Kadirov Nodir Abdusamikovich, Senior Researcher Department of general chemistry Tashkent state technical university, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
E-mail: [email protected] Ismoilov Ravshan Isroilovich, Doctor of technical science Department of general chemistry Tashkent state technical university. Tashkent, Uzbekistan
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: This article about of flotation color and precious metals used are known surface active substance (SAS) — foaming agents on the basis of local secondary material cubes in enrichment separation copper-molybdenum ores Almalyk Mining Metallurgical Plant (MMP) of Uzbekistan tests were carried out blowing agent samples (HA-1, HA-2).
Keywords: metallurgical plants, foaming agents, surfactants, ores, copper, blowing agent, flotation, potassium butyl xanthate.
Currently, the mining and metallurgical plants of of the starting components, and Now, there are the
the republic for the flotation of non-ferrous and pre- synthesis conditions (temperature, time, concentra-
cious metals used are known surface active substance tion). In our pilot plant collected by the developed op-
(SAS) — foaming agents, as potassium butyl xan- timal formulation ofnew surfactants (NA-1) has been
thate (BPC) and the T-92 reagent. achieved experimental batches of surfactant — flota-
We have developed a technology for production tion reagents, which were tested as somostoyatelno,
of SAS on the basis of local secondary raw materials so in combination with conventional reagents [2]. and oil and fat chemical plants of Uzbekistan [1]. The essence and novelty of the proposed for-
We suggest an intensication of the process of en- mulation and use of surfactant is technology that is
richment of ores by flotation with collecting agents used in their production local nedifitsitnoe organic
and foaming agents on the basis of local secondary feed. According to the proposed technology provid-
produkta — cubes in enrichment separation copper- ed a anionic surfactant (NA-1), which in quality is
molybdenum ores Almalyk Mining Metallurgical a substitute for scarce reagents collector BPC (US
Plant (MMP) of Uzbekistan tests were carried out price of 1820 USD per 1t.) And a blowing reagent
blowing agent samples (NA-1, NA-2)at the current T-92 (the price of US $ 640 per 1t.). ore deposit "Kalmakyr" entering the processing on the We suggest an intensification of the process of en-
copper concentrator. The chemical composition of richment of ores by flotation with collecting agents
the ore is show in table № 1 distillation process refin- and foaming agents on the basis of local secondary
ery cotton oil acid soap stock (NA-1). Heir synthesis podukta — bottoms distillation process cotton soap
was performed in the laboratory, selected key ratios stock fatty acids (HA-1).
Table 1 - Chemical content of ores
content,% Sulfides of
CH Mo CaO MgO Fe S Si02 AI2 O, AH Ag ores,%
0,41 0,004 1,62 1,59 5,8 3,0 56,44 13,12 0,5 3,5 94,73
Samples blowing agent HA-1, HA-2 is a liquid of dark brown color, without odor, which are readily soluble in water.
To determine the foaming properties of the experiments in the open cycle data set of reactants
(Table № 2) compared to the standard T-92 blowing agent, blowing agent at a rate of 30,0 g/t, as well as mixtures of blowing agents: AT-1-15,0 g/t + t 92 -15,0 g/t and NA-2 -15,0 g/t + t 92 -15,0 g/t, according to the regime adopted in the factory:
№ experiments Product Exit,% Copper,% The flow rate of the blowing agent, the entrance Conditions for experiments
Flowing agent T-92
I Flotation concentrate № 1 3,98 7,380 72,78 T-92-30,0 Content:
Flotation concentrate № 2 4,05 1,350 13,55
Black concentrate 8,03 4,340 86,33
Waste 91,97 0,060 13,67
Ores 100,0 0,404 100,0
Flowing agent NA-1
II Flotation concentrate № 1 3,0 8,980 66,87 NA-1-30,0 kst — 25,0 g/t
Flotation concentrate № 2 2,61 1,790 11,60
Black concentrate 5,61 5,635 78,47
Waste 94,39 0,092 21,53
Ores 100,0 0,403 100,0
III Flotation concentrate № 1 2,43 10,330 62,07 Mixture: NA-1-15,0 +T-92-15,0
Flotation concentrate № 2 5, n 1,880 23,76
Black concentrate 7,54 4,600 85,83
Waste 92,46 0,062 14,17
Ores 100,0 0,404 100,0
Flowing agent NA-2
IV Flotation concentrate № 1 1,60 12,160 48,39 NA-2-30,0
Flotation concentrate № 2 3,56 3,430 30,37
Black concentrate 5,16 6,140 78,76
Waste 94,84 0,090 21,24
Ores 100,0 0,402 100,0
V Flotation concentrate № 1 2,81. 8,850 61,68 Mixture: NA-2-15,0 +T-92-15,0
Flotation concentrate № 2 4,05 2,280 22,90
Black concentrate 6,86 4,970 84,58
Waste 93,14 0,067 15,42
Ores 100,0 0,403 100,0
Fineness of grinding ore: + 0,21 mm — 5,0%, - Xanthate consumption — 25,0 g/t;
- 0,071 Mm — 60,5%; - Consumption of spindle oil — 7,0 g/t.
- PH 10,8ed;
Table 2
The results of the experiments, as well as the visual monitoring of the process of flotation showed that these agents have a foaming capability close to the standard, compared with the known T-92. At a flow rate of blowing agent 30,0 g/t, in the experiment with HA-1-foaming weaker and rougher concentrate output below 2,42% or less copper recovery in the concentrate to blister 7,86%, compared to an experiment conducted with T-92 reagent.
In the experiment where a mixture of blowing agents taken NA-1-15,0 g/t + T 92-15,0 g/t — concentrate primary lower yield (1,55%), and copper extraction below respectively — to 591%, in comparison with experiment with only one t-92-30,0 g/t. Front flotation biased towards the control of flotation: Exit the main concentrate — 2,43%, the control of the concentrate — 5.11%, copper
recovery in the control of flotation concentrate was — 23,76%.
The foaming agent HA-2 has lower foaming ability than HA-1. Results of the experiments showed the feasibility of conducting further experimental tests based on blowing agent CO ANC for the flotation of copper-molybdenum ores processed in the factory [3].
The foaming agent HA-2 has lower foaming ability than HA-1. Results of the experiments showed the feasibility of conducting further experimental tests based on blowing agent CO ANC for the flotation of copper-molybdenum ores processed in the factory.
Conclusion: Thus foaming NA-1 and NA-2 are recommended as blowing agents to further improve and implement the process in the flotation beneficia-tion of non-ferrous and precious metals.
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