Научная статья на тему 'English - the basis of professional development of a doctor'

English - the basis of professional development of a doctor Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Erkinova Naima Gayrat Kizi, Mamatova Nilufar Abduxoshimovna

This article reveals the inherent role of the English language in the professional activities of а doctor, the opportunities provided to the specialist in medicine who speaks English. The article also discusses a number of problems associated with the study of English in medical schools, and therefore offers some possible solutions to these problems. In conclusion, we emphasize once again that the doctor must know English. Foreign language is not just a tribute to fashion, but an opportunity to be a full-fledged representative of the world community.

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Настоящая статья раскрывает присущую роль английского языка в профессиональной деятельности врача, возможности, предоставляемые для специалиста-медика, владеющего английским языком. В статье также рассматривается ряд проблем, связанных с изучением английского языка в медицинском вузе, а следовательно предлагаются некоторые возможные пути решения этих проблем. В заключение еще раз подчеркнем, что врач должен знать английский язык. Иностранный язык это не просто дань моде, а возможность стать полноправным представителем мирового сообщества.

Текст научной работы на тему «English - the basis of professional development of a doctor»

Эта система упражнений и тренажеров включает: систему упражнений учебника, которая вырабатывает автоматическую, неосознаваемую способность адекватно использовать языковые знаки для номинации ситуаций действительности, то есть классифицировать опыт, отражать реальность в новых связях и отношениях; сборник микротекстов и учебный художественный фильм вырабатывают автоматическую, неосознаваемую способность адекватно использовать языковые знаки для номинации ситуаций действительности, то есть классифицировать опыт, отражать реальность в новых связях и отношениях; тренажеры на электронных носителях позволяют вырабатывать формальные навыки употребления падежных и глагольных форм и наиболее механические навыки речемыслительной активности, например навыки комбинирования [5. c 293]. Возможность имитации реального общения с пользователем нивелирует неизбежную монотонность заданий, тренажеры на бумажных носителях формируют навыки автоматизма, осознания и понимания употребления падежных и глагольных форм, навыки узнавания слова по его словоформе, навыки различения похожих словоформ, навыки членения речевого потока на синтагмы, навыки понимания русского дискурса, навыки продуцирования русского дискурса, то есть навыки реальной коммуникации.

Список литературы /References

1. Авдеева К.Б. Методика обучения русскому языку иностранных учащихся инженерного профиля феномен deja vu. В кн. Проблемы преподавания РКИ в вузах инженерного профиля, М. 2003.

2. Авдеева К.Б. К вопросу о когнитивных стилях. В кн. «Проблемы преподавания РКИ в вузах инженерного профиля». М., 2003.

3. Аверин Д.В. Размышление об электронных учебниках. МИРС, 2002/1.

4. Аврорин В.А. Проблемы изучения функциональной стороны языка. Л., 1974.

5. Азимов Э.Г., Щукин А.Н. Словарь методических терминов. Спб, 1999. 471 с.

6. Акишина А.А. и Каган О.Е. «Учимся учить». М., 1997.


OF A DOCTOR 1 2 Erkinova N.G.\ Mamatova N.A.2 (Republic of Uzbekistan)

Email: Erkinova445@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: this article reveals the inherent role of the English language in the professional activities of a doctor, the opportunities provided to the specialist in medicine who speaks English. The article also discusses a number of problems associated with the study of English in medical schools, and therefore offers some possible solutions to these problems. In conclusion, we emphasize once again that the doctor must know English. Foreign language is not just a tribute to fashion, but an opportunity to be a full-fledged representative of the world community.

Keywords: dominate, fluency in foreign languages, medical specialist, significant difficulties, the development of oral communication.


РАЗВИТИЯ ДОКТОРА 1 2 Эркинова Н.Г. , Маматова Н.А. (Республика Узбекистан)

1Эркинова Найма Гайрат кизи - студент, лечебный факультет;

2Маматова Нилуфар Абдуксошимовна - старший преподаватель, кафедра языков, педагогики и психологии, Андижанский государственный медицинский институт, г. Андижан, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: настоящая статья раскрывает присущую роль английского языка в профессиональной деятельности врача, возможности, предоставляемые для специалиста-медика, владеющего английским языком. В статье также рассматривается ряд проблем, связанных с изучением английского языка в медицинском вузе, а следовательно предлагаются некоторые возможные пути решения этих проблем. В заключение еще раз подчеркнем, что врач должен знать английский язык. Иностранный язык - это не просто дань моде, а возможность стать полноправным представителем мирового сообщества.

Ключевые слова: преобладать, свободное владение иностранными языками, специалист-медик, значительные трудности, развитие устной коммуникации.

Currently, the knowledge of foreign languages is a very important quality of a highly qualified specialist. We live in the time of globalization as well as scientific and technological progress; therefore, fluency in foreign languages makes it possible to more widely use the unlimited possibilities opening up in the professional activities[1].

At present, English is the international language of communication: most transactions are in this language. It is the official language of scientific conferences, articles and reports are written in it. English prevails in the transport sector, in the media. English is the language of communication on international airlines, it is the language of travel. And, of course, it is an important component of the medical field. There is an opportunity to read literature in the original related to the scientific interests of specialist, to learn about scientific discoveries, since most publications are done in English. The National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence develops standards for clinical guidelines. It is located in England, therefore, all information is provided in the original language[2].

It is also possible to attend various international forums, conferences, workshops. Thus, you can stay up to date with the latest advances in medical science and the latest methods of treating diseases, use advanced equipment in medical institutions.

By participating in the international clinical trials, a doctor can share experiences with foreign colleagues. It should be noted, that many domestic clinics cooperate with foreign medical institutions, invite foreign experts to work and consult[4].

In addition, foreign citizens can seek help from various private clinics in large cities, so a doctor who speaks the language of international communication will be priority. There are cases when an ambulance doctor comes to the call where emergency care is required for English-speaking patient.

English is also needed by novice doctor, including a student. With good knowledge, he can study at a foreign university and, upon returning to his homeland, use the acquired knowledge for the development of domestic medicine. Also, students with good knowledge of a foreign language are actively attracted to scientific work, are admitted to various student organizations, they can be admitted to participate in grants, which further allows receiving various bonuses[3].

Working with special medical information in English requires the formation of certain intellectual skills: the ability to analyze information, select the necessary facts, building

them in a logical sequence, the ability to put forward arguments and counterarguments. Therefore, in a medical university, professional-oriented teaching of the English language is carried out, that is, basic knowledge is being formed in accordance with the direction of study: General Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, and others; and their application in practice.

In medical professional institutions when studying English, the main principle is consistent and systematic study. The most important role is played by the selected lexical, grammatical and derivational minimum.

Here you can identify another problem - this is the problem of training English teachers for teaching English for specific purposes. The difficulty of its solution lies in the fact that teachers of special educational courses require both proficiency in the English language and its teaching methods, as well as knowledge of the peculiarities of professional activity[1].

Also, as a disadvantage, it should be noted that students with different levels of knowledge study in the same group, it is difficult, and practically impossible, for the teacher to take into account the individual characteristics of all students under conditions of limited time. In this case, all the proposed material should be studied fairly quickly, as a result, some students do not fully absorb one topic, but already have to move on to the next one. This problem can be solved by creating groups based on students' knowledge of a foreign language. At the same time, students with lower levels of training will receive information that is understandable to them, they will better assimilate the subject[2].

t would be rational to study English at senior courses when students are already familiar with the specifics of their future professional activity. In addition, at the senior courses, students better represent their future, which means they would be more intelligent and more conscious about learning a foreign language.

Thus, we can conclude that the program of teaching English in a medical institute is not completely perfect, it requires processing in order to produce highly qualified students who are ready to work in any country and in any conditions.

In conclusion, we emphasize once again that the doctor must know English. Many opportunities will be opened up before a doctor in the professional field. At the same time, if he wants to achieve high results, he needs to make great efforts to learn the language and improve knowledge. Foreign language is not just a tribute to fashion, but an opportunity to be a full-fledged representative of the world community[1].

References / Список литературы

1. Chernova N.A. Formation of motivation of college students to learn a foreign language through extracurricular activities // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2014. № 11 [Electronic resource].

2. Salyamova. The value of the English language in professional medical education // Scientific community of students of the XXI century. Humanities: Sat. Art. according to mat. XLVI Intern. stud scientific-practical Conf. No. 9

3. Panzhinskaya N.I. Formation of communicative competence in studying English at medical college // International Journal of Experimental Education. 2012. № 4-2. p. 189-191

4. Streltsova A.D. English as the language of international communication // Young scientist. 2017. №49. p. 321-324.

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