ENHANCING LEXICAL COMPETENCE IN FORIGN LANGUAGE LESSONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Vocabulary / English / dictionary / home reading / authentic / lexical competence.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kamuna Ismailovna Babajanova

In the process of globalization, humans own the more aptitudes the much more earns and grow their reputation .Having a good command in foreign languages such as English as a second language is one of the requirements which professional staff should have .Therefore, Modern pedagogy and methodology of teaching foreign languages are expected to accomplish this task. People are attempting to learn foreign languages faster, productively and of course easily. Especially, in enhancing lexical competence both teachers and learners face some challenges and in the following there some ways in order to achieve this purpose are described

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Kamuna Ismailovna Babajanova

Senior Teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages Nukus State Pedagogical Institute kamunababaj anova@mail .ru


In the process of globalization, humans own the more aptitudes the much more earns and grow their reputation .Having a good command in foreign languages such as English as a second language is one of the requirements which professional staff should have .Therefore, Modern pedagogy and methodology of teaching foreign languages are expected to accomplish this task. People are attempting to learn foreign languages faster, productively and of course easily. Especially, in enhancing lexical competence both teachers and learners face some challenges and in the following there some ways in order to achieve this purpose are described

Keywords: Vocabulary, English, dictionary, home reading, authentic, lexical competence.


What is vocabulary? Vocabulary is a set of familiar words within a human's language. Actually it is a fundamental tool for communication and language acquisition. Language is derived from words, word phrases, collocations, idioms, slangs; from media blogs, websites, newspapers. They serve to enrich word bank of the language and its functions in the world. Vocabulary is essential to improve all areas of communication -listening, reading to understand the language; writing and speaking to express our feelings, thoughts. Developing lexical competence helps to develop knowledge and skills in multiple aspects of language and literacy. It is obviously clear that, there are billions of people are exploiting English as a first and second language to communicate However, the is a challenge that learners and teachers see, teaching and learning vocabulary .For decades scholars and linguists are observing and recommending new ways of teaching vocabulary.


The development of lexical skills is a continuous and endless process. You can expand your vocabulary and deepen

November, 2022


ISSN: 2181-1385

Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,12 | ASI-Factor: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,7 | UIF: 6,1

your knowledge in the field of foreign language vocabulary all your life [4]. The need to memorize a large number of lexical units often becomes a problem for students [3]. The positive emotional background of vocabulary learning is important [6 p. 165]. The training tasks should be diverse and interesting. In the process of learning English at school, both active and passive vocabulary are replenished, while vocabulary can move from passive vocabulary to active, and, unfortunately, vice versa, from active to passive. Part of the vocabulary is forgotten and irretrievably lost. The fastest words are forgotten within 24 hours after the lesson, which is why it is so important to give homework to consolidate new words [1]. But even later, in case of insufficient consolidation of the new vocabulary, the process the forgetting continues. Properly organized and systematic work on the development of skills and abilities to use vocabulary in various forms of oral and written communication allows you to maintain and replenish an active vocabulary, increase the number of words that are "never forgotten".


The modern implementation in practice of trends towards the transformation and improvement of the traditional model of teaching English is based on the active use of computer and Internet technologies in teaching, and the main methodology of their work to expand the English lexicon of students is the role of the student as a reflective researcher [1].There are a number of basic vocabulary replenishment techniques applicable to the study of any language, including native: reading books (as well as its modern version — listening to audiobooks), drawing students' attention to the use of a new word in speech turns, solving and composing crosswords, synonymous presentation of text materials, as well as word exchange occurring in the process communication[2]. However, as part of the work on the English vocabulary, such techniques acquire their own specifics.

The most functionally broad can be called home reading, which is an extracurricular process of familiarizing students with literature from a list selected by the teacher with a balance of authenticity and accessibility of the material. Reading fiction and journalistic literature has a huge cultural potential, both for mastering the cultural traditions of the language being studied and for reading culture, but motivating students to this process is methodically difficult for a teacher to prepare. Thus, expanding horizons, enriching knowledge, literacy and vocabulary is impossible without subsequent classroom work on the text, its

content, understanding and emotional response [3].

November, 2022

ISSN: 2181-1385

Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,12 | ASI-Factor: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,7 | UIF: 6,1

An important place in vocabulary replenishment is occupied by working with a dictionary in such variations as alphabetic dictionaries (authored or compiled directly by students), thesaurus, electronic dictionary databases, etc. Using a dictionary is one of the important indicators of the formation of language competence and readiness for self—development, since understanding the basics of working with a dictionary is a multicomponent system. Vocabulary work has a high degree of independence of students and is based on creative search while reading and translating a foreign text. If in elementary grades the tasks of a teacher in teaching work with a dictionary include familiarization and consolidation of knowledge of the English alphabet, as well as the principle of building a dictionary in alphabetical order, then in secondary school the types and structure of reference materials used are significantly expanded and require a certain autonomy of students [4]. The modern approach to teaching English actively uses another method of vocabulary replenishment — an authentic feature film, the use of which is justified by the wide popularity of the method among adults who are independently engaged in learning a foreign language. As part of the school program, watching a movie in English allows you to create an experience of immersing students in the language environment of the country of the language being studied. Such a technique acts as an extended version of listening in the classroom with the difference that the material is presented in close relationship with visual accompaniment and is saturated with an emotional context that allows you to intuitively understand foreign speech. In addition, the variety of films gives the teacher the opportunity to select an excerpt or a tape entirely based on the subject of lessons[6].

What is more, according to "Teaching English Practicum" by L.T. Akhmedova and V.I .Normuratova word association method was recommended to enhance target vocabulary in English classes. [7]. In order to accomplish this method students are demanded to name all words in one lexical category. Students one by one say one word from the category until students stop. For instance, For the category "House" , the game might begin this way: Student 1 living room Student 2 kitchen Student 3 bedroom

In this case , an educator serves as an instructor and inspector that aims to check and control the words are related or non-related to the category. After finishing the game one student wins and can be taken a gift.

November, 2022

ISSN: 2181-1385

Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,12 | ASI-Factor: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,7 | UIF: 6,1


Thus, a modern teacher has a wide arsenal of techniques for replenishing the vocabulary of students, which allows you to choose a method of expanding the vocabulary that harmoniously fits into the specifics and topics of the lesson. Each of the considered techniques involves the active use of media technologies, which makes the study of new English words and terms more interesting for students and lays the foundation for the development of innovative approaches to learning. Also, polishing the lesson with various techniques and games are helpful to develop lexical competence of learners in English classes .


1. Alieva A. E. Home reading in English lessons // Science, Technology and education. — 2016. — №5 (23). — Pp. 118-119.

2. Karomatova Z. F. Innovative technologies in teaching and learning English // Achievements of science and education. — 2017. — №4 (17). — Pp. 63-65.

3. Karomatova Z. F. Working with a dictionary is an effective way to learn English // Achievements of science and education. — 2017. — №4 (17). — Pp. 81-82.

4. Nikitina S. E., Blagoveshchenskaya A. A., Gutman E. V. Specifics and potential of an authentic feature film as a method of teaching a foreign language // Problems of modern pedagogical education. — 2019. — No. 62-2. — pp. 186-189.

5. Serova T. S., Chaynikova G. R. The functions of the educational terminological dictionary as a means of forming foreign language speech lexical competence // Language and culture. — 2015. — №1 (29). — Pp. 139-145.

6. Sultanova A. S. Enriching the vocabulary of the English language // Training and education: methods and practice. - 2013. — No. 5. — pp. 121-127.

7. L.T .Akhmedova and V.I .Normuratova . Teaching English Practicum.( Practical course of teaching English Methodology ) Tashkent -2011, pp 20.

8. Babajanova, K. I. (2022). The Importance of Teaching Vocabulary. Central Asian Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS), 2(5), 738-742.

9. Kgtip6aeBa, r. K., & Ea6ag^;aHOBa, H. X. (2022). Conap MH^onoraaHHHr pygHMenraapnra chhxpohhk engornyB. Academic Research in Educational Sciences, 3(6), 938-947.

November, 2022

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