2. Гольдинштейн Любовь Вячеславовна. Исследовательские проекты по химии во внеурочное время // Муниципальное образование: инновации и эксперимент, 2010. № 6. С 85-87. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://cyberlemnka.ra/artide/n/issledovatelskie-proekty-po-himii-vo-vneurochnoe-vremya/ (дата обращения: 13.11.2019).
3. Хамитова А.И., Иванов В.Г. Основные этапы развития методики преподавания химии // Вестник Казанского технологического университета, 2006. № 6. С. 179-193. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/osnovnye-etapy-razvitiya-metodiki-prepodavaniya-himii/ (дата обращения: 13.11.2019).
THROUGH MUSIC Mamadalieva H.A. Email: [email protected]
Abstract: the article under discussion describes enhancing learner motivation in learning English with the help of songs. The author of the article consider that songs has been used not only as an activity to help students improve their listening skills, but increasingly by many teachers to enhance learner involvement and motivate them to learn English. With the help of songs teachers can offer some change from routine classroom activities, which learners enjoy most of all. Songs help to develop students' abilities in listening, speaking, reading and even writing. Songs are used to teach vocabulary (as they cover new words and expressions), pronunciation, to raise students' awareness on stylistic devices and some grammatical patterns used in songs. Besides songs help to improve musical intelligence of students — the ability to sense rhythm, pitch, tone and melody. Good music can help students to overcome fear to speak before a teacher as they usually feel in a formal classroom setting, it creates a friendly atmosphere during the lesson.
Keywords: songs, music, students, motivation, teachers, improve, help, classroom, overcome, ability, grammatical, develop, learners, writing, enjoy, change.
Мамадалиева Хапира Абдухалиловна — преподаватель, кафедра обучения языкам, факультет управления в производстве, Ферганский политехнический институт, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: данная статья рассматривает вопросы повышения мотивации обучающихся с помощью музыки при изучении английского языка. Автор статьи считает, что песни использовались не только как активность, чтобы помочь студентам улучшить свои навыки аудирования, но чаще, чтобы повысить вовлеченность учащихся и мотивировать их изучать английский язык. С помощью песен учителя могут внести изменения по сравнению с обычными занятиями в аудитории, что больше заинтересовывает учащихся. Песни помогают развить у студентов способности слушать, говорить, читать и даже писать. Песни используются для расширения словарного запаса (поскольку они охватывают новые слова и выражения), улучшения произношения, для повышения осведомленности учащихся о стилистических приемах и некоторых грамматических схемах, используемых в песнях. Кроме того, песни помогают улучшить музыкальный интеллект студентов - способность чувствовать ритм, тон и мелодию. Хорошая музыка может помочь обучающимся преодолеть страх говорить перед учителем, страх, который они обычно чувствуют в формальной обстановке в классе, а также создаёт дружескую атмосферу во время урока.
Ключевые слова: песни, музыка, студенты, мотивация, учителя, совершенствование, помощь, классная комната, преодоление, умение, грамматика, развитие, учащиеся, письмо, удовольствие, изменение.
UDC 372.881.1
Nowadays, there are a great number of different technologies and methods that allow you to learn quickly and effectively a foreign language or get a basic knowledge. Many methodologists believe that one of the most productive ways to learn a foreign language is to learn it through art, particularly through music. However, the use of music can be very useful in learning. For example, listening to music activates brain structures that process information emotionally and intellectually (with an impact on the vegetative system), such as associative series and analytical mechanisms. We can distinguish seven main functions of music, which lie in the concept of teaching foreign languages: psychological (strengthens memory); psycho-hygienic (develops interest in music at the level of pleasure); function of mood, expression of emotions and feelings; socio-psychological (enhances cohesion in groups); function of expression of cognitive processes; function of solving communicative tasks [2].
There are several ways in which music can be used in the learning process:
• Music as a background in the classroom. Instrumental music is the most appropriate way to do this; it helps to create a favorable atmosphere for students working in groups, pairs, and individually. The main thing is that such music should be quiet, and in no case distracting, but on the contrary, should set it up for work.
• Music as a stimulus for speaking. Music can also stimulate the imagination students in preparation for speaking and writing in foreign languages. That is, for example, the teacher asks the students to listen to a piece of music and then they have to imagine a place that "describes" the music.
There is a huge number of exercises used in applying songs at the lesson:
• Listen to a song and insert missed words. Students listen to a song and fill in gaps with missed words. If a teacher isn't sure if everybody is up to the task, you can write the words mixed up on the blackboard.
• Correct mistakes and perform a song. The lyrics are wrong, students listen to a song, correct mistakes, and sing a final song.
• Translation. Students can translate popular songs from English into Uzbek or vice versa.
• Question and answer. After listening to the song, the teacher organizes a conversation in which all misunderstandings of the song are discussed and encourages students to ask questions.
• Students can practice with an activity of mixed up lyrics which is aimed at developing creative skills of the students. A teacher cuts up the complete lyrics into lines and let the students try to work out the logical order before listening. While listening students can compare their versions with the original one.
• "Making up your own lyrics" is a good activity for students' creativity too. To organize this activity the teacher prepares one sided gap-filling and another sided ready-made song. Students complete the song with whatever they think, no matter does it coincide the real logical meaning of the verse. At the beginning level students can be offered some nouns, adjectives adverbs, verbs to fill the gaps of the song, students fill them up to their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. After completing students read their own lyrics and compare with the original form.
• Students can role-play the song, they can create some play of their own and act it out in class. Besides students can be involved in creative writing tasks, which help to understand more about the song and penetrate into the scene. Students may be asked to imagine themselves as the characters of the song and are distributed tasks to fulfill, for example an excuse letter from a husband to a wife telling her what he feels.
• "Song dictation" activity aims to sharpen students' listening ability in learning the pronunciation of shortened verb forms as well as distinction between long and short vowels (mostly applied at the beginning level). Students are handed the lyrics with these word missed. They should go through the lyrics and try to guess the words in blanks. The words can be discussed before listening or can be checked while listening the song. The teacher discusses the answers with the students and practices pronouncing the words with them.
Thus, the series of activities described above offer a great deal of advantages in promoting the learning of English. The greatest advantage of the "Song lesson" is stimulating students' interest and enhancing their motivation. Students show tremendous interest in learning English through songs, and listening to songs can easily help to develop listening skills and improve learners' speech [3].
References / Список литературы
1. Alimov Sh.M. Problems and peculiarities of learning a foreign language in a technical University.
[Electronic resource.] // Achievements of science and education, 2018. Pp. 49-50. URL:
tehnicheskom-vuze/(date of access: 14.11.2019).
2. Khamdamova S.O. Foreign language in the preparation of students of engineering specialties [Electronic resource]. // Issues of science and education, 2018. № 8 (20). Р. 87-89. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/inostrannyy-yazyk-v-podgotovke-studentov-inzhenernyh-spetsialnostey/ (date of access: 14.11.2019).
3. Akramova N.M. The use of music in English lessons to increase the motivation of students. World science: problems and innovations. Collection of articles of the XXII International scientific and practical conference: in 2 h. Vol. Part 2. Р. 146-148. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35211369/ (date of access: 14.11.2019).
Abstract: the article under discussion describes formation of the professional-communicative competence of students of technical higher educational institutions. The author of the article claims that communicative competence of the future specialist is the ability to solve problematic cognitive speech related issues and to realize activity to achieve aims important in communication with the community in the sphere of the professional life. Communicative competence requires language knowledge and ability to use linguistic means in the real life situations of the professional communication. Modern trends in the formation of the communicative competence of a manager are connected with creation of the communicative situations in the educational process: expansion of collaborative students work, exchanging their experience, opportunities to apply not only a man's cognitive skills, but also his feelings, switching on the man as a "whole one " into the educational process and providing the complex development of the personality.
Keywords: communicative competence, linguistic means, direction, formation, activity, professional, interactive teaching, opportunity, personality, manager.
Хамидова Сайёра Нурматовна — преподаватель, кафедра обучения языкам, факультет управления в производстве, Ферганский политехнический институт, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в данной статье описывается формирование профессионально-коммуникативной компетентности студентов технических вузов. Автор статьи утверждает, что коммуникативная компетентность будущего специалиста - это способность решать проблемные вопросы, связанные с когнитивной речью, и осуществлять деятельность по достижению целей, важных в общении с обществом в сфере профессиональной жизни. Коммуникативная компетентность требует знания языка и умения использовать языковые средства в реальных жизненных ситуациях профессионального общения. Современные тенденции в формировании коммуникативной компетентности менеджера связаны с созданием коммуникативных ситуаций в образовательном процессе: расширение совместной работы студентов, обмен опытом, возможности применения не только когнитивных навыков человека, но и его чувств, включение человека как единого целого в образовательный процесс и обеспечение комплексного развития личности.
Ключевые слова: коммуникативная компетентность, языковые средства, направление, формирование, деятельность, профессионал, интерактивное обучение, возможности, личность, менеджер.
UDC 372.881.1
A career of any specialist is very multifaceted. In any profession, you can stay on the lowest level of the hierarchical ladder, or you can achieve heights, power, and become a highly educated and