairs]. Delo g-na Kolyubakina N.A. Novgorodskoi gubernii Ustyuzhnskogo uezda v selenii Gore. 1866 [The case of Mr. N.A. Kolyubakin from Novgorod Governorate, Ustyuzhna Uyezd, the settlement of Gora. 1866]. F. 577, op. 22, d. 3250, l. 1. RGIA; "Zhurnal Novgorodskogo gubernskogo po krest'yanskim delam prisutstviya" [Journal of the Novgorod governorate office for peasant affairs]. Delo g-na Kolyubakina N.A. Novgorodskoi gubernii Ustyuzhnskogo uezda v s. Aleksine. 1869 [The case of Mr. N.A. Kolyubakin from Novgorod Governorate, Ustyuzhna Uyezd, the village of Aleksino. 1869]. F. 577, op. 22, d. 3251,

1. 2. RGIA; "Zhurnal Novgorodskogo gubernskogo po krest'yanskim delam prisutstviya" [Journal of the Novgorod governorate office for peasant affairs]. Delo g-na Kolyubakina N.A. Novgorodskoi gubernii Ustyuzhnskogo uezda seleniya Kuz'minska-Gorodka. 1871 [The case of Mr. N.A. Kolyubakin from Novgorod Governorate, Ustyuzhna Uyezd, the village of Kuzminsk-Gorodok. 1871]. F. 577, op. 22, d. 3252, l. 2. RGIA; "Zhurnal Novgorodskogo gubernskogo po krest'yanskim delam prisutstviya" [Journal of the Novgorod governorate office for peasant affairs]. Delo g. Kolyubakina N.A. seleniya Kresttsev Novgorodskoi gubernii Ustyuzhnskogo uezda. 1882 [The case of Mr. N.A. Kolyubakin from Novgorod Governorate, Ustyuzhna Uyezd, the village of Krestsy. 1882]. F. 577, op. 22, d. 3253, l. 2. RGIA.

88 Materials for the valuation of landed property in Novgorod Governorate. Ustyuzhskii uyezd,

2, 5, 16-19 (pag. 3), 16 (pag. 5); List of settlements of Novgorod Governorate. Ustyuzhnskii district [in Russian], ed. S.R. Mintslov, issue VIII (Novgorod: Gubernskaya tipografiya, 1911), 82-83; "Arkhivnaya spravka" [Archive reference]. Ex. no. 133 as of November 7, 2007. Ustyuzhnensk Museum of Local Lore.

89 V.V. Sheremetevskii, Russian provincial necropolis [in Russian], vol. 1, Governorates of Arkhangelsk, Vladimir, Vologda, Kostroma, Moscow, Novgorod, Olonets, Pskov, St Petersburg, Tver, Yaroslavl, and Valaam and Konevskii monasteries of Vyborg Governorate (Moscow: Tipo-litografiya tovarishchestva I.N. Kushnerev i K°, 1914), 419; Church-Historical Atlas of Vologda Oblast [in Russian], vol. 1, Lists of churches and monasteries, comp. N.M. Makedonskaya (Vologda: Drevnosti Severa, 2007), 94.

Nadezhda Antonovna Kolyubakina, née Ryleeva, with her daughters Ekaterina and Alexandra and

her husband Counter Admiral Alexander Nikolaevich Kolyubakin (1793-1849). Source: Collection of Yu.B. Shmarov, Kolyubakins' file, l. 90. Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts.


The analysis of arrival of the landowning families of Kolyubakin, Linev and Dolgorukov in Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya Uyezd, their interaction and marriage ties that led to redistribution of landed property as well as further development of family clans in the course of the 17th-19th centuries allowed us to illustrate by concrete examples and in sufficient detail a number of previously revealed patterns of formation of land ownership in the uyezd.

The results of the research can be formulated as follows:

1. It was revealed that the Kolyubakins and the Dolgorukovs moved to Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolsaya Uyezd at the beginning of the 17th century from Bezhetsk Pyatina. The Linevs arrived from Vodskaya Pyatina of Novgorod Land as a result of allocation to them of estates on the uyezd lands. It was noted that the Linevs, probably, also had estates in the uyezd before the beginning of the 17th century. Members of these clans also stayed in the territories of Novgorod pyatins, where, according to the census of 1678, there were 18 representatives of the Kulebakin family; four, of the Linev family; and eight, of the Dolgorukov family.90

2. It was established that the reason for the emergence of family relations between the families under consideration was that the estates granted to them bordered each other or even represented shares of the same territorial formations (villages or abandoned villages). The ties between the families of Kolyubakin and Linev were traced back in the period between the first half of the 17th century and the middle of

90 Vorob'ev and Degtyarev, Russian feudal landownership, 117-18.

the 19th century. The connection of both of these families with the Dolgorukov family was revealed to exist at the beginning of the 18th century.

3. It was shown that family ties led to redistribution of local property between families through its transfer as dowry, as was the case of the transfer of parts of the village of Rastoropovo from the Dolgorukovs to the Kolyubakins, or to nephews and grandnephews in the female line through inheritance by lateral branches, as was the case of the transfer of parts of the village of Kvashnino from the Kolyubakins to the Linevs and half of the village of Rastoropovo from the Dolgorukovs to the Linevs.

4. The Ustyuzhna family branch of the Dolgorukov family was reconstructed, including five generations of descendants and covering the period from the end of the 16 th century to the second half of the 18th century.

A preliminary analysis of the sources from the fonds of Pomestnyi Prikaz at the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts shows that similar connections and the resulting redistribution of the local property also took place between other landowning families of Ustyuzhna Uyezd, for instance, the Kolyubakins and the Ushakovs, the Laptevs, the Khodnevs, et al. The study of these ties could constitute a possible subject for further research in this direction. This research does not have to cover only Ustyuzhna Uyezd and can be expanded.

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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Информация об авторе

Михаил Николаевич Маров - кандидат технических наук, старший научный сотрудник, ведущий руководитель проектов, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7344-7941, marmin953@gmail.com, Акционерное общество «РАМЭК-ВС» (194292 Россия, г. Санкт-Петербург, пер. 5-й Верхний, д. 1, к. 2 литера А)

Information about the author

Mikhail N. Marov - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Research Officer, Lead Project Manager; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7344-7941, marmin953@gmail.com, RAMEC-VS JSC (d. 1, k. 2 lit. А, Pyatуi Verhnii per., St Petersburg, Russia, 194292)

Статья поступила в редакцию 20.05.2021; одобрена после рецензирования 23.06.2021; принята к публикации 29.06.2021.

The article was submitted 20.05.2021; approved after reviewing 23.06.2021; accepted for publication 29.06.2021.

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