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УДК : 378.091.26:378.018.43:616.9-053.2:[378.4:61(477.85)]
Ivanova L.A.,
PhD, Professor of Department of Pediatrics and Children Infectious Diseases of Bukovinian State Medical
University, Teatralna Sq., 2, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 58002
Horbatiuk I. B.,
PhD, Assistant of Department of Pediatrics and Children Infectious Diseases of Bukovinian State Medical
University, Teatralna Sq., 2, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 58002
Horbatiuk Ir.B.
PhD, Assistant of Department ofInternal Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology and Occupational Diseases of Bukovinian State Medical University, Teatralna Sq., 2, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 58002
DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-996-47-49
The research was conducted with using the author's questionnaire "Student Survey on Online Learning", developed on the basis of the Google form and aimed at improving the educational process. This form of education was accompanied with an ambiguous attitude of all participants in the learning process, as it depended on the conditions and features of learning.
Keywords: distance learning, students .
In 2020, due to the spread of Covid-19 coronavirus infection all around the world and the announcement by the World Health Organization of a coronavirus pandemic, universities in all countries were forced to go to an online learning format. The forced transition to distance learning, associated with the pandemic, has led to changes in the system of organization of the learning process. There is a need for rapid reformatting from contact/traditional form of distance learning to ensure the continuity of the educational process in partial or complete isolation.
Distance learning is an independent form of learning [1], where the interaction between a teacher and students is carried out at a distance, ie online, which reflects all the components inherent in the educational process (goals, content, methods, organizational forms, teaching aids) and implemented by specific means the Internet technologies or other means that provide interactivity [2]. Distance learning can be carried out in synchronous and asynchronous modes. Synchronous format means real-time collaboration. Its advantage is that it is possible to involve participants instantly and at a certain time. Asynchronous learning allows students to work at their own pace and at a convenient time.
In the first decade of the XXI century there was a significant shift of educational systems towards online education [3]. Over the last 30 years, distance education is gaining momentum and maintains its position in the
field of education. As a type of formal learning, distance learning is an important aspect in different educational institutions through the use of different technological applications that connect students with their teachers [4-5]. Currently, computer technology allow you to implement meaningful learning processes at any distance within the structure of the student-teacher system [6].
Distance learning has many positive qualities. First of all, students are given the opportunity to study at home [7]. Moreover, there are many educational tasks that allow students to adapt their curriculum without following a structured schedule. Thus, distance learning programs provide students with flexibility in choosing a course of study, without wasting time, as students can participate in the learning process from home [8]. In addition, for those who want to improve their professional and academic skills without leaving their jobs, distance education is often the only one alternative [9]. Of course, there are disadvantages of this method of training, but in the situation that occured in 2020 - the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, it proved to be the most effective [10].
In this regard, we assume that the results of the study will identify the positive aspects and existing problems of distance learning and will have practical importance for its further improvement.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the results of the study of the discipline "Pediatric Infectious Diseases" by the 6th year students of Bukovinian State Medical University in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic to improve the educational process.
Materials and methods of research. The research was conducted with using the author's questionnaire "Student Survey on Online Learning", developed on the basis of the Google form and aimed at improving the educational process. The survey was attended by 71 students of the medical faculty №1 and №2, specialty "Medical Affairs" of Bukovinian State Medical University, who studied the discipline "Children's Infectious Diseases" in the 6th year. The period of the survey lasted from April 9, 2020 to May 12, 2020.
Before the questionnaire, the students were explained with the purpose of the study. Participation was voluntary, and the respondent had the opportunity to opt out of the survey at any time. All responses were anonymous.
Results and discussion. Distance learning at Bukovinian State Medical University was carried out with using the video conferencing service Google Meet. Practical classes were conducted in synchronous mode, lectures were in asynchronous mode by publishing presentations of lectures, video lectures and other necessary teaching materials on the distance learning on the University server of distance learning "Moodle". The curriculum of the discipline "Children's Infectious Diseases" in the 6th year provides only practical classes, so teachers were engaged with students only in synchronous mode.
With the help of the Google Meet service, the teacher has the opportunity to conduct a screen demonstration, which allows you to provide high-quality and effective learning process, even online. In particular, during the classes was performed visualization of situ-ational tasks, excerpts from medical history, photos of patients, data from laboratory tests, test tasks, radiographs, videos, etc. Students were also able to demonstrate their screen, and in such way to describe unclear situations and questions that arose during the lesson in real time, that provided quality "feedback".
During the practical classes, the control of students' knowledge was carried out mainly through a discussion of current control issues on the subject of the lesson. However, sometimes such control methods were used as an individual task with the subsequent sending of the result of its solution to the teacher's email. It turned out to be quite convenient and objective to use the Google form, which is an effective tool with which you can easily and quickly plan events, compile surveys and questionnaires, as well as collect other information. The form can be linked to a Google spreadsheet, and then respondents' answers will be automatically stored in it. Using the Google form also allows the teacher to save time on checking assignments and objectifying the results.
To perform individual independent work of the student, it was proposed to cover topics that were submitted for independent study by holding a student miniconference (within one or two groups) in the format of "feedback". Students presented the prepared material in
the form of a demonstration presentation and discussion of a particular clinical case based on articles from domestic and foreign publications.
The final module control consisted of 2 parts: test control (testing on the distance learning server Moodle and using Google form in real time) and control of students' knowledge (interview).
To assess the quality and effectiveness of distance learning in the study of the discipline "Pediatric Infectious Diseases" of the 6th year students majoring in "Medical Affairs" were analyzed the results of a survey of 71 respondents. Among the respondents 67.2% were females, 33.8% - males. The survey found that 94.4% of students were satisfied with distance learning, and only 5.6% of students were dissatisfied. Our survey results coincided with the average data of surveys conducted in a number of countries, including those with previous experience of online learning [11]. However, respondents subsequently indicated that the estimated/desired percentage of classes for the online format should be between 25% and 65%, and only to discuss theoretical issues. Regarding the study of the practical part of the discipline, the vast majority of respondents expressed a desire to study only offline.
In the context of online learning, the share of respondents who noted an increase of time for self-preparation for practical classes was 63.4%, for a third of students studying in quarantine did not affect the search for information in any way. Almost the same share of students (60.6%) indicated the intensification of self-study while at home. Among the factors that make it difficult to study online 33.8% of respondents said personal disorganization was the need to combine study and work - 26.8%, excessive workload - 7%, frustration in the online format - 2.8%, problems with the Internet - 1.4% and only 1.4% of respondents do not experience difficulties, but on the contrary indicate that this format facilitates learning.
The share of students using the distance learning server "Moodle" reaches 91.5%. At the same time, 67.6% of respondents noted the high quality of the material posted on the distance learning server. Students also point out that under the guidance of the teacher, various open online resources are involved in the preparation for classes, including English-language medical platforms.
Among the positive aspects of distance learning, the vast majority of students indicate convenience, time saving to get workplace, high accessibility regardless of location, almost 100% attendance, no delays, comfortable and favorable conditions for learning, absence of stressors (there is no classroom/being late for a class). Regarding the negative aspects, respondents almost unanimously note the lack of access to the patients, and thus the reduction of the quality of the practical part of training.
Conclusions. The study of the discipline "Pediatric Infectious Diseases" by the 6th year students of Bu-kovinian State Medical University in a pandemic was carried out with supporting a video conference service Google Meet using interactive information technology under the guidance of a teacher in synchronous mode.
This form of education was accompanied with an ambiguous attitude of all participants in the learning process, as it depended on the conditions and features of learning.
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