Научная статья на тему 'Factors that form an attractive image of trade organizations'

Factors that form an attractive image of trade organizations Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Maslova Alexandra Evgenievna, Timyasheva Ekaterina Tikhonovna, Nikishin Alexander Fedorovich

The trade sector is characterized by a high level of competition. In this connection trade organizations have to constantly look for different ways to attract customers into stores. The article is concerned with the main factors that allow the trade organizations to form an attractive image in the eyes of customers and increase their sales.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Factors that form an attractive image of trade organizations»

Section 10. Economics and management

8. Graham A. Managing Airports: An International Perspective. - N. Y.: Elsevier, 2008. - 333 p.

9. Hussain M. Investment in Air Transport Infrastructure. - Washington DC: The World Bank, 2010. - 260 p.

10. Macario R. Critical Issues in Air Transport Economics and Business/Rosario Macario, Eddy Van de Voorde. - Milton Park: Routledge, 2010. - 432 p.

11. Morichi S., Acharya S. Transport Development in Asian Megacities: A New Perspective (Transportation Research, Economics and Policy). - Dordrecht: Springer, 2012. - 277 p.

12. Qin Z. Comprehensive review of airport business models.//[Electronic recourse]/ACI. - Accessed mode: http://www. airports.org/aci/ACIAPAC/File/Young %20Executive %20A

13. Sydorenko K. Mechanisms of development the competitiveness of international airports in conditions of intensification of the global air transport market.//European Applied Sciences. - 2014. - № 4. - Р. 129-130.

14. Winston C., Rus G. Aviation Infrastructure Performance: A Study in Comparative Political Economy. - Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2008. - 237 p.

Maslova Alexandra Evgenievna, Timyasheva Ekaterina Tikhonovna, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, students, Department of Trade policy Nikishin Alexander Fedorovich, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, associate professor, Department of Trade policy E-mail: ktdn@yandex.ru

Factors that form an attractive image of trade organizations

Abstract: The trade sector is characterized by a high level of competition. In this connection trade organizations have to constantly look for different ways to attract customers into stores. The article is concerned with the main factors that allow the trade organizations to form an attractive image in the eyes of customers and increase their sales.

Keywords: Quality merchant services, customer loyalty, customer attraction, retail, sales promotion, assortment building.

Trade is characterized by a high level of competition. In the struggle for potential customers retail organizations have to invent new ways to attract them. The formation of customer loyalty to a particular trade organization is influenced by various factors: they include the proposed range of products, the pricing policy, the location of the trade organization, the quality of customer service and promotional activities. The combination of all of these factors and each of them individually affects the consumer’s decision to make a purchase in a particular store.

The assortment building and maintenance play an important role in the retail organization activity [1]. In many cases, the well-built assortment is regarded as a major factor to attract consumers. However, it is important not only to build the assortment, but also to make timely changes in it. In summer it is advisable to add to the assortment more fresh products (seasonal fruits, vegetables), increase the supply of soft drinks; in winter the most-wanted products are canned and frozen ones. Such seasonal adjustments in the assortment allow the trade organization to attract new customers and retain current ones and, accordingly, increase revenues. In order to analyze the consumer demand the trade organizations use special racks with questionnaires in which a customer can write a note about what items he did not find in the store, but

what he wants to buy there. It is convenient for the customers to buy all necessary goods in one store, that is why the use of such questionnaires has a high level of efficiency.

The pricing policy is a significant factor in determining consumer choice [2]. Retailers usually identify themselves as stores for specific consumer segments (with a certain income level) [3]. This segmental focus on consumers has its advantages and disadvantages. In this situation the trade organization gets the opportunity to examine more carefully its target segment, build the right assortment and choose the affective selling inducements. On the other hand, this approach tends to limit the number of potential customers and reduce the level of income. In practice, it often happens that the same consumers visit stores targeted at different consumer segments. Besides that, consumers can often pass from one segment to another. The trade organizations selling goods to consumers with above-average incomes are at the greatest risk, because in the event of an economic crisis these consumers often go to the low-price stores. Recently, the trade organizations (mainly high volume retailers) in order to cover all sections of population have begun opening stores of different types targeted at consumers with different income levels. Besides that, the trade organizations have also begun presenting goods in the


Factors that form an attractive image of trade organizations

different price range (from cheap private labels to expensive well-known brands) inside the stores [4]. This price range of products allows the trade organization to attract more consumers and increase profitability. However, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors that reduce the efficiency of this approach - first of all, it is the use of amounting area coefficient and a number of cash-desks corresponding to the high price segment. In discount shops it leads to a decrease in revenues. Also, the use in the display products for different consumer segments leads to lower efficiency of display area. Long queues negatively affect the customers’ impression of the store, especially in the high price segments. As a result, the customer simply go away without making a planned purchase and does not come back to the store the next time, in this case the trade organization loses customers and therefore money.

The location also largely determines the attractiveness of the trade organization. The choice of the trade organization location depends on the proposed range of products, the required sales area, the method of selling goods and the focus on a particular consumer segment. Convenience stores offering a narrow range of food and nonfood items are usually located on the first floors of houses, whose residents are their main consumers. In such stores it is convenient to buy essential goods. The stores required large areas for goods realization are usually taken out of the city. The hypermarket format can be attributed to such stores. The main advantage of this format is the opportunity to buy at once all necessary goods at competitive prices. Specialty stores selling goods of famous brands are mostly located in the central part of the city, thus emphasizing the prestige value of their products. The foot traffic has recently begun playing an increasing role in choosing the store location. In big cities this factor exerts a great influence on the efficiency of the trade organization location. The store can be distant from the customer’s place of living or place of work but the consumer’s route is such that it is convenient for him to make a purchase in this store. Annual increasing passenger traffic turned crossover points of highways and railways in the most attractive places for doing business for retailers. A huge number of passengers makes a dive into such a shop on the way home, and thus brings trade companies high revenues. So depending on the nature of the trading activities of commercial enterprise managers choose for him the most suitable location. The main thing is that the time spent on the way to commercial enterprises should not exceed the value of goods, otherwise the consumer can withdraw from the purchase.

Another important factor in the formation of an attractive image of commercial enterprise is the quality of trade services. In trade enterprises it is depends on the level of store employee culture, their competencies and skills to feel the psychology of a customer. Sellers should have comprehensive information about a product: its properties, advantages and disadvantages, rules of use and so on. It includes the courteous attitude of employees of commercial enterprises to consumers, creating a comfortable customer environment in a store to make purchases, providing consumers with additional

services. To date, most stores similar rules of customer service: friendly attitude as for consumers, willingness to advise him selection of goods, meet the different desires of the consumers [5]. A number of stores established unwritten rule running that any employee, regardless of his position, in a case being referred to by a consumer must resort to his aid. Sales staff should have good skills of advertising the product and its demonstration, be able to advise the substitute goods and associated goods, serve customers quickly. It is also important to evaluate personal traits of shop assistants: kindness, politeness and willingness to help in a selection of goods. However, it is important to remember and to meet the needs of the staff, so they can work more productively. Creating a favorable atmosphere in the store also helps to attract consumers. Pleasant lighting, comfortable and, most importantly, safe layout, lack of unpleasant smells in the store create a positive consumer experience during doing shopping and make him return to the commercial enterprise again. In order to increase sales trade organizations can increase the range of services provided to customers [6]. Additional services provided by commercial enterprises to consumers, can be, for instance, utility and mobile payments, an opportunity to deliver goods home by the shop trucks, repair work (in appliance and electronic stores). Premium supermarkets often offer such a service as assistance in bringing consumer’s goods to his car. Now, when the competition is growing retail enterprises are looking for ways to expand the range of additional services, that allow them to gain the loyalty of consumers more successfully.

Another important factor to attract consumers to a retailer is carrying out promotional activities [7]. Organizing advertising campaigns, trade enterprises placed advertisements in the media, on billboards, edit special leaflets. With the rapid development of information technology it has become popular advertising on the Internet increasingly. Every year the amount of the users of different ages in the World Wide Web is increasing steadily, that allows the trade organizations to cover different population groups by the placement of advertising messages there [8]. In addition, online advertising is cheaper than television advertising, for example. However, despite the fact that advertising is undoubtedly affects the consumers, some trading companies completely went back on all sorts of advertising campaigns. For instance, the famous French retail chain “Auchan” does not use any advertising devices except “word of mouth”. According to the leaders of the retailer, this kind of advertising is the most effective and allows the trade organization to create a large and loyal customer base. Thus, regardless of whether a trade company use the latest advertising tools or use just «word of mouth», in fact, no commercial enterprise can do without services of advertising, which makes it a point to attract customers. If it is a case of advertising support in commercial enterprises, it should be stressed its importance in cutting the time of a buyer to select goods per help to navigate the trading floor. As a result, the time for shopping is also reduced, which can certainly suggest quality service. Cutting time spent on the


Section 10. Economics and management

way to and from the store, the selection of goods and payment transactions also reduce the time to make a purchase.

All the factors above have a significant influence on the formation of an attractive image of the trade organization.

In a competitive market taking into account a study of these factors can increase the competitiveness of the trade enterprise by providing it with undeniable advantages in attracting consumers.


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Nikitskaya Elena Fiodorovna, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Ph. D, professor of Department of State and Municipal Management

E-mail: elena-nikitskaya@yandex.ru Valishvili Meri Amiranovna, Ph. D, senior lecturer of Department of State and Municipal Management

E-mail: 9765501@mail.ru

Social innovation as a factor in the development of the Russian economy

Abstract: World experience proved that large capital investments to the social sphere which form the human capital are necessary for ensuring economic growth along with investments into the physical capital. The main condition of achievement of a sustainable development of economy is the accumulation and preservation of human capital through implementation of public policy which motivate people for improve the skills by means of continuous training and vocational training.

Keywords: social investments, human capital, region, socio-economic development, physical capital, budget expenses.

Никитская Елена Федоровна, Российский экономический университет имени Г В. Плеханова, Кандидат наук, профессор кафедры государственного и муниципального управления

E-mail: elena-nikitskaya@yandex.ru Валишвили Мери Амирановна, Доктор наук, старший преподаватель кафедры государственного и муниципального управления E-mail: 9765501@mail.ru

Социальные инновации как фактор развития российской экономики

Аннотация: Мировой опыт доказал, что для обеспечения экономического роста наряду с инвестициями в физический капитал необходимы крупномасштабные капиталовложения в социальную сферу, формирующую


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