FACTORS OF PERSONAL EXPRESSION IN SOCIAL ACTIVITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Bakiyeva M.K.

The article tried to express a member of society who has a certain behavior and outlook, distinguished from others by the concept of personality, psychologically developed special features and behaviors. In order to be a person, a man must develop mentally, feel himself as a whole person, and differ from others by his own characteristics and qualities. Thoughts about the conditions of the social environment and upbringing, in which the factors of the formation of social activity are expressed, are reflected in order for a person to become a person as a social being.

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5. Kolupaeva A. Fundamentals of inclusive education. Tutorial / for the General. ed. A.A. Kolupaeva - Kyiv: ASK, 2012. - 308 s. (in Ukrainian)

6. Osnovy inkljuzyvnoji osvity v pochatkovij shkoli: robochyj zoshyt / za zagh. red. Gh. F. Ponomarjovoji. Kharkiv: Komunaljnyj zaklad «Kharkivsjka ghumanitarno-pedaghoghichna akademija» Kharkivsjkoji oblasnoji rady, 2019. 124 s. (in Ukrainian)

7. Improvement of preparation of future primary school teachers for innovative professional activity in the conditions of reforming of general secondary education / O.A. Babakina, I.M. Tolmacheva //

Pedagogy and Psychology: Science and Education a New Dimension V (52), Issue 113, 2017, Budapest. R.19-22.

8. Tchaikovsky M. Inclusive competence as a component of professional competence of subjects of educational process / M. Tchaikovsky // Pedagogy and psychology of vocational education. - 2012. - N° 2. - pp. 15-21.

9. Shevciv Z.M. Profesijna pidghotovka majbutnikh uchyteliv pochatkovoji shkoly do roboty v inkljuzyvnomu seredovyshhi zaghaljnoosvitnjogho navchaljnogho zakladu: monoghrafija. Kyjiv, 2017. 384s. (in Ukrainian)

Bakiyeva M.K.

Senior lecturer at Andijan Regional Center of Public Education Training and Retraining Staff,



Abstract. The article tried to express a member of society who has a certain behavior and outlook, distinguished from others by the concept of personality, psychologically developed special features and behaviors. In order to be a person, a man must develop mentally, feel himself as a whole person, and differ from others by his own characteristics and qualities. Thoughts about the conditions of the social environment and upbringing, in which the factors of the formation of social activity are expressed, are reflected in order for a person to become a person as a social being.

Keywords: person, individual, man, human, psychology, social environment, social attitude, activity, perfect person, individuality.

A child is considered an "individual" until a certain age. An individual (derived from the Latin word "individium", meaning "indivisible", "individual", "single")1 is a biological being that can organize its behavior only with the help of a conditioned reflex. The individual includes both newborns and adults, as well as lunatics who cannot master language and simple skills. But of them, only a person who participates in social relations, who actively participates in social development in society, is called a person.

Individuality 2 is a characteristic of the individual, the manifestation of which requires a careful study of the child's personality in the implementation of the educational process, a sufficient awareness of his living conditions and their consideration. Social environment and upbringing are necessary for a person to become a person as a social being. Under the influence of these, a human develops and becomes a person.

There are three main characteristics of a person:

1. The sociality of the individual.

2. Awareness.

3. Self-awareness.

A baby born as an individual is exposed to a system of social relationships and begins to acquire social experiences in relationships with those around them. Conflicts between the social environment and the organism become more serious, and in the process of adapting to them, overcoming activity increases. Activity is manifested in the behavioral motives that

characterize the person, in the methods of action, and then in the various activities aimed at changing the reality around the child. All external influences that affect a person are social conditions changes with the internal conditions of the system or activity, and the individual begins to take shape.

Man cannot develop outside society, and the social connection between people is determined by their attitude in their practical activity, in the process of social production. A person becomes more conscious by interacting with other people and his social life has a certain meaning. The more meaningful and colorful these relationships are, the more meaningful and colorful a person's social life will be.

The highest sign of a person's consciousness is his self-awareness. Self-awareness of a person is that as a person develops and works in a society, he distinguishes his individuality, his subjectivity in the surrounding environment. Man is a subject who knows the world around him and influences this world, and what a person perceives, imagines, thinks, speaks and influences is an object for him. A person's self-awareness is expressed in the fact that he or she subjectively feels 'I'. Since man is a social being, he has the ability to understand himself. But man is a member of society and a part of the universe, so he realizes that even if he separates himself from the world around him, he is also connected to that world. Man cannot understand himself as "I" in isolation from the

1 National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan. T.: State 2 This source.

Scientific Publishing House. 2000

world around him, because the content of human consciousness, self-awareness, "I" is a reflection of the reality around that person. A person's self-awareness is expressed in the fact that at the same time as a person separates himself from the world around him, he realizes that he is inextricably linked to this world, consciously treats himself, his activities and his duties. A person's self-awareness, the feeling of "I" always comes with a certain meaning. Understanding one's own existence, oneself as a student, worker, teacher, engineer, etc., one's past and future, one's relationship with others, one's rights and duties, one's virtues and shortcomings, and so on. A person is able to observe and self-know because he understands himself, to understand the experiences he has had, to look at his own actions with a critical eye. Self-awareness and self-knowledge of a person is a necessary condition for managing his behavior, a necessary condition for self-education to cultivate his own mind.

One of the most characteristic aspects of a person's personality is his or her individuality.

Individuality is the fact that personality traits are not repeated in another person. It includes character, temperament, ability, interest, and so on. Two people with exactly the same character, temperament, abilities, and other characteristics can not be found to be exactly alike. The human personality is irreversible with its individuality. He is a person who has emerged with his dignity and qualities, his active participation in the life of society, and the qualities that have emerged in the educational process. Man performs a variety of functions in society and displays his qualities in different situations. The qualities that a person manifests differently in different activities (play, work, study, as well as family and school, workplace) are compatible with each other and it reflects the integrity of the person.

A person strives for a certain ideal in his life, for a certain image of the future that he thinks and should realize in his life, and makes it his highest goal. Man lives for this purpose and knows that this is the meaning of his life. In order for a person's aspirations, the purpose of life to be clear and stable, this lofty ideal must not only be the product of a fantasy, but also a truly vital, stable and lasting ideal. A lofty ideal or higher goal can only be stable and ideal when it comes from one's worldview. The presence of a worldview is also an important sign of a person. A worldview is a system of human views, perceptions about the phenomena of nature and social life. There is no single worldview in a class society and it cannot be. The worldview provides a system of regular views about the external world and the processes of human thinking. This worldview is based on the achievements of science and the centuries-old experience of mankind. When a person's goal, behavior is in line with the worldview and becomes an individual's need, that worldview becomes a profession. The existence of ideals (higher

goals) and worldviews are also added to one's own consciousness. Man realizes his ideals, learns his worldview and professions, determines his place in life and society, what he lives and works for; it determines how to improve oneself, one's activities, and how to grow as a person in society.

The role of heredity and environment in the development of the individual cannot be completely ruled out, but both have their place to a certain extent. But the main factor that determines the development of the individual is education.

The activity of any living organism is formed as a result of needs and is aimed at satisfying these needs. This law also applies to the human world. Perceived and unperceived, natural and cultural, material and spiritual, personal and personal-social needs create different forms of activity in a person. "Formation of personality" is used in two different senses.3

The first is that the formation of a person is his development, that is the process of the concept of development and its result. The concept of personality formation in this sense is the subject of psychological research. Its task is to determine what is present in the developing person (existing, determined by experience, manifested) and what can be in the context of a purposeful educational impact. This is a particularly psychological approach to the formation of personality.

The second is to bring up the person in a goal-oriented way quality formation (so to speak, 'molding', 'making', 'fixing'; A.S. Makarenko found this process to be 'designing a person')4. In particular, it is a pedagogical approach to the separation of tasks and methods of personality formation. The pedagogical approach considers it necessary to determine what and how an individual should be formed in order for him to meet the socially demanding requirements imposed on him by society. The mixture of psychological and pedagogical approaches to personality formation cannot be allowed. Otherwise, what is dreamed can be portrayed as something that actually happens. The reform documents focus teachers 'attention not on what is already developed in all students, but on what needs to be shaped in them, mobilizing school staff to work with students in a big and responsible way without neglecting the shortcomings that need to be addressed. At this point, the tasks of the correct pedagogical approach to the process of formation of the personality of young people are clearly defined, what should be formed in the process of upbringing.

Man changes throughout his life. He matures both socially and mentally, and if the upbringing of the child is purposeful, he will mature as a member of society and take his rightful place in a complex system of social relations. Because development goes under the influence of upbringing. In order to see a person's qualities correctly and evaluate them correctly, it is necessary to observe him in the process of various relationships. Therefore, in order to properly solve the

3 Davletshin M.G., Toychieva S.M. General

Psychology T .: TSPU, 2002.

4 Hasanbaeva J, Sariboev J and others. Pedagogy. T. 2000

task of personal development, it is necessary to know well the factors influencing his behavior and personality traits. A person is a member of a certain society that is psychologically developed, distinguished from others by its personal characteristics and behavior, and its formation takes place in the process of social relations. On the basis of participation in this process, he learns the essence of the moral and ethical, as well as legal norms recognized by society and forms social activity.

Education plays a leading role in the formation of a socially active person, in influencing him in a goal-oriented way. Education directs and organizes the development of the individual in accordance with the goals set by society. At the same time, upbringing not only organizes and regulates the child's life and activity in a certain way, but also creates a special environment or situation of development that best reflects the capabilities of a particular person in accordance with existing pedagogical principles. This serves to identify the means and ways of comprehensive development of the individual, the formation of spiritual consciousness, the education of conscious discipline, patriotism and internationalism. The realization of these lofty tasks not only ensures the development of the individual, but also his comprehensive development, is a key factor in

ensuring the development of society, and also plays a leading role in his activation as a person.

A number of factors influence the process of activation of a person. They include:

- the establishment of a healthy social environment in society;

- the issue of ensuring the spiritual and moral maturity of citizens has risen to the level of state policy;

- systematic, continuous and consistent implementation of the potential of educational institutions on the basis of a single social goal;

- the leading role of the personality factor in the process of social relations, etc.


1. Davletshin M.G., Toychieva S.M. General Psychology T .: TSPU, 2002.

2. Karimova V.M. Psychology. T .: Sharq, 2000.

3. Ivanov P.I., Zufarova M.E. "General Psychology" T .: National Society of Philosophers of Uzbekistan, 2008.

4. Hasanbaeva J, Sariboev J and others. Pedagogy. T. 2000

5. National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan. T .: State Scientific Publishing House. 2000.

Bekmagambetova R.K.

Doctor of Pedagogy,

Professor of the department of Preschool Education and Social Pedagogy,

Abay Kazakh national pedagogical University.

Almaty, Kazakhstan Nurgaliyeva D.A.

Candidate of pedagogy,

professor of the department of Preschool Education and Social Pedagogy,

Abay Kazakh national pedagogical University.

Almaty, Kazakhstan



Summary. This article is devoted to the problem of professional burnout of a teacher. The authors of the article note that a teacher is a profession that is heavily influenced by professional burnout. According to them, this is due to the fact that in modern conditions, the teacher's activity is literally saturated with facts causing professional burnout: in modern conditions, the requirements for teachers have increased, programs have changed, he or she is called to solve problems that require serious pedagogical efforts, large number of social contacts per working day, high responsibility, possible underestimation by the management of teacher's professional activity, and low wages. Due to chronic overwork, teacher becomes unprepared for positive acceptance of innovations, increasing their own professional competence.

The article indicates that the professional burnout syndrome reduces the level of self-esteem of teacher, there is an appearance of negative attitudes to their teaching activities and conscious restriction of capabilities.

The study focuses readers ' attention on the fact that this problem has not been studied enough, and this issue is not given due attention in educational organizations.

According to foreign and domestic researchers, people of these professions are constantly faced with negative emotions of their patients, pupils, and are inevitably attracted to these experiences, so that is why they experience increased emotional stress. The article reveals ways to overcome professional burnout of teachers.

Keywords: professional activity of a teacher, professional burnout of a teacher, difficulties in professional activity of a teacher, professional burnout syndrome of a teacher, emotional exhaustion syndrome.

One of the topical issues faced by today's been studied yet in psychological and pedagogical pedagogical education is professional burnout of science. teachers. This problem is relatively new and has not

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