Научная статья на тему 'Enhancing vocabulary through educational games'

Enhancing vocabulary through educational games Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Qurbonova Nafosat Sattor Qizi, Kurbonov Navruzbek Sattor Ugli, Abdurahimova Saodat Abdumo'Minovna, Qobilova Dilrabo Rustam Qizi

We need creativity into classrooms because each time a language teacher enters a class, a silent experiment in hope and creativity is taking place: hope that the lesson will make a difference to at least one of its learners in some way; creativity in that teachers strive to give the lesson something of their own that goes beyond imitation or compliance. In this scientific article, the issues of education are considered. In this article, all the directions in the process of teachers teaching teachers and students can be used.

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Мы нуждаемся в креативности в классных комнатах, потому что каждый раз, когда учитель языка входит в класс, происходит молчаливый эксперимент в надежде и творчестве: надейтесь, что урок каким-то образом изменит, по крайней мере, одного из его учеников; творчество в том, что учителя стремятся дать урок что-то свое, что выходит за рамки имитации или соответствия. В данной научной статье рассматриваются вопросы образования. В этой статье все направления в процессе учителей, преподающих преподавателей и студентов можно использовать.

Текст научной работы на тему «Enhancing vocabulary through educational games»

гармонизации различных личностных потенциалов, без гуманистической работы всего общества, его профилактической деятельности на личностном уровне невозможно.

Список литературы /References

1. Джуринский А.Н. Развитие образования в современном мире. М.: Владос, 2004. 239 с.

2. Инге Унт, Границкая А.С., Шадриков В.Д. Технология индивидуализации обучения. М., 1998. 154 с.

3. Селевко Г.К. Современные образовательные технологии: учебное пособие. М.: Народное образование, 1998. 189 с.

ENHANCING VOCABULARY THROUGH EDUCATIONAL GAMES Qurbonova N.S.1, Kurbonov N.S.2, Abdurahimova S.A.3, Qobilova D.R.4 (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: Qurbonova328@scientifictext.ru

1Qurbonova Nafosat Sattor qizi - Teacher,

ZOOLOGY DEPARTMENT, TERMEZ STATE UNIVERSITY, TERMEZ; 2Kurbonov Navruzbek Sattor ugli - Tour guide, UZBEKTOURISM CONSULTING CENTRE, TASHKENT; 3Abdurahimova Saodat Abdumo 'minovna - teacher,

SCHOOL № 13; 4Qobilova Dilrabo Rustam qizi - bachelor-student, TERMEZ STATE UNIVERSITY, TERMEZ, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN

Abstract: we need creativity into classrooms because each time a language teacher enters a class, a silent experiment in hope and creativity is taking place: hope that the lesson will make a difference to at least one of its learners in some way; creativity in that teachers strive to give the lesson something of their own that goes beyond imitation or compliance. In this scientific article, the issues of education are considered. In this article, all the directions in the process of teachers teaching teachers and students can be used.

Keywords: assignments, creativity, critical thinkers, encourage discussion.

УЛУЧШЕНИЕ СЛОВАРЕЙ ЧЕРЕЗ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫЕ ИГРЫ Курбонова Н.С.1, Курбонов Н.С.2, Абдурахимова С.А.3, Кобилова Д.Р.4

(Республика Узбекистан)

1 Курбонова Нафосат Саттор кизи - преподаватель,

кафедра зоологии, Термезский государственный университет, г. Термез; 2Курбонов Наврузбек Саттор угли - туристический гид,

Консалтинговый центр узбектуризма, г. Ташкент; 3Абдурахимова Саодат Абдумуминовна - преподаватель, Школа № 13, 4Кобилова Дилрабо Рустам кизи - бакалавр, Термезский государственный университет, г. Термез, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: мы нуждаемся в креативности в классных комнатах, потому что каждый раз, когда учитель языка входит в класс, происходит молчаливый эксперимент в надежде и творчестве: надейтесь, что урок каким-то образом изменит, по крайней мере, одного из его учеников; творчество в том, что учителя стремятся дать урок что-то свое, что


выходит за рамки имитации или соответствия. В данной научной статье рассматриваются вопросы образования. В этой статье все направления в процессе учителей, преподающих преподавателей и студентов можно использовать. Ключевые слова: назначения, креативность, критические мыслители, поощрять дискуссию.

Games and games-based learning have been a part of education for decades. Nowadays, the idea of using games in teaching process seems to be widely accepted everywhere as their profitability and necessity have been proposed and justified since the seventeenth century by such famous linguist as Comenius [1, 56]. Today more and more teachers believe that games help their students to feel more relaxed, express their thoughts and share different ideas in English forgetting about their fear of making mistakes.

What is an educational game? A famous American linguist, Prensky says: "An educational game has a deep biological, evolutionary, important function, which has to do specifically with learning". (p.6) In fact, it is a game designed to teach humans about a specific subject and to teach them a skill. In addition, use of educational games in the class allows us, as teachers, to fulfil all students' needs of learning by providing passionate involvement, enjoyment, structure, motivation, ego gratification, creativity, social interaction and emotion. In general, an educational game can be called successful if it contains the rules, which are clear to students and the ultimate goal, which is well defined.

Different types of educational games in language teaching. There are many types of educational games that can be used by a teacher for different educational purposes during the lesson. It is advisable to keep changing types of educational games to provide students with novelty and a positive surprise effect. Such approach is proved to have the most profitable outcome and the highest possible impact on students. As it has already been mentioned, educational games can be competitive, but at the same time students can practice and improve their language skills strategically with the help of co-operative educational games, in which they should work together as a group to achieve certain goals.

It is worth mentioning that no educational game practices only one language skill. However, they can be divided according to the skills that they mostly focus on. For instance, William Francis Mackey offers his own way of games subdivision (2, 109).

So, famous linguists have made a research and tried to estimate the amount of words that native speakers know in order to assess the number of words learners need to learn. It appears from this research that the number of words that is used by native speakers varies from 12,000 to 20,000 depending on their level of education. Fortunately, learners do not need all these 20,000 words in their everyday life, as they can understand quite a large proportion of texts even if they have a relatively small vocabulary. For instance, learners who know the most frequent 2,000 words will be able to understand almost 80 percent of the words in an average text. Therefore, a teacher should be able to identify the most frequent 2,000 vocabulary items in English and give them priority in teaching [3, 120].

Different types of vocabulary. According to Cummins (1999, as cited in Herrel, 2004), we can differentiate the following 4 types of vocabulary: reading, writing, listening, speaking. Each type has different purposes, but development of one type of vocabulary allows a learner to facilitate growth of the others, as they are interrelated. The first two types (reading, writing) constitute written vocabulary and the last two (listening, speaking) refer to spoken vocabulary. Children start acquiring speaking and listening vocabulary many years before beginning to build writing and reading vocabulary. Therefore, spoken language serves as the basis for written language.

Use of educational games for teaching vocabulary. Educational games allow students to practice all their integrated skills, however, vocabulary is influenced most of all. It is obvious, that vocabulary plays a huge role in language learning, but students usually find memorizing new words boring and time-demanding. So, appropriately chosen and used vocabulary games make the process of enlarging students' vocabulary much easier and more pleasant for both learners and a teacher.

Advantages and disadvantages of using educational games for teaching vocabulary. It is important to remember that use of educational games for teaching vocabulary has their own advantages and disadvantages, which should be taken into consideration.

The main advantages of educational games for teaching vocabulary can be summarized as follows: S A teacher can use vocabulary games as a testing mechanism, because they easily expose students' weaknesses, which need to be remediated. For instance, a teacher can mention that his or her students have difficulties using the words related to the topic "Education", so he or she can bring some material in order to revise this topic during the next lesson.

S As playing games has always been a natural and vital part of growing up and learning processes, use of vocabulary games enables students to make their own experiments, discover different approaches, which are suitable for them while learning a new language and interact with their peers practising new vocabulary.

S Educational games intended to enlarging students' vocabulary can be successfully used to change the pace of a lesson and renew students' energy after teaching long formal units and before returning to very complicated topics.

S Vocabulary games usually provide students with "hidden" practice of new vocabulary, although students are not aware of this. For such effect, a teacher should choose educational games, which are connected with the topic that students have covered during the lesson in order to drill new words and imprint them on students' minds.

S At the same time, overuse of games can have some negative consequences for both students and a teacher. In fact, having been carried away by a game many students can forget about time, and it will be extremely difficult for a teacher to persuade them to stop playing and return to more serious studying process.

Some disadvantages of using games for teaching vocabulary can appear if: S Games become a meaningless habit. We should remember that not all games can be called educational, and that is why a teacher should choose only those vocabulary games that have an educating aim. Otherwise, students will waste their time instead of improving their English.

S Students have different levels of English. It can be a problem too, as weaker students can be shy and use their mother tongue in order to express their opinions, while students who have a better level will be dominating and sometimes unwilling to present their ideas because of being bored.

Overall, young learners can learn new vocabulary drilling it in a form of a game, but in order to make the language acquisition more effective for them, repetition used in a game should be enjoyable every time. For that reason, educational games are a tool used in a class of young learners on regular bases. In addition to the personal challenge, younger students also enjoy competing with their peers, and introducing a game element is a way of livening up any material. Taking into consideration the fact that young learners cannot focus on their study for a long time, vocabulary games chosen for teaching them should be short and simple.


1. Lee Sukim. (2010). Creative games for the language class (Forum) vol. 33. No 1. January-March. Number of pages: 26.

2. Andrew Wright, David Betteridge, Michael Buckby. (2013). Games for language learning, (second edition). Cambridge university press. Number of pages: 150.

3. Khan J. (2003). Comenius' early primitive explanations of implementing Educational Games into classrooms: Using games in teaching English to young learners-Teaching English to children, from practice to principle. England. Longman. Number of pages: 305.

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