Научная статья на тему 'Эволюция романа в творчестве американской писательницы Луизы Мэй Олкотт'

Эволюция романа в творчестве американской писательницы Луизы Мэй Олкотт Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Фузайлова Виолетта Борисовна

В представленной статье рассматривается концепция трансформации Американского романа в творчестве Луизы Мэй Олкотт. Представленная статья затрагивает ключевые этапа жизни писателя и их влияние на творчество, формирование прототипов из её окружения. Рассматривается структура произведений и жанровые особенности. Проводится анализ произведений таких как «Маленькая женщина» и «Старомодная женщина». Особое значение уделяется компаративистики, структуре произведений и общих тем затрагиваемых писательницей. Рассматриваются характеры героев и приведены примеры из текста произведений. В статье затрагивается вопрос формирования американского романа, его развитие с момента зарождения и дальнейшая эволюция. В статье описана Викторианская эпоха Великобритании и ее влияние на творческое наследие Луизы Мэй Олкотт. Рассматривается романтизм и специфика данного периода, а также развитие творчества автора и почему они присущи периоду романтизма. Раскрывая тему романтизма, можно провести линию взаимосвязи и влияние других писателей на творчество Луизы Мэй Олкотт. Особое внимание уделяется героям романа. Проводится аналогия и сравнение персонажей нескольких произведений, указывается особая значимость тем, упомянутых не только в романах, но и в коротком рассказе «Три подарка для Марджори

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The article devoted Evolution of a novel in the works of American writer Louisa May Alcott and its conceptual analysis. The given article touches upon the issues of main period in life of writer and its influence on creative development and depiction hero images in works. The aim of article is to describe genre of works and its unique aspects. The article gives detailed analysis of «Little women» and «Old fashioned girl». The main part of work touches the comparative analysis, structure of works and general themes. The article describes the characters using the real examples from the text. The article presents the development of American novel and evolution in literature. The given work depicts the influence of Victorian era in Great Britain and its impact on writer. Much attention is given to Romanticism and specific aspect of literary period, and same elements in works. Analyzing Romantic movement, we can compare and demonstrate the influence of time. The purpose of article is to demonstrate the heroes in novels. The given article analyzing the images from the novels and short story «Marjorie’s Three Gifts».

Текст научной работы на тему «Эволюция романа в творчестве американской писательницы Луизы Мэй Олкотт»

Эволюция романа в творчестве американской писательницы Луизы Мэй Олкотт

Фузайлова Виолетта Борисовна,

преподаватель английского языка, кафедра дошкольного образования, Университет Пученг, Ташкент E-mail: Violetta_f2020@mail.ru

В представленной статье рассматривается концепция трансформации Американского романа в творчестве Луизы Мэй Олкотт. Представленная статья затрагивает ключевые этапа жизни писателя и их влияние на творчество, формирование прототипов из её окружения. Рассматривается структура произведений и жанровые особенности. Проводится анализ произведений таких как «Маленькая женщина» и «Старомодная женщина». Особое значение уделяется компаративистики, структуре произведений и общих тем затрагиваемых писательницей. Рассматриваются характеры героев и приведены примеры из текста произведений.

В статье затрагивается вопрос формирования американского романа, его развитие с момента зарождения и дальнейшая эволюция. В статье описана Викторианская эпоха Великобритании и ее влияние на творческое наследие Луизы Мэй Олкотт. Рассматривается романтизм и специфика данного периода, а также развитие творчества автора и почему они присущи периоду романтизма. Раскрывая тему романтизма, можно провести линию взаимосвязи и влияние других писателей на творчество Луизы Мэй Олкотт.

Особое внимание уделяется героям романа. Проводится аналогия и сравнение персонажей нескольких произведений, указывается особая значимость тем, упомянутых не только в романах, но и в коротком рассказе «Три подарка для Марджори «.

Ключевые слова: Американский роман, романтизм в литературе, семейный роман, влияние Викторианской эпохи.

The historical development of American literature started from Indian folk culture which been reflected in literature in oral form such as songs and mythical fairy tales. The 17th century, literature been influenced by new settlers from Europe who came to America for discoveries. The first important figure in the development of American novel was James Fenimore Cooper, he was the founder of combination of two elements: Indian culture and culture of European settlers. It was very valuable work for discovery American literature as separate and unique part of world literature. Indian tribal culture was the part of literature it had been expressed in myths, the folk literature was mostly in oral form, this fact been connected with low literacy skill among Native Americans.

The first American novel was «The Last of the Mohicans «written by James Fenimore Cooper in 1826. «The Last of the Mohicans «is a historical novel. The novel become well-known novel all over the world and gave the step to other American writers that continued Cooper's tradition. The other great writer of the Romantic era was Washington Irving (April 3, 1783 -November 28, 1859) with his famous work «Rip Van Winkle« (1819), a fantastic folk work with elements of Romanticism. He was the great creator of emotional nature. [1. Irving, Pierre M. (1862) «The life and letters of Washington Irving»]

Washington Irving played important role in the Romantic movement of America. The tendency of writing American novel had changed with new era or Romanticism. The Romantic Movement appeared in contradiction to Enlightenment. Many writers started to use emotional content in their works. The importance of human soul and feelings become inspiration in all spheres of cultural life. People started to think more about senses and started to write about it.

The burst of Romantic movement came to America after successful triumph in Europe. The establishment of Romanticism in America referred to the 19 century. The role of women in literature changed, and many she writers started to create masterpieces and express their thoughts, with new views on life. New writers discovered the world directed at the development of women personality, women become independent part of the society. The individuality and education become crucial for Romantic writers. American writers wanted to create new characters with their own traditions, culture and identity. The Romantic movement in America expressed senses, reason, imagination and individualism.

The American traditional literature with the elements of the British Victorian epoch moved to the problems of human being, the issues of family matter.




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The elements of Romanticism started to be a part of literature after new settlers from Great Britain. Many she writers become popular and well known all over the world. Louisa May Alcott become one of the most well-known and outstanding novel writer of American literature. Louisa May Alcott (November 29, 1832 - March 6, 1888) was born in a family of strict Puritan traditions, this fact had big influence on her works, and some of her characters were strict and conservative. Her works contain elements of Victorian era. She was the writer who described many historical events of her time. Her literary career starts novels and finished with short stories. But the novels take a special part in her creations.

Luisa May Alcott appeared with her first novel «Little women» in1868, the novel was published in two volumes. It was one of the first novels that combined elements of different genres and literary epochs. Many scholars consider that the work been published as semi-autobiographical novel. The novel has one main character Jo and many minor figures, sometimes we can see that they change the places in the novel. The minor heroes of the work are sisters, but their speech in the text is pretty figurative. The secondary characters are creators of many details that change the content in climax.

This novel was just beginning of trilogy. Louisa May Alcott been inspired with success of her novel, continued to use some heroes in her trilogy «Good wives». The second part was more romantic and sensitive, and seem to be expected by readers.

The semi-autobiographical novel contains many complicated elements. But two basic elements considered to be very semi-biographical, the facts from real life and created narration with unreal facts for the special purposes for the reader. The work written for girls and according to many characteristic, noted as work of children literature. Being a part of children literature her novels had always happy end, which fulfill reader with good feelings and emotions. The novel has description of moral sides for young ladies and teaching what is considered to be good.

The main idea of the text was to show women characters with different attitudes to life. The novel characterized as semi-autobiographical. The semi-autobiographical novel is the literary work that has real facts from life and elements of fiction. The novel «Little women «contains elements from the real events and places. The writer can change the names and places to make it more mysterious. The main theme for semi-autobiographical novel become family relationship as the model, misunderstandings and feelings as love and friendship, the negative heroes never become the main part of the plot, and at the end often change their character become positive hero. Using element of changes always makes reader excited about what will be at the end of the novel, twisted ending or expected result from events that creat major heroes. 5 The writer started the novel in the period of Victo-§ rian influence, she continued to write the novel in Romantic era and published in 1868-1869 later she con° tinued to write «Good wives «, which is the part of the 1 same plot and become a famous trilogy.

The transformation of novel to semi-autobiographical is an honest dialogue with reader. The places described in work «Little Women» are the places from Alcott's own childhood.

At the same time making analysis of structural formation in novel «Little Women» we can see many blending among the heroes, some of the characters change their functions and positions in text from the main to secondary, characterizing as «family novel». The novel describes the family, relationships among its member, the issues of intergenerational relationships. The simplicity of the language and melodic style of writer could compete with creative prose writing of Emily Dickenson. At the same time the writer criticized for simplicity of language.

The text of the novel contains the poetic details and elements of prose:

A soft strain of music sounded, and then at the back of the cave appeared a little figure in cloudy white, with glittering wings, golden hair, and a garland of roses on its head.[2.»Little women». Chapter 5.p 73]

The writer even used some combination of verses for making the text more melancholic and musical. It was very popular tendency used by many writers of her time, mostly in Great Britain.

The main character of her novel is a young women Jo, has many common facts with the real life of writer, the other images from the novel are described as people from her family and neighborhood. The biggest dream of Jo was to be a writer - it's one of the similarities of the writer's real life and the hero. Making Jo main figure she wanted to show her sympathy to her individualism, the main hero look very modern and very complicated for people of her time. Jo was the protagonist in the novel, all the events depend on her decision. Jo described as modern, beautiful and brave person.

'I'm not afraid of anything,' returned Jo, with a toss of the head. [3. «Little women». Chapter 5.p 73]

Amy is a young lady with the strong art interest and immature painter, this image been copied from the real person, her youngest sister who even makes the first art illustration for her novel, the pictures did not change since the time of illustration. The image in novel been taken from her sister May, the writer even changes the letters and uses fiction to create a new name for the hero. Meg was based on her sister Anna and even character of Beth was the prototype from Alcott's family, it was copied from her sister Lizzie. Beth has talent of playing piano, but she lives in the poor conditions of the family, dreaming about good piano.

Wouldn't some of your girls like to run over, and practice on it now and then, just to keep it in tune, you know, ma'am?' Beth took a step forward, and pressed her hands tightly together to keep from clapping them, for this was an irresistible temptation, and the thought of practicing on that splendid instrument quite took her breath away. [4.Little women». Chapter 6.p 83]

Mother and aunt are the static characters, they have the same point of view on the situation, which did not change at the end.

The falling action in the novel «Little women» is the moment of marriage of the most extraordinary charac-

ter Jo. She rejected Laurie, it was unexpected ending and the writer moved the story to more romantic side. At the end Jo get married Bhaer and work become complete masterpiece of American Romantic novel.

The novel written as semi-autobiographic one, did not stop her analysis of family problem, she continued this theme in many short stories, such as «Marjorie's three gifts». The story describes the family relationship of little girl with her grandmother and how it's important to have a dream. At the same time, author followed her tradition of poetic details in her short story too:

Let him after it go!

Or hills, dales and rocks,

Away be it whirled,

Till the silvery locks

Are all combined and curled

[5. Иностранный язык учимся у классиков. 2014.Marjorie's three gifts. p26]

In her novel «Little Women» and the short story «Marjorie's three gifts» the writer notes the magic of holidays - Christmas in «Little Women» and the birthday in «Marjorie's three gifts». Interesting correlation between a novel and a short story, illustrates the importance of this theme for the writer.

«Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents,» grumbled Jo, lying on the rug. [6. «Little women» - Chapter 1]

«Birthdays were made for presents, and I should like to give you one. Would it please you to have this little picture? [7. Иностранный язык учимся у классиков. 2014. «Marjorie's three gifts. p27]

The interesting fact of her works is that young women become main heroes of all her novels and short stories. But novels are the most popular part of her literary creation. In her novel «An old fashioned girl», writer touches different problems in plot. The main idea of the novel was to show that money cannot bring the feeling of happiness. The theme of money problems was very popular; we can follow it in almost all works. Louisa May Alcott liked to show middle class people, who were educated but were limited in money. The

idea of individualism and beauty of human soul often noted in her famous novels.

The novels in American literature changed not only structurally but content had slightly changed to the expressing of thoughts and feelings. But moral as literary element stayed at the end as important aspect of literary analysis for reader. All the novels written by Louisa May Alcott still popular and publish, because of simple language that can understand all people, positive moments that always gives the ending of her books and human feelings that still stays as important part of human life.


Fuzaylova V.B.

Bucheon University in Tashkent

The article devoted Evolution of a novel in the works of American writer Louisa May Alcott and its conceptual analysis. The given article touches upon the issues of main period in life of writer and its influence on creative development and depiction hero images in works. The aim of article is to describe genre of works and its unique aspects. The article gives detailed analysis of «Little women» and «Old fashioned girl». The main part of work touches the comparative analysis, structure of works and general themes. The article describes the characters using the real examples from the text. The article presents the development of American novel and evolution in literature. The given work depicts the influence of Victorian era in Great Britain and its impact on writer. Much attention is given to Romanticism and specific aspect of literary period, and same elements in works. Analyzing Romantic movement, we can compare and demonstrate the influence of time. The purpose of article is to demonstrate the heroes in novels. The given article analyzing the images from the novels and short story «Marjorie's Three Gifts».

Keywords: American novel, romanticism in literature, family novel, influence of Victorian era.


1. Irving, Pierre M. (1862) "The life and letters of Washington Irving"

2. «Little women». Chapter 5.p 73

3. «Little women». Chapter 5.p 75

4. Little women». Chapter 6.p 83

5. Foreign language. Study from classics. 2014.Marjorie's three gifts. p26

6. «Little women»- Chapter 1

7. Foreign language. Study from classics. 2014. «Marjorie's three gifts. p. 27

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