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Perceived enjoyment / UTAUT / online sellers / e-commerce

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Setiawan Putu Yudi, Kusumadewi Ni Made Wulandari

This study delves into the integration of Perceived Enjoyment within the framework of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) through a descriptive examination. Focusing specifically on users of the Tokopedia platform, the research aims to understand the extent to which Perceived Enjoyment factors contribute to the acceptance and adoption of technology. Utilizing a descriptive approach, this study assesses the indicators of Perceived Enjoyment integration including users' perceptions of the appeal of the Tokopedia application, the enjoyment derived from the product search process, the comfort of interacting with online sellers, and the overall satisfaction of the online shopping experience. The findings highlight users' positive perceptions toward the integration of Perceived Enjoyment, with an average response score of 3.34. The research underlines the significant role of Perceived Enjoyment in influencing users' attitudes and intentions to adopt technology. These insights shed light on how integrating elements of enjoyment within the UTAUT framework can enhance technology acceptance and usage. The outcomes of this study can provide valuable insights for e-commerce platforms like Tokopedia, guiding them in refining user experiences and fostering technological adoption.

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UDC 332


Setiawan Putu Yudi*, Kusumadewi Ni Made Wulandari

Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Udayana, Bali, Indonesia *E-mail: yudisetiawan@unud.ac.id


This study delves into the integration of Perceived Enjoyment within the framework of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) through a descriptive examination. Focusing specifically on users of the Tokopedia platform, the research aims to understand the extent to which Perceived Enjoyment factors contribute to the acceptance and adoption of technology. Utilizing a descriptive approach, this study assesses the indicators of Perceived Enjoyment integration including users' perceptions of the appeal of the Tokopedia application, the enjoyment derived from the product search process, the comfort of interacting with online sellers, and the overall satisfaction of the online shopping experience. The findings highlight users' positive perceptions toward the integration of Perceived Enjoyment, with an average response score of 3.34. The research underlines the significant role of Perceived Enjoyment in influencing users' attitudes and intentions to adopt technology. These insights shed light on how integrating elements of enjoyment within the UTAUT framework can enhance technology acceptance and usage. The outcomes of this study can provide valuable insights for e-commerce platforms like Tokopedia, guiding them in refining user experiences and fostering technological adoption.


Perceived enjoyment, UTAUT, online sellers, e-commerce.

The development of digital marketing is closely related to the use of communication and information technology. Individual behavior in the use of a technology is very interesting because the development of technology itself has an impact on consumer purchasing behavior patterns. Attitudes towards technological developments and the adaptation of each individual to technology are evaluated by researchers with different concepts. There are several approaches to technology acceptance that are defined as technology acceptance (Davis, 1989), other studies are considered as technological innovation adaptation (Moore and Benbasar, 1991), diffusion of innovation (Roger, 1983). Continuous research continues to be carried out to ensure the acceptance and use of technology to become more mature exploration materials. The development of model characteristics regarding technology acceptance has resulted in the development of a unified model that brings together alternative views of users and usage innovation known as The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use Of Technology (UTAUT) (Williams et al., 2015).

UTAUT is ontologically an integration of several of these theories developed for the explanation of individual attitudes towards systems that have shown cumulative development (Rondan-Cataluna et al, 2015; Donmez 2019). UTAUT serves as a comprehensive model that can be applied in various applications and has proven to be a valid tool for predicting adoption behavior in various technology-based systems (Tarhini, et al., 2016). UTAUT is a model that is widely used to predict acceptance and use of technology (Tarhini et al., 2016) and has proven to be a more robust model compared to other models (Venkatesh et al., 2003).

Although UTAUT is a model that has an existence with several constructs that explain technology adoption, there is still a need to investigate factors that are important for the customer context (Venkatesh et al., 2012). UTAUT was originally to investigate technology acceptance in the organizational context, so it is still very limited in investigating the scope of technology use in a voluntary context (Tarhini et al., 2016 and Oliveira et al., 2016).

The development of the UTAUT model in the adoption of individual technology use is very important. Convenience is the main thing for individuals to try new technology. This perceived enjoyment is a level of satisfaction that users feel when making online purchases on a particular website even though it is only limited to making someone feel happy and does not include the results that users get from the experience (Ulan, 2016).


UTAUT, devised by Venkatesh et al. (2003), represents a contemporary model for understanding technology adoption. This model amalgamates key elements from eight prominent technology acceptance theories into a singular framework. These encompass the theory of reasoned action (TRA), technology acceptance model (TAM), motivational model (MM), theory of planned behavior (TPB), the combined TAM and TPB approach, model of PC utilization (MPTU), innovation diffusion theory (IDT), and social cognitive theory (SCT) (Prasetyo, 2017). Through UTAUT, not only can the acceptance of information technology and systems be comprehended, but also the actual patterns of their utilization. The UTAUT model's notable strength lies in its capacity to integrate diverse TAMs, which significantly enhances the study of technology acceptance and employment (Venkatesh et al., 2003).

Performance expectancy pertains to the degree to which the utilization of a technology offers advantages to users in performing tasks (Venkatesh et al., 2012). This concept significantly influences the intention to adopt a technology. If an individual strongly believes that a technology's performance will enhance their work, they are more inclined to use it over an extended period (Venkatesh, 2003). Performance expectancy's formulation draws from several sources, including relative advantage (from IDT), perceived benefits (TAM), job fit (MPCU), intrinsic motivation (from MM), and outcome expectations (from SCT) (Venkatesh et al., 2012).

Effort expectancy relates to the simplicity of using a specific system and reflects the effort users invest in system usage (Venkatesh et al., 2012; Christiano and Brahmana, 2018). Adenan (2015) defines effort expectancy as the perceived ease of system use. Research by Davis (1989) in Chang (2016) suggests that user acceptance of an application is linked to its user-friendliness. This construct draws from three underlying factors: perception of ease of use (Technology Acceptance Model), system complexity (Model of Personal Computer Utilization), and operational straightforwardness (Innovation Diffusion Theory) (Adenan, 2015; Venkatesh et al., 2003).

Social influence encompasses an individual's responsiveness to the actions of others who also adopt the system (Venkatesh et al., 2003). This entails the extent to which a person values others' input in persuading them to embrace a new system. Social influence reflects an individual's perception that significant others endorse their use of an application (Venkatesh & Davis, 1996; Adenan, 2015). Ventakesh (2000) proposes three mechanisms— compliance, internalization, and identification—through which social influence impacts behavior. It is influenced by contextual factors, such as peer influence, voluntary engagement, and organizational factors (Hartwick & Barki, 1994; Karahanna & Straub, 1999; Adenan, 2015).

Facilitating conditions entail an individual's belief in the presence of organizational and technical support to facilitate system use (Venkatesh et al., 2003). This also encompasses an individual's confidence in the resources within their environment, such as connectivity, network availability, and device access, which bolster their readiness to adopt technology (Thompson et al., 1991; Venkatesh et al., 2003; Personal, 2019). Facilitating conditions draw from three main sources: control of conscious behavior (technology acceptance model and theory of planned behavior), enabling circumstances (model of personal computer utilization), and compatibility (innovation diffusion theory).

Behavioral intention signifies an individual's planned future actions or decisions (Sancaka and Subagio, 2014). In the context of system usage, it indicates a user's intent to consistently engage with the system, assuming ongoing access (Venkatesh et al., 2003). This construct serves as a gauge of the strength of an individual's intent to engage in specific

behaviors. Across various user acceptance models, behavioral intention serves as a predictor of actual usage, positioned between perceptions of technology use and the use behavior itself (Venkatesh et al., 2003).

Use behavior represents the actual and practical application of a system (Davis 1989). It signifies the transition from desire or intention to genuine and sustained use. Authentic usage indicates continuous engagement with technology because it fulfills specific needs. This journey is shaped by the initial desire or intention, influenced by the perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of the technology.

Perceived enjoyment encapsulates the notion that engaging with a system is intrinsically pleasurable, beyond the practical outcomes of its usage (Juniwati, 2015). It signifies an overall awareness of enjoyment when fully engaged in certain activities. This concept also applies to online experiences, where satisfaction and happiness during online purchases on specific websites contribute to consumer decisions (Ulaan et al., 2016; Carr et al., 2001).


This research is an explanatory research, which intends to analyze and explain the relationship that occurs between the variables "performance expectancy", "effort expectancy", "social influence" and "facilitating conditions" and enjoyment perception as antecedents of behavioral intention on actual behavior to use the Tokopedia application. As stated by Emory (1980) that explanatory research is research conducted to find an explanation of the relationship and influence of several predetermined factors or variables. The method used in this research is the survey research method. This research is descriptive research conducted on large and small populations, with the intention of producing generalizations. The data is data that studies samples taken from the population (Kerlinger, 1996).


Before further analysis is carried out, an analysis of the characteristics or socio-demographics of the respondents is carried out. The following are the results of descriptive statistics of the respondents' socio-demographics.

Table 1 - Socio-demographic characteristics of respondents

Variables Category Number (n) Percentage (%)

Region Bali 98 49.00%

Jawa Timur 3 1.50%

NTT 5 2.50%

Papua 1 0.50%

Bekasi 3 1.50%

Jawa Barat 18 9.00%

Jakarta 53 26.50%

Banten 11 5.50%

Jawa Tengah 3 1.50%

Kalimantan Barat 1 0.50%

Sumatera Selatan 2 1.00%

Sumatera Utara 2 1.00%

Frequency of shopping <2 95 47.50%

3-4 50 25.00%

>4 55 27.50%

Gender Male 95 47.50%

Female 105 52.50%

Age 20-25 93 46.50%

>25-30 43 21.50%

>30-35 33 16.50%

>35-40 31 15.50%

Education Level SMA 30 15.00%

Diploma 6 3.00%

S1 135 67.50%

S2 28 14.00%

S3 1 0.50%

Table 1 Continue

Occupation Student 74 37.00%

Private Employees 92 46.00%

ASN Employee 11 5.50%

BUMN Employee 11 5.50%

Professional 12 6.00%

Income per Month < 1.000.000 54 27.00%

1.000.0000-3.000.000 26 13.00%

3.000.000 -5.000.000 18 9.00%

5.000.000-8.000.000 21 10.50%

>8.000.0000 81 40.50%

Source: Data processed, 2023.

Table 2 - Descriptive Results of Respondents' Answers

No Construct Indicator 1 2 Score 3 4 5 Total Average

1 Perceived Tokopedia application is interesting to visit 79 75 91 65 54 1032 3,44

Enjoyment The process of finding the items needed on the 57 48 56 91 88 1125 3,75

Tokopedia application is very pleasant

Interacting with sellers online provides convenience 47 70 61 49 63 881 2,94

when shopping

Consumers really enjoy the experience of shopping 40 60 67 66 69 970 3,23

at Tokopedia online.

Total Average Answer 3,34

2 Performance Expectations that shopping applications are 41 83 62 44 98 1059 3,53

Expectancy beneficial to life

using the tokopedia application allows you to shop 91 91 76 61 72 1105 3,68


Using the Tokopedia application makes it possible to 74 51 44 71 86 1022 3,41

shop faster

Using the Tokopedia application allows me to save 54 88 52 80 53 971 3,24

on shopping expenses

Total Average Answer 3,46

3 Effort Expectations that interactions with the Tokopedia 93 72 74 79 88 1215 4,05

Expectancy application are understandable

Expectations for ease in using the Tokopedia 56 45 41 100 94 1139 3,80


Hope to be skilful in using the Tokopedia application 51 61 47 65 47 809 2,70

Hope that learning the Tokopedia application is an 98 48 92 67 82 1148 3,83

easy activity

Total Average Answer 3,59

4 Social Influence People around influence to use the Tokopedia 44 45 56 76 61 911 3,04


The closest person thinks that I should be able to 45 94 78 91 45 1056 3,52

use the Tokopedia application

Colleagues / friends / family help use the Tokopedia 46 78 53 71 85 1070 3,57


In general, the closest people support using the 98 56 85 44 82 1051 3,50

Tokopedia application

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Total Average Answer 3,41

5 facilitating Consumers have sufficient knowledge to use the 97 44 92 75 94 1231 4,10

conditions Tokopedia application

Consumers have adequate facilities to operate the 67 67 81 98 55 1111 3,70

Tokopedia application

There are people who can help if there are 50 83 86 58 55 981 3,27

difficulties in operating the Tokopedia application

Internet facilities are well available in the consumer 90 45 66 95 95 1233 4,11


Total Average Answer 3,80

6 Behavioral Intention to use the Tokopedia application again 72 69 52 64 69 967 3,22

Intention Intention to use the Tokopedia application every 96 61 58 80 67 1047 3,49

time you shop online

Prediction will use the Tokopedia application in the 75 91 42 54 58 889 2,96


Total Average Answer 3,23

7 Use behavioral Frequency of using the Tokopedia application for 70 99 100 95 75 1323 4,41

online shopping

Recommendation of Tokopedia Application to other 70 42 78 91 85 1177 3,92


Prefer shopping at Tokopedia compared to other 46 44 47 67 42 753 2,51

similar shopping applications

Tell positive things to other people about Tokopedia 65 63 97 68 86 1184 3,95

Total Average Answer 3,70

Source: Data processed, 2023.

Table 1 shows that 49% of respondents came from Bali, 26.50% from Jakarta, 9% from West Java and 5.50% from Banten. In addition, there are only about 1% to 2% of respondents who come from other regions. Of all consumers, 52.5% of respondents are female. As many as 47.5% of respondents have an average shopping frequency on Tokopedia of less than 2 times, while 25% stated that they shopped on average 3-4 times, and another 27.5% stated that they shopped on average more than 4 times on Tokopedia. Most respondents are in the age range of 20-25 years (46.5%). As many as 67.5% of respondents have the latest education is S1 and there is only one respondent who has the latest education S3. Most of the respondents are private employees. The most respondents' monthly income is more than 8,000,000 with 81 respondents (40.50%).

Perceived Enjoyment in Visiting the Tokopedia Application" with an average score of 3.44: The results show that users give a positive assessment of the level of attractiveness of the Tokopedia Application to visit. Perceived Enjoyment in the Item Search Process" with an average score of 3.75: The research found that the process of searching for goods in the Tokopedia App is considered very enjoyable by users. Perceived Enjoyment in Interaction with Sellers with an average score of 2.94: Although this score is slightly lower, the results still show that interactions with online sellers provide a good level of convenience. Perceived Enjoyment in Online Shopping Experience" with an average score of 3.23: Users enjoy the experience of shopping at Tokopedia online, although this score is slightly below average. Overall, this study resulted in an average answer score of 3.34. These results reflect that Tokopedia App users have a positive perception of certain aspects of Perceived Enjoyment in the context of app usage. By understanding these factors, Tokopedia and similar platforms can continue to improve user experience and increase their technology acceptance. Performance Expectancy is a concept within the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) framework that refers to an individual's expectation of how well a technology or application will perform in improving their effectiveness and efficiency in performing specific tasks. In the context of this research, "Performance Expectancy" is explored through several indicators that measure user expectations of the performance of the Tokopedia Application as a tool for online shopping. The indicators assessed are as follows, namely "Expectations that shopping applications are useful for life" with an average score of 3.53: Users have expectations that the Tokopedia App will provide significant benefits in their daily lives, especially in terms of shopping. "Using the Tokopedia application makes it possible to shop faster" with an average score of 3.68: Users believe that this application will increase the speed of the shopping process, thus allowing them to get the products faster. "Using the Tokopedia app allows for easier shopping" with an average score of 3.41: Users also have the expectation that using the app will make the shopping experience easier and more convenient. "Using the Tokopedia App allows me to save on shopping expenses" with an average score of 3.24: Users expect that this app will help them save on expenses when shopping. Overall, the average answer score for these indicators is 3.46. These results indicate that users have fairly positive expectations of the performance of the Tokopedia App in terms of increasing efficiency, convenience, and benefits in the online shopping process.

"Effort Expectancy" is a concept in the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) framework that refers to individual expectations about how easy or difficult it is to use a technology or application. In the context of this study, "Effort Expectancy" is explored through several indicators that measure user expectations of the ease of use of the Tokopedia Application. The indicators assessed are as follows, namely "Expectation that interactions with the Tokopedia application are understandable" with an average score of 4.05: Users have the expectation that interactions with the Tokopedia Application will have an interface that is easy to understand and intuitive. "Expectations for ease of use of the Tokopedia application" with an average score of 3.80: Users expect that the overall use of the Tokopedia App will be an easy process and not require excessive effort. "Expect to be skilled at using the Tokopedia app" with an average score of 2.70: While this score is slightly lower, it still reflects the expectation that users will be able to quickly master the skill of using this app. "Expect learning the Tokopedia app to be an easy activity"

with an average score of 3.83: Users expect that learning to use the Tokopedia App will be a less difficult activity. Overall, the average answer score for these indicators is 3.59. These results indicate that users have positive expectations of the ease of use of the Tokopedia Application. This perception will contribute to easier acceptance and use of the application by potential users.

"Social Influence" is a concept in the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) framework that refers to social influence or pressure from others in making decisions to adopt or use a technology or application. In the context of this study, "Social Influence" is explored through several indicators that measure the extent to which social influence affects the use of the Tokopedia Application. The indicators assessed are as follows "People around influence to use the Tokopedia application" with an average score of 3.04: Users feel the influence of people around them to use the Tokopedia Application. "The closest person thinks that I should be able to use the Tokopedia application" with an average score of 3.52: Users feel that the people closest to them consider it important for them to use the Tokopedia App. "Colleagues/Friends/Family help use the Tokopedia application" with an average score of 3.57: Users feel support and assistance from colleagues, friends, or family members in using the Tokopedia App. "In general, the closest people support using the Tokopedia application" with an average score of 3.50: Users feel general support from those closest to them to adopt the use of the Tokopedia Application. Overall, the average answer score for these indicators was 3.41. These results indicate that social influence plays a significant role in the acceptance and use of the Tokopedia App. Support and influence from the social environment can influence a user's decision to adopt the technology.

"Facilitating Conditions" is a concept in the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) framework that refers to conditions that support or facilitate individuals in adopting and using a technology or application. In the context of this study, "Facilitating Conditions" is explored through several indicators that measure the extent to which existing conditions affect the use of the Tokopedia Application. The indicators assessed are as follows, namely "Consumers have sufficient knowledge to use the Tokopedia application" with an average score of 4.10: Users have sufficient knowledge to operate the Tokopedia Application properly. "Consumers have adequate facilities to operate the Tokopedia application" with an average score of 3.70: Users have adequate facilities, although this score is slightly lower. "There are people who can help if there are difficulties in operating the Tokopedia application" with an average score of 3.27: Users feel that there is support from others if they have difficulties in operating the Tokopedia Application. "Internet facilities are well available in the consumer environment" with an average score of 4.11: Users feel that good internet facilities are available in their environment, which can support the use of the Tokopedia App. Overall, the average answer score for these indicators is 3.80. These results indicate that facilitating conditions play an important role in the acceptance and use of the Tokopedia App. Availability of knowledge, adequate facilities, social support, and good internet availability are factors that support the use of the application more smoothly.

"Behavioral Intention" is a concept in the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) framework that refers to an individual's intention or desire to actively use a technology or application in their daily behavior. In the context of this research, "Behavioral Intention" is explored through several indicators that measure the extent to which users have the intention to continue using the Tokopedia App. The indicators assessed are as follows, namely "Intention to use the Tokopedia Application again" with an average score of 3.22: Users have the intention to use the Tokopedia Application again in the future. "Intention to use the Tokopedia application every time you shop online" with an average score of 3.49: Users have the intention to use the Tokopedia App every time they do online shopping. "Prediction to use Tokopedia App in the future" with an average score of 2.96: This score is slightly lower, but still reflects that some users feel less certain about the certainty of using Tokopedia App in the future. Overall, the average answer score for these indicators is 3.23. These results indicate that users have a relatively positive intention to continue using the Tokopedia App in their behavior. However, it should be noted that there is variation in this

intention, and some users may have a stronger inclination than others in using the app on an ongoing basis.

"Use Behavior" is a concept in the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) framework that refers to the actual behavior of users in using a technology or application. In the context of this research, "Use Behavior" is explored through several indicators that measure the extent to which users have adopted the Tokopedia App and how they use it in online shopping practices.

The indicators assessed are as follows, namely "Frequency of using the Tokopedia application for online shopping" with an average score of 4.41: Users use the Tokopedia Application with high frequency to do online shopping, indicating a strong adoption of this application. "Recommendation of the Tokopedia Application to others" with an average score of 3.92: Users feel satisfied enough with the Tokopedia App that they tend to recommend it to others. "Prefer shopping on Tokopedia over other similar shopping apps" with an average score of 2.51: This score is lower, which may indicate that some users prefer other options over Tokopedia in some cases. "Tell other people positive things about Tokopedia" with an average score of 3.95: Users feel positive about the Tokopedia App and are willing to speak positively about their experience to others. Overall, the average answer score for these indicators is 3.70. These results indicate that most users have adopted Tokopedia App well, use the app actively in their online shopping practices, and feel satisfied enough that they feel comfortable recommending it to others. However, it is also worth noting that there are variations in users' shopping preferences between Tokopedia App and other options.

Shen et al. (2010) contend that understanding consumer acceptance of new technology is a complex matter that necessitates the application of multiple models. Jakson et al. (2013) similarly emphasize that an integrative approach offers unique insights beyond what a single theoretical model can provide. However, the field of technology acceptance research often lacks comprehensive integrated models necessary to grasp the entirety of this domain (AbuShanab and Pearson, 2007). In response to this gap, Venkatesh et al. (2003) introduced a model that amalgamates existing technology acceptance frameworks into the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). This amalgamation incorporates theories like the theory of reasoned action (TRA), technology acceptance model (TAM), motivational model (MM), theory of planned behavior (TPB), combined TAM and TPB, model of PC utilization (MPTU), innovation diffusion theory (IDT), and social cognitive theory (SCT) (Prasetyo, 2017).

Within this proposed model, key dimensions include "performance expectancy," "effort expectancy," "social influence," and "facilitating conditions." Performance expectancy gauges the extent to which technology usage benefits consumers in their activities (Venkatesh et al., 2012). Notably, performance expectancy significantly influences an individual's inclination to adopt a technology (Rahi and Abd. Ghani, 2018; Venkatesh et al., 2003). Effort expectancy, on the other hand, measures the simplicity of using a specific system, reflecting the effort users invest (Venkatesh et al., 2012). The perceived usefulness of information technology fosters interest and comfort in using the system (Jati & Laksito, 2012; Deng, et al., 2009).

Social influence examines how individuals perceive the encouragement from others to adopt a new system. Inputs, information, and endorsements from individuals such as friends, family, colleagues, and superiors play a pivotal role in influencing technology adoption (Zhou et al., 2010; Yu, 2012; Oliviera et al., 2016; Alalwan, et al., 2017). Facilitating conditions, drawing from Triandis (52), involve the level and type of support that impact technology usage. In workplace contexts, facilitating conditions encompass factors like training availability and support provision. These conditions positively correlate with the desire to use internet technology and significantly affect its actual usage (Atmaja and Puspitawati, 2020).

Perceived Enjoyment is defined as a comprehensive awareness of the sensory experience while deeply engaged in a specific activity. In the realm of online shopping, enjoyment holds equal significance to physical shopping, influencing customer intentions and behaviors (Juniwati, 2015). Dasgupta & Gupta (2011); Ulaan et al. (2016) revealed that perceived enjoyment positively influences the intention to shop online. This highlights the

imperative for online retailers to prioritize the pleasurable aspects of the online shopping experience to enhance customer engagement.

Theoretical Implications. This study contributes to the theoretical understanding of technology acceptance by focusing on the integration of Perceived Enjoyment within the UTAUT framework. By examining the role of Perceived Enjoyment indicators among Tokopedia users, the research extends the existing knowledge on how positive emotional experiences can influence users' intentions to adopt and utilize technology. The findings provide empirical evidence that Perceived Enjoyment, as a significant factor, can be seamlessly integrated into the UTAUT model, enhancing its explanatory power. This expansion enriches the model's ability to explain users' technology adoption behaviors in a more comprehensive manner.

Practical Implications. For practitioners in the e-commerce and technology industry, the insights from this study hold practical implications. First, understanding the impact of Perceived Enjoyment on users' behavioral intentions can guide platform designers and developers in enhancing user experiences. By optimizing user interfaces, personalizing content, and incorporating elements that enhance enjoyment, e-commerce platforms like Tokopedia can foster positive user emotions and increase adoption rates. Second, the study's findings highlight the significance of facilitating conditions and social influences. Ensuring that users have adequate knowledge, support, and access to the required facilities for smooth technology interaction is crucial. E-commerce platforms should invest in user education, offer reliable customer support, and promote the platform's benefits through word-of-mouth campaigns. Furthermore, the study emphasizes the importance of continuous improvements and innovation. To maintain a competitive edge, e-commerce platforms should consistently refine their services, aligning them with users' preferences and technological advancements. By keeping the process of online shopping enjoyable, convenient, and efficient, platforms can increase user satisfaction and loyalty, subsequently driving long-term success.

In conclusion, this study bridges theoretical insights with practical recommendations, offering a comprehensive understanding of how Perceived Enjoyment integration influences technology adoption among Tokopedia users. These implications can serve as a roadmap for e-commerce platforms aiming to enhance user experiences, increase adoption rates, and achieve sustained growth in today's dynamic digital landscape.


In this comprehensive study, we explored the integration of Perceived Enjoyment within the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) framework, focusing on Tokopedia users. The findings shed light on the pivotal role that Perceived Enjoyment plays in influencing users' attitudes and intentions toward technology adoption. Through a descriptive analysis of various indicators, we observed that users generally hold positive perceptions regarding the integration of Perceived Enjoyment within the context of the Tokopedia application.

The study underscores the significance of Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitating Conditions, Behavioral Intention, and Use Behavior in shaping users' perceptions and actions. This holistic understanding contributes to the theoretical advancement of technology acceptance theories and extends the practical insights for ecommerce platforms.

Building on the insights gained from this study, there are several avenues for future research that can further enrich the understanding of technology adoption and user behaviors:

• Cross-Platform Analysis: Extend the research to encompass a broader range of ecommerce platforms to understand how Perceived Enjoyment varies across different platforms and how it impacts users' preferences;

• Longitudinal Studies: Conduct longitudinal studies to track users' attitudes and behaviors over time. This can provide insights into the stability and sustainability of technology adoption influenced by Perceived Enjoyment;

• Cultural Context: Investigate how cultural differences might influence the integration of Perceived Enjoyment within the UTAUT model. Different cultures may interpret and respond to enjoyment factors differently, affecting adoption patterns;

• Qualitative Exploration: Supplement quantitative findings with qualitative research methods to gain deeper insights into the underlying reasons behind users' perceptions of Perceived Enjoyment and its impact on adoption;

• Innovation and User Experience: Further explore the impact of continual innovation and user experience enhancements on the interplay between Perceived Enjoyment and technology adoption.

In conclusion, this study contributes valuable insights into the role of Perceived Enjoyment within the UTAUT framework and its implications for technology adoption. As technology continues to evolve and shape our daily lives, understanding how enjoyment influences adoption behaviors remains critical for both researchers and practitioners in the field of technology and e-commerce.


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