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UDC 551.4
J. Ya. Gasimov
Graduate student, junior researcher (ANAS Institute of Geography named after academician H. A. Aliyev, Baku, Azerbaijan)
Abstract. he anthropogenic factors affecting the ecogeomorphological conditions in the The Eastern Kura depression analyzes in detail. According to the reviewed literature theoretical base of human effects on geomor-phological environment and modern situation of human activity were analyzed in the studied area. With the application of Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies, on the base of remote sensing (RS) data the density of the irrigation network has been computed and mapped. Ecogeomorphological assessment and zoning of the territory has been carried out. According to the comparative analysis of horizontal (stream network) and anthropogenic (irrigation network) fragmentation it was determined that the estimated maximum cost of anthropogenic fragmentation in the study area is 2.5 times higher than natural horizontal fragmentation.
Keywords: anthropogenic factor, ecogeomorphological condition, irrigation, GIS, RS.
Introduction. The human role in geomorphic change has significant value in better assessment and prediction of risk and management of potentially hazardous events. Anthropogenic impacts such as slope angle change, leaking pipes, increased loading or other alterations to drainage etc. may cause such geomor-phic processes like landsliding and sinkhole formation etc [5]. Relationships between geomorphological environment and human may develop in two ways: a) geomorphological environment is mainly passive in relation to human (active). In other words, a geomorphological resource may be altered or destroyed by human activity (e.g., mining industry); b) geomorphological environment is mainly active in relation to human (passive). In other words, a hazard (e.g., earthquake, landslide, flooding) may damage or destroy buildings or infrastructures [9].
The direct and indirect way of anthropogenic impact is also reflected in relief, as in other landscape components. Direct positive impacts include "conscious change" of the relief (including recultivation, prevention of harmful exogenous processes, slope terracing, phyto-melioration etc.), direct negative impacts include: oil and gas mining, quarrying, road building, alteration of fluvial systems, sedimentary record, etc., and the indirect adverse impacts caused by improper agricultural and tourism practices have been resulted in the development of harmful relief processes such as: soil and gully erosion, landslide, salinization, swamping etc. [7, 8, 18]. Anthropogenic features may be symbolic, habitation, transport/exchange, subsistence, mining, water infrastructure, waste disposal, warfare etc. [20]. Thus, most studies conducted in the field of anthropogenic effects on ecogeomorphological conditions express their theoretical provisions. However, studies on the evaluation of anthropogenic effects and quantitative comparative analysis and generally complex zoning of the studied area for anthropogenic impacts have not been conducted. From this point of view, the presented research work is of significant scientific and practical importance.
The Eastern Kura depression, which is an important agricultural region and constitutes more than 30% of the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic, with a number of international and regional transport corridors (International Silk Road, North- Southern corridor, Baku-Tbilisi-Jeyhan oil pipeline, TANAP gas pipeline, etc.), communication lines, Kura-Baku drinking water pipeline require detailed ecogeomorphological researches here. Various types of endogenous (mud volcanism, modern tectonic movements, seismicity) and exogenous (fluvial, arid-denudation, thalassogenic, swampy and salinity) relief formation processes, including anthropogenic factors (irrigation erosion, intensive grazing, exploitation of oil and gas deposits,
construction materials, etc.) create more complicated ecogeomorphological conditions and increase the relevance of the research [6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19].
The object of the study, methods and data. The study area lies in the northern hemisphere between latitudes 38°49'09" - 40°51'48,71" N and longitudes 46°40'53,61" - 49°35'23,41" E in the east of Greenwich (figure 1).
Figure 1 - The location map of the Eastern Kura depression
According to the scheme of the geomorphological division of the territory of Azerbaijan Republic, the studied area consists of Shirvan, Southeastern Shirvan, plains along Kura river, Mugan, Salyan geomorphological districts of the sub region of Kur-Araz lowlands and the districts of Alat, Harami of the sub region of Jeyranchol-Ajinohur range and the Mil, Garabagh district of the Lesser Caucasus sloping plains sub region of the region of the Kura depression of the South Caucasus province (Alizade et al., 2014-2). For economic-geographical zoning parts the Eastern Kura depression includes most of the Aran's economic-geographical region and the parts of Baku, Absheron, Gobustan, Shamakhi, Agsu, Ismayilli, Gabala, Shaki, Goranboy, Tartar, Aghdam, Khojavand, Fuzuli administrative regions.
Due to the quantitative estimation of the anthropogenic factors affecting the ecogeomorphological conditions of the Eastern Kura depression, the horizontal fragmentation density of the irrigation network was calculated. For this purpose, a geodatabase of main, inter-farm and intra-farm irrigation canals and collector-drainage network has been created. As a source of information, satellite images (Landsat 8 OLI&TIRS (2019) and 1: 100 000 scale topographic maps were used. At the next stage, the geodatabase was statistically analyzed with the application of ArcGIS 10.5, and ecogeomorphological assessment with an evaluation of 8 points and an ecogeomorphological zoning of Kura-Araz lowland and surrounding areas was carried out.
Results and discussion. Anthropogenic factors affecting the ecogeomorphological conditions of the Eastern Kura depression in the modern era include man-caused activities (oil and gas extraction, building
Figure 2 - Anthropogenic impact map in the Eastern Kura depression
materials production, construction and exploitation of irrigation systems), artificial irrigation, pasture-cattle breeding, settlements and etc (figure 2). The Eastern Kura depression is an important agricultural region but also an area of international importance, where the Silk Road, the North-South transport corridors pass. In addition to it, the highways of national importance in the depression, local and rural, urban and interurban roads, with asphalt and ground cover, and railways of international importance have some influence on the environmental conditions of the studied area [3].
The Eastern Kura depression is the second region in the country after the Absheron peninsula for oil and gas reserves on land. In the Yevlakh-Agjabedi and Lower Kura districts located in the Eastern Kura depression, oil and gas deposits were found in the Maykop, Eocene and Upper Chalk sediments except for the Productive layer. In the lower Kura basin, the area of Muradkhanli (1971), Jafarli (1981) and Zardab (1984) (Imishli district), Mollakend (Kurdamir district), Kurovdag (1955), Kursengi (1962), Garabaghli (1962) (Salyan region), Mishovdag (1956) and Kalamaddin (Shirvan city), Neftchala, Durovdag-Babazan (Neftchala district) are being exploited. 1451.7 sq. km in the blocks of oil fields Neftchala and Durovdag-Babazan, 446 in Mishovdag and Kalamaddin oil and gas blocks have been polluted with various types of crude oil and mining waters [11].
The wide spread of sediments also influences the availability of raw materials for the construction industry in these areas. In general, up to 13% of the construction materials produced in the country due to Kura depression. In Mingachevir and Shirvan cities, Bilasuvar, Sabirabad, Imishli, Neftchala regions and etc. construction materials production plants, sand and gravel quarries have led to the contamination of surrounding areas by spillage materials, deflation, erosion, and waste banks [11].
The Eastern Kura depression is specialized in agricultural cotton growing, viticulture, grain growing, feed supply, as well as dry subtropical fruits (pomegranate, quince, date), gardening, vegetable growing, fishing, winter pasture and cattle breeding. During the cold half of the year intensive overgrazing of large
and small horned animals has led to the degradation of natural vegetation, surface and linear erosion, acceleration of aeolian processes. The intensive development of aeolian processes in the areas devoid of vegetation cover also cause significant damages to adjacent sown areas. The destruction of the Tugay forests on the banks of Kura River resulted in a disturbance of the ecological balance generally [1].
The arid climatic conditions (semi-desert and dry step climate) dominated in the Eastern Kura depression, where agriculture developed since ancient times, caused the cultivation here to be carried out only by artificial irrigation. Palaeo-geographical and archaeological research materials allow us to refer to the development of the irrigation system on the Kura-Araz plain in the first millennium BC. Traces of ancient irrigation canals can still be found on the Mil-Karabakh Plain (Gavurarkh, Yerchiarkh, Dashchayarkh aincent canals, etc.), and in the southeastern Shirvan (Khanarkh and Gumluvararkh aincent canals).
The hydrological regime and environmental conditions of the Eastern Kura depression have been significantly altered through irrigation systems such as Mingachevir Reservoir, Upper Shirvan (123 km) and Upper Karabakh (172.4 km) canals, Bahramtapa hydropower station (6-7 m height of dump) and the Rasularkh (51 km, irrigating 18.3 thousand ha), the main Mugan (34 km, irrigating 65 thousand ha), Azizbeyov (46 km, irrigating 37 thousand ha) canals, the Mil-Mugan hydropower station (40 m height of concrete dump, with length of 1026 m) and the main Mil canal (37.1 km), etc. Along the main canals there are large settlement and planting areas, orchards, intra-farm and inter-farm distribution channels, a dense network of drainage and collectors, and other anthropogenic complexes. Perennial irrigation and melioration measures caused generating of anthropogenic relief forms here [10].
The irrigation network, which creates an ecogeomorphological tension in the studied area and is the main anthropogenic factor has a large impact scale [4]. The researches show that in the Eastern Kura depression agro-aggregate sediments with a thickness of 1-1.5 m were collected from irrigation since ancient times (Yunusov, 1998). Anthropogenic horizontally fragmentation indicators were calculated and mapped based on the created geodatabase of irrigation network. The density of the irrigation network ranging from 0 to 7.23 km/ is estimated at 1-8 points. Four ecogeomorphological districts were distinguished in the study area based on tension prices: weak (1 point), moderate (2 points), medium (3-4 points) and high (5-8 points) tension regions. An ecogeomorphological map for the anthropogenic impact of the Eastern Kura depression has been compiled using the ArcGIS 10.5 / ArcMap application (figure 3).
The weak-tension (1 point) ecogeomorphological regions compose 28,222% of the total area (7394,359 sq. km), include inner depression uplands, ridges that are unfavorable, unappropriated and poorly adapted for economic activity. The southeastern Shirvan, Salyan plains, Hajiyolchu salinity, Sarisu lake-marsh system, where intensively developed deflation and salinization, swamping processes, and Caspian Sea shore zone where abrasion is observed, constitute this region.
The moderate tension (2 points) ecogeomorphological region is observed in the Shirvan, Sabaduzu and Navahi plains, Southeastern Shirvan, Southern Salyan, Southern Mugan plains, Northern Lankaran lowland, Eastern Mil and Garabagh plains. The region has 7789,135 sq. km and is 29,729% ofthe total area. Moderate tension regions, which are partly favourable for economic activity, are characterized by alluvial, alluvial-proluvial, alluvial-lake-flow, alluvial-sea, alluvial-delta, proluvial-deluvial, deluvial exogenous processes, which have positive influence. Such negative exogenous processes like flood and erosion of banks along Kura and Araz river, gully and gorge erosion in Sabaduzu plain, aeolian processes and salinization in Navahi, southeastern Shirvan and southern Mugan plains, intensive swampy processes in Gizilaghaj bay and Sarisu lake-marsh are observed.
The medium tension (3-4 points) ecogeomorphological region covers 23,918% (6266,749 sq. km) of the total area. This region includes Shirvan plain, Navahi depression, parts of Mil and Garabagh plains located between Kura river and Upper Garabagh-Main Mil canals. The medium tension ecogeomorphological region is observed locally in the areas that is situated in the west of Upper Garabagh - Main Mil canal, also in southeastern Shirvan, Salyan, Northern Mugan plains, Lankaran lowland. Exemplary processes are characteristic of the meduim tension region, which is typical for moderate tension. Density of irrigation network within the district is 1-2 km/sq. km.
The high tension (5-8 points) ecogeomorphological region has 4750,603 sq. km area and constitutes 18,131% of the total area. High tension district covers the eastern part of Shirvan, Southeastern Shirvan, Salyan, Northern Mugan plains, Lankaran lowland, Mil and Garabagh plains, where intensive development
Figure 3 - Distribution Map for Anthropogenic Tension in the Eastern Kura depression
Horizontal and anthropogenic fragmentation indicators in eastern Kura depression
I I Horizontal ■ Anthropogenic
Figure 4 - Area indicators of natural and anthropogenous horizontal fragmentation in the Eastern Kura depression
of irrigation erosion occurs. The density of the irrigation network within the district varies from 2 to 7,2 km/ The positive exogenous processes in moderate and medium tension regions are also observed in high tension regions. This has created favorable conditions for the development of irrigation agriculture in the mentioned area. However, intrinsic anthropogenic effects within the high tension region resulted in a number of adverse exogeneous processes. Expiry of the main line, intra-farm and inter-farm canals, as well as poor irrigation and drenage have led to the infiltration of irrigation water in the irrigated areas, the increase in ground water levels, and the swamping and salinization processes.
Conclusions and proposals. A comparative analysis of natural and anthropogenic impacts on the eco-geomorphological conditions of the studied area was performed on the natural horizontal (stream network) and anthropogenic (irrigation network) fragmentation. As the amount of fragmantation increased, natural horizontal fragmentation showed a decrease in the same irradiation compared with anthropogenic fragmentation (figure 4). The estimated maximum cost of anthropogenic fragmentation (7,23 km/sq. km) in the study area is 2,5 times higher than natural horizontal fragmentation (2,92 km/sq. km). This proportion also gives the total length of relief forms as a result of linear erosion (21,37% of the total length is natural, and 78,63% is the length of relief forms formed by the influence of anthropogenic factors). 7,19% of the total length of the irrigation network falls on trunk, 3,75% in intra-farm, and 89,06% in small inter-farm canals.
In order to prevent the development of swamping, saline and erosion processes along the trunk and intra-farm canals in the Eastern Kura depression, first of all, it is important deepening the bottom of these canals, and cover with concrete, asphalt-concrete, bitumen, special clay, etc. on the surface. It is important improvement of the taking irrigation water from the canals and to adhere to the irrigation norm. Also, the maximum and minimum levels of water in the canals and collectors should be strictly controlled not to exceed the intended scope of the project, and repairs should be carried out in a timely manner. It is necessary to pass from the classic method of irrigation to the modern drip irrigation method.
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Дж. Я. Касумов
Аспирант, шш1 гылыми кызметкер1 (Академик Г. А. Элиев атындагы нан География институты, Баку, Эз1рбайжан)
Аннотация. Курин депрессиясыньщ шыгыс белтндеп экогеоморфологияльщ жагдайларга эсер ететш антропогендж факторлар егжей-тегжейл талданады. Адамнын геоморфологиялык ортага эсер етушщ тео-риялык непздер1 талданды. ГИС-технологияларды колдана отырып, кашыктыктан зондтау (ДБ) деректер1 непз1нде суару желюшщ тыгыздыгы есептелген жэне карталанган. Аумакты экогеоморфологиялык багалау жэне аудандастыру журпз1лд1. Белшектеудщ келденен (долина желю1) жэне антропогендж (ирригациялык жел1) тыгыздыгынын салыстырмалы талдауына сэйкес зерттелетш аймакта антропогендж белшектенудщ орташа к¥ны табиги келденен Караганда 2,5 есе жогары екендт аныкталды.
ТYЙiн сездер: антропогендж фактор, экогеоморфологиялык жагдай, ирригация, ГИС, ДЗ.
Дж. Я. Касумов
Аспирант, младший научный сотрудник (Институт географии НАНА им. академика Г. А. Алиева, Баку, Азербайджан)
Аннотация. Детально проанализированы антропогенные факторы, влияющие на экогеоморфологические условия в восточной части Куринской депрессии. Рассмотрены теоретические основы воздействия человека на геоморфологическую среду. С применением ГИС-технологий на основе данных дистанционного зондирования (ДЗ) была рассчитана и закартирована плотность оросительной сети. Проведены экогеоморфо-логическая оценка и районирование территории. Согласно сравнительному анализу горизонтальной (долинная сеть) и антропогенной (ирригационная сеть) плотности расчленения было установлено, что вычисленная максимальная стоимость антропогенной расчлененности в исследуемой зоне в 2,5 раза выше, чем таковая естественная горизонтальная.
Ключевые слова: антропогенный фактор, экогеоморфологическое состояние, ирригация, ГИС, ДЗ.