FACTORS OF FORMATION OF INTELLEСTUAL CULTURE IN YOUTH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Karimov E.S.

This article discusses the concept of intellectual culture and its essence, the need for the formation of the intellectual culture of the youth of today and highlighted its significance.

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UDK 01.37.02

Karimov E.S. teacher

Andijan State University Uzbekistan, Andijan city FACTORS OF FORMATION OF INTELLECTUAL CULTURE IN


Annotation: This article discusses the concept of intellectual culture and its essence, the need for the formation of the intellectual culture of the youth of today and highlighted its significance.

Key words: youth, intellectual culture, modernization, innovation, education.

One of the main priorities of the implementation of the ideology of national independence is the formation of a morally whole and spiritually rich person with an independent Outlook and independent thinking, based on the priceless heritage of our ancestors and universal values. The process of upbringing the formation of a harmoniously developed personality is based on the fact that each person strives to master the best achievements of national and universal spiritual culture. On the basis of mastering spiritual values, a person strives for spiritual, moral and physical perfection. The spiritual,moral and physical perfection of a person is inextricably linked. In our country, society helps people to ensure and increase their physical health. The maximum conditions for permanent and comprehensive physical training and sports of the highest achievements are created. The creation of optimal conditions for sports is organically combined with the implementation of the National program for training, development of sports in particular. The idea of education of harmoniously developed personality has always been an organic part of the national culture of the Uzbek people. Being an integral part of traditional folk culture, it absorbed the philosophy of Islam, enriched with constant reliance on the ideas of outstanding thinkers of Central Asia — Abu Nasra al-Farabi and Alisher Navoi. In a democratic society, the education system is democratic and open. It allows you to form a fully harmonious personality.

The intellectual culture of a person is determined mainly by his way of life, his independent mind, his work activity. Therefore, the human intellektual culture is associated not only with his physical and spiritual qualities, but also with his material well-being. Through his intellektual culture, a person is increasingly exploring himself deeper, more accurately, on the basis of how he reflects reality and deepens his thoughts about it. That is, the "intellektual potential" of a person will be primarily aimed at understanding his own.

In the XXI century in which we live, science ,ualual potential, has become a criterion of development and is becoming an increasingly high level. In the future, as tools for the development of individual culture, we can get new inventions, achievements and all knowledge bases in the field of computer technologies, the existing material and technical base of education, modern innovative and pedagogical technologies, art, artistic and scientific-educational literature, science.

One of the problems of modernization of relations of the market economy in the current period is the circle of mutual application of the societyualual culture with the level ofualual culture of our people, mainly individual, which is considered one of the problems of modernization of relations of the market economy, research of the features of interaction with each other in socio-philosophical and cultural

In particular, a lot of work is being done in educational institutions on the development of young people's traditional culture. All modern conditions were created on the basis of state educational standards. As a result of these reforms, the role of the intellectual layer necessary for the prosperity of our country will increase in the future, President Ilham Aliyev said.The A.Karimov said: "We are taking a step towards building a modern state based on a developed market economy, we are achieving a consistent transition from a strong state to a strong civil society, deeply understanding only the need for a harmonious combination of national and universal values, modern knowledge, intellekt only people who have the potential and advanced technologies can achieve the Strategic Development Goals set before US"[1].

While the Uzbek people are living a comfortable life and taking a bold step towards a highly developed civil society, increasing and rational use of personal culture remains one of our most urgent tasks in this regard. In the period of independence, a lot of spiritual and educational activities and projects were implemented in social life in order to positively deal with this issue. In addition, positive changes, reforms were carried out in public education and higher education.

In general, today it remains only to consolidate independence and bring the great future closer, to bring up the current growing youth, to the level of a highly educated intellektual cultured personality. Such a need for the development of a personualual culture ifoda expresses the creation of important conditions for teachers working in all educational institutions to improve their skills in accordance with modern requirements, to retrain, to create opportunities for them to be aware of the achievements of World Science in a timely manner and to use modern educational technologies effectively. Adapting the material and technical base of educational and educational institutions to world standards, further enriching scientific resource centers with manuals, textbooks and scientific and artistic literature, as well as organizing various scientific and educational conferences, discussions and scientific and literary meetings in order to fully demonstrate their true culture in educational processes, opens the doors of opportunities for today's youth, who are the But the creation of conditions for the implementation of such work in itself requires a large amount of money, a large expenditure for the provision of modern material technical equipment. Nevertheless, "education and the money spent on reforming it will not be wasted, but will be a powerful and influential factor for the successful and consistent reform of our society. Ultimately, the wider application of the idea of'explosion Effect"[2] to life will yield the expected effect for the future.

To do this, it is necessary to pay more attention to the following aspects::

* to ensure that the intellectual layer enjoys the scientific and technical

potential of economically developed countries;

* to make it possible for the ongoing global science and technology revolution to take on new heights;

* to provide knowledge at the level of world standards in public education, higher and secondary special educational institutions for young people to become mature people;

* it is an expression of creating more extensive opportunities to train highly qualified diplomats, entrepreneurs, economists, financiers, Huguenots in higher educational institutions and, in turn, to send students, undergraduates and mentors to study abroad and to improve their qualifications.

Only then a person who previously considered the court only as a punitive body will apply to the court as a body that is obliged to protect his rights and freedoms, his interests. The effectiveness of judicial and legal reform has a direct bearing on the formation of a harmonious personality, since it is judicial and legal reform that leads to the creation of guarantees for the enjoyment of human rights. Guarantees of individual rights lead to the formation of a legal culture, which is a necessary condition for the harmonious development of the individual. Thus, harmony, harmonious development of the individual includes an organic combination of spiritual and physical perfection of the citizen, understanding of the rights and duties in civil society. The latter, in turn, is one of the main components and priorities of the national idea of Uzbekistan.


1. Karimov I. "The upbringing of a highly educated and developed generation is the most important condition for Sustainable Development and modernization of the country." (Speech at the opening ceremony of the International Conference). " People's question", February 18, 2012.

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3. Farhodjonovna F. N. Spiritual education of young in the context of globalization //Мир науки и образования. - 2017. - №. 1 (9).

4. Фарходжонова, Н. Ф. (2016). Влияние идеологических процессов на национальную идею в условиях глобализации. Мир науки и образования, (2 (6)).

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