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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Isroilov Sh.Sh.

This paper presents a research of possibility to improve sustainability of public transport system in the city by implementation of management system. Test of proposed method was done using the example of Naberezhnye Chelny. Conceptual model of system as well as interaction scheme of its program modules were shown. The composite indicator to assess system efficiency was proposed. An information-logical model of data as well as process of scientifically based decision making in the sphere of urban public transport routing were described. Such routing approach requires actual information about traffic flows on the city roads and, in the same time, takes into account the minimization of negative environmental impact while keeping index of population mobility.

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UDK 004.02:004.5:004.9

Isroilov Sh.Sh. senior lecturer Andijan Machine-Building Institute Uzbekistan, Andijon


Abstract: This paper presents a research of possibility to improve sustainability of public transport system in the city by implementation of management system. Test of proposed method was done using the example of Naberezhnye Chelny. Conceptual model of system as well as interaction scheme of its program modules were shown. The composite indicator to assess system efficiency was proposed. An information-logical model of data as well as process of scientifically based decision making in the sphere of urban public transport routing were described. Such routing approach requires actual information about traffic flows on the city roads and, in the same time, takes into account the minimization of negative environmental impact while keeping index ofpopulation mobility.

Keywords: intelligent transport systems, urban public transport, sustainable development, simulation modeling, transport model.


The rapid development of techniques and technology is a characteristic of the global economy for the new millennium and requires substantial amounts of resources. This leads to a growing number of sources, which provoke a negative environmental impact. Besides that, globalization processes of industrial production, production, growing the number and the size of metropolitan regions, which make necessary to organize transportation of passengers and goods, increase also emissions of hazardous substances being disposed of in the environment. At the same time, there is a number of "green" economy supporters, who initiate the development of concepts and policy documents concerning sustainable development in all spheres of human activities (Makarova et al., 2015).The United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) formulated the term "sustainable development": it is development, which allows to satisfy requirements of the current generation and does not cause damage to opportunities, which are left for the future generations to meet their own needs (Ambroziak et al., 2014). Ensuring access to goods, working places, services, education and leisure facilities by means of eco-friendly, health promoting, socially and economically viable transport systems is a key factor to improve environment condition and quality of life as well as a factor of economic and social growth (Jacyna et al., 2014). Hence the United Nations Environment

Programme (UNEP) together with Federationlnternationale de l'Automobile (FIA), International Energy Agency (IEA) and International Transport Forum (ITF) has launched the campaign "50-by-50", which aim is to improve efficiency of the global vehicle fleet at the least by 50% by 2050 (Rothengatter et al., 2011). One of the ways to achieve this goal is to shift trips from private vehicles to public transport without loss of population mobility. It could be provided by improving comfort and quality of the offered transport services (World Health Organization, 2011), as well as, in a great measure, by improving quality of urban public transport management. International experience shows that the most effective way to increase the management efficiency is its intellectualization, which can be implemented in different ways.

2. Ways to increase sustainability of transport system in the city

2.1. Priority development of public transport

It was pointed out in the documents of Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme (THE PEP) that there is an amount of positive examples how increasing the share of pedestrian and cycling traffic combined with the use of public transport redistributed the modal split and, thereby, improved the quality of urban environment. These examples include the modernization of cycling infrastructure and urban traffic by using bikes in Paris and Barcelona, fee to enter in the overloaded districts in London, Stockholm and other cities, measures taken in New York in order "to block off traffic" in the strongly overloaded districts and to transform them into parks (Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme secretariat, 2014). More than 100 countries assumed political measures on the national and sub-national levels to stimulate investments in the public transport. In most of countries with high income level the public transport is regulated in the proper manner and, therefore, is more safety than individual motor transport. On the other hand, in the countries with low or middle income level as well as with developing economy it is not controlled, which leads to growth of accidents across public transport users. Governments must ensure safety, accessibility and affordability of public transport system. The city of Ahmedabad (India) in the year 2010 got the award "Sustainable Transport Development" for successful introduction of the system for a bus rapid transit: buses move on the specially separated lane, bicyclists got also their separate lane as well as pedestrians could use a wide sidewalk. This system guarantees both significant reduction of travel time and increase of environmental friendliness of transportation (level of noise and greenhouse emissions down the street, on which rapid routes pass, are decreased). The system of bus rapid transit built in Columbia (the city of Bogota) plays an important role to ensure the sustainable development of this capital. It is an element of the large comprehensive set of measures, which includes development of sidewalks, pedestrian zones and bikeways, such organizational measures as closing of highways for motor transport during 7 hours each Sunday (it allows to use these streets additionally for walking and cycling), additional 20% tax for gasoline in

order to reduce an amount of trips by individual transport (collected money goes towards the development of public transport infrastructure and road maintenance) as well as official weekday without car in February accepted by the full vote (United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2013).In the year 2014 4 cities were chosen by the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy.

2.2. Scientific advances in the field of ITS

ITS are recognized in worldwide practice as a general transport ideology to integrate telematics achievements in all kinds of transport actions for decision of economic and social problems. This is proved by almost 20 years of ITS development experience in the USA, Japan, European Union, China, etc. These countries reached a great success and have quite efficient forms to stimulate and to manage this process. Introduction of ITS has a strategic nature and determine a competitiveness of each country in global market. Transport policy of the developed countries is based on development and promotion of ITS technology, creation of common information space in the future multimodal networks. The substantiation for "Road map" 2012-2020 of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) (United Nations Environment Programme, 2012) pointed out directions of global actions in order to support the usage of ITS. These directions allow activities to develop unified terminology and common understanding of ITS contents and tasks as well as measures to introduce new things in the ITS field. It concerns technological part (development of communication technology "car-infrastructure", "car-car", integration of different modes of transport), measures in the sphere of management and improvement of transport system safety including ecological one, also carrying out of analytical works and development of different methodologies.

3. Rational management of public transport in the city

Engineering systems understand the term "management" as a process of influence on an object, which causes that this object achieves the state desired by stakeholder (Celko et al., 2009). Objects for management influences in urban transport systems can be: (1) routes of both urban passenger transport and private cars, (2) time intervals between buses on routes, (3) structure of vehicle fleet on routes. Approaches how to influence on given objects are following:

• Structure variation of vehicle fleet on routes (in terms of capacity and other parameters) in accordance with the passenger traffic volume on certain routes, which will allow to find the optimal headway time by time of day, day of week, season, etc. taking into account condition that transport needs of population must be satisfied

• New routes opening as well as modification or closure of existing routes

• Creation of shortcut routes, reserved routes or routes, which operate exclusively during the peak hours

• Legal regulation (the Civil Code of the Uzbekistan, Republic Laws of the Uzbekistan Republic, legislative act, sanitary rules and regulations, etc.)

• Coordination of activities realized by transport enterprises in the city as

well as mutual consideration of their interests

• Creation of system to manage and to redistribute the traffic flows (acquisition of operational data about location of vehicle and its state, communication with drivers, formation of approaches to optimize development processes of the automated dispatch control systems, etc.). The control object of the projected system are routes of urban passenger transport. The stakeholder is municipal authorities of urban public transport management. The stakeholder should organize the traffic of passenger transport in such a way to meet transport needs of the population, to minimize travel time and to reduce the traffic load on problematic sections of the road network.

Management decision making is carried out by dedicated experts, which choose the best option from proposed alternatives for its subsequent use in similar situations. Conceptual scheme of proposed DSS is shown on the Fig. 1. Proposed system of public transport management is developed to provide an opportunity for decision-makers to elaborate recommendations based on scientific analysis of statistical information about actual transport and passenger flows. Such recommendation could be directed:

• to increase the degree of population satisfaction with quality of passenger transportation,

• to find the most loaded parts of the road network,

• to choose the rational types of vehicles on routes,

• to optimize urban route network,

• to choose optimal alternative for management of traffic flows,

• to improve ecological situation by the side of urban highways,

• to increase efficiency of transport processes through minimization of time spent in the traffic jams.

3.2. Program module for data input and storage

As far as the urban transport system is a part of the socio-economic system, it must react on the changes associated with the development of economy and social sphere of the city. The improvement of information quality helps to realize the "Safe City" concept in Uzbekistan cities. In the Chapter "Transport Safety" of this concept the following objectives for road safety ensuring are formulated:

• Management of individual and public transport logistics,

• Organization and management of public parking space,

• Modelling of traffic flows based on analysis of predicted road situation,

• Dynamic forecasting of road situation based on online data from video cameras, traffic detectors and controllers,

• Geolocation and recording of events (accidents) on roads together with their visualization on the city map,

• Tracking of vehicle routes


Decision Support Systems are one of the most effective ways to manage large systems with dynamically changing control parameters. DSS, using

intelligent heart customized to solve management problems, considering the specifics of the controlled system, allow comprehensively assessing the situation and choose the best management option. Moreover, the best options can be used in the future if the situation is repeated. The proposed way of the public transport system management allows considering many factors that affect its effectiveness as well as the quality of the city's population service, and at the same time helps to minimize a negative environmental impact without reduction of population mobility.


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