Научная статья на тему 'Enhancement of the credit granting system of agricultural producers'

Enhancement of the credit granting system of agricultural producers Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Klishina Yuliya Evgenievna, Uglitskikh Olga Nicolaevna

The credit granting system of agricultural enterprises which developed now doesn’t promote development of agricultural production in spite of the facts that are accepted and are financed by the state of the development program of agrarian and industrial complex in various directions. Financial credit relations in the sphere of agrarian and industrial complex are in a stage of formation and have no system nature, in them features of agricultural production are insufficiently considered. In article the directions of development of credit support of agricultural industry, participation of the state in system of agricultural crediting are considered, offers on forming of a three-level credit granting system of agricultural industry which is urged to provide availability of credit resources to all categories of agricultural producers are made.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Enhancement of the credit granting system of agricultural producers»

DOI: 10.12731/2070-7568-2015-3-93-101 UDC 63:336.717.061


Klishina Yu.E., Uglitskikh O.N.

The credit granting system of agricultural enterprises which developed now doesn't promote development of agricultural production in spite of the facts that are accepted and are financed by the state of the development program of agrarian and industrial complex in various directions. Financial credit relations in the sphere of agrarian and industrial complex are in a stage of formation and have no system nature, in them features of agricultural production are insufficiently considered.

In article the directions of development of credit support of agricultural industry, participation of the state in system of agricultural crediting are considered, offers on forming of a three-level credit granting system of agricultural industry which is urged to provide availability of credit resources to all categories of agricultural producers are made.

Keywords: agricultural production; credit granting system of agricultural industry; agricultural producers; participation of the state in crediting of agricultural industry.


Клишина Ю.Е., Углицких О.Н.

Сложившаяся в настоящее время система кредитования сельскохозяйственных предприятий не способствует развитию сельскохозяйственного производства, несмотря на то, что приняты и финансируются государствомпро-граммы развития АПК по различным направлениям. Финансово-кредитные отношения в сфере АПК находятся в стадии становления и не имеют системного характера, в них недостаточно учитываются особенности сельскохозяйственного производства.

В статье рассмотрены направления развития кредитной поддержки сельского хозяйства, участие государства в системе сельскохозяйственного кредитования, сделаны предложения по формированию трехуровневой системы кредитования сельского хозяйства, которая призвана обеспечить доступность кредитных ресурсов для всех категорий сельскохозяйственных производителей.

Ключевые слова: сельскохозяйственное производство; система кредитования сельского хозяйства; сельхозтоваропроизводители; участие государства в кредитовании сельского хозяйства.

Industry and intra-branch features of agricultural industry which have impact on the organization of process of its crediting, in the concentrated type can be reduced to such characteristics, important for banks determining access of the organizations to credit resources as level of creditworthiness of agricultural enterprises and degree of security of the credit with pledge.

Maintaining agricultural production at the present stage leads to that crediting of agricultural enterprises in the main weight without direct state support is impossible. Now participation of the state in a credit granting system of agricultural industry is performed in the following forms:

■ Administrative selection of the main creditors and borrowers who are taking part in state programs of crediting of agricultural industry.

■ Establishment is strict purpose of the credit.

■ Provision of Free State guarantees on the credits.

■ Control over the implementation of conditions of receipt of a soft credit.

■ Replenishment at the expense of budget funds of authorized capitals of the banks participating in the organization of agricultural crediting.

■ Compensation of part of a loan interest rate, to the provided agricultural organizations.

■ Write-off of hopeless overdue debt on the credits issued to agricultural organizations [1].

In general, on the basis of the analysis of the factors influencing the organization of crediting of agricultural industry it is possible to

draw a conclusion that now specific conditions of managing in agrarian sector of economy and uniqueness of available property which can act as providing on the credit, play not advantage of the last. So, the level of profitability of agricultural production for many years remains low in comparison with other industries of economy that does it insufficiently noncompetitive in the credit market. Besides, the agricultural industry at the present stage of development can't provide fully the liquid pledge necessary for banks acting as the loan guarantee.

All forms of participation of the state in crediting of agricultural industry are in one way or another subordinated to a task of implementation of developed state programs on development of agro-industrial complex and bring not only to positive, but to and to negative results. It is necessary to distinguish providing agricultural enterprises with cheap loan resources (establishment of a loan interest rate is lower market) for the purpose of financing of production resources of agrarian and industrial complex from the positive moments. As negative results it is possible to note decrease in motivation of agricultural producers to effective production business activities (orientation to receipt of subsidies), and also weakening of a tendency to innovative activities and implementation of new credit products in the banking sector.

Banks, authorized to perform crediting of agricultural industry, grant the loans to the following categories of borrowers:

• to directly agricultural enterprises;

• to the repair, serving organizations, the procurement and processing agricultural production entities for payment of ad-

vance payments for agreements of contracting to agricultural enterprises for the agricultural products delivered by them;

• to the entities authorized on purchase of equipment for its subsequent delivery to agricultural producers;

• to the organizations performing construction, repair and reconstruction of production objects of the entities of the sphere of agrarian and industrial complex.

Conceptual bases of creation of credit relations of the banking sector with agricultural industry at the present stage shall become:

1. Recognition of agricultural industry owing to industry and intra-branch features inherent in it a separate segment of direct bank lending.

2. Gradual refusal of indirect bank crediting of agricultural industry and inclusion of a subsystem of bank crediting of agricultural industry in a complete credit granting system of real production sector.

3. Isolation of the mechanism of crediting of agricultural producers from system of the state support.

4. Accounting of need of providing agricultural producers with credit resources, various by the size and a form of business.

5. Application of customer-oriented approach for ensuring direct bank lending for the purpose of identification of needs of agricultural producers for credit resources and development of the corresponding credit products.

At the present stage forming of a three-level credit granting system of agricultural industry which is urged to provide availability of credit resources to all categories of agricultural producers is reasonable.

The first level of a credit granting system of agricultural industry shall occupy specialized state Agricultural Bank which shall be based on:

• representation of interests of agricultural producers as consumers of credit resources;

• to development of policy of crediting of agricultural industry as specific segment of bank crediting;

• to development of financial provision of state programs of development of agricultural industry together with industry governing bodies taking into account coordination with opportunities of financial sector for their implementation;

• refinancing of commercial banks of the second level;

• participation in various international projects and associations.

Universal commercial banks of the country within which it is necessary to provide development of special credit products for all categories of agricultural producers can create the second level of the designated system. For agricultural enterprises it is necessary to provide the various credit products of short and medium-term lending developed as it is possible a large number of commercial banks taking into account recommendations of bank of the first level that will allow to create necessary competitive conditions in the market of an agricultural loan. It is also necessary to provide credit products, various under the terms of provision, for personal subsidiary farms and country farms.

The system of credit cooperation in the village which is urged to satisfy needs of small forms of agricultural producers for credit re-

sources shall constitute the third level of a credit granting system of agricultural industry. For this purpose there are objective prerequisites, among which the operating extensive network of consumer societies in the village which is in close interrelation with direct loaners that does possible the most complete satisfaction of this category of agricultural producers in means of production necessary for them.

The offered three-level model of system of agricultural crediting is one of possible options of its creation at the nation-wide level taking into account not only national conditions of managing, but also world social and economic realities at the present stage.


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Klishina Yuliya Evgenievna, associate professor «Finance, credit and insurance business», Candidate of Economic Sciences

Stavropol State Agrarian University

12, Zootekhnichesky lane, Stavropol, Stavropol Krai, 355017, Russian Federation

e-mail: yuliya_klishina@mail.ru

Uglitskikh Olga Nicolaevna, associate professor «Finance, credit and insurance business», Candidate of Economic Sciences

Stavropol State Agrarian University

12, Zootekhnichesky lane, Stavropol, Stavropol Krai, 355017, Russian Federation

e-mail: kolga_u@mail.ru


Клишина Юлия Евгеньевна, доцент кафедры «Финансы, кредит и страховое дело», кандидат экономических наук

Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет пер. Зоотехнический, 12, г. Ставрополь, Ставропольский край, 355017, Российская Федерация e-mail: yuliya_klishina@mail.ru

Углицких Ольга Николаевна, доцент кафедры «Финансы, кредит и страховое дело», кандидат экономических наук

Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет пер. Зоотехнический, 12, г. Ставрополь, Ставропольский край, 355017, Российская Федерация e-mail: kolga_u@mail.ru

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