Научная статья на тему 'Experience of the Netherlands towards the influence of physical culture and sports on the social competence of young people'

Experience of the Netherlands towards the influence of physical culture and sports on the social competence of young people Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
Physical Education / sport / social competency / world experience / students / Netherlands

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Вabalich Victoria Anatoliivna

Objective: study the experience of the Netherlands towards the influence of physical culture and sports on the social competence of young people, analyze scientific researches and state social programmes on this issue. Materials and methods: methods of theoretical boundary (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, generalization, comparison, systematic approach) and concrete — scientific (analyses of literature, state nomenclature documentation, the method of defining concepts). Results: views of the scientists on the problem of social competence formation by means of physical culture and sports have been analyzed, experience of formation of the social competence by means of physical culture and sports in the Netherlands has been introduced, state role of this country in the creation of corresponding social programmes has been lined, the general directions of its realization has been defined, social effectiveness has been defined. Scientific novelty: is in the theoretical analyses of the physical culture and sports influence on the formation of social competence among young people in the Netherlands, experience of joint work of statesmen, scientists and specialists in physical culture and sport of this country in the creation of the social programmes, argumentation of the perspectives of physical culture and sports as the means of social development of personality in Ukraine. Practical importance: has been defined by received in the process of investigation data about formation of social competence among young people by means of physical culture and sports in the process of introduction of state programmes in the Netherlands can be used in the sphere of physical culture and sports in Ukraine while solving issues which are connected with preparing of physical culture teachers and coaches to the professional activity in the context of individual self — development and professional self — determination.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Experience of the Netherlands towards the influence of physical culture and sports on the social competence of young people»

Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 1-2 (2017) Pedagogy

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- ISSN 2310-5593 (Print) / ISSN 2519-1209 (Online) -

Pedagogy Педагогика

UDC 37.035 i 796 (492) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/AJH-17-1.2-20-27

V. А. Babalich 1

1 Theory and Methodology Department the Kirovograd Volodymyr Vynnychenko State Pedagogical University,

Kropivnitskiy, Ukraina



Objective: study the experience of the Netherlands towards the influence of physical culture and sports on the social competence of young people, analyze scientific researches and state social programmes on this issue.

Materials and methods: methods of theoretical boundary (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, generalization, comparison, systematic approach) and concrete — scientific (analyses of literature, state nomenclature documentation, the method of defining concepts).

Results: views of the scientists on the problem of social competence formation by means of physical culture and sports have been analyzed, experience of formation of the social competence by means of physical culture and sports in the Netherlands has been introduced, state role of this country in the creation of corresponding social programmes has been lined, the general directions of its realization has been defined, social effectiveness has been defined.

Scientific novelty: is in the theoretical analyses of the physical culture and sports influence on the formation of social competence among young people in the Netherlands, experience of joint work of statesmen, scientists and specialists in physical culture and sport of this country in the creation of the social programmes, argumentation of the perspectives of physical culture and sports as the means of social development of personality in Ukraine.

Practical importance: has been defined by received in the process of investigation data about formation of social competence among young people by means of physical culture and sports in the process of introduction of state programmes in the Netherlands can be used in the sphere of physical culture and sports in Ukraine while solving issues which are connected with preparing of physical culture teachers and coaches to the professional activity in the context of individual self — development and professional self — determination.

Keywords: Physical Education; sport; social competency; world experience; students; Netherlands.


Physical culture and sports (PCS) should provide physical and spiritual development of personality, construct live important habits and skills, and promote physical development and high ability to work. At the same time physical culture and sports are the form of rest and entertainment during which social interaction takes place and social relations are formed.

However, nowadays the role of PCS takes different forms. They are the means of ethic, esthetic and moral upbringing ofpersonality, they promote physical culture movement as the social phenomenon.

Scientific researches prove that today it is a strong socializing power which solves important issues of formation of knowledge about keeping rules of personal hygiene and norms of healthy style of life, social mobil-

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ity, readiness to take part in different social projects using means of PCS, perceive oneself and others, socialize effectively in social situations and, correspondently, creates a background for personal self — determination [24; 28].

PCS unite people, help their cultural, social and professional growth, form the experience of social relations, promote working out of positive attitude to life.

A modern specialist of PCS is a socially active personality who possesses fundamental knowledge, skills of using modern technologies; ready to social interaction, fulfillment of different social parts, making non-standard non- ordinary creative decisions, fulfillment of professional duties, taking care about his pupils, competition of the labour market. In other words, it is a socially competent personality.

We support the idea that social competence is a personal, integral, complex, systematic, many — sided phenomenon (O. Vapetska, S. Goncharova, M. Docto-rovych, B. Zhyganova, I. Zarubynska, I. Zymnya, N. Kalinina, N. Lyachova, V. Maslennikova) and his formation is a result of professional training which contains the system of evaluating, social, psychological and pedagogical knowledge, skills, practice of pedagogical activity, valuables, motivation of life activity, personal qualities which give the opportunity fulfill effectively the social functions in the frames of teacher's competence, formation him as an active citizen of his state, preparation to activity in the society) [24, P. 123].

We remark that in our society research of social competence has been examined as an important component of the professional competence of students, which characterizes abilities to team work, adopt to new demands, readiness to make non-standard decisions, abilities to prevent and solve conflicts, show empathy and social perception, communicative skills, initiativeness, flexibility, responsibility, making active interaction, use knowledge, skills and abilities in present and future professional activity.

Thus, there is need in training highly qualified, competitive of the labour market specialists in the sphere of PCS, whose social and professional qualities correspond to modern challenges. More over, attention to the role of PCS in the sphere of education has recently grown, in the connection with this there is a discussible issue about the quality of education and getting general and professional competence of a future specialist of PCS, the important place in which belong to social knowledge, skills and abilities.

Higher education needs to react to vital issues of the society. It gives the opportunities to create conditions to train social competence of future specialists of PCS during the process of education at the higher educational establishment. From this point of view, the importance of above mentioned issue has not been studied enough, the importance of researches of the foreign scientists is important, among them the Netherlands.


PCS is a part of general human culture, natural sphere of general humanitarian education in the process of which the experience of indication, communicative, practical — transformational, orientation — evaluation activity has been gained [25].

The results of the analyses of scientific methodic literature of the Netherlands prove that education and PCS exist in the positive, social interaction which is directed to the upbringing of harmonious personality, promotes improvement of education, guarantees the broadening intellectual and functional opportunities, forms the character of a personality (D. Collard, N. Hermens, N. Reijgersberg, А. Singh, H. Stegemama та íh.). Так, низка науковщв (M. Baart de la Faille-Deutekom, M. Bottenburg, D. Collard, P. Verweel and others) evaluate the influence of PCS on the formation of a personality and stress that their opportunities are boundless and social importance of PCS is essential and varied.

However, some researchers don't express optimistic views on this issue and agree with the social advantages of PCS only partly. So, G. Holland та K. Schuyt in the article «Sport bidet meer dan orwinding» (Sport offers more than orwinding) note that it is hard to find a balance between social importance and social problems in PCS, because manifestation of PCS have been sharp, traumatic and dangerous. But, at the same time it is the means to people's unity, social interaction and formation of habits of the healthy style of life. There is only, stress the researchers, to look for a decision and find a compromise, the instrument of influence, and, at the same time, it is necessary to remember that people go in for sports not only for social influence but for pleasure [8].

Their point of view has been supported by F. Coal-ter who created the conception of positive health. Its essence is in that «health is the ability to adapt and independently act in the conditions of physical and emotional problems» (including health as the quality of life) [12]. This conception has been built on the common experience of specialists of different branches who partici-

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pated in the establishment of social programmes to involve young people from the risk groups to going in for PCS. Structural elements of this programme are directed on creation of behaviour and social relations which provide their public importance.

The same point of view has been expressed by R. Kholt who thinks that PCS are associated with positive and negative consequences of their influence. He consideres that creation of positive social environment during trainings and competitions depends on teachers of physical culture, coachers, parents and sportsmen.

Only in this case PCS will be perceived by the society as the ideal social environment in which care and skillful-ness through positive inter — personal communication will promote social and emotional development ofyoung people and teach them life skills. R. Khols points out that to create such conditions in PCS is possible thanks to common efforts of school and the state (lessons of physical education at school [4; 19; 21; 22], working out of corresponding programmes [10], political support [9]).

Quite important pint of view has been expressed by other scientists (E. Duive [6] R Hover [7], A. Knoppers [14], D. Romijn [11] and other), who affirm that some kinds of sport and life moments which stay «behind the frame» bear more negative ness. It's a pity but it's true.

Such situation is caused by many factors. Among outer we define aggressive and sometimes unjustified violent behaviour during competitions from the fans as well as sportsmen, coaches and referees. Inner factors are caused by the specific of the kind of sports, rules of competitions, performing and organization of the training process.

We point out that manifestation of aggressive behaviour during competitions in public is the result of authoritative relations between a coach-teacher and sportsmen, show of insufficient level of the development of spiritual, social and moral maturity, social culture and the culture of behaviour of every personality, which are the important causes which promote successful social adaptation in the society.

During the training a coach can violate ethic and moral-legal rules, behave roughly, use word and physical violence towards his pupils which doesn't correspond to personal — professional and moral qualities of a professional.

A professional, as A. Markova points out, is a person who successfully solves the tasks of education and upbringing; prepares a necessary social product for the society; uses innovation technologies, studies norms of professional ethic, standards of the profession; aims

to individualize and self-realization; achieves workmanship in his profession, desired personal and professional results (socially active, creative, personally disposed, motivated, self — critical, satisfied with his profession, open to the professional growth) [16].

We are sure that the majority of teachers of physical culture and coaches follow ethic and moral norms, purposefully realize the process of upbringing which positively influences consciousness, feelings and will ofhis pupils, helps to maintain favourable relations in the association. Though, to avoid above mentioned incidents M. Kolos and V. Yaremenko think that specialists need to follow the rules of general professional ethic, teach their pupils discipline during the lessons; immediately stop trainings if forbidden or violent actions are used; up bring in their pupils correct relations and moral — ethic norms of behaviour, mutual respect; systematically perform work on prophylaxis of trauma during trainings and competitions; constantly inform spectators about the course of teams meetings, find opportunities to inform about changes of rules (if it is necessary) and the development of kinds of sports to avoid misunderstanding from fans during competitions, increase quality of referees, use disciplinary actions towards sportsmen who provoke rough behaviour, non-sport performance, simulation of trauma and other actions which cause negative reaction of spectators; explain to the pupils the rules of behaviour in public places while visiting sport and other spectacular actions [15]. Such point ofview is quite proper.

Unfortunately, there are some cases of non-sports behaviour in different countries of the world which were recorded on the stadiums and sports grounds of in the past, are taking place now and for their prevention not only the system of referee, disciplinary punishment is used but all measures of the police equipment. In this contest there is interesting and useful experience of cooperation of the government, scientists and specialists of PCS of the Netherlands.

At the time, at the beginning of the 2000s the community of the Netherlands supported the idea of creation of the complex of programmes to solve a chain of social problems in the country, assist in the creation of the system ofpositive social relations through PCS, embracement of maximum number of participants in spite of their age, social status etc., attract qualified specialists in the sphere of PCS.

Taking care of health, wealth, social and physical development of the Netherlanders, the Ministry of health

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care, social secure and sports with the support of the government initiated the performance of scientific researches: «Maatschappelijke betekenis van Ten Cate Sportboulevard Enschede» (" Social significance of Ten Cate Sportboulevard Enschede") (2011); «De sport-vereniging als springplank, van jeugdzorg naar oploss-ingen» (2015). It was supposed that they would help point out the main aspects of influence of PCS on the formation of social competence of the young people and substantially increase their effectiveness.

Besides, among obligations of the government are — introduction of social programmes directed to social growth of the young people through PCS: «Naar een veiliger sportklimaat» (VSK) (2011-2016); «Sport» (2013-2017); «Sport en Bewegen Van tra-plopen tot podium» (2016).

Their fulfillment will be done with the help of forms and means of PCS and gained experience will be passed to other elaborators of the programme which will create positive scientific — experimental base which will help fulfill social programmes productively. We will discuss in details.

Thus, understanding the importance of the influence of PCS and the necessity to secure the quality of the programmes, N. Boonstra and N. Hermens studied and formulated the most important aspects of influence of PCS on the social life of the society, described the social value and advantages of sports [7]. Performed research «Maatschappelijke betekenis van Ten Cate Sportboulevard Enschede» became the conclusion of the mutual work on the project «Sport is alongside» which was introduced in 2010.

The important step in the creation of the positive climate during sports actions in the Netherlands became a scale programme «Naar een veiliger sportklimaat» (VSK), planned for five years (2011-2016) [20]. Its aim is to promote creations of conditions of the safe climate, stop negative behaviour during sports competitions.

Among the main tasks are — maintenance relationship between all parts — sportsmen, coaches, referees and fans. All planned actions are directed to teach youth positive social habits and means of their passing.

To introduction of the programme majority of sport federations of the country on different sports were involved, such as football, basketball, volleyball, swimming, skiing, billiard, golf, table tennis, thek-van-do, bowling, skate ball etc. Fulfillment of the programme was done according to the directions:

- acquaintance of fans with the rules, conditions, regulation of holding competitions in order to avoid some misunderstanding from their side;

- maintenance of the system of disciplinary punishment (working out by the Olympic Committee of the Netherlands the normative acts about creation of transparent single disciplinary system for performance of the activity of the disciplinary committee);

- improvement of behaviour of all participants of the process, so called a wide format of behaviour of sportsmen and fans;

- avoiding of excesses (organization and holding of conferences between federations with the aim of information and experience exchange about different kinds of abuse and violation committed by the police and referees as well as other interested sides, creation of the system of punishment for verbal and physical violation and a «black list» which allows to disqualify people with problematic behaviour for a long time);

- support of sports directors (administrators) who play an important role in the creation of the favorable sports environment who are in the direct contact with other participants, organizers and referees of the competitions;

- creation of social interaction between coaches by means of holding trainings on upbringing social behaviour, prevention of undesirable behaviour among sportsmen and coaches, stimulation of personal development of sportsmen;

- support of referees with the aim of working out the skills of decision making and stopping any undesirable behaviour and escalation of conflicts during the competitions.

Effectiveness of these measures has been increased due to the use of the Internet — platforms and popularization of information among great scales of population in the social nets, creation of electronic magazine «On the way of safer sports environment» [26].

We will note that civilized countries of the world have admitted that PCS is a base of relaxation in which has the place to physical activity, psychological relaxation and a fast taking down of emotional tension. Nowadays PCS should solve more global problems, their functions become wider, they are used to prevent and solve social problems in the society, more often as the means of socialization and social integration in different spheres,

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for example, health care (V. Bottenburg, F. Coalter, K. Schuyt), growth of belief in «the power of sports» in treatment and prophylaxis of diseases (N. Boonstra, F. Coalter, N. Hermens, A. Knoppers).

More over, people's desire to improve their health and physical shape to promote their self development, maintaining contacts, communication improvement, interaction between people, correspondently, the development of sports. So, PCS by themselves the powerful means of influence, important social practice because they involve and unite people of different nationalities and social age groups.

Scientific programme «Sport» (2015-2017), aiming on the increase of the role of PCS in the society has been introduced due to the cooperation with partner organizations «Flexus Youth Square», «Assistance to sport in Rotterdam», the Netherlands institute of physical education and sport (NISE), municipal council of Rotterdam, which supports scientific researches and promotes their spreading among population.

In such way the proper conditions have been created and PCS have become the instrument of the social development, social integration and adaptation of socially unprotected youth of the Netherlands.

Among the tasks of the programme «Sport» is the research how PCS, teachers of physical culture and coaches promote social — personal development of youth, defining of the level of influence of sports environment and sports activity on the social — personal development ofyouth, tracing proper conditions which are necessary to create for successful cooperation between youth organizations and sports clubs.

Thus, for solving the tasks of the programme, increasing its effectiveness, examination of real opportunities of specialists of PCS towards overcoming the problems interviewing of physical culture teachers and coaches was performed. The researchers N. Hermens, S. Super, W. Westerhof prove that the results of interviewing of physical culture teachers and coaches have revealed that majority of them think that creation of positive social environment during training lessons will help effective mastering of social knowledge and skills.

Some of the respondents proposed their own strategies to help social — personal growth ofyouth through PCS, pointing out possible ways of passing them experience of life skills, their realization in other spheres, emphasized on the union of school, family and PCS efforts.

The researchers made a conclusion about certain specific, certain gaps and one-side position. That is why with the aim of seeking effective ways of realization of the defined problem, creation of conditions for experience exchange among specialists in the sphere of PCS the on-line platform «Network in motion» [18]. Hermens, S. Super, W. Westerhof with the theme file «Allesoversport. nl: all knowledge about sport and exercise in one place» [1] was worked out.

On this platform every specialist in the sphere of PCS can find answers to his questions, learn the documents, socialize with upholders in blogs [23].

Another research «De sportvereniging als springplank, van jeugdzorg naar oplossingen» proves that community of the Netherlands throughout the last decade made a very important contribution into the social development of PCS in the country, introducing its platform for unity, cooperation between state and non-state organizations with involving sponsors etc.

That is why the government directed its policy to improvement of life of the society and social defense of the most sensitive parts of the population by means of PCS. Such position is based on the conception thought that «sport — is not only joyful but productive and that is why it is supported by the government».

Appealing to the educational and health care establishments to unite and cooperate with PCS in the process of which every specialist in the sphere will perform his functions, so great differences in view, skills, knowledge and capabilities can exist, the government hopes to create conditions to gain sin energetic effect when a certain interaction takes place with taking into account the interests of everyone [13].

Another higher level ofpartnership ofthe community and the government is creation of the map «Social influence ofphysical culture and sports» [5]. In the introduced map the creators demonstrated the opportunity of different ministries of the country to use enjoy influence of PCS on the state level. While proving the social importance of PCS, the authors described the main aspects oftheir influence which can be done aiming to gain healthy style oflife, enlightenment, productive social environment, economy, use of innovative approaches (international cooperation, economic diplomacy etc).

For its part, the national Olympic Committee of the Netherlands supporting the desire of the government in the creation of social programmes important for the society thinking about long lasting perspective of populariza-

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tion of mass sports and healthy style of life, physical and spiritual wealth of people conducted the research «Social essence of sport» [3] in which revealed the importance of PCS, defined their social use. On the results of the research four directions of social influence of sports have been defined:

- individual development (sense ofdignity, success, competitiveness, cognitive development — decrease of education productiveness);

- social relations (individuality, emancipation, socialization);

- health care (prophylaxis of diseases, decrease of spending on medical — sanitary help, high work productivity);

- economy (increase of the level of the population employment (volunteer activity), sport as the universal means for business).

The document points out that it is possible with the help of PCS directly or indirectly prevent or assist to decrease the threat of appearance of great social problems. From these points of view the activity of sports organizations has undergone great changes.

From now on by their own example they have been proving to the society the importance of PCS, to the politicians — the existence of many means to get social benefits from PCS on the terms of a certain state support and investments.

Understanding of social importance of PCS on the state level pushed the government to a number of initiatives to use PCS as an instrument to achieve social aims. The result of these initiatives was the creation at first small and then great projects.

The national programme in the sphere of PCS «Sport en Bewegen Van traplopen tot podium» (created in 2016) became the response to the government initiative which aims to promote increase of physical and social activity of people despite of their age, social status or physical opportunities (special needs).

A number of specialists in the sphere of PCS, teachers of the universities, colleges, specialists of the self government bodies and businessmen have been involved into its introduction.

The organizers are sure that the participation in the programme will help people solve problems connected with health, social adaptation better which, in its turn, will stimulate personal and economic growth. Opportunely they affirm that success in it depends on effective cooperation of all participants of the process, recognition

of the social importance of PCS by the society which plays the key role.

We will remark that the programme «Sport en Bewegen Van traplopen tot podium» aims to solve social problems of the society, create conditions for development social competence in youth, formation of character, tolerance, partner activity and interaction, inoculation life skills and habits of management in «sports context», physical, and social emotional education. The role models of PCS are among the means to encourage youth pass from risk groups to loyal behavior [17].

The programme also has international ambitions. So, during five years the Netherlands plan to create a certain infrastructure for the international researches which will not forego the leading countries of the world (the USA and England). To achieve this aim, the creation of HBO (Home Box Office) — platform of lecturers has taken place. It will help cooperate with the scientists and practical workers from the whole world. In such way the government of the Netherlands plans to raise sports science to a higher level with the aim of studying and introduction of innovative approaches in PCS.

The seriousness of the desire of the Netherlands to gain the leading positions in the world in the research of the social importance ofPCS proves the fact that in spring 2017 the Ministry of health care, social guarantee and sports plans to introduce a new research programme in the sphere of PCS [27] which concerns scientific theoretical and practical issues solving the following tasks:

1. Unite researches in the sphere of PCS with ecosystems of sports innovations.

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2. Study the level of income from the researches in the sphere of PCS during 2013-2017.

3. Improve cooperation among the government, research institutes, enterprises, specialists with the aim of increasing social — economic benefits.

4. Assist further development of scientific researches in the sphere of PCS taking into account earlier gained results.

5. Work out the ways for cooperation between the branches of education and PCS.

Finally, nowadays the process of actualization of the influence of PCS on the formation of social competence of youth has been taking place in the Netherlands. Taking into account different views of the scientists on the social importance of PCS, their social influence on the personality and innovation approaches to solving the issues of formation of social competence of the

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personality, the role of PCS becomes evident. Besides the fulfillment this work will promote cooperation between branches, creation of infrastructure for international researches, increasing of effectiveness of social programmes through PCS in future.


From above discussed it is possible to make the following conclusions:

1. In the Netherlands there are wide opportunities of solving social issues through PCS.

2. The experience of the country proves that effectiveness of maintaining of the positive social environment among youth depends on partner relations of the government, community and sports organizations which are of vital importance for Ukraine in the conditions of power decentralization.

3. The positive experience for our country is confession of the social importance of sports in the creation of state programmes, use ofwhich contributes much to the development of fundamental and applying researches in the sphere of PCS, encourages to seek new knowledge, new directions of development, satisfies ambitions not only specialists in the sphere of sports, scientists, sport politicians but also increases the status of the state.

Acknowledgments: for scientific consultation on the problem of the development of social competence of personality Olena Volodymyrivna Varetska — Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor, Chair of Primary Education, Public Educational Institution «Zaporizhzhia Regional Institute of Post Graduate Pedagogical Education» Zaporizhzhia Regional Council, Zaporizhzhya.



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Information about the author

Eabalich Victoria Anatoliivna, Ph. D. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of the Olympic and Professional Sport

Theory and Methodology Department the Kirovograd Volodymyr Vynnychenko State Pedagogical University

Address: 56, Egorov Street, app. 81, Kropyvnytskiy, Ukraine, 25015, tel.: (066)-32-19-301

E-mail: vikababalich@meta.ua

ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-5698-836X

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