ISSN 1991-3966. MudK. Kpucm. u ux npaKmm. ucnonb3. /Liq. Cryst. and their Appl., 2020, 20 (4) 99
==================================== ERRATA ===============================
Erratum: «Ferroelectric smectic C* phase with sub-wavelength helix pitch induced in a nematic liquid crystal by chiral non-mesogenic dopants» [Journal Liquid Crystals and their Application, 20 (3), 26-33 (2020)
DOI: 10.18083/LCAppl.2020.3.26]
E.P. Pozhidaev12, S.I. Torgova1, E.M. Budynina13, T.P. Tkachenko12, A.V. Kuznetsov1,2, V.A. Barbashov1
1P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute, 53 Leninsky Pr., Moscow, 119991, Russia 2Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4 Volokolamskoe Sh., Moscow, 125993, Russia 3Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Chemistry, 1-3 Leninskie gory, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Two additional references [17] and [18] were added:
[17] Mikhailenko V.V., Popova E.V., Gamzaeva S.A., Pozhidaev E.P., Vashchenko V.V. Induced helical nanostructures in ferroelectric liquid crystals. Intern. Research and Practice Conf. «Nanotechnology and nanomaterials (NAN0-2016)». Abstract book. Ukraine, Lviv, 24-27 August, 2016, p. 610.
[18] Patent of Ukraine UA № 119903 C2. Bis ((S)-1-(((S)-alkan-2-yloxy)carbonyl)ethyl)-4,4"-terphenyldicarboxylate bis(S)-1 -(((R)-alkan-2-yloxy)carbonyl)ethyl)-4,4"-terphenyldicarboxylate ferroelectric liquid crystal compositions / A.I. Krivoshey, V.V. Mikhailenko, V.V. Vashchenko; request № а 2017 08371; declared 14.08.2017; publ. 27.08.2019; Bull. «Industrial Property» № 16, 19 p. (in Ukrainian).
Therefore, the reference numbers in the text and reference list were shifted: starting from the reference [17] (it became now [19]) and so on.
These corrections do not affect the conclusion of the article. The article has been corrected online. The revised version of the article is available on
DOI: 10.18083/LCAppl.2020.4.99