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Science and innovation
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Ключевые слова
thinking / critical thinking / Geographic Education / Success / educational process / ability / Information / method

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — K. Islamova

The article reveals the content and essence of the development of critical thinking skills. The technology of developing students’ critical thinking skills and their stages have been cited. Through the study of geography, some methods of developing critical thinking in students are highlighted.

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Islamova Karima Turdiyevna

Tashkent "Temurbeklar maktabi" military academic lyceum, The head teacher of geography


Abstract. The article reveals the content and essence of the development of critical thinking skills. The technology of developing students' critical thinking skills and their stages have been cited. Through the study of geography, some methods of developing critical thinking in students are highlighted.

Keywords: thinking, critical thinking, Geographic Education, Success, educational process, ability, Information, method.

In recent years in our republic, the normative foundations for the development of creativity skills are being created by creating a didactic and methodological supply of critical thinking, creative education design in secondary school students.

For Uzbekistan, the issue of raising independent, free and critically minded young people is the most urgent task before us. Therefore, when organizing the educational process in a comprehensive school, it is necessary to rebuild the cognitive activity of students, to improve the abilities of independent and critical thinking. However, critical thinking does not form on its own. Experience in obtaining useful information and opinions, qualifications should form skills.

Creative sources of critical thinking go back to ancient times. In the natural-scientific works of medieval thinkers who lived and worked in the middle and Middle East, we observe a serious interest in the various aspects of science, its principles, structure, criteria, the connection of Science with the development and education of man.

Ideas such as "critical thinking", "communicability", "flexibility", "curiosity", "responsiveness", "stress resistance" were put forward in the works of our great scolars such as Xorazmiy, Forobiy, Beruniy, Ibn Sino, Amir Temur, Zaxriddin Bobur, as a result of which the concept of the essence and uniqueness of this subject was developed and formed in the human mind. In the study of student-youth critical thinking, modern didactics uses the achievements of Educational Psychology in which students engage in psychic critical thinking in the process of reading.

The pedagogical problem of developing critical thinking, both theoretically and methodically, has been little studied. An analysis of research on this problem showed that the problem of critical thinking at first came from foreign psychologists D. Duyi, R. Paul, D. Halpern. However, modern authors have noted the need for a theoretical solution to the issue of the problem of developing critical thinking for the formation of personality:

* Critical thinking is necessary for any person, regardless of his goals. As a result, the following factors through thinking skills:

* finding the optimal solution to a problem situation;

* always being a few steps ahead of enemies or competitors, calculating their possible


* choosing the right path to achieve the goal;

* express their thoughts in a form understandable to everyone;

* finding evidence to make opponents prone to your side;

* prevention of professional and life mistakes;

* not to confuse the first thought, which can later cause great harm, quickly formulate the answer to the question posed;

* clearly see the manipulations made by other people, do not be the victim of their deception;

* be aware of mistakes made by other people or yourself, eliminate them quickly and easily.

The ability of a person to carry out these operations is combined with the concept of

"critical thinking".

Critical thinking is an ability used to analyze events and things, then formulate conclusions and objectively evaluate, interpret, as well as apply the results obtained to specific situations.

Critical thinking is used in cases of decision making, selection, formulation and evaluation of alternatives, understanding forecasts, interpreting and evaluating opinions and views, negotiating, and conflict resolution.

The presence of this ability is relevant for students of military educational institutions. The structure of life is organized according to the military pattern. As a result, the main conclusions about the features of critical thinking are formed as follows in the educational process of military educational institutions.

1. Critical thinking is a positive and effective activity, the core of an active attitude to life.

2. Critical thinking is not only a result, but also a process.

3. The forms of manifestation of critical thinking vary depending on the circumstances.

4. Critical thinking begins with both positive and negative phenomena.

5.As critical thinking is emotionally rational.

Thinking is an active target activity, during which existing and newly arrived information is processed, its external, random, secondary elements are separated from the main, internal elements that reflect the essence of the situations under study, and natural connections between them are opened.

In the formation of critical thinking skills in students, military educational institutions are considered to depend on the organization of classes using educational technologies of their teachers, as well as on creating favorable conditions for their independent education in them.

The search for didactic approaches, didactic tools continues, which can turn teaching into a kind of production technological process.

The purpose of the technology for the development of critical thinking is to develop the mental abilities of students, which are necessary not only in their studies, but also in their later life (the ability to make clear decisions, work with data, analyze various aspects of phenomena), etc.

The development of critical thinking is necessary for everyone, regardless of age. The ability to think critically allows students to make decisions faster, create logical loops, find relationships between different objects, and predict the outcome in the short term.

In geography lessons, the most effective way is to organize a lesson based on problem situations in order to improve the independent and critical thinking of students. So in our textbooks, we need to rely on such techniques suitable for the age of the student, so that he can not only teach the student to think critically, but also encourage him to work on himself, create projects, in a word

bring up a creative and active generation. As a result, students understand geography as an integral part of our daily lives, and levels of logical thinking grow.

In addition, an advanced logical thinking process, in which each student can analyze the behavior of others and determine the reasons for their actions, is an ability that is achieved through special events, games and exercises. Let's look at some ways to develop critical thinking.

The following methods will help them develop.

The "look — think — think" method. Two people came to the river. On the beach there is a boat that can only carry one person. Both men went to the shore they needed. How much? What do you think about it? What is this making you think about?

Continue to discuss the details you are seeing. While developing the ability to observe, "what else?".

"What do you think of it?", "How to draw conclusions?". The brain must produce conclusions.

What questions do the reader have? "Why???", "How?", "What if the rules are broken?", "How did he do it?".

Creative thinking development method: the satellite makes one orbit around the Earth in 1 hour and 40 minutes, and the other in 100 minutes. Can it be so?

Every time you give an assignment, immediately exclude words and names that everyone knows, which are not creative. The child must learn to see what others see and what others do not.

The method "I used to think so ... and now I think..."

In this we focus on reflection. A child who does not know how to reflect does not study either at school or at home. His brain is not used to sealing new knowledge, progress, change of thinking.

We are returning from school, either going to the mountain or going to the seashore. Compass is not available. "Tell me, how do you get guide from where you are or where you go-that is, you determine the geographical sides?", If the day was cloudy? Whether the fog fell on the mountain? Are you in the desert?

"I had previously thought that geographical sides would be determined by the sunset". Now I know that they can also be determined by looking at the sandbars, the direction of the wind, the branches and stumps of trees, the flight of birds" in the position.

From the above, we can say that through the science of geography, each student creates an integrated cognitive field that combines all the theoretical knowledge, practical information, skills and abilities that exist. If the student thinks critically, he will easily enter any stage of the lesson. Each stage has its own methodological techniques aimed at performing its tasks. By combining them, the teacher can plan classes in accordance with the level of maturity of the students, the purpose of the lesson and the size of the teaching material. Each method and strategy of critical thinking is aimed at bringing the creative potential of students to the surface. Therefore, it is important to organize the lesson on the basis of modern educational technologies.


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