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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Atabayev F.B., Israndarova M., Mironyuk N.A.

Conducted technological tests of the stale waste secondary enrichment of tungsten ores tailings for use as complex raw material in the production of cement clinker and the additive of portland cement.

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Atabayev F.B.

doctor of technical Sciences (PhD), senior research assistant, research and test center "Strom" Institute of General and inorganic chemistry of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Israndarova M. doctor of technical Sciences, director of scientific-research and test center "Strom" Institute of General and inorganic chemistry of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Mironyuk N.A. senior research assistant, research and test center "Strom" Institute of General and inorganic chemistry of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan



Summary: Conducted technological tests of the stale waste secondary enrichment of tungsten ores tailings for use as complex raw material in the production of cement clinker and the additive of portland cement.

Key words: waste enrichment of tungsten ores, complex raw materials, aluminosilicate component, ferrous mineralizer additive in cement, additional cement, artificial conglomerate energy savings.

Statting the problem. Due to the fact that waste is a secondary enrichment of tungsten tailings (ETT) is represented by aluminosilicate minerals with inclusions of different oxides, they can be applied as additives to cement. For this it is necessary to analyze their properties to determine the possibility of using as an additive in obtaining additional cements with the optimization of their content in additional cements and to determine physical and mechanical properties and conformity of the obtained data to requirements of state standard GOST 10178-85. At the same time, the development and application of technology for clinker, cements and additional wall materials with the use of waste from mining and processing plants is not only technologically feasible option of energy and resource saving in the production of construction products, qualitative indicators are not inferior to traditional analogues and physico-mechanical properties meet the requirements of the normative documents, but the actual solution to the problem of environmental protection.

Analysis of the last studies and publications. The rapid growth in the consumption of natural resources is accompanied not only change the quantitative magnitude of anthropogenic impact, but also the emergence of new factors, whose influence on nature, previously insignificant, becomes dominant. Damage ingredients damage leading to severe consequences and reflects a backlash of this impact (negative) generalize the concept of "modern ecological situation". The modern condition of the mining and processing industry is characterized by strong influence on the ecological situation within the region of mining. The constant increase in volumes generated in mining and processing industries of various types of waste and storing them in storage leads to the impact of such facilities on the environment [1-4]. The impact of such facilities is of environmental and geochemical implications and is due to a sharp increase in dispersion of the rock mass. In recent years, our country pays great

attention to the reduction of the raw resources from mining wastes and their integrated use. In mineral processing waste is generated, which represent a suspension of fine solid particles in water. From concentrator tailings hydrotransport sent to the tailings storage facility is a complex hydraulic structure, which is an integral part of all mining production. In fact this is a new kind of deposits and man - made. The tailings constitute waste processing industry. The amount accumulated in them is astronomical figures. Perspective on the content and reserves of useful components are the tails of enrichment of ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals [5-7]. Tails is a waste of mineral processing in which the content of valuable component is naturally lower than in the feedstock, since they are dominated by particles of gangue. The solid phase is the tail of the pulp is a mixture of mineral particles of different sizes from 3 mm to fractions of a micron. Tailings is more convenient for the disposal and use of than the blades, because they, first, more homogeneous, and secondly, represent already crushed, sometimes graded material. Furthermore, the use of treated and recycled waste in different industries instead of scarce and expensive reagents and can provide significant economic benefits. Utilization of industrial waste in building materials industry will significantly improve the ecological situation, reducing not only the volume of existing graves, but also reduce emissions and discharges of polluted water into water bodies. The most promising for use in construction waste in dry methods beneficiation - tailings dry magnetic separation, dry gravity. From industrial mining waste to produce efficient construction materials such as aggregates for concrete and wall materials, mineral wool, quartz glass, acid powder, acid-resistant concrete, pigments for making paints, smooth for cement manufacture, lightweight aggregates type of concrete block, glass showcase etc .

Separation undecided earlier parts of the general problem. The development trend of cement in-

dustry of Uzbekistan is focused on reducing the cost of fuel and energy resources per unit of output and increase of cement production through maximum involvement in the production process of local raw materials of natural and anthropogenic origin, not worsen the quality of cement. For this the cement factories of the country have a deliberate policy of taking appropriate measures in the field of research of new promising local sources of cement raw materials. In connection with exhaustion of stocks used for the production of works and buildings construction extension of cements and composite cements with additives, the most important is the issue of finding new sources of mineral additives and additives-fillers to cement, to ensure maximum savings component of the clinker with simultaneous improvement of physical-mechanical and building and technical properties of additional cements. In this aspect, stale waste tailings secondary enrichment of tungsten ores is of particular interest as a complex raw material, saving natural aluminosilicate and glandular raw materials used in the preparation of raw mix for clinker burning clinker and expensive part in the production of various types of portland cement.

Formulation of purpose of the article: Disposing of stale waste secondary enrichment of tungsten ores tailings as an integrated raw materials in the production of cement clinker and the additive of portland cement.

The obtained results and their discussion.

When conducting experimental studies as the starting materials are used: portland cement clinkers JSC "Ki-zilkumcement" and JSC "Ahangarancement", gypsum, tailings tailings tungsten ore deposits Ingichka. Research conducted in accredited laboratories research and test Center "Strom" Institute of General and inorganic chemistry of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The main waste minerals secondary enrichment of tungsten ores tailings are kaolinite, wollastonite, hydromica, hematite, the remainder are represented by quartz [8]. On the thermogram (Fig.la) endothermic effect at 1730C associated with the removal of hygroscopic water, the exothermic

effect in 4300C corresponds to the burnout of organic impurities, and an endothermic effect at 5800C - removal of water of crystallization and partial destruction of the crystal lattice of kaolinite. The endothermic effect at 8460C caused by polymorphic transformations of quartz. The endothermic effect with a maximum at 9800C characterizes the appearance of new phases - mullite and anortite. On the diffraction pattern of this material is marked by the presence of quartz with d/n = 0,421; 0,335,180 nm; kaolinite 0,511; 0,197 nm; wollastonite with d/n = 0,317; 0,287; 0,197 ; 0,148 nm, hydrology with d/n = 0,511; 0,335; hematite d/n = 0,269; 0,251; 0,227; 0,186 nm and cal-cite (Fig.1b). Infrared absorption spectra of composite samples of waste secondary enrichment tailings tungsten - molybdenum ore shows the presence of absorption bands at the following wave numbers: 1050, 940, 910, 680, 650 cm-1. The frequency of the symmetric stretching vibrations of Si-O-Si are observed in the band of 810 cm-1, indicating the existence of a ring anions [Si309]6-. Bands around 1050 and 450 cm-1 characterize the presence in the material of the connection AI - 0 -AI (Fig.1b). Absorption bands in region 540 and 450 cm-1 belong to the stretching vibrations of Fe-0-Fe. These absorption bands are also observed in the infrared spectrum of the natural hematite at 810 cm-1, they belong to the deformation vibration of Fe-0, which agrees well with the corresponding frequency in the spectrum of hematite [9, 10].

To conduct research to determine the feasibility of using waste tailings secondary enrichment of tungsten ores in the composition of the raw mix for clinker burning, in addition to the waste, used limestone «Podzemgaz» and igneous rocks - gabbro (table. 1). A diffractogram of the products of roasting presents the diffraction reflections of all the main clinker minerals: C3S with d/n = (0,303; 0,297 078; 0,274; 0,261; 0,231; 0,218; 0,192; 0,181; 0,175) nm; C2S with d/n = (0,288; 0,279; 0,278; 0,274;0,261; 0,228; 0,218; 0,198) nm; C3A with d/n = (0,270; 0,220; ... 0,192) nm and C4AF with d/n = ( 0,277; 0,266; 0,26) nm,

a b c

Figure 1. Thermogram (a), diffraction pattern (b) and IR-absorption spectra (c) of the waste secondary enrichment tails of tungsten ore deposits Ingichka

T tt Table 1


Chemical composition of raw materials

№ Raw components The content of oxides, %

the loss on ignition SiO2 AI2O3 Fe2O3 СаО MgO SO3 other I

1 limestone 38.25 5.08 0.84 0.36 51.65 1.26 0.08 2,5 100

2 Flotation waste deposits Ingichka 8,3 47,5 6,1 14,3 21,0 2,10 0,13 0,57 100

3 gabbro 2,15 44,01 19,65 6,99 13,35 6,95 - 6,9 100

which indicates the full completion of the process of chemical interaction of free oxides with formation of clinker minerals, the microstructure of which is characterized by their fine-grained structure and clearly good crystallization (Fig. 2 ).

Based on data from the calculated content of clinker minerals, it can be concluded that using up to

12% flotation waste of tailings of the secondary enrichment of tungsten ore deposits Ingichka as a conventional aluminosilicate and glandular component of the mineralizer, it is possible to obtain a standard normalized clinker mineralogical composition for the production of construction cement.

Clinker №1 Clinker №2 Clinker №3

Figure 2. Microstructure of experimental clinkers on the basis of secondary waste of enrichment tails of tungsten ore deposits Ingichka.

Taking into account the chemical composition of the tested raw materials under the special program was calculated compositions of raw mixes and clinker for cement works and buildings construction purposes by the state standard GOST 10178-85. According to the estimated content of minerals in clinker chosen optimal compositions of raw mixtures (tab. 2). From the averaged samples of limestone «Podzemgaz», gabbro and flotated secondary enrichment tails of tungsten ore deposits Ingichka was prepared raw material mixture, which is dried specimens cubes were subjected to firing at a temperature of 1380-1400 0C with an exposure

of 30 min In the firing process, the material was burned normally, the clinkers received normally sintered, the weight of 1 litre of the clinker was changed from 1400 to 1700 g, and the free calcium oxide in clinker is not detected.

To study the physico-mechanical properties of cement clinker they are obtained using flotation waste of tailings of the secondary enrichment of tungsten ore deposits Ingichka was prepared with the optimum composition of the raw mix material composition which includes limestone «Podzemgaz» -76,44%, gabbro - of

Table 2

The calculated mineralogical compositions of clinkers with the use of tailings tailings tungsten ore deposits Ingichka

№ Parameters prepare the raw mixtures The content of the main minerals, %

The saturation factor n p C3S C2S C3A C4AF liquid phase

1 0,89 2,31 1,20 53,75 20,42 6,19 12,72 31,19.

2 0,89 2,28 1,30 53,35 20,27 7,03 12,25 31,68.

3 0,90 2,28 1,30 55,43 18,35 6,98 12,15 31,48

4 0,92 2,29 1,30 59,52 14,58 6,87 11,97 31,08

11,53%, the flotation waste - of 12,03%. By grinding of the raw mix in a laboratory two-chamber mill, the prepared raw slurry. Chemical compositions

of the raw sludge and the product of calcination, identified in accordance with the requirements of GOST 5382-91 given in table. 3.

Table 3

Chemical compositions of the optimal composition of raw slurry and clinker from him

Name material the loss on ignition The content of oxides, %

SiO2 А12Оз Fe2Oз СаО MgO SOз The saturation factor n p

Raw slurry 30,10 14,з з,40 2,97 4з,з 2,10 - 0,91 2,з2 1,07

clinker - 20,2 4,50 4,20 б0,9 з,10 - 0,91 2,з2 1,07

Technological characteristics of raw sludge are characterized by following parameters: weight of 1 liter of sludge - 1500 g; humidity - 38%; spreadabil-ity - 60 mm; fineness of grind on the residue on the sieve № 008 - 16%. After appropriate drying to air-dry state, burning experienced the raw sludge produced at the poster roast setting at a temperature (1360-1380)0C with an exposure of 30 min. the Actual chemical composition of the clinker corresponds to the calculation. Based on the chemical composition of the synthesized clinker calculated mineralogical composition, %: C3S - 56,03; C2S - 15,63; C3A - 4,80; C4AF - 12,77, from which three samples taken prod-

Physico-mechanical properties

ucts of the kiln for making cement with the aim to determine their physico-mechanical characteristics.

To determine the hydraulic activity of cements based on clinkers synthesized in the firing process the selection was made of clinkers at temperatures 1360oC (No. 1), 1380oC (No. 2) and 1400oC (No. 3), which after cooling was subjected to grinding in the presence of 5% gypsum in a laboratory ball mill to a fineness of 12% residue on the sieve № 008 (4900 resp/cm2). Physico-mechanical tests the experimental cements were conducted in accordance with the requirements of GOST 310.1-310.4. The test results are shown in (table. 4).

Table 4

of the experimental cements

The name of the experimental cements SOз , % The grinding fineness, % water-cement ratio The expansion cone, mm Setting time, hour-min Compressive strength, MPa age (days):

start end з 7 28

cement №1 2,10 12,5 0,39 113 2-15 4-20 15,1 25,0 41,з

cement №2 2,22 12,0 0,39 113 2-10 4-10 1б,2 2б,7 42,2

cement №3 2,15 12,8 0,39 113 2-20 4-10 1б,0 2б,5 41,5

According to (table.4), SO3 content, fineness, water requirement, setting time experienced cements meet the requirements of GOST 10178-85. At 28 days age of normal hardening of all three samples experienced discover cements compressive strength (41,342,2) MPa, which corresponds to the brand of cement is "400".

The active mineral additives and additives-fillers, also called hydraulic or pozzolanic contain silica in the amorphous state, which actively interacts with the calcium hydroxide released during Portland cement hydration. The resulting calcium hydrosilicates is practically not soluble in water. In this sense, the use of active mineral additives provides also savings in clinker part of the cement and, at the same time give the cement a number of special properties. Due to the

fact that the waste tailings secondary enrichment of tungsten ores refers to a high silica content, determined its activity in strength, which is intermediate between the active mineral additives and additives-fillers, as the value of the Student criterion t for him is 4,54, which is slightly above its standard value of t = 2,07, which allows to classify it as an additive filler to the cement [11].

To explore the possibility of using this waste as an additive for production of portland cement for general construction, as initial components used Portland cement clinker JSC «Kizilkumcement» and gypsum. Chemical and calculated mineralogical composition of components and modular characteristics of portland cement clinker are shown in table 5.


-i mm

Table 5

Chemical composition of raw materials

Materials The content of the mass fraction of oxides, %

the loss on ignition SiO2 Al2Os Fe2O3 CaO MgO R2O SO3 E

Clinker 0,75 20,54 5,19 3,56 62,04 3,60 - 0,62 96,3

gypsum stone At 400 ° C -19,10 1,52 0,13 0,14 33,04 0,20 - 43,46 97,59

Flotation waste deposits Ingichka 4,89 46,17 5,2S 14,90 21,71 2,22 - traces 95,17

The estimated mineralogical composition and characteristics of clinker

Name of the indicator The values of clinker for production of cement works and buildings construction

Normalized according to O'z DSt 2801 The actual

The saturation factor (SF) 0,85 - 0,95 0,91

Silicate module (n) 1,9 - 3,5 2,34

Alumina module (p) 0,9 - 3,0 1,46

three-calcium silicate (C3S),%, not more Not regulated 56,52

three-calcium alumínate (C3A),%, not more Not regulated 7,74

Amount of three-calcium aluminate (C3A) and four calcium-almateria (C4AF), %, not more Not regulated 10,S2

Joint grinding of clinker with 5% gypsum and additives tailing of tungsten ores was carried out in a laboratory ball mill. The number entered additives tailings tungsten ores were (10, 15, 20)% by weight of clinker. As a control used clinker with 5% gypsum without additives. The prepared mixture of raw materials, weighing 5 kg each, milled for 50 min. in a laboratory ball mill. Real trains, signs, as well as the grinding fineness, is determined by the residue on the sieve with mesh No. 008, cements using additives of secondary waste study of the effect of additives (10-

20) % of waste tailings secondary enrichment of tungsten ores in the crushing process showed that the introduction of cement in the recycled material rate clinker is virtually unchanged compared with clear cement. Grinding fineness, is determined by the residue on the sieve No. 008, cements with additives and without additives was (8-11) %. The cements with additives (10, 15, 20) % tails of the enrichment of tungsten ores, obtained in laboratory conditions, at 28 days age of normal hardening have a compressive strength in the range of (367-418) kgf/cm2 (tab. 6).

. Table 6

The material composition of cements using tailings tungsten ores

№ Designation of cements Material composition of cement The grinding fineness, %

Clinker gypsum stone Additive tailings tungsten ores

1 PS D 0 95 5 - 10

2 PS D 10 S5 5 10 S

3 PS D 15 S0 5 15 9

4 PS D 20 75 5 20 11

With the introduction of (10-15) % supplements their compressive strength of (2-4) % higher strength without additional cement, and they are hydraulic activity meet the requirements of GOST 101787-85 Portland cement brand PC 400 D20. The increase in the content of additives in cement up to 20% leads to a sharp decrease (10,4 %) strength characteristics and the type of cement [12-14] given in (table.7). Experimental-industrial tests for the production of additional cement containing optimum tails enrichment of tungsten ores (15%), were carried out in conditions of JSC "Kizilkumcement". The results of experimental-

industrial tests confirmed the laboratory results: indicators of activity of obtained cements was consistent with the brand 400.

Insights from this study and prospects for further development in this direction. On the basis of the conducted researches the suitability of the waste tailings secondary enrichment of tungsten ores mining Ingichka for use in cement manufacture as a mineral-izer and ferrous alumino-silicate component in the formation of a raw mix for clinker burning additives and filler for the production of works and buildings construction Portland cements.

Table 7

The results of physico-mechanical tests of cements with addition of waste secondary enrichment of tungsten ores


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№ Designation of cements The grinding fineness, sieve residue R008, % Setting time, h - min Tensile strength, MPa, R bending / R compression^ at the age of Cement brand

Start End 3d 7d 28 d

1 PS D 0 10 2-15 3-30 54 20,1 64 28,0 68 40,2 400

2 PS D 10 8 2-55 3-40 54 26,8 66 30,0 76 41,0 400

3 PS D 15 9 2-45 3-35 5,6 27,0 69 36,0 75 41,8 400

4 PS D 20 11 2-55 4-00 43 12,5 48 24,0 59 36,7 300

Cements based on clinkers synthesized in accordance with optimal chemical-technological parameters meet the requirements of GOST 10178-85 and hydraulic activity correspond to the brand of cement is "400". Introduction during grinding of clinkers to 15% of the waste secondary enrichment of tungsten ores tailings as an additive or filler in the manufacture of portland cement does not reduce their brand strength. The results of the studies found a positive confirmation in the conditions of JSC "Kizilkumcement" with the release of the pilot lot plus cement with the optimal content of the waste tailings secondary enrichment of tungsten ores. Investigated the additive according to GOST 24640-94 "Additives for cements. Classification", according to the nature of the underlying exposure on the properties of cement can be at-

tributed to the components of the material composition of the cement. The main effect of such additives is to save clinker, and the main criterion of evaluation of the properties of additives a greater reduction in the proportion of clinker than the decrease in the activity of cement. For the development of the developed production technology of clinker and cement an extension with a complex studied secondary raw material, it is necessary to develop a standard organization or to make changes and additions to the Standard of the Republic of Uzbekistan O'z DSt 901-98 "Additives for cements. The active mineral additives and additives-fillers. Technical conditions", on which are currently engaged in joint staff research and test center "Strom" and JV "INGICHKI METALLS"

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Bozhko V.S.

postgraduate student of Dnipropetrovsk National University named by Oles Gonchar



Summary: The study of wind characteristics with the emphasis on the efficient wind energy extraction is performed. The new analytical expression for the wind speed frequency distribution function , which is based on systematic experimental data, is suggested. It is shown that the use of such empirical expression in the wind characteristics analysis can provide more close to reality estimate of local wind energy potential and the energy output of wind turbines which are installed at a particular site area. It can also be used in the procedure of optimal parametric design of wind turbines.

Key words: wind speed, frequency distribution, mathematical description, power density, wind potential, wind turbine, energy output.


V speed (velocity);

Vw wind speed;

O rotational speed of wind turbine

P power;

Pw power of wind flow;

Pn nominal power of wind turbine;

Pt power of wind turbine;

Pw = P 1 w ■ /S power density;

R radius of wind turbine rotor;

S area;

St swept area of the rotor;

Cp = PT/ P P w power coefficient;

CP =Pe/ Pn capacity factor;

1 = oR/Vw tip speed ratio;

p probability;

t time;

T annual time (8760 hours);

E energy;

E = ■ E/S energy density;










Index and abbreviations

denotes maximum values; denotes average quantities; denotes nominal parameter; wind speed; frequency distribution; power density; wind turbine; denotes wind parameters; denotes wind turbine parameters.

1. Introductory remarks. Wind energy transformation into electricity over the last few decades experienced significant progress in the world. The substantial growth of wind energy production requires the further study and analysis of wind

characteristics. Obtaining the reliable wind data, primarily on the local level, is relevant to the following topics:

- Selection of a particular site which is suitable for deploying wind turbines (WT);

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