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Ключевые слова
Water / Water scarcity / Irrigation / Mirab / Water use / Water use efficiency / Hosilboy salary / Tax type / environment / ditches

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Madrakhimova Z.N., Ergasheva Sh.S., Omonboyeva M.Ya.

At the present time, human society is facing a number of global challenges that pose a serious threat to the future destiny of humanity. In our opinion, the environmental problem is one of the most dangerous threats. An environmental threat is a violation of the natural conditions necessary for human life. The environmental problem in Central Asia is primarily the Aral Sea problem. The drying up of the Aral Sea is one of the issues in the focus of Uzbekistan and the world community. This article provides information on the above processes and discusses important factors in improving the efficiency of water resources and their use.

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Madrakhimova Z.N. senior teacher Department of Ecology and geography Gulistan State University Ergasheva Sh.S.

Omonboyeva M.Ya.

Ecology and Environmental Protection educational direction 3rd Year

Students Gulistan State University


Abstract: at the present time, human society is facing a number of global challenges that pose a serious threat to the future destiny of humanity. In our opinion, the environmental problem is one of the most dangerous threats. An environmental threat is a violation of the natural conditions necessary for human life. The environmental problem in Central Asia is primarily the Aral Sea problem. The drying up of the Aral Sea is one of the issues in the focus of Uzbekistan and the world community. This article provides information on the above processes and discusses important factors in improving the efficiency of water resources and their use.

Keywords: Water, Water scarcity, Irrigation, Mirab, Water use, Water use efficiency, Hosilboy salary, Tax type, environment, ditches.

The Aral Sea, once one of the rarest and most beautiful seas, has become a water body that is drying up before the eyes of a generation. Its bottom, which has become a desert, has a devastating effect on the population's health and gene pool. It is causing the decline of agricultural land, flora and fauna.

The island problem is an environmental problem not only in Central Asia, but also on a global scale. When studying this problem, it is necessary to approach it from the point of view of cause and effect. The reason is the disruption of the balance in the relationship between man and nature. In the 1960s and 1990s, the lack of water was caused by the mismanagement of water and the corruption of the eastern tax system.

When it comes to the causes of water shortages, it is customary to point out that in the next 40-50 years, the arable land will be greatly expanded. However, in our opinion, the decrease in the efficiency of water use is one of the most important causes of water shortage, we refer to the evidence:

We use an average of 13,000 m3 of water per hectare of irrigated cropland.

1000 m3 of water is an average amount for one irrigating one hectare of cotton. It is well known that the main crops such as cotton and grain are irrigated 3-4 times during the season. So, while we should spend an average of 4000 m3 of water for one hectare of land, we are actually spending 13000 m3. This means that our water use efficiency is extremely low. What is the reason for the extremely low efficiency of water use?

It is known that in almost all the countries of the East, throughout history, the tax was collected mainly in the form of a share of the harvest. Later, under the influence of Europeans, a type of tax was introduced, which was strictly based on the amount of land.

It is not for nothing that the tax levied on the share of the harvest was created in Eastern countries, that is, in countries whose agrarian economy is based on irrigated agriculture.

This tax system, first of all, allows to increase the efficiency of water use.

Secondly, it plays a key role in the formation of environmental culture in society.

Thirdly, it allows to bring farming culture to a higher level.

Fourthly, it creates an atmosphere of social cooperation in the society. Well,


In order to achieve the efficiency of water use, all branches of the state administration should work on the basis of strict discipline and water distribution should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the state and the interests of the society. It is known that such discipline is difficult to achieve where there is no immediate interest.

A tax as a share of the harvest gives the state a vested interest in the amount of the harvest, and this vested interest creates an efficient mechanism for distributing water.

Mirobs played an important role in achieving the efficiency of water distribution. In contrast to the current employees of the SFU, who receive a certain salary from the state, at that time the salary of the mirobs was given as "mirobona", i.e. as a share of the harvest grown by the farmers. Of course, the work done in this way makes the mirab interested in the PLENTY of the crops grown by the farmers. It is this interest, i.e. direct interest in the amount of the harvest, that ensured the loyalty of the farmers to their work. In addition, the state gave great powers to the holders of these professions and supported them in every way.

We believe that many of the environmental problems we face today are caused by land taxes.

First, the Aral Sea dried up due to a decrease in the efficiency of water use.

As the irrigated arable land is shrinking, our country is facing great economic losses.

Secondly, due to excessive consumption of water, soil erosion in some places, salinity and waterlogging are increasing in some places.

But this type of taxation exposes us to another big problem, which we think is more dangerous than anything else.

It would be an understatement to say that our attitude towards the environment today is dominated by superficiality and indifference. Look around us today: We are almost used to garbage lying on the banks of ditches and canals in our cities and villages. It has become a habit to burn waste and waste.

Wasn't our attitude to the environment different once upon a time? What was the attitude of our ancestors and grandmothers towards nature - running water, streams and ponds? Let alone running water, ditches lying dry without being used were also considered sacred.

So, where did our ancestors learn to respect nature?

In the East, in societies whose economy was based on irrigated agriculture, as much as water was revered, so were ditches as a means of delivering it.

The whole society - both farmers and the state - was equally interested in the cleanliness and continuous serviceability of these ditches. In other words, ditches and ditches were morally and legally protected.

In our opinion, the role of mirabs was incomparable in keeping ditches and zasurs always clean and ready for work. Because each of them was, in a certain

sense, the owner and guardian of the ditches and ditches in the territory assigned to him.

Just as land is a source of livelihood for a farmer, ditches and ditches at his disposal were a source of livelihood for a mirab. It is said that the mirab protected the ditches and ditches under his care from any unpleasant activities, and the state always supported his actions.

The principle of the state's direct interest in the harvest was undermined by the transition to a tax determined strictly according to the amount of land. As a result, the state's attention to ditches and ditches decreased, in other words, the legal means of protecting ditches and ditches disappeared. After that, dumping garbage into ditches and ditches gradually became a habit, because it is difficult to maintain discipline based on moral criteria alone. it is known to everyone.

If one of the pillars of the building collapses, it will affect the others. It's the same in society - if one of the values that keeps the society stable is disturbed, the others will also be damaged.

With the loss of our respect for running water, ditches and ditches, our attitude towards the environment and nature in general has also changed in a negative direction.

Therefore, the tax taken as a share of the harvest has its proper place in educating our ancestors' respect for water, ditches and ditches, and for nature in general. If we want to restore these precious values of our ancestors, there is only one way to do it, and that is to return to the old type of taxation, which is a share of the harvest.

The tax collected as a share of the harvest is also noteworthy because it creates an atmosphere of social cooperation in the society.

As long as the state determines the tax according to the harvest, both the farmer and the state are interested in the abundance of the harvest. Therefore, all the parts involved in the production, from the simple farmer to the senior manager, cooperate towards one goal. According to sociologists, production relations have a determining effect on the characteristics of the political structure of society. If cooperation is leading in production relations, then cooperation takes a leading place in other spheres of social relations. There is no doubt that creating an environment of social cooperation is one of the most urgent tasks for any society. We are not blind to the benefits of today's tax system. This tax method is simple and convenient. In this method, the tax is fixed according to the amount of land. Therefore, the state knows exactly how much the tax will be every year, and disputes over theft, which are sure to happen during harvesting, will not happen in this way. But we should not forget the price of this convenience: why not stick to this type of tax, which has disastrous consequences just because it is convenient for calculation?

Sooner or later we will still return to the tax system used by our ancestors. Because the current tax system cannot meet the requirements of irrigated farming, our production method. So we have to give it up sometime. Our opinion is also

confirmed by historical evidence. For example: in China in the 4th century BC, the reformer Shai Yan introduced a fixed tax based on the amount of land instead of a tax taken as a share of the harvest. The conquering Greeks and Romans also collected taxes from the Egyptians according to the amount of land. We do not know exactly how long these changes were in effect in China and Egypt. But it is clear that after a certain period of time, both countries returned to the previous tax, which was taken as a share of the harvest.

By the new era, Europeans brought to the East a type of tax levied according to the amount of land. But this type of tax cannot meet the requirements of a society based on irrigated agriculture. So, it is destined to be canceled one day. Because the future development of society requires exactly that.


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