EXPANSION OF THE RANGE OF NATIONAL COSTUMES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Энергетика и рациональное природопользование»

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Ключевые слова
Национальный / одежда / инжир / платье / трикотаж / ткань / поток / акрил / цвета / деформация / стойкость / протяжение / трение / Национальный / одежда / инжир / платье / трикотаж / ткань / поток / акрил / цвета / деформация / стойкость / протяжение / трение

Аннотация научной статьи по энергетике и рациональному природопользованию, автор научной работы — Tulaboeva, Shakhlo Sobirjon Kizi, Isokalieva, Hilola Ravshanbek Kizi

In the design of national costumes, to study the physical and mechanical properties of national fabrics, color fastness and resistance to water and atmosphere, to develop a new model range of national costumes from knitted fabric with a new form of adras, to serve the path of national development leading to a worthy place on the fashion scene.

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В дизайне национальных костюмов изучить физико-механические свойства национальных тканей, цветостойкость и устойчивость к воздействию воды и атмосферы, разработать новый модельный ряд национальных костюмов из трикотажного полотна с новой формой адраса, служить пути национального развития, ведущего к достойному месту на сцене моды.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7


Tulaboeva Shakhlo Sobirjon kizi

Assistant of the Department of Design, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology Isokalieva Hilola Ravshanbek kizi Student of Namangan Institute of Engineering Technology.

In the design of national costumes, to study the physical and mechanical properties of national fabrics, color fastness and resistance to water and atmosphere, to develop a new model range of national costumes from knitted fabric with a new form of adras, to serve the path of national development leading to a worthy place on the fashion scene.

Keywords: Национальный, одежда, инжир, платье, трикотаж, ткань, поток, акрил, цвета, деформация, стойкость, протяжение, трение

Milliy liboslarni loyixalashda milliy matolarning fizik-mehanik xususiyatlari ranglaring barqarorlik va suvli ishlovlarga va atmosfera ta'siriga chidamliyligi o'rganib yangi adras shakli tushurilgan trikotaj to'qimasidan yangi milliy libos assortimentini ishlab chiqish, moda saxnasida munosib o 'rin egalashiga olib kelib, milliy taraqqiyot yo 'liga xizmat qilish.

Kalit so'zlar: milliy, libos, shakl, kiyim, trikotaj, mato, ip, akril, rang, deformatsiya, pishiqlik, cho 'zilish, ishqalanish

В дизайне национальных костюмов изучить физико-механические свойства национальных тканей, цветостойкость и устойчивость к воздействию воды и атмосферы, разработать новый модельный ряд национальных костюмов из трикотажного полотна с новой формой адраса, служить пути национального развития, ведущего к достойному месту на сцене моды.

Ключевые слова: Национальный, одежда, инжир, платье, трикотаж, ткань, поток, акрил, цвета, деформация, стойкость, протяжение, трение


We know that the innovations taking place in our society, the rapid development in the field of art open up wide ways and opportunities for the




Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

development of our national culture. According to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev dated February 12, 2019 "On measures to further deepen the reform of the textile and clothing industry and expand its export potential" strategic importance of ensuring high and stable growth rates in the garment industry, attracting and attracting foreign direct investment, production and export of competitive products, modernization creation of new high-tech jobs through the implementation of existing projects, systematic work is underway to deepen the technical and technological modernization of enterprises, structural restructuring aimed at the introduction of an advanced "cluster model" [1].


The modernization of the existing light industry in the country, the modernization and reconstruction of the joint road, as well as the provision of modern technical equipment, the creation of employment and welfare of the population as a program task. At the same time, it is the production of finished products from national fabrics of the textile and light industry, export of products, active development of modern, state-of-the-art technology and design, production of modern goods. [2].

The specialization of industrial enterprises and the increase in the range of products require the use of new technologies and equipment.

With the development of our economy in recent years, the demand of consumers for a variety of clothing, including national clothing, which is aesthetically pleasing, ergonomic and well-preserved, is growing

Designing national costumes is a complex creative process that involves the design of any item, including clothing. Clothing design is a set of details and materials that make up a garment, as well as ways and means of sewing them together to form a single piece of a certain size and shape. Today, the rapid development of fashion is also affecting the fashion of young people. If we look at the current situation, we can see more and more clothing samples coming from European countries. However, young talented designers are able to design modern clothes with Uzbek national fabrics and present them on the world stage.

With the development of our economy in recent years, the demand of consumers for a variety of clothing, including national clothing, which is aesthetically pleasing, ergonomic and well-preserved, is growing.

The specialization of the industry, the increase in the range and range of products require the use of new technologies and equipment.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, p VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5/2

educational, natural and social sciences ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor Q SJIF 2022: 5.947

Advanced Sciences Index Factor ASI Factor = 1.7

One of the most pressing issues in the climatic conditions of Uzbekistan is the development of modern types of clothing in the technological processes of knitwear, the study and implementation of automated, low-waste design processes. Adras fabric is the national fabric of the Uzbek people and is produced by the abr method. The technique of dyeing the yarn by the Abr method is very complex, the length of the yarn is 200-300 m. ladi. The libitas are joined by two, and the frame is wrapped around the crossbeams of the bench. The distance between the beams depends on the pattern report (1.4 - 2.25 m) To make the pattern more colorful, the tan yarn is backed up with cotton yarn and dyed one after the other. The white and pink areas will be reserved first. The reserved body is soaked in a yellow dye solution and the exposed areas are painted [4]. If we consider the so-called satin and adras fabrics as national clothes, in fact, they are ecologically pure from natural silk fabrics, but not durable, after one or two washes the color changes is one of the current issues facing the industry.

Figure 2. Obtaining adras-shaped knitted fabric on a flat fang machine

Among the characteristics of the physical and mechanical properties of knitted fabrics are: strength and elongation at break, elongation at low tensile strength, resistance to single and repeated stretching, resistance to shrinkage and abrasion, resistance to heat and wet processing. [5].

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

Figure 3. Software on LXA - 252-12G flat needle knitting machine.

In the study, the results of physical and mechanical properties of knitted fabric obtained on the machine LXA-252 on the basis of the adras form were determined in the testing laboratory of the Namangan Institute of Engineering Technology and software was introduced (figure 3).


In conclusion, the purpose of this study; Uzbek look at Uzbek design, restoration of our national values, which is one of the most pressing issues of today, expanding the range of national costumes, reflecting the nationalism that adras fabric can be worn not only in hot weather, but also in late autumn and early spring, developed a durable knitted fabric with a reduced adras shape that can serve its owner for a long time.


1. O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti SH.M.Mirziyayev. To'qimachilik va tikuv trikotaj sanoatiga oid qarori Toshkent. 2019-yil 12-fevral. https://qalampir.uz/uz/news/prezident-timachilik-va-tikuv-trikotazh-sanoatiga-oid-arorni-imzoladi-220

2. Sh. Mirziyoev O'zbekistonning 2016-yildagi iqtisodiy-ijtimoiy rivojlanish yakunlarini muhokama etish va 2017-yilga mo'ljallangan iqtisodiy dsturining eng

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

muhim ustivor yo'nalishlari. Vazirlar Mahkamasi kengaytirilgan yig'ilishi 2017 -yil 14-yanvar

3. X. Q. Madaminovich,T. Sh. Sobirjon qizi. Milliy matolarimizning kelib chiqish tarixi. Science and Education 2021; 2 (4): 51-54; https://iournals.indexcopernicus.com/search/article?articleId=2856286

4. E.S.Salim o'g'li,R.Z.Zokirjon qizi, Rangshunoslikva kompozitsiya. Toshkent-2018. http://library.ziyonet.uz/ru/book/download/98661

5. А.N.Solobiev,S.M.Kiryuxin Оценка и прогназирование качества текстильных материалов. - Москва: Легкая и пищевая промышленность, 215c. (1984).

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