ESTIMATION OF TOURIST-RECREATIONAL POTENTIAL OF THE TERRITORY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
tourism / regional tourism / tourism development / tourism potential

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Rakhmatullaeva F.M.

This article discusses tourism potential of region. The main components and stages of estimation of tourism potential in the region were also identified.

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from stage works contribute to a sharp increase in the mental, emotional activity of students.


1. Karimov I. High spirituality is an invincible force. - T., Ma'naviyat, 2008. - P.71

2. Yaxshilikov J., Muhammadiev N. National idea-development strategy. - T., Fan nashriyoti, 2017. - P.158.

3. The idea of national independence: basic concepts and principles. Textbook. - T., Academy, 2005. - P.95.

UDC 338.48

Rakhmatullaeva F.M.




Summary: this article discusses tourism potential of region. The main components and stages of estimation of tourism potential in the region were also identified.

Key words: tourism, regional tourism, tourism development, tourism potential.

Tourism is one of the most important socio-economic activities related to development at local, regional, national and global level. This relatively new and global social-economic phenomenon achieved its boom during the last century.

Tourism increases the employment in regions, uses the regional resources in placement of production and service facilities, develops them, and forms the budgets and increases the profits of the regions by meeting the demand of local and foreign tourists.

Actual economic flows see in tourism one of the most important activities. Positive effects of tourism are bigger and bigger from day to day, not only for the regions but also for entire countries. Tourism has a big and strong influences on the regional development and social development in general. Regional development includes economic and social processes in natural and social environment of the region, which should be used, but also respecting options, assumptions and peculiarities of the region. Regional development can be seen as ensuring economic growth and social potential of the region in order to lead to an increase in the standard of living of its people, to social and economic development of the country.

Tourism potential is important for the development of tourism in any territory. Tourism potential is a set of natural, historical and cultural objects and facts, as well as socio-economic and technological prerequisites for the organization of tourist activities in a certain territory.

"Мировая наука" №3(24) 2019


Tourism potential as an abstract whole includes the following components: natural resource, historical and cultural, material and technical, personnel, legislative and legal, information, organizational, scientific and technical.

The tourist potential of the territory includes the following components:

1. Technical tourism potential is the potential of attracting the number of tourists that can afford to take the means of accommodation of tourists or in general it is a certain region with the availability of natural resources, given the permissible recreational load on the territory;

2. Economic tourism potential is the ability of economic entities and management bodies to form a tourist (recreational) product of the territory by using the combined resources of the territory in order to meet the needs of the population and target markets.

Assessment of the tourism potential of the territory is an important basis for optimization and rationalization of the spatial and economic organization of territorial tourist and recreational systems, determining the value of individual resources and their combinations, identifying territorial differences in the availability of resources, determining ways of rational use of resources and balanced development of the territory.

In summary, the assessment of tourism potential of the territory can be divided into several interrelated stages:

1. Selection of the evaluation object (what will be evaluated). In geographical studies at the regional level, geosystems are most often the objects of assessment. One of the key problems of this stage is the reasonable differentiation of the territory into separate operational territorial units, allocated on the basis of the research purpose and the specifics of the geosystem.

2. Selection of the subject of assessment, from which the assessment of the object will be carried out. As the subject of evaluation usually appear certain categories of tourists (recreants), the organizers of tourist and recreational activities, kinds or types of tourist and recreational activities.

3. Consideration of criteria and indicators of evaluation of the object, which are essential to determine its value, based on the stated purpose of evaluation. In fact, the selected list of criteria and corresponding indicators are in most cases established on the basis of an analysis of the solvable problem.

4. The collection of information necessary for the assessment.

5. Bringing indicators of evaluation to a single measurement system. This is usually done by using rating scales, rationing, ranking, etc.

6. Review and adjustment of the results of the evaluation.

7. Interpretation of the results of the assessment of the territory's tourism potential.

In order to manage the process of tourism development in a certain territory, it is necessary to explore its tourist potential and its components, the realization degree of which affects the level of development of tourist activity within this territory. It is also necessary to determine the indicators by which components of the tourist potential should be assessed. Since the goal of managing the dynamics

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №3(24) 2019 science-j.com

of development of tourist activity in a certain territory is to create conditions for a stable increase in its efficiency, these indicators should forecast the level of development of tourist activity and allow determining this level in all aspects.


1. Alirzayev A. Turizmin iqtisadiyyati vs idarsedilmssi, Iqtisadiyyat Universiteti, Baki, 2011. P.165

2. Kotler P., Bowen J. &Makens J. Marketing For Hospitality & Tourism Pearson International Edition 2014, USA

UDC 808.3

Safarova Z. T. teacher

Bukhara State University Uzbekistan, Bukhara city ESP OR PROFESSIONALLY ORIENTED ENGLISH LANGUAGE


Annotation: ESP (English for a specific purpose) or professionally -oriented English language training.

Key words: ESP, English language, training, education, lesson, development, science.

The progress of society is characterized not only by the development of industrial spheres, but also by the interests and values of members of society, that is, human capital, Human capital refers to the abilities, knowledge and skills (skills) necessary for workers to carry out activities in the socio-economic spheres. Such qualities are primarily determined (identified) by the quality of education, reflecting the intellectual potential of society, a developed education system offering quality education and the like.

In recent years, the requirements for professional training of graduates of non-linguistic universities have increased. It is known that professional training is carried out in the process of purposeful awareness of students of social and psychological patterns of interaction of specialists in production and other fields of activity and in the process of mastering these patterns. This training, conducted at the senior stage of training at the University, contributes to the further rapid orientation of students in the chosen specialty. In this regard, the principle of professional orientation is of particular importance and priority. Taking into account the professional factor in the improvement of foreign language proficiency of future specialists assumes the focus of the course of the main foreign language on the pedagogical of the learning process, which will allow to teach communication in a foreign language at a professional level.

A foreign language embodies a great potential that meets the needs of society and occupies an important place in the comprehensive harmonious development of the individual. Teaching a foreign language is not only the provision of knowledge about a foreign language, but also a factor influencing the formation of the individual, ready to master knowledge, able to think creatively, aware of the cultural

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №3(24) 2019 science-j.com

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