DISEASES 1 2 Sobirov M.A. , Mirzakarimova D.B.
1Sobirov Muhammadjon Abdurafiq ugli - Master, SPECIALIZATION: INFECTIOUS DISEASES;
2Mirzakarimova Dildora Bahodirovna - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department,
Abstract: at the present stage of development of society, the basis of the fight against infectious pathology is immunoprophylaxis. According to WHO experts, over the past century, human life expectancy has increased by an average of 30 years, including 25 years due to vaccinations. Changes in attitudes (modernization) in relation to immunoprophylaxis are reflected in regulatory documents at the regional levels. The National Calendar of Preventive Vaccinations 1997, 2001, 2008, 2011) allowed to increase the coverage of preventive vaccinations to 9699% for all vaccinated infections. Keywords: parasitic diseases, prevention, vaccination.
БОЛЕЗНИ 12 Собиров М.А. , Мирзакаримова Д.Б.
1Собиров Мухаммаджон Абдурафик угли - магистр, специализация: инфекционные болезни;
2Мирзакаримова Дилдора Баходировна - кандидат медицинских наук, доцент, заведующая кафедрой,
кафедра инфекционных болезней, Андижанский государственный медицинский институт, г. Андижан, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: на современном этапе развития общества основой борьбы с инфекционной патологией является иммунопрофилактика. По подсчетам специалистов ВОЗ за последнее столетие продолжительность жизни человека увеличилась в среднем на 30 лет, из них на 25 лет - благодаря прививкам. Изменения взглядов (модернизация) в отношении иммунопрофилактики нашли отражение в нормативных документах регионального уровня. Национальный календарь профилактических прививок 1997, 2001, 2008, 2011 г.г.) позволил довести охват профилактическими прививками до 96-99% по всем прививаемым инфекциям.
Ключевые слова: паразитарная заболевания, профилактика, вакцинация.
UDC 6181-072-019
Relevance. It has long been established that the most common among patients throughout the world are intestinal parasitosis [5]. Despite the enormous efforts made to combat them, the achievements are far from desirable. At the same time, new aspects of the socio-economic significance of intestinal parasitosis are revealed, in particular, their impact on the physical and mental development of children, on the increase in various morbidity among them [2, 6].
All this makes us look for new, non-traditional approaches to limit the spread of parasitosis both in general and their individual groups and nosologies [1, 7].
Among them, we should especially note the measures of genetic control of susceptibility and resistance to parasitic diseases, measures for assessing methods for controlling intestinal parasitosis, the hypothesis of selective change and avoidance of parasites from immune effects, the development of new approaches in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of invasions among patients, sanitary and hygienic education children. Naturally, the implementation of new approaches, the main goal of which is to reduce the incidence of intestinal parasites among children and thereby create favorable conditions for improving their health, possibly through new, special studies[4]
The plague epidemics, from which a third of the population of Europe died out in the Middle Ages, have long ceased; people forgot about smallpox, which in the XVH-XVIII centuries, about 10 million people fell ill every year; the polio vaccine received its miraculous effect; the incidence of many childhood infections has decreased [6].
If we leave aside the views on the disease as God's punishment, then even in the Middle Ages, doctors noted that infection usually occurs during an epidemic. At the same time, it is known that one infected person does not get sick at all or responds only with an immune reaction, the second remains a clinically healthy carrier of the infectious agent, the third suffers the disease in a mild or erased form, the fourth in a typical form, including severe, the fifth dies from it.
Mechanisms that prevent the penetration of pathogens into the macroorganism and their reproduction can be divided into non-specific (play a role in contact with any or many pathogens) and specific (directed against one
specific pathogen). There is a kind of synergy between the mechanisms of resistance and immunity, which enhances protection [7].
Purpose of the study. The purpose of the study was to study the role of nursing staff in the organization of vaccination, to study the awareness of parents about the vaccination of their children and the attitude towards vaccination in general.
Materials and methods of research. Methods used: the method of theoretical analysis of literary sources and normative documentation, questioning, empirical, mathematical statistics and analytical.
Results of the study. In medical practice, there are still no conditions for determining the level of antibodies in all vaccinated, although serological monitoring is widely used to assess herd immunity, and serological screening is used to select contingents of people when testing new vaccines.
Ideally, it is desirable to know the potential ability of each person to develop immunity against pathogens of specific infections even before vaccination. The problem of predicting the development of immunity to a vaccine in individuals is practically not developed.
Immunological personalization of vaccination can be carried out through the selection of vaccines (among unidirectional drugs), the choice of doses, vaccine administration schedules, the use of adjuvants and other immunomodulating agents.
It is believed that the total number of people who need to correct the development of immunity is 25% of all vaccinated people. Annual statistical reports of a medical institution, analytical reports, questionnaires, vaccination cards.
As a result of the survey, it turned out that 71.8% of the parents surveyed would like to receive information about vaccination from medical workers; 13% - from disseminated information materials; 8.7% - from the media and 6.5% - from friends and relatives.
It follows that in order to achieve and maintain the results achieved in terms of vaccination at the proper level, competent, intelligent and well-trained nursing professionals are needed who must know the methods of prevention and be able to organize their work, as well as actively interact with the population in promoting preventive vaccinations. To improve the effectiveness of vaccination of children and adolescents, nurses must strictly comply with regulatory requirements.
Conclusion. The data obtained as a result of the study made it possible to determine the role of nursing staff in the organization of vaccination, and also helped to develop proposals for improving the quality of preventive work at the outpatient stage.
References / Список литературы
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