ETHNIC DIALOGUE OF THE AFGHAN PEOPLE: STABILITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Ключевые слова
ethnogenesis / pashtunocentrism / Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan / Pashtuns / Tajiks / Uzbeks. / этногенез / пуштуноцентризм / Афғонистон Ислом Амирлиги / пуштунлар / тожиклар / ўзбеклар.

Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Djumaev, Rustam

The relevance of this topic is determined by the state of the modern system of international relations, the growing interconnection of economic globalization and the world as a whole, and the situation at any point in it affects the entire globe. The development of mankind is greatly influenced by the situation in less developed countries of the world, which means that it cannot be said before what consequences the instability of the military-political situation in them will have. Afghanistan, which is experiencing the longest armed conflicts today, is a clear example of this. The civil war led to the disintegration of the Afghan people. One of the important indicators of these processes is the absence of a strong central authority and the continued ethnic division of the country. The fact that the civil war has been going on for more than 30 years testifies to the growing tension and deepening in the framework of ethnic relations. The main solution of the national issue in the socio-political life of the country is one of the difficult problems. Although the roots of this crisis date back to the long history of Afghan statehood, there was not much that it manifested itself in this appearance. Studying the ethnic and national composition of the civil war in Afghanistan will help to find the dynamics and solution of its development. The development of any qualification is directly greatly influenced by ethno-cultural processes. In this case, the analysis of the ethnic situation of the Afghan state over the past 250 years becomes extremely important.

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Ушбу мавзунинг долзарблиги замонавий халқаро муносабатлар тизимининг ҳолати, иқтисодий глобаллашув ва умуман дунёнинг тобора ортиб бораётган ўзаро боғлиқлиги ва унинг исталган нуқтасидаги вазият бутун ер шарига таъсир ўтказиши билан белгиланади. Инсоният тараққиётига дунёнинг кам ривожланган мамлакатларидаги ҳолат катта таъсир кўрсатмоқда, яъни улардаги ҳарбий-сиёсий вазиятнинг беқарорлиги қандай оқибатларга олиб келишини олдин айтиб бўлмайди. Бугунги кунда энг узун қуролли тўқнашувларни бошидан кечираётган Афғонистон бунга яққол мисол бўла олади. Фуқаролар уруши афғон халқининг парчаланишига олиб келди. Ушбу жараёнларнинг муҳим кўрсаткичларидан бири – кучли марказий ҳокимиятнинг йўқлиги ва мамлакатнинг этник жиҳатдан бўлинишининг давом этаётганлигидир. Фуқаролар урушининг 30 йилдан ошиқроқ вақт мобайнида давом этаётганлиги этник муносабатлар доирасидаги кескинликнинг ортаётганлиги ва чуқурлашиб бораётганидан далолат беради. Миллий масала мамлакат ижтимоий-сиёсий ҳаётидаги асосий ечими қийин муаммолардан бири ҳисобланади. Ушбу инқироз илдизлари афғон давлатчилиги узоқ тарихига бори тақалса-да, айнан ушбу кўринишда ўзини намоён қилганига кўп бўлмади. Афғонистондаги фуқаролар урушининг этник ва миллий таркибини ўрганиш, унинг ривожланиш динамикаси ва ечимини топишга ёрдам беради. Ҳар қандай малакатнинг ривожланишига этносиёсий жараёнлар бевосита катта таъсир кўрсатади. Ушбу холатда афғон давлатининг охирги 250 йил мобайнидаги этник вазиятини таҳлил қилиш ўта муҳим аҳамият касб этади.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7


Djumaev Rustam

Doctor of political science, professor at Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, 100060, Tashkent city, Amir Temur street 20, Rustamjuma60@yandex.ru,Tel+998 97 773 32 62


The relevance of this topic is determined by the state of the modern system of international relations, the growing interconnection of economic globalization and the world as a whole, and the situation at any point in it affects the entire globe. The development of mankind is greatly influenced by the situation in less developed countries of the world, which means that it cannot be said before what consequences the instability of the military-political situation in them will have. Afghanistan, which is experiencing the longest armed conflicts today, is a clear example of this. The civil war led to the disintegration of the Afghan people. One of the important indicators of these processes is the absence of a strong central authority and the continued ethnic division of the country. The fact that the civil war has been going on for more than 30 years testifies to the growing tension and deepening in the framework of ethnic relations. The main solution of the national issue in the socio-political life of the country is one of the difficult problems. Although the roots of this crisis date back to the long history of Afghan statehood, there was not much that it manifested itself in this appearance. Studying the ethnic and national composition of the civil war in Afghanistan will help to find the dynamics and solution of its development. The development of any qualification is directly greatly influenced by ethno-cultural processes. In this case, the analysis of the ethnic situation of the Afghan state over the past 250 years becomes extremely important.

Keywords: ethnogenesis, pashtunocentrism, Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Pashtuns, Tajiks, Uzbeks.


Ушбу мавзунинг долзарблиги замонавий халцаро муносабатлар тизимининг уолати, ицтисодий глобаллашув ва умуман дунёнинг тобора ортиб бораётган узаро боглицлиги ва унинг исталган нуцтасидаги вазият бутун ер шарига таъсир утказиши билан белгиланади. Инсоният тарацциётига дунёнинг кам ривожланган мамлакатларидаги уолат катта таъсир

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

курсатмоцда, яъни улардаги уарбий-сиёсий вазиятнинг бецарорлиги цандай оцибатларга олиб келишини олдин айтиб булмайди. Бугунги кунда энг узун цуролли туцнашувларни бошидан кечираётган Афгонистон бунга яццол мисол була олади. Фуцаролар уруши афгон халцининг парчаланишига олиб келди. Ушбу жараёнларнинг мууим курсаткичларидан бири - кучли марказий уокимиятнинг йуцлиги ва мамлакатнинг этник жщатдан булинишининг давом этаётганлигидир. Фуцаролар урушининг 30 йилдан ошицроц вацт мобайнида давом этаётганлиги этник муносабатлар доирасидаги кескинликнинг ортаётганлиги ва чуцурлашиб бораётганидан далолат беради. Миллий масала мамлакат ижтимоий-сиёсий уаётидаги асосий ечими цийин муаммолардан бири уисобланади. Ушбу инцироз илдизлари афгон давлатчилиги узоц тарихига бори тацалса-да, айнан ушбу куринишда узини намоён цилганига куп булмади. Афгонистондаги фуцаролар урушининг этник ва миллий таркибини урганиш, унинг ривожланиш динамикаси ва ечимини топишга ёрдам беради. Х,ар цандай малакатнинг ривожланишига этносиёсий жараёнлар бевосита катта таъсир курсатади. Ушбу холатда афгон давлатининг охирги 250 йил мобайнидаги этник вазиятини таулил цилиш ута мууим ауамият касб этади.

Калит сузлар: этногенез, пуштуноцентризм, Афгонистон Ислом Амирлиги, пуштунлар, тожиклар, узбеклар.


Ethnogenesis is the origin of nations. Ethnogenesis (Greek ethnos - people and genesis - birth, origin; English - ethnogenesis; German - ethnogenose) is the origin of ethnos. Ethnogenesis refers to the emergence of a new ethnic group based on several existing ethnic components. In the process of ethnogenesis, ethnos defining: territorial, linguistic and ethnocultural unity, unity of identity, ethnic name (ethnonym), socio-economic and economic unity, unity of political association, unity of religion, and a number of other ethnic signs are important. An ethno-nation is formed only when all these ethnic signs and symbols occur. The history of each nation is inextricably linked with its ethnogenesis and ethnic history Ethnic unity is a separate stable ethnic association of people formed in a certain historical period and social system.


Pashtunocentrism, created by Afghan kavms, remained in society until 1978, with the support of the tribes of the Eastern Region and the khakimim of the reception. The involvement of mainly Pashtuns power and the removal of

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, p VOLUME 21 ISSUE 10

educational, natural and social sciences -------- JtV ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor Q SJIF 2022:5.947

Advanced Sciences Index Factor ASI Factor = 1.7

representatives of other nationalities from power led to a violation of relations between Pashtuns and other few ethnic groups, and this, , led to a political crisis, this situation led to a weakening of stability in Afghanistan, as well as central power, as a result of which the issue of changing state All this together can lead to deep geopolitical consequences that are reflected in the countries around Afghanistan.

The study of ethnocultural processes in Afghanistan makes it possible to draw a conclusion about the emergence of ethnocultural factors.

Ethnic composition of the population of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: Ambassador of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan to the United Nations, Dr. Ravan Farhadi provides information about the ethnic composition of Afghanistan as follows. It is also necessary to take into account the Afghan society.

peoples thousands of people peoples thousands people of

Iranian Group 14800 Kurds 10

Pashtuns 7500 Armoris 5

Tajiks 4800 Parachis 5

khazaras 1500 Turkish Group 1920

Char-aymaks 500 Uzbeks 1300

Firzogolis 125 Turkmen 545

djamshids 115 afshors 35

Taymons 110 Kirghiz 15

Teymurids 100 kazakhs 5

Hazara-i-Kalayi- 50 Nuristan Groups 160


Indo-Aryan 190 Nuristan 60


Pashas 110 Bragui 45

The Punjabis 30 Arabs 35

gypsies 20 Mughis 20

Indo-tirays 20 other unknown 47

Djatis karakalpaks 3

Baluchis 110 Uyghurs and gudjars 2

forsoar 40 jews

Ethno-confessional composition of the population of AIA (R.By farhodi data):


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, p VOLUME 21 ISSUE 10

educational, natural and social sciences -------- JtV ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor Q SJIF 2022:5.947

Advanced Sciences Index Factor ASI Factor = 1.7

National composition of the population Pashtuns --approximately 42 % Tajiks -- approximately.. 25 % English - approximately.. 9 % khazaras -- approximately..8 % eymaks -- approximately.. 1 % turkmen -- approximately.. 2 % Baluchis -- approximately.. 2 % and another -- approximately.. 4 %

According to the press service of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, during the meeting the parties discussed the prospects of cooperation between Tajikistan and Afghanistan.

Ethno-confessional composition of AIA (p.Information about the smell):

Afghanistan is one of the main factors contributing to the development of this nation [1]. Farkhodi

Despite the fact that in late 1992 - early 1993, the National Front detachments pushed them to the northern regions of Afghanistan, the Tajik opposition forces and their families were welcomed by the Tajik brothers and other peoples in this area.

Brotherly not only in a broad ethnic sense, but also in terms of common humanity, as many southern Tajiks are bound by kinship ties with the Tajiks of northern Afghanistan. In Afghanistan, the inhabitants of the mountainous


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

Badakhshan autonomous region of Tajikistan - the Pamir people: there were similar ties of kinship with the Rushans, Shugnans, Ishkashims and others who lived on both banks of the Panj (the name of the upper course of the river is Gunt) river. In addition, the inhabitants of the south of Tajikistan and the north of Afghanistan and the Turkic-speaking peoples also had close kinship ties. Uzbeks, Turkmens, Arabs and a number of other nationalities lived in both regions. Here there was not only a tribal unity, but also a unity of Uzbek tribes living on both banks of the Amudarya - Takhgan, Kungyrot, Karluq, Keneges, etc., based on family clans and kinship. [2].

It is possible to mention the ethno-territorial factor as one of the other important factors that help to understand the dynamics and state of the country's development, including political processes. The Pashtuns settled south of the Indian Kush. At the same time, in these areas, they live not in the whole area, but in some areas (more precisely, in the relief climatic areas) together with the Tajiks, Hazaris, Baluch and Baragwai peoples. In the southern part of the country, a large number of Pashtuns (belonging to the Baluch and Paraguayans) lead a nomadic and semi-nomadic life. North of Hindikush, which began to settle in the second half of the 19th century, Pashtuns are not a large number, but they play an important role in the ethno-political life of the country.

Another important fact about the ethnic sphere that helps to understand the situation today is that in Afghanistan, the ethnonym "Tajik" is not always clear, that is, sometimes groups of other ethnicities, including the Persian-speaking Pashtuns, call themselves this. These are the "northern" Pashtuns who live in Batgiz, Fariab, Takhor, Kunduz and a number of other provinces.

Turkmens live in the northwest of the country, in the provinces of Badghis, Faryab and Juzjan, neighboring Turkmenistan. Most of them settled in Balkh, Samangan, Baglan, Kunduz provinces, and the remaining Turkmen groups were located further south - in Gilman and Kabul provinces. Although Afghan Turkmens mainly belong to the Ersari and Ali-Eli tribes, there are also Sariks, Salors and Teklar groups, which are not very large in the country. The Turkmen of Herat and Badgis belong to the Teke clan, the Turkmen of Faryab belong to Salar and Sarik, the Turkmen of Juzjan belong to the Ersari clan, and the rest mainly belong to Ali-Eli and others.

The third largest group of the population of Afghanistan is the Uzbeks. According to the data of V.Bushkov in 1986, their number is 1.5 million people or 9% of the country's population (today it is more than 3 million). Uzbeks live quite densely in the provinces bordering post-Soviet Central Asia, in the historical name of

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

Chor-Vilayat (four provinces), formerly independent Uzbek principalities of Maimana, Akhcha, Balkh and Kunduz. These four provinces are territorially the current provinces of Fariab (the administrative center of the province is the city of Maimana), Juzjan (the center is the city of Shibirgan), Balkh (the center is Mazari Sharif) and Kunduz (Kunduz). A large number of Uzbeks also live in Takhor (Dashti Kal'a, Yangi-Kal'a, Khodzhagar, Chokhi-Obi, etc.) province adjacent to the border. [3]

The fourth largest ethnic group is the Hazaris of Mongol-Iranian origin, making up 8-10 percent. Most of them live in the mountainous Khazarjat in the central part of Afghanistan [4]

The political and economic situation in the country undoubtedly depends on social relations. It is difficult to speak of Afghans as a fully formed monolithic Ethnos, during the liberation war against Great Britain, self-realization of several levels was formed in the minds of all groups of society. National-pushtun, Tajik, Hazar et al. Confessional-Sunnis, Shiites, Ismailis. The state is Afghan. A distinctive feature is that, from ethnoconfessional origin, Kati look, not all Afghans accept ideas about the division of the country. For them, Afghanistan is a single and indivisible state. It can be understood from this that the Afghan cavms, in order to preserve their statehood, are in line with the goal of sitting at the negotiating table. But for this, the privileged part of the Pashtuns, which today is in the hands of the main power in the country, must recognize the existing ethnic-confessional problem in the country and recognize the self-identification of Afghan society as a single nation. It is also necessary to recognize other ethnic groups of Afghanistan as part of society and create an inclusive government, that is, to bring representatives of other ethnic groups of Afghanistan to power.


Taking into account these facts, it can be said that if the necessary conditions are created, we will be able to achieve the involvement of representatives of each Ethnos in Afghanistan on the negotiating table, for which the Afghan state is extremely fond of reforms in the political, social and cultural spheres:

1) even in the conuns of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, it is not Kham as a whole Afghan people, since each nation is defined separately.

2) in the politics of the country, representatives of all nationalities and nationalities should participate equally.

3) the country is in dire need of reforms in the educational, health and religious and spiritual spheres.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

4) the introduction of modern television and radio channels and newspapers for each Ethnos of Afghanistan, as well as the development of art and cinematography, can play an important role for spiritual inegulation.

5) providing humanitarian assistance and support for the full implementation of reforms by the countries that signed the Tashkent Declaration

6) and most importantly the loss of any foreign political and ideological pressure on the people of Afghanistan

All this creates the basis for the counter intelligence to the peace talks, which were held at the Tashkent conference.


1. R.Farkhadi. https://www.nationalsecurity.ru/maps/afghanistanethno.htm.

2. Коргун В.Г. История Афганистана ХХ века. М.: 2004г.

3. Материалы общепартийной конференции по национальному примирению. 18-20 октября 1987 г. Кабул, 1987 г. - На языке дари. -219 с.

4. "Темирханов, Лутфи. Хазарейцы. Очерки новой и новейшей истории: учебное пособие по спецкурсу. - Душанбе: Издательство Таджикского Университета, 1978 г. - 96 с.

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