FACTORS AFFECTING THE ATTITUDE OF STUDENTS TOWARDS LEARNING ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
EFL learners / learning attitude / internal and external factors / студенты / изучающие английский как иностранный / отношение к учебе / внутренние и внешние факторы

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Badarch Baigal

This study aims to investigate students’ attitude towards learning English in tertiary institutions. The research scrutinises students’ learning attitudes and the factors that affect them. The study employs a quantitative approach to investigate the research topic. A valid questionnaire was designed and administered to undergraduate students studying in engineering and language schools of Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST). The data were analysed statistically utilising SPSS24 program. The objective was to identify the most influential factors for successful language learning. The factors affecting attitude were categorised as internal and external based on the responses of 36 participants. The results suggest that participants have a significantly positive attitude towards learning English, particularly regarding its importance for future job prospects. They perceive English language proficiency as a key criterion for success in the workplace. Additionally, participants highlighted the importance of parental support, and teaching methods as influential factors in studying English as a foreign language. Nevertheless, there is still room for improvement, especially in addressing the needs of students who experience anxiety, fear, and discomfort in language classes. Furthermore, it is essential to investigate the relationship between learning attitudes and learning outcomes to enhance teaching performance and achieve better results.

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Целью статьи является исследование отношения студентов к изучению английского языка в высших учебных заведениях. Рассматривается отношение студентов и те факторы, которые влияют на него. В исследовании используется метод количественного анализа. Был составлен вопросник, который заполнили студенты старших курсов, обучающиеся на инженерном факультете и факультете иностранных языков Монгольского университета науки и технологии. Полученные данные были подвергнуты анализу с использованием программы SPSS24. Основной целью являлось определение наиболее значимых факторов для успешного языкового образования. На основе ответов 36 участников опроса факторы, влияющие на отношение студентов к изучению английского языка, были разделены на внутренние и внешние. Результаты исследования свидетельствуют о том, что участники опроса очень положительно относятся к изучению английского языка, особенно учитывая его важность для карьерного роста. Они рассматривают владение английским языком как ключевой критерий профессионального успеха. Кроме того, участники опроса подчеркнули важность поддержки со стороны родителей и значимость используемых методов преподавания английского языка как иностранного. Тем не менее, опрос выявил необходимость улучшения работы, особенно со студентами, испытывающими волнение, страх и дискомфорт на занятиях по английскому языку. Более того, для повышения эффективности работы учителя и получения более высоких результатов, необходимо исследовать взаимосвязь между отношением студентов к учебе и конечными результатами обучения.


DOI: 10.35634/2500-0748-2023-15-4-450-455

УДК 372.881.111.1'24(045)

B. Baigal

School of Foreign Languages, Mongolian University of Science and Technology,

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia


This study aims to investigate students' attitude towards learning English in tertiary institutions. The research scrutinises students' learning attitudes and the factors that affect them. The study employs a quantitative approach to investigate the research topic. A valid questionnaire was designed and administered to undergraduate students studying in engineering and language schools of Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST). The data were analysed statistically utilising SPSS24 program. The objective was to identify the most influential factors for successful language learning. The factors affecting attitude were categorised as internal and external based on the responses of 36 participants.

The results suggest that participants have a significantly positive attitude towards learning English, particularly regarding its importance for future job prospects. They perceive English language proficiency as a key criterion for success in the workplace. Additionally, participants highlighted the importance of parental support, and teaching methods as influential factors in studying English as a foreign language. Nevertheless, there is still room for improvement, especially in addressing the needs of students who experience anxiety, fear, and discomfort in language classes. Furthermore, it is essential to investigate the relationship between learning attitudes and learning outcomes to enhance teaching performance and achieve better results.

Key words: EFL learners, learning attitude, internal and external factors.

About the author:

Badarch Baigal, MA, Senior lecturer, Department of Applied Linguistics, Mongolian University of Science and Technology (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia); e-mail: baigal.bdrch@gmail.com.


English is a paramount language to learn because it is the lingua franca of the world. It plays the main role in international business, science, technology, and entertainment. The students who can communicate effectively in English have a significant advantage academically and after graduation, they are more competitive in the job market, gaining access to a wider range of opportunities.

Additionally, English is the language of higher education, with many universities around the world teaching courses in English. It is undeniable that English language skills are vital for students to become successful in a globalised world and to achieve their personal and professional goals.

Mongolia has been a socialist republic since 1921 with a strong centralised planning system. Therefore, the structure of Mongolian higher education during the communist era closely mirrored the Russian higher education system (Badarch & Bat-Erdene, 1997). However, over the last twenty years, the English language played a big role in the political, economic and educational system of Mongolia. The reason for its popularity lies in the democratic revolution of the 1990s that resulted in a political and economic transition from the socialist system to a free- market economy.

Since the democratic revolution of 1999 in Mongolia, the country has shifted to the open market economy; as a result of the reform, foreign relations have expanded and moreover, the English language became the most widely taught foreign language in high schools and higher education institutions. There has been a recent shift away from the study of Russian to include more English, Japanese, and Chinese. In Mongolia, English is taught as a foreign language (EFL) in all levels of the educational sector. Thus, the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture passed a resolution to

introduce English as a compulsory subject in high schools and universities' lesson curricula (Yem-buu, 2010).

Although English has been taught as a compulsory subject in Mongolian higher education institutions for more than two decades, the learners' attitude towards learning the English language has not been studied enough. To investigate students' attitude to learning the English language, we have come up with the following study objectives:

1) to explore the students' attitude to learning English as a foreign language;

2) to find out the factors affecting the students' attitude to learning English as a foreign language;

3) to identify the most effective factors for learning English.

1. Literature review

The word 'attitude' comes from an old Latin word 'actus' meaning 'to act' (Navarro-Villaroel, 2011). Lennartsson (2018) proved in his study that students believe that attitude plays a vital role in learning, and the students with a good attitude will have better results. The students' attitude has a big impact on the overall foreign language learning (Yagi Yasuo, 1991).

There are multiple possible interpretations of the term, the one used in this study may only be known in the specific environment of the tertiary education and not necessarily known to the general public. Gardner (1985a) defined an individual's attitude as an evaluate reaction to some referent or attitude object, inferred on the basis of the individual's beliefs or opinions about the referent. Attitude, effort and desire are three aspects of the motivation towards learning English in Gardner's perspective. Gardner suggested that an individual's motivation to learn a language is controlled by a personal "attitude" towards the other group in particular and by his or her orientation to the learning task itself. Dornyei (2001c) confirmed that the role of attitude is to help arouse motivation and direct it toward a set of goals, either with strong integrative or instrumental motivation. Starks & Pal-tridge (1996) stated that learning a language is closely related to the attitudes towards languages. Moreover, Karahan (2007) asserts that "positive language attitudes let a learner have a positive orientation towards learning English." Foreign language students can be motivated by the people who speak the language or the context in which the language is spoken. The amount of the anxiety of the learners in foreign language learning situations may account for the changes in motivation of language learners (Brown, 2000) and ultimately changes the students' positive attitudes. According to Brown (2000) second language learners benefit from positive attitudes, and negative attitudes may lead to decreased motivation.

Several previous studies indicated that a negative attitude towards learning English is the main reason of having lower learning outcome (Getie, 2020). There are various factors that might cause the students' negative attitude towards learning the English language. Internal and external factors were discovered by experts and scholars that affected the attitude of students. The following internal factors are considered: learners' personality context, learners' preferences of language skills. External factors are determined by the educational context and the social context.

As regarding the internal factors, learners' self-confidence, self-efficiency, risk-taking willingness and anxiety are the factors that could be the main influential reasons towards learning English as a foreign language (Brown, 1994; Krashen, 1998; Al-Tamimi & Shuib, (2009). Besides internal factors, external factors such as educational context including teaching methodology, learning environment, teaching and learning materials can also be vital factors for students' attitude towards leaning English (Dornyei, 2001c; Gardner, 1885a).

2. Method

The current study employed a quantitative approach to divulge out students' attitudes towards English as a foreign language. The survey was gathered via Google Form in the spring term of the academic year 2023.

The questionnaire contained the structured questions about students' attitude towards English, the answers were analysed in terms of frequency. The closed-ended questions required answers on a five-point Likert scale with Strongly Disagree at 1 to Strongly Agree at 5. The quantitative data was

analysed statistically using the SPSS21 program (Statistical Package for the Social Science) version IMB24 was served. The questionnaire was developed by the previous studies through using a literature review which was conducted in different countries where the English language is taught as a second or foreign language same as in Mongolia.

3. Results

In total 36 undergraduate students responded to the google form. The demographic information showed that the age range of the respondents was between 17-26 years old, most of the students were aged 17-19, accounting for 57 percent which is the usual age range of the students in a tertiary level. The majority of participants (54%) were females, while 46% of them were males. Most of the students (37%) were freshmen, whereas 18% were sophomores and juniors. Only 5 students were seniors. As for the participants' major 44% of students were majoring in English and Chinese language translator while (56%) are in engineering field more specifically IT, wireless communication, robot and IA, cyber security and computer networking.

Table 1 - Participants' English language background

Key variables N %

Finished high school (location) UB (capital city) 20 56

Rural areas 16 44

English language course (out of school) Attended 10 28

Not attended 29 72

English language proficiency test Taken 3 8

Not taken 33 92

Total 36 100

In reference to the participants' English language background and learning experience, most of them haven't attended any English language courses as an extracurricular activity. Moreover, out of 36 students, only 8 have taken English language proficiency tests such as IELTS, TOEFL, etc.

Table 2 - Participants' attitude towards learning the English language (in percentage)

№ Question items Mean SA A N DA SD

1 Learning English will help the growth of my mind. 3.75 39 28 28 3 3

2 Studying English will improve my personality. 4.0 50 31 11 6 3

3 Learning English could give me good opportunities for advance in my career. 4.47 64 22 11 3 -

4 Studying English makes me feel accomplished. 4.0 42 25 28 3 3

5 Learning English will help me in higher academic achievement. 4.25 44 39 14 3 -

6 I cannot apply the knowledge from the English subject in my real life. 3.3 18 22 44 8 8

7 I do not like to learn English because it is not my favorite subject. 2.8 14 22 17 33 14

8 The English language is not really relevant for my real life. 2.02 6 3 3 33 39

9 Learning English at school or university gives me some fear or unpleasant feeling. 2.3 6 6 31 31 28

10 I sometimes feel embarrassed to speak in English. 3.4 17 39 28 11 6

11 I like to learn English because the arrangements of seats, learning environment and the classroom dynamics are interesting for me. 3.05 11 17 50 11 11

12 I'm interested in our English teacher's method of teaching. 3.69 36 25 17 17 6

13 Our English teacher uses good examples and illustrations while she teaches. 3.77 28 42 14 14 3

14 Our English teacher encourages us to speak in English both inside and outside the classroom. 3.69 28 31 25 17 -

15 My parents feel that learning English is important. 4.13 39 44 11 3 3

16 My parents encourage me to study English very well. 3.94 36 33 22 6 3

17 My parents buy English guides for me to study. 3.5 25 36 17 14 8

18 I like to learn English through 'grammatical rules' and 'vocabulary memorisation'. 3.13 17 19 31 28 6

19 When I speak English the fear of making grammar mistakes has a great influence on me. 3.94 39 42 6 3 11

Overall mean score 3.14

Lower 2.02

Higher 4.47

Table 2 reflects the answers to the questions concerning the extent to which they agreed on each question such as SA (Strongly Agree - 5), A (Agree - 4), N (Neutral - 3), D (Disagree - 2), SD (Strongly Disagree - 1). The result shows that participants have a stronger attitude in terms of parent support, teaching methodology, future work place possibility related to the English language. According to the frequency, students have fear and discomfort when they answer questions in the English class which is closely related to their language proficiency and self-confidence.

Discussion and Conclusion

The role of the English language has significantly improved in Mongolia, especially in higher education institutions. This transformation can be attributed to the Minister of Education and Science's order in 2023, which mandates the graduates to obtain B2 level (intermediate) of the English language proficiency through an official test.

The results of the study allow us to conclude that the most influential factors affecting students' language learning can be categorised into three main factors: self-consciousness, social environment and family background. The results of the study are consistent with Getie's study (2020) conducted among high school students in Ethiopia, in which students revealed a positive attitude towards learning English in terms of personal context, teaching methodology and parental support.

Recently, Le Xuan Mai & Le Thanh Thao have conducted a research to explore the factors affecting attitudes towards learning English as a foreign language in tertiary institutions in Vietnam. The study revealed that internal factors, such as students' interest in learning English, were the most frequently mentioned factors among participants. Self- confidence was also important for learning languages, while risk-taking willingness and curiosity were of lesser concern. Teaching materials, lesson content, and teaching methods played essential roles in shaping external attitudes towards learning English.

The role of the teacher is a crucial factor in developing a positive attitude towards learning English. Therefore, teachers should create a more active, free learning environment for their students. Poor attitudes towards learning English hinder students' active participation in classroom activities. It is vital to understand how negative attitudes to learning English can be avoided to foster students' interests, self confidence and positive attitudes towards learning the language. To achieve this, teachers should be aware of the factors negatively affecting students and consider their needs. Due to the sample size of the study, it is recommended that further research with larger samples be conducted to gain a better understanding of students' attitudes towards learning English. Additionally, qualitative studies could be conducted to identify the factors affecting students' attitudes towards learning English. Furthermore, the number of participants should be increased to gain a clearer understanding of learners' attitudes towards the English language and to improve the quality of teaching for better learning outcomes.


1. Al-Tamimi, A., Shuib, M. "Motivation and Attitudes Towards Learning English: A Study of Petroleum Engineering Undergraduates at Hadhramout University of Sciences and Technology." GEMA: Online Journal of Language Studies, vol. 9, no. 2, 2009, pp. 29-55, http://ejournal.ukm.my/gema.

2. Badarch, D., Bat-Erdene, R. Higher Education in Mongolia. In the book: Gerard A. Postiglione, Grace C.L. Mak. Asian Higher Education: An International Handbook and Reference Guide, Greenwood Press, 1997, pp. 114-130.

3. Brown, H.D. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. New York, 2000. 4th ed.

4. Dornyei, Z. "New Themes and Approaches in Second Language Acquisition." Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, vol. 21, 2001, pp. 43-59.

5. Gardner, R.C. Social Psychology and Second Language Learning: The Role of Attitudes and Motivation. London, 1985.

6. Getie, A.S. "Factors Affecting the Attitudes of Students towards Learning English as a Foreign Language." Cogent Education, vol. 7 (1), 2020. doi: 10.1080/2331186X.2020.1738184

7. Karahan, F. "Language Attitudes of Turkish Students towards the English Language and its Use in Turkish Context." Çankaya University Journal of Arts and Sciences, vol. 1, no. 7, 2007, pp. 73-87.

8. Krashen, S. Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning. London Prentice Hall International, 1998.

9. Le, Xuan Mai, Le, Thanh Thao. "Factors Affecting Students' Attitudes towards Learning English as a Foreign Language in a Tertiary Institution of Vietnam." International Journal of TESOL and Education, vol. 2 (2), 2022, pp. 168-185.

10. Lennartsoson, F. Students' Motivation and Attitudes Towards Learning a Second Language. School of Humanities, Vaxjo University, 2018.

11. Navarro-Villarroel, C. Young Students' Attitudes Toward Languages, Doctoral Dissertation, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2011.

12. Spolsky, B. Language Policy. Cambridge University Press Plains, Addison Wesley Longman, 2004.

13. Starks, D., Paltridge, B. "A Note on Using Sociolinguistic Methods to Study Non-Native Attitudes towards English." World Englishes, vol. 15, no. 2, 1996, pp. 217-224.

14. Yembuu, B. International Encyclopedia of Education. Edited by P. Peterson, E. Baker, and B. McGaw, Elsevier, 2010, pp. 681-686.

Received 29.10.2023

Байгал Б.

Университет науки и технологии, Факультет иностранных языков,

Улан-Батор, Монголия


Целью статьи является исследование отношения студентов к изучению английского языка в высших учебных заведениях. Рассматривается отношение студентов и те факторы, которые влияют на него. В исследовании используется метод количественного анализа. Был составлен вопросник, который заполнили студенты старших курсов, обучающиеся на инженерном факультете и факультете иностранных языков Монгольского университета науки и технологии. Полученные данные были подвергнуты анализу с использованием программы SPSS24. Основной целью являлось определение наиболее значимых факторов для успешного языкового образования. На основе ответов 36 участников опроса факторы, влияющие на от-

ношение студентов к изучению английского языка, были разделены на внутренние и внешние. Результаты исследования свидетельствуют о том, что участники опроса очень положительно относятся к изучению английского языка, особенно учитывая его важность для карьерного роста. Они рассматривают владение английским языком как ключевой критерий профессионального успеха. Кроме того, участники опроса подчеркнули важность поддержки со стороны родителей и значимость используемых методов преподавания английского языка как иностранного. Тем не менее, опрос выявил необходимость улучшения работы, особенно со студентами, испытывающими волнение, страх и дискомфорт на занятиях по английскому языку. Более того, для повышения эффективности работы учителя и получения более высоких результатов, необходимо исследовать взаимосвязь между отношением студентов к учебе и конечными результатами обучения.

Ключевые слова: студенты, изучающие английский как иностранный; отношение к учебе, внутренние и внешние факторы.

Сведения об авторе :

Бадарч Байгал, Магистр гуманитарных наук, старший преподаватель, Кафедра прикладной лингвистики, Университет науки и технологии (Улан-Батор, Монголия); e-mail: baigal.bdrch@gmail.com.


1. Al-Tamimi A., Shuib M. Motivation and Attitudes Towards Learning English: A Study of Petroleum Engineering Undergraduates at Hadhramout University of Sciences and Technology // GEMA: Online Journal of Language Studies. 2009. Vol. 9 (2). P. 29-55. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://ejournal.ukm.my/gema.

2. Badarch D., Bat-Erdene R. Higher Education in Mongolia. In the book: Gerard A. Postiglione, Grace C.L. Mak. Asian Higher Education: An International Handbook and Reference Guide. Westport, CT, 1997. P. 114-130.

3. Brown H.D. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. 4th ed. New York: Longman, 2000.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

4. Dornyei Z. New Themes and Approaches in Second Language Acquisition // Annual Review of Applied Linguistics. 2001. Vol. 21. P. 43-59.

5. Gardner R.C. Social Psychology and Second Language Learning: The Role of Attitudes and Motivation. London: Edward Arnold Publishers, 1985.

6. Getie A.S. Factors Affecting the Attitudes of Students Towards Learning English as a Foreign Language // Cogent Education. 2020. Vol. 7 (1). doi: 10.1080/2331186X.2020.1738184

7. Karahan F. Language Attitudes of Turkish Students Towards the English Language and its Use in Turkish Context // £ankaya University Journal of Arts and Sciences. 2007. Vol. 1 (7). P. 73-87.

8. Krashen S. Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning. London Prentice Hall International, 1998.

9. Le Xuan Mai, Le Thanh Thao. Factors Affecting Students' Attitudes towards Learning English as a Foreign Language in a Tertiary Institution of Vietnam // International Journal of TESOL and Education. 2022. Vol. 2 (2). P. 168-185.

10. Lennartsoson F. Students' Motivation and Attitudes towards Learning a Second Language. School of Humanities, Vaxjo University, 2018.

11. Navarro-Villarroel C. Young Students' Attitudes toward Languages, Doctoral Dissertation, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2011.

12. Spolsky B. Language Policy. Cambridge University Press Plains, NY: Addison Wesley Longman, 2004.

13. Starks D., Paltridge B. A Note on Using Sociolinguistic Methods to Study Non-Native Attitudes towards English // World Englishes. 1996. Vol. 15 (2). P. 217-224.

14. Yembuu B. International Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford: Elsevier, 2010. P. 681-686.

Статья поступила в редакцию 29.10.2023

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