ESSENTIAL CHANGES IN TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES IN UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sharopova Sh.K.

Knowledge of languages becomes an indispensable part of every person. The method of teaching foreign languages has acquired a special significance - a communicative approach, which is an indispensable condition and the most important tool for teaching a foreign language.

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1. Подымова С.Д. Болезни печени. — М.: Медицина, 2005.

2. Лазебник Л.Б., Голованова Е.В., Ковязина И.О., Шапошникова Н.А. Эссенциальные фосфолипиды в терапии неалкогольных стеатогепатитов. //СonsiliumMеdicum. - 2007. - Том 09. - N 7. - С.24. И др. авторы.

UDK 81-22

Sharopova Sh.K.

Teacher of department "Languages " Tashkent institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers of Bukhara branch


Annotation: Knowledge of languages becomes an indispensable part of every person. The method of teaching foreign languages has acquired a special significance - a communicative approach, which is an indispensable condition and the most important tool for teaching a foreign language.

Keywords: strengthening of integration trends, the students talking time, PEPC technology.

Today in modern Uzbekistan special attention is paid to the development of teaching foreign languages. Changes in socio-political situations, the development of international relations, the strengthening of integration trends, a new look at the future of our country and new goals require the training of highly qualified specialists who are practically proficient in one or several foreign languages. Knowledge of languages becomes an indispensable part of every person. The method of teaching foreign languages has acquired a special significance - a communicative approach, which is an indispensable condition and the most important tool for teaching a foreign language.

In the system of professional higher education, along with traditional methods of teaching, interactive methods are used that are aimed at students acquiring communicative competence. The development of communicative competence will allow students to form speech skills that enable the language to be used to meet professional needs and further self-education. At the heart of interactive technologies is the interaction of the teacher and students, which manifests itself through dialogue, polylogue communication, realized through interactive exercises and tasks [Vartanova 2014, 34]. In interactive learning, each student tries to make a special contribution, they exchange ideas and knowledge, which is carried out by joint activities of students in the process of mastering the teaching material. Therefore, interactive exercises are oriented not only to student-teacher interaction, but also to student student interaction, since all students of the group are involved in the learning process as much as possible and

the students talking time (STT) model is used.

Modern pedagogy and methodology offer a wide variety of interactive technologies, which it is advisable to use when teaching the skill of speaking. These kinds of technologies include: heuristic conversation, consultation, work in small groups (in pairs or in rotary threes), role (business) game, discussion, unfinished proposal, method press, debate, lessons - travel, lessons - fairytales, quizzes cognitive game, consisting of questions and answers, lessons using an interactive whiteboard, PRES - a formula) and many others. All of the above interactive methods, as practice shows, develop students' speaking skills, expand their knowledge and horizons. Also interactive techniques unite both theoretical and practical knowledge of students, that is, First they perceive the information received, and then use it for creative work. In addition, interactive teaching methods are very exciting, which allows teachers and students to learn the language material in a friendly atmosphere. Analysis of methodical literature and own work experience shows that the PRES formula, which was created by the professor from South Africa David Mc Cod-Mason, provides a good help for developing and improving the ability and skill of speaking. The Vangliamage is played as a PRES-formula (Position-Reason-Explanation-Summary).

This technique can be used during the discussion, because at the initial stage of the training, university students do not know how to conduct a discussion and hear each other, to argue their thoughts reasonably. As Vartanova notes: "The main value of this technological method is that with its help students can activate their thinking potential, as well as formulate personal opinion in a clear and concise form, give a laconic and capacious answer, express their own point of view on to one or another question, the situation, the problem within the framework of the topics studied "[Vartanova2014, 36]. To achieve these goals, during the discussion, teachers should teach students to use PEPC technology, which has four stages:

Postposition (in which case there is a point of view) -I think; I believe; I strongly believe; I consider; I can not but say; I suppose; I am sure; I do not think. Background (in support of the position) -because; as; since; in that; being that; P-example (facts illustrating the conclusion) -for example; for instance; let us say; C- consequence (conclusion) -that is; so; accordingly; consequently; named; hence.

Thus, using this technique, each student has the opportunity in a concise manner to express his opinion on a certain topic of discussion. With the help of this method, which is a framework for teaching speaking skills, students develop the ability to analyze material, express their thoughts freely and not compulsorily, and argue their own point of view. This, undoubtedly, raises the level of knowledge of the language and makes it possible to improve speaking skills among philological students.

The list of used literature:

1. VartanovaK.Yu. Development of speaking skills among students in English through interactive technologies // Philological Sciences. Questions of theory and practice. -Tambov: Diploma, 2014. - No. 10 (40) - P.34-36.

2. Kalabukhova G.N. Methods of implementing interactive technologies in conditions of accelerated training of students in a foreign language. [Electronic resource].URL:http://www.tisbi.ru/assets/Site/Science/Documents/25 KALABYHOVA.pdf

3. Gilberto Vas. How can I improve my students' speaking skills? [Electronic resource] .URL: http://www.researchgate.net/po st

УДК 618

Sheralieva G.H.

Head chair Surgery and obstetrics Kokand Medical College Turaeva F.E.


Annotation: The duration of pregnancy is ten lunar months (28 x 10). During the development of the mother's womb, a bacterial cell develops a multicellular complex organism that develops outside the mother's body. This is a responsible and difficult time for women, all the power in the body is given to the fetus developing in the uterus.

Key words: obstetrician, gynecologist, female counselor, pregnancy, screening, chilean period, psycho-prophylaxis, embryo.

Obstetric and gynecological support is provided to women in gynecologic rooms at polyclinics in women's counseling, maternity hospitals, research institutes. Rural health outpatient clinics in rural areas are presented in the women's room, the central clinic of the district and the women's counseling clinics, gynecology, maternity and maternity departments.

Women's counseling centers are the primary and most important provider of comprehensive preventive care for all women. Specialists in various fields are working at women's counseling centers. The main tasks of the doctors are:

1. Timely dispensary examination of women living in the territory of the counseling office;

2. Recognize and monitor women early in the pregnancy, and provide a compelling explanation for the means of preventing and maintaining the observation after the withdrawal (during the calving);

3. In cases where there are diseases that are not related to the genital organs, in such a timely manner, decide whether to continue pregnancy or not;

4. Rational family planning and abortion;

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